Rain World Oneshots

Rain World Oneshots

8,377 147 14

Just feel like writing cute Rain World stories. I'm pretty new to the game, so it might not be totally lore accurate. Cover image not by me.…

A New Life Together

A New Life Together

748 7 1

Now that Hunter is free from the rot, she and Artificer can start their new life together. They will meet new friends as well as see old ones again. However, it won't be easy to try and live peacefully in this world, especially with the rot spreading to another victim.This is an Artificer x Hunter fanfiction that takes place after book one, Meant to Be. Cover art not by me.…

Meant To Be

Meant To Be

3,462 136 20

Two slugcats who are both struggling with their own problems meet one fateful cycle and find that they are not alone in these feelings of sorrow. They quickly begin falling for each other, but there is one thing that neither of them can ignore for how serious it is; one of them is quickly dying to their illness.This is an Artihunter (Artificer x Hunter) fanfic written in an anthro AU with lots of fluff. The cover image is not by me and of course Rain World is not by me.…

Random chaos

Random chaos

24 2 1

Uuuh I dunno what to make the cover so have my Rain World OC, Poisoner.…

Scary Stories with the Slugcats

Scary Stories with the Slugcats

536 22 6

A chilly wind blew through the town as the lights began to flicker off one by one, causing the night to become completely dark. The already barren trees shed the last of their leaves as the gust rattled their branches and the autumn colored leaves were swept along on the wind as it howled eerily. As the wind blew across the rooftops, it disturbed a small group of crows who flew off into the night, cawing loudly as they disappeared just as the clock struck midnight and let out twelve loud chimes that echoed in the crisp air, causing a group of friends to jump slightly at the noise. One of them felt cold all of a sudden and shivered, drawing their blankets in closer around them. Or, maybe it wasn't cold at all and was instead fright.Hello my friends and happy spooky season! Get cozy with a warm drink and some snacks, turn off all the lights and put on the Halloween Lo-fi playlist that is going to be at the top of every chapter. The awesome and spooky cover image is not by me and neither is the said Lo-fi. Enjoy!…

Artihunter cute stories

Artihunter cute stories

322 7 2

What I'm planning to do is upload cute little short Artihunter (Artificer x Hunter) stories as often as I can. The twist is that the prompts are generated by a website and I have to follow the instructions of the prompt. Please also note that these prompts are made for human characters so I will be using something similar to Pansear Doodle's anthro AU (which is awesome and I definitely recommend you check out if you haven't already). I'm doing this because I don't think I'd ever be able to decide what to write if I was left to my own devices. Here's a link to the website: Cover art not by me.…