A L L E Y S | Gotham

A L L E Y S | Gotham

261,028 8,406 44

In which a young girl is adopted by James Gordon, encountering and 'making friends' with terrible and good people in Gotham City. The ginger maniacs, mafia bosses, hitmen and riddlers weren't expecting to begin to care for Isabella Gordon, either. 'TWAS ONCE:#1 in batman#1 in brucewayne#1 in gotham#1 in ednygma#1 in tabithagalavan#1 in barbarakean#1 in jeromevaleska#1 in victorzsaszidfk some other shit…

Demigod in Gotham

Demigod in Gotham

871,166 43,907 86

Nico had two goals when he moved to Gotham#1- help new demigods get to Camp#2- don't meet the Waynes He didn't have anything against the family, how could he when he was only told about them the day before he moved, but he had heard about the serial adoption of black haired kids. He already had a strained relationship with his father, he didn't need a second one. --------As Nico sat in the park with the random boys he befriended, he finally felt normal. They didn't know who his father was; hell, they thought his father was dead. He was quite literally the most free he had been since Italy and even then, it was under Mussolini at the time so that was a bit of a stretch. The calm seemed universal throughout the group until Tim's phone rang. "Oh shit, it's Bruce." Immediately all of them were on alert scanning the surrounding area while Tim talked on the phone, panic in his eyes. "He was on the other side of the park for a walk between meetings and saw a picture of us walking in the park online," Tim said as soon as he hung up. "Wait wait wait" Nico said as Jason looked like he was preparing to literally throw him into the tree. "Bruce as in Bruce Wayne? You're the Wayne's?! And why are you acting like he's gonna shoot me on sight?" "He's gonna shoot adoption papers at you." Damian mumbled, once again begrudgingly reviving a high five from Tim and Dick. Jason just rolled his eyes as he made his hands a step for Nico to get in the tree. "Yes we're the Wayne's. How do you know of us, but not have a clue what we look like?" Nico climbed onto the lowest branch that was a good six feet off the ground. "I was technically homeless until a few months ago and just got a phone last month, sue me for never seeing a picture," he said in a whisper yell before continuing to scale the tree.--------Daily updates at 12:15am EST…

Sunlit Gotham

Sunlit Gotham

36,811 1,318 21

Skylar Richardson is a 15 year old child of Apollo. She's survived the Battle of the Labyrinth, the War of Manhattan, the Siege of Camp Half Blood, and living in Gotham. But when her little brother got a scholarship to Gotham Academy and befriended Jon Kent and a reluctant Damian Wayne, her life got even weirder.Why are the Waynes always injured? On the other hand, why are the Kent boys *never* injured. And was that a new prophecy about the Mist breaking?For Apollo's sake. Can't we just get a break?(Now Complete!)…

Goodnight Gotham.

Goodnight Gotham.

44,106 1,381 31

It's surprising what people wish for, secretly, deep down. A Jervis Tetch X Reader.…

Gotham's Spider

Gotham's Spider

645,859 19,556 37

Penny Parker lives in an abusive foster home in Gotham city. One day after the Justice League have a huge fight in the city they discover that they destroyed a foster home, but luckily none of the kids died. Bruce Wayne offers to house them all until the home is rebuilt. Penny and the other kids go to live with him for a while, and there she will meet the bat boys. What happens if they decide to adopt Penny?…

A Trip To Gotham

A Trip To Gotham

200,451 4,769 39

a daminette story…

Move to Gotham

Move to Gotham

124,903 1,957 10

⚠️Under Heaving Reviewing and Rewriting⚠️Marinette finally broke after her heart shattered when her friends in class turn on her. The only people that haven't turned on her are Chloe,Nino(real name Nicholas. Nickname is Nick), Nathaniel, Kagami, Luka,Kim, Alix and Juleka. This happened because of none other then Lila the liar who came to Marinettes school and turned her so called 'friends' against her. They bullied and abused her nonstop. When she finally had enough she decided to go to Gotham a very dangerous place, home to the most feared villain in Gotham The Joker or what Mari calls him Uncle J(You'll know in the book). But she didn't go alone she brought her real friends with her. I forgot to tell you but she is Damian Wayne's fiance/betrothed when they were in the league of assassin's. disclaimer:art, pictures and characters are not mine only the storyline of it. Will contain bad language at some point. you have been warned.…

Ghost in Gotham

Ghost in Gotham

303,835 10,527 47

Welcome to my (a bit pathetic) attempt to make a Danny Phantom Crossover with Batman! I've always wanted to make a a crossover but I always thought I would make it terribly. So this is my attempt to do so. It is still utterly terrible. The story's all over the place, it's actually pretty pathetic tbh.Completed as of 13/11/20(Danny Phantom and Batman do not belong to me. It belongs to anyone who actually made them [I don't know]. I only own a few OCs of mine)…

Vampires of Gotham

Vampires of Gotham

12,784 311 28

The Cullens decide to move to Gotham City.They soon learn that Gotham has many secrets, including having its own vampires. They can't help but butt their noses into Gotham's Vampires business.But the thing is...Lady Gotham really hates it when her Vampires are distracted from their task of keeping the darkness away.They will regret their decision to butt into her vampires business.. This story isn't mine it's on ao3 it's made by @Supernaturalnerd21…

Gotham Gazette // J.V

Gotham Gazette // J.V

558,104 19,481 46

"Love your hair gorgeous..." Katerina Ferdine's dad had asked her to do one simple task. Bring his lunch to him at work since she was home sick. That was all, he didn't tell her to get caught up in the insane mess that was Jerome Valeska but sometimes things just don't go to plan... I do not own any DC characters, although I do own Katerina and any other characters I add down the line. Don't judge by the summary I assure you it's better than it looks. Book is relatively clean, nothing more mature than what's in Gotham so you guys are all good ;) Rankings Xx #336 in fanfiction. #1 in JeromeValeska. #1 in Gotham #1 in Joker I'm an interactive writer, comment and I'll reply I promise.…

The Betrothal

The Betrothal

36,668 1,243 25

This story takes place before Thor, so Loki doesn't know he's a frost giant and hasn't taken over Earth.Y/N Njorddottir - The goddess of love, beauty, all of that nice stuff. She's able to make anyone she wants fall in love - one problem, however. She herself has a problem finding her own love, her mysterious soulmate she's never met, but has talked to for hours and days at a time. She also happens to be betrothed to Loki Odinson, the god of mischief, against her own wishes.Loki Odinson - The god of mischief and lies. Brother of Thor, son of Odin and Frigga. Although he does not wish to marry someone other than his soulmate, he is being betrothed to Y/N Y/L/N, the goddess of love. He enjoys talking to his soulmate, whom he does not know the name of, and wishes to meet her face to face.But what happens when they just *happen* to be each others soulmates?Soulmate UI where you are able to communicate with your soulmate, but not allowed to tell them your name or things unique to you.I do not own any of these characters except you, Alana, Njord, Nerthus, Evangeline, and other side characters! Others' credits go to Stan Lee and the other amazing people of Marvel!…



6,890 237 21

Can you ever really 'start fresh'? I mean, you can try. You can change your name, move halfway across the country. But the things you did are still with you, in your true past. The one you don't want people to know about. Your true past is still there lurking in the back of your mind, in your dreams, in your thoughts. Rose's mother is trying so hard to 'start fresh' in a new city, Gotham. After moving from New York City, Rose and her sister are forced into a new school, a new life. Rose falls for a nobody, who in his free time is a somebody. But he has a dark mind, twisted and evil. What happens when signals are crossed and misinterpreted? What happens when there's a mistake, that was not meant to be?*Disclaimer*I own NONE of the DC Comic characters, all characters that are NOT in the comic are mine.…

Gotham's Twins

Gotham's Twins

53,133 1,443 16

Marinette and Jason were best friends. They were inseparable. They were attached at the hip. They were twins, siblings, best friends.They were two twins against the world.Key word: were.Marinette and Jason were best friends. They were inseparable. They were attached at the hip. They were twins, siblings, best friends.They were two twins against the world.And then Jason died.And then it was just Marinette.…

Stuck in Gotham

Stuck in Gotham

31,244 820 15

Deadpool and Peter a.k.a Spiderman are hanging out in the park of Manhattan. When all of a sudden Deadpool's teleporter malfunctions! Which ends them up in a completely different world! (universe? Multiverse?) Which leads to a whole lot of trouble. Will they be able to go back home or will they be stuck there forever? {ooh! Adventure!}[shut up yellow!]…

Crazy for You - Valeska Brothers x Female OC (Gotham)

Crazy for You - Valeska Brothers x Female OC (Gotham)

766,389 23,040 98

Jerome Valeska was crazy. There was no doubt about it. Sick, sadistic, evil. But, he wasn't always like it."You're crazy," Sam whimpers, trying to push herself away from me. The handcuffs don't exactly help her.I press my lips against her cheek, smirking."Crazy for you." Jeremiah Valeska was insane. There was no doubt about it. Smart, cunning, cruel. But, he wasn't always like it."You don't care about me, so stop acting-"All of a sudden, Jeremiah's pale hands grab my own, overlapping them on the armrests of my chair. He slowly leans forward, the look in his eyes screaming out, almost warning me to run."Don't ever say that. I love you," he replies blankly, as if it was obvious that a psychopath thought about me in that way.They both found themselves at peace with one person, Samantha Williams, the girl they grew up with, until of course, Jeremiah left Haly's Circus.Jerome's mind snaps after years of his mother's torment - causing him to brutally kill her. When Sam finds out, she is absolutely horrified. What scares her more is the building obsession Jerome has over her, even when he escapes Arkham. It doesn't help when Jeremiah comes back into their lives, years later.How long will it take for Samantha's head to finally break, turning her into someone she's not?... Or will she be alive long enough to get the chance?〰〰〰〰This goes along the season 1 - 4 storyline, and will be there when season 5 comes out.I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS (apart from Sam, her parents & Vicky.)NO SMUT. I'm an innocent and don't want to corrupt my own mind.TRIGGERS. TRIGGERS. TRIGGERS. (Violence duh, and I swear a lot. And uh, don't steal my book, please. Thank you.WOAH RANKS AT SOME POINTS:#1 in gotham #1 in batman#1 in jeromevaleska #1 in jeremiahvaleska#1 in cameronmonaghan #1 in bloody #1 in brucewayne#4 in violence…



13,486 3,110 31

In a quest for an heir, Mr. Obed's daughter, Folakemi Obed became betrothed to Olamide Garba. Fola had a distaste for Olamide's personality and she called him an arrogant bastard.Then, something happened and everything changed. An incident that changed their lives forever. Events unfolded and the truth was revealed.Would Fola be strong enough to oppose her father's wish? Would the truth give her a change of mind? Find out if Fola would be able to respect her father's wish or go against it.…

Escape to Gotham.

Escape to Gotham.

137,463 2,782 13

Marinette is SICK of Lie-la and her lies. Adrien and his fantasys. She is Done, with Paris, with France. So, she moves to Gotham, the last place she saw her brother, Jason Todd, alive. The city of crime is filled with many happy memory's, and a few sad ones.…

The Lost Gothamite

The Lost Gothamite

59,262 1,829 23

Marinette Dupain-Cheng, sweet and forgiving girl. But what if she was never a Dupain-Cheng, what if there was only one Dupain-Cheng child that wasn't Marinette but Bridgette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng was adopted, real name, Emilia Todd. That's right Todd, on the streets more commonly known as Pixie due to her height.…

rulers of gotham

rulers of gotham

24,282 696 31

this is kinda just for fun so uh yea a girl named honey just moved to gotham to live with her best friend. one day her life gets turned around when she meets the king of gotham, clown prince of crime... the joker. they become business partners and become the rulers of gotham or shall i say the king and queen of gotham.…