The Twisted Life of the Dunkle Twins

The Twisted Life of the Dunkle Twins

1,440 8 11

Every family has its secrets…

A Life On The Edge

A Life On The Edge

265,699 10,146 102

With Lyle's house brunt to ashes and Ricky Malcolm's blood on Riley's hands; the secret is out and Chris is furious and looking for revenge. Dylan, Tina, Lyle, and Riley are all on the run with nothing but the cloths on their backs and each other. Lyle has lost everything his home, his family, and most likely his job. Dylan is sick of the life of a Gangster and fed up with losing the people he cares about. Tina is just here for the ride. It's a strange group but they all have one thing in common, they all care just a little too much about Riley-Anne Elliot Swanson who's heart is hardened with the murder of her first love on her conscious and is just once stray straw away from cracking. This sequel to A Dangerous Life picks up right where it left off. In the backseat of Dylan's car headed to nowhere. These four eventually find a nice place called Helmsdale Arizona a little town just off the coast of an oddly placed beach, a town that is all too familiar to Riley. There Lyle finds another teaching job and Riley goes back to school. They all try their best to seem normal and adapt to this new life, but it's defiantly harder than it looks. Helmsdale has its own friends and foes waiting to test the strength of Lyle and Riley's new relationship and the limits these four are willing to go to maintain their safety. With an angry ruthless gangster on their trail who isn't willing to give up until he takes down Riley personally, enemies disguised as friends, all while trying to keep their past lives under wraps these four find out how hard it really is living Life on the Edge.…

A Dangerous Life [Teacher/Student]

A Dangerous Life [Teacher/Student]

1,012,860 19,207 100

Riley Swan is a 17 year old junior in high school. She's a year behind everyone else because the year she was supposed to be a freshman was spent half in jail and half in rehab. When Riley was only 13 years old she got herself wrapped up in a gang and in love, but things took a turn for the worst. Once she was released she got her own apartment away from her foster parents and became emancipated. She decided to better herself and stay away from the gangs and drugs. She thought she was on the right track when she got a steady job, and good friends to last for the last 3 years. But things take a sharp turn for the worst when she finds herself developing feeling for her new English teacher and finds out that her Crazy Pyromaniac ex has been released from jail on bail. Will she fall back into the gang? Or will she fall in love with her teacher and just bring him down with her in this teacher student romance; A Dangerous Life.…

Jessie's First Love (Same Love)

Jessie's First Love (Same Love)

522 17 4

When kids are walking 'round the hallway plagued by pain in their heart. A world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are. Live on and be yourself. When I was at church they taught me something else. If you preach hate at the service those words aren't anointed. That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned. When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless, Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen! I might not be the same, but that's not important. No freedom till we're equal, Damn right I support it...Jessica is gay...and that was okay, but the rest of the world didn't seem to agree...Keeping the memory of Jessica N. alive…

Can Anybody See Me? (On Hold)

Can Anybody See Me? (On Hold)

211 6 1

Jasper Herring was a 20 year old Sophomore in College. She was fun loving, adventurous, caring, and one heck of a beautiful dancer. She was a great friend, daughter, and sister. She was full of love, compassion, and life. So you can understand why everyone was shocked when hearing she took her own life. Everyone was shocked, even her. Jasper is a ghost wondering the earth, but what unfinished business could this girl possible have? Jasper knows the truth. Jasper didn't kill herself, she was murdered, but she doesn't know why. So she sits and watches her family fall apart piece by piece as they try to deal with the loss of their beloved daughter unable to see or hear her. She's used to being invisible, ignored, and completely confused. But what happens when she meets two boys who can see her for the first time? Read along and follow this ghost, vampire, and nephilim find a murderer, friendship, enemies, heal a family, and find love all along the way. Come and read the story of Jasper in the exciting book, Can Anybody See Me?…

The Final Decision: Book 1 in The Ways of Life Series (Coming Soon)

The Final Decision: Book 1 in The Ways of Life Series (Coming Soon)

215 3 1

As seen in A Dangerous Life Imagine a world where on your 17th birthday you are visited by the one true creator. But he isn't there to tell you the meaning of life, no he asks you a question and gives you a deadline to answer it.Do you want to live forever?Freya Adams is an ordinary 16 year old girl graduating high school early. Her life is about to turn upside down when the creator visits her on her 17th birthday a week after graduation and gives her a year to decide if she wants to live forever. Join Freya on her journey as she meets new people, asks hard questions, climb mountains, face down monsters, and do the unthinkable all while trying to hold her life together as she discovers things she only thought existed in movies and fairy-tales.There are sore many questions to ask, so many things to see, and so many secrets to discover. But will she be able to make up her mind in time? Watch as Freya makes her journey as she finds friends, foes, love and so much more all while trying to make The Final Decision…

I Apologize

I Apologize

200 5 1

Alyssa is an outgoing and very sarcastic young adult who just happened to donate her kidney to someone in need. She's living the life with a steady job supportive family, and wonderful boyfriend, and a sexy lover on the side. But her whole life comes crashing down when she gets tested for STDs on a whim and discovers that she is positive for HIV. Questions come to mind such as who did she get it from, who did she give it to, and what her life will be like now. Watch Alyssa get through these hard times in this short story call I Apologize…

Natalie and the Others

Natalie and the Others

146 10 1

Natalie Price is just an ordinary girl with an ordinary life, but with not so ordinary friends. What people don't know about Natalie is that she had Six other people living inside her head, but she's not crazy. in fact far from it. Tired of being a nobody Natalie decides to let the people in her head take over for a while and grab attention from her peers and her parents. But will the others in her head take things too far and spin out of control? Watch Natalie find herself in the short story called Natalie and the Others.…