Levant Sea

Levant Sea

3,253 404 56

Ahoy, dear sea-rovers, romantics, and all who yearn for briny air and curling waves. Here you'll find odes to the beauteous sea and her wiles. May these words make you think, and cleanse your senses. Please vote and comment!*If you are reading this title on any other site (ex. Truyen) it was not authorized by me and you are at risk for a malware attack. For safe reading, please refer only to Wattpad, the original site I wrote this on. **All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.…

Bitcoin price nears $16K, but it's Ethereum that could shine in November

Bitcoin price nears $16K, but it's Ethereum that could shine in November

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The charge of Bitcoin (BTC) is nearing $16,000 after attaining $15,960 on Binance. Following the dominant cryptocurrency's rally, analysts are actually looking toward Ether (ETH). The Ethereum blockchain's local token has seen heightened momentum inside the past week. After underperforming towards BTC in October, the opportunity of a new ETH rally is starting to boom.There are two key motives why analysts expect Ether to carry out strongly inside the near term. First, the capital within the Bitcoin marketplace ought to move into ETH following the assertion of Ethereum 2.Zero. Second, ETH lately examined a essential resistance level, raising the chances of a broader rally. Given that the altcoin market has historically rallied after an preliminary Bitcoin upsurge, the timing of an ETH uptrend is right.Capital to transport from Bitcoin into Ether?Since Oct. 21, the charge of Bitcoin has elevated by around 33%. It broke out of crucial resistance regions, one after any other, starting with $thirteen,000. When Bitcoin to begin with exceeded $13,000, massive whale clusters fashioned at that stage. It confirmed that whales began to actively gather BTC, causing $13,000 to adapt into a assist quarter.After BTC reclaimed $thirteen,000 as a assist stage for the first time due to the fact July 2019, it continued to surge upward. Over time, it showed $thirteen,500 as the next support level, accompanied by using $14,000 and, maximum lately, $15,000. When Bitcoin started out climbing upward, analysts stated it turned into bad for altcoins, because it commenced to suck maximum of the quantity from the crypto market. Consequently, as Bitcoin rallied, many altcoins declined in cost towards both Bitcoin and the U.S. Dollar.Read More:- https://www.gdax-login-io.com/…

Navigating the Digital Landscape: The Power of Digital Marketing

Navigating the Digital Landscape: The Power of Digital Marketing

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The Rise of Digital Marketing AgenciesThe emergence of the internet and the rapid growth of online platforms have transformed the way companies market their products and services. Traditional advertising methods are no longer sufficient to capture the attention of a digitally savvy audience. Consequently, the demand for digital marketing expertise has surged, giving rise to digital marketing agencies.These agencies are essentially teams of experts who specialize in various aspects of online marketing. They are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and experience needed to help businesses navigate the complex world of digital advertising successfully. Let's delve deeper into the reasons behind their prominence.Services Offered by Digital Marketing AgenciesDigital marketing agencies offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of their clients. Here are some common services you can expect from a reputable agency:Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhancing your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) to increase organic traffic.Social Media Marketing: Developing and implementing strategies to engage with your audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.Content Marketing: Creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a defined audience.Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Running targeted ads on platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads to drive immediate traffic and conversions.Email Marketing: Crafting and delivering personalized email campaigns to nurture leads and retain customers.Web Design and Development: Building and optimizing websites to ensure they are user-friendly, visually appealing, and mobile-responsive.Analytics and Reporting: Providing data-driven insights and performance reports to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.Leads…

Drama to go, please

Drama to go, please

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In den grauen Morgenstunden um 06:15 Uhr ereignete sich ein tragischer Vorfall in der West-Avenue-Street. Die talentierte und national beliebte Sarah M. (19) wurde unbewusst im Bett in ihrem Familienhaus gefunden. Ihre Schwester Leevly (15) soll laut eigenen Angaben ihre Schwester in einem kritischen Zusatz vorgefunden haben. Auch der panische Anruf der jungen Schwester konnte Sarah nicht mehr retten, denn sie verstarb noch an Ort und Stelle...Ich wünschte, ich könnte sagen, dass das nicht der Anfang meiner Geschichte war, aber das wäre mehr als nur gelogen. Nach ihrem Tod blickten alle Augen auf mich und ich konnte ihre Gedanken förmlich hören.Was hat sie getan? Hat Sarah ihr vor ihrem Tod geheime Informationen anvertraut? Was wird jetzt als Nächstes passieren?Doch was in der Nacht geschehen war, dürfte niemals an die Öffentlichkeit kommen. Denn nur ich wusste, was damals tatsächlich vorging und warum ich so schnell wie möglich einen Ausweg finden musste."Leevly, sag uns bitte die Antwort zur Frage 3a." Die quietschende Stimme meiner Mathelehrerin riss mich aus meinen Gedanken und holte mich zurück in die grausame Realität. Als ob meine Geheimnisse nicht schon belastend genug wären, musste ich auch noch in die Schule, mich von den unglaublich gutaussehenden Jungs hänseln lassen und mit familiären Problemen ganz alleine klarkommen. Willkommen in meinem Leben.© Alice H 2021-02-27…

The 10 Heavenly Dead (MORE PARTS BEING MADE)

The 10 Heavenly Dead (MORE PARTS BEING MADE)

38 1 9

Reagan Trevors, a 13 year old girl born with a rare ability along with 9 other kids and teens. They are placed into a home where they are trained to build stronger skills. . Reagan finds tanks that are very unusual to her, causing her to be masked and placed in the tanks along with the other kids and teens. They are put into different realms based on their ability. If people of that have different abilities are caught coming into contact they must fight to their death. The 10 Heavenly Dead must find a secret hideout to make a plan to change these laws and defeat "Mr.H"Reagan Trevors: Very much an observer, she loves watching and getting information to help her out in the future. She is about 5 foot 1. Age 13. Her ability is mind control.Breanna Garber: An anti-social girl. Height is about 5 foot 6. Her ability is controlling time. Age 15Brendan Dazes: Class clown. always telling a joke. Height is about 5 foot 10. age 15 . His ability is to fly.Carlie James: A book work, she always has her nose in a book. Her height is about 5 foot 2. Age 14 . He ability is to shape shiftGabriel Vicks: Also anti-social, he is about 5 foot 8. He enjoys eating candy 24/7. Age 13. his ability is to become invisible.Hayden Jormer: Very social, kind of a chatterbox. he is about 5 foot 5. He enjoys playing sports. Age 12. His ability is reading minds.Jordyn Bages: Very serious, has a short temper, she is about 5 foot 4, she enjoys other people suffer. Age 14. Her ability is super strengthNaomi Shlay: Super sweet, she loves complimenting people and helping out others. she is about 5 foot 2. Age 13. Her ability is super senses.Tyron Byels: Super cautious, always has minor panic attacks. He enjoys hugging people. Age 12. His ability is super speedYousef Billto: Has a bad attitude because of his past life, but can be very respectful and helpful. He enjoys hearing about other people's problems. Age 14. His ability is telekinesis…

#2 La maldición Nightmare

#2 La maldición Nightmare

34 2 2

Estaba en la casa pensando en las cosas que últimamente pasaban, me preparaba para salir a ver a mi novia, esta era una noche de tormenta, los rayos se hacían presentes, sólo que esto me daba mala espina, una visión me indicaba que algo maligno sucedía, salí a la calle con mi vestimenta de siempre para verificar la situación, de pronto escuchaba ruidos y gritos en distintos puntos de la ciudad, me di cuenta de que uno provenía de la casa de Karina, no sabía bien lo que ocurría, me asomé por su ventana, ella era siempre para mi bella, solo que ahora vi que esa belleza se había borrado, la ví transformándose en una bestia y luego fue al cuarto de su madre para matarla, más visiones, fueron más claras, vi a la persona que provocó todo esto, abrí un portal hacia un mundo sombrío, oscuro, de ríos y lagos de lava, un mar de sangre e islas pantanosas, fui rápido hacia un castillo, me escondí entre las sombras para no ser visto por ningún demonio, tras pasar por mucho encontré la fuente de toda esa MALDICIÓN, veía a la madre de Santina, claro, la mamá se llama Ángela, pero le veía diferente, era una bruja que controlaba a mis amigos, saqué mi espada y se la enterré hasta que ella despareció, creí que todo había terminado, pero no ya era tarde, todos estaban malditos para siempre, pensé en lo peor... y de pronto llega alguien mas, me lanzó un hechizo y después me mató con un veneno tan potente que morí en ese instante... mi cuerpo fue sacado de aquel mundo, yo estaba tirado esperando a que me fuera al cielo, mi alma salió del cuerpo, alguien llegó y me trató de devolver a mi cuerpo pero no podía regresar, ella se preocupó más, ella era un alma o algo así de color rosa, entonces trajo el cuerpo de un gato recién matado, me metió en ese animal y reviví, solo que mi nuevo cuerpo cambió de una forma inesperada. Pero antes de seguir contaré lo que pasó antes de esta calumnia.…

Ollie Bye - Tale of the Fallen

Ollie Bye - Tale of the Fallen

11 0 3

In the heart of a mystical realm, where ancient legends and modern wonders coexist, "Ollie Bye - Tale of the Fallen" unfolds, weaving an enchanting narrative of courage, friendship, and redemption.Within these pages, readers embark on a mesmerizing journey through the Oily Kingdom, a land teeming with extraordinary creatures and mystical landscapes. At its core lies Ollie Bye, a reluctant hero with a heart as vast as the kingdom itself, whose destiny becomes intertwined with the fates of the fallen.In a world where battles are not just fought with swords and spells, but with wit and heart, Ollie Bye and his companions confront challenges that are both otherworldly and deeply human. From thwarting mechanized foes on Corsican beaches to reaching out to lost friends in the heart of a rogue Taiga, the story transcends boundaries to resonate with readers of all ages."Tale of the Fallen" explores themes of resilience and the enduring power of friendship. It invites readers to grapple with the complexities of heroism, sacrifice, and the unyielding spirit of beings who dare to challenge destiny.Join Ollie Bye, the Giant Isopod, RETF, Bapo, Dodolulupepe, Charlotte, and a cast of unforgettable characters on an epic odyssey that will leave your heart touched, your imagination stirred, and your sense of adventure ignited. In this richly imagined world, the fallen find the strength to rise, the bonds of companionship prevail, and the tale unfolds in its truest form-a timeless, breathtaking journey into the heart of a kingdom unlike any other.…

Dog Grooming Services in Jaipur

Dog Grooming Services in Jaipur

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In the vibrant city of Jaipur, pet owners recognize the significance of maintaining their canine companions' health and appearance through professional dog grooming services. These services offer a comprehensive range of treatments and procedures to ensure that dogs not only look their best but also feel comfortable and healthy.Dog grooming services in Jaipur typically include bathing using specialized shampoos and conditioners tailored to different coat types, ensuring a thorough cleanse without causing any skin irritations. Professional groomers are adept at handling dogs of all breeds and sizes, providing gentle yet effective grooming sessions.Additionally, dog grooming services encompass brushing and de-matting to prevent tangles and mats from forming in the coat, promoting healthy skin and fur. Regular brushing not only keeps the coat looking neat but also helps distribute natural oils, resulting in a shiny and lustrous coat.Nail trimming is another essential aspect of dog grooming, as overgrown nails can cause discomfort and even lead to mobility issues. Professional groomers use specialized tools and techniques to trim nails safely and efficiently, ensuring the dog's paw health is maintained.Furthermore, many dog grooming salons in Jaipur offer additional services such as ear cleaning, teeth brushing, and gland expression to ensure the dog's overall well-being. These services help prevent common health issues such as ear infections, dental problems, and anal gland impactions, promoting the dog's overall health and happiness.Overall, dog grooming services in Jaipur play a vital role in ensuring that dogs receive the care and attention they deserve. With skilled groomers, high-quality products, and a range of services tailored to meet each dog's individual needs, these grooming salons contribute to the well-being of pets in the city.https://g.page/r/CUdZ_2qPnfU_EBM/…

Popular School Uniform Patterns Used in Indian Schools

Popular School Uniform Patterns Used in Indian Schools

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School uniforms play a vital role in defining school life. From making kids more disciplined and socially equal to giving them a distinctive identity, uniforms have long been adopted in Indian schools as markers of unity. By creating a sense of cohesiveness and reducing competitiveness, uniforms can help boost morale and enhance efficiency among students. Wearing uniforms to school plays a big role in improving attendance and preventing bullying by making sure that no student can be mocked for wearing something different. They offer a more cost-effective means for students to attend school without having to worry about a dress code or feel the need to purchase expensive clothing.Many educational instutions have started buying school uniforms online as they are reliable and affordable. Here are some of the most popular school uniform patterns that are used in Indian schools:1. Solid Light Dress Shirt with Dark Shorts/Skirt/TrousersThe solid light blue or white dress shirt is worn with contrasting dark shorts for boys or a knee-length skirt for girls. It is one of the most common uniform styles in India. The shorts/skirts are often either blue, red or black. Long trousers are usually worn instead of shorts once boys graduate to high school. It is typically worn with a tie and belt.2. Checked Dress Shirt with Solid Shorts/Skirt/TrousersChecked shirts are also becoming increasingly popular across the country. These checked shirts may be blue, brown or maroon. The checked patterns range from plaid to tartan and gingham. 3. Solid Shirt with Checked Shorts/Skirt/Pinafore/TrousersIn this style, a solid light shirt, generally blue or white, is paired with contrast darker-coloured checked shorts/trousers or a skirt/pinafore. It may also be accompanied by a tie and belt.…

Diddy Wah Diddy Blues

Diddy Wah Diddy Blues

412 1 118

Keep on trucking mamma, trucking the blues away with prosaic, unimaginative, uninspired, matter-of-fact, dull, dry, humdrum, mundane, pedestrian, heavy, plodding, lifeless, dead, spiritless, lacklustre, undistinguished, stale, jejune, bland, insipid, vapid, vacuous, banal, hackneyed, trite, literal, factual, unpoetic, unemotional, unsentimental, clear, plain, unadorned, unembellished, unvarnished, monotonous, deadpan, flat, in short pure lifeless poetry, not even larger dan the average pork belly or rib-eye steak lifespan.…

To My Wayward Sons (Supernatural Poetry)

To My Wayward Sons (Supernatural Poetry)

5,783 46 139

Supernatural poems that I write when all the:-massive emotional damage-overwhelming crack-severe obsession-rare inspiration-demon possessing meis too much to handle. 50% feels, 50% crack, 100% trash. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!×××// I do not own Supernatural, alas! *dramatic organ chord* So ©CW for this amazing show and its awesome characters. ////This book has a lot of spoilers concerning the show (no shit Sherlock) and I don't want to be responsible for the degradation of your interest in SPN, so tread lightly and proceed with utmost caution! //…

Hamilton Lindley: A Beacon of Leadership and Passion in Waco, Texas

Hamilton Lindley: A Beacon of Leadership and Passion in Waco, Texas

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When it comes to business leadership, there are only a few individuals who can rival Hamilton Lindley's exceptional abilities. As a prominent figure in Waco, Texas, he has established himself as an authority on entrepreneurship, leadership, and mental health. Lindley's work and influence have transcended geographical boundaries and made a positive impact on aspiring leaders worldwide. This article explores Hamilton Lindley's journey to becoming one of the most reputable business leaders in the United States, highlighting his passion, enthusiasm, energy, empathy, and commitment to excellence.Hamilton Lindley's Passion for EntrepreneurshipHamilton Lindley's passion for entrepreneurship can be traced back to his childhood. He grew up in a family that owned a business, and this exposure fueled his curiosity and desire to succeed as an entrepreneur. In college, Lindley studied finance, which equipped him with the necessary knowledge to venture into the business world. He started his career as a financial analyst at a prestigious firm in Texas, but he knew that he was destined for something more significant.After several years of gaining experience and building relationships, Hamilton Lindley decided to start his venture. He founded an investment company, Lindley LLC, which has since grown into a renowned firm that offers a wide range of investment services. Lindley's ability to spot potential investment opportunities and his keen sense of risk management have been instrumental in the success of his business.Leadership StyleHamilton Lindley is an exceptional leader who possesses a unique combination of enthusiasm, energy, and empathy. He leads by example and understands the importance of teamwork and collaboration. He is a hands-on leader who believes in empowering his team to achieve their full potential. Lindley's leadership style is anchored on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.…

AXA Car Accident Claims Helpline Contact Number

AXA Car Accident Claims Helpline Contact Number

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We understand that being involved in a car accident is a stressful experience. Our comprehensive range of insurance accident support services is here to relieve you from all the stress and anxiety. Contact us on our claims contact number 0800 772 0850 for immediate assistance following a no-fault accident at no additional charges or hidden costs.When you reach out to us on our AXA accident claims number for AXA insurance accident support, you can rest assured that you won't have to pay any upfront charges or additional costs. We will recover all expenses from the at-fault driver's insurance company.With us, you can protect your earned discounts. We will claim all costs from the at-fault party's insurer, ensuring your discounts remain intact. Contact us on our AXA accident number to safeguard your no-claims bonus.After a no-fault accident, call us on the AXA car insurance claim number. We will connect you with a dedicated claims handler who will manage your claim from start to finish, ensuring you receive deserved compensation. If you're involved in a no-fault car accident, contact us at the AXA claims contact number for a no-cost courtesy car that suits your needs.We follow an open and transparent approach. From filing the claim to its final settlement, we keep our AXA report car accident customers updated on the progress. Get in touch with us on the AXA accident claims helpline to maximize your compensation.Immediate assistance is essential after a no-fault accident. When you contact us on the AXA accident claim phone number for AXA insurance accident support, our dedicated team will provide immediate assistance for your no-fault car accident management needs.…

Unlock Personalized Bliss

Unlock Personalized Bliss

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The custom gift industry has seen immense growth in recent years. According to [statistics source], sales of personalized gifts increased by over 30% from 2020 to 2021. Customers today want unique presents that feel special and heartfelt.Embroidery digitizing is revolutionizing the world of customization. With digitizing, any image or logo can be converted into embroidery data and stitched onto fabric. This process enables endless possibilities for custom embroidered gifts. Companies can take a customer's design and precisely reproduce it for hats, shirts, blankets, and much more.Embroidery digitizing allows for incredible flexibility when creating personalized gifts. With just some images and imagination, you can make one-of-a-kind presents for loved ones. This article will explore the customization options made possible by digitizing, from sentimental gifts for families to branded items for businesses. Read on to discover how embroidery digitizing can help you create heartfelt gifts and cherished keepsakes.What is Embroidery Digitizing?Embroidery digitizing is the process of converting artwork or an image into embroidery data that an embroidery machine can read. It allows any design to be stitched onto fabric or other materials using computerized embroidery machines.Unlike regular embroidery done by hand, embroidery digitizing uses technology to translate designs into stitch patterns and embroidery commands. The image is imported into embroidery digitizing software, which analyzes the artwork and converts it into a digital embroidery pattern.The digitizing software creates stitch files that contain thread color, stitch type, stitch length, and sewing order information. This stitch data allows the embroidery machine to recreate the original design on fabric by following the digitized pattern. The result is an embroidered design that accurately matches the original image.…