លាក់បាំងស្នេហា (Completed)

លាក់បាំងស្នេហា (Completed)

102,872 7,863 33

គេរស់នៅកន្លែងភ្លឺ ខ្ញុំរស់នៅកន្លែងងឹត ទើបគេព្យាយាមលាក់បាំងខ្ញុំពីគ្រប់គ្នា...…



27,166 2,678 34

ប្រភេទប្រលោមលោកBL Yoonmin ជាស្នេហាបែបផ្អែមល្ហែម កំប្លែង ជូរចត់មានឧបសគ្គរារាំងមិនចេះចប់តែពួកគេនៅតែជំនះវាជាមួយគ្នារហូតទទួលបានសុភមង្គលមួយយ៉ាងពិតប្រាកដ🤍✨យ៉ុនហ្គី x ជីមីននិពន្ធដោយ: ផាក យ៉ុនមីន🦋🍂…



4,514 597 16

ស្នេហាកើតឡើងចេញពីការផ្សំផ្គំ ថ្ងៃណាក៏មិនដែរត្រូវគ្នារហូតដល់ខ្វះគ្នាមិនបានថែមទាំងមានដុំឈាមតូចដែបង្ករកំណើតមកសាងសុភមង្គលជាមួយពួកគេរហូត.តរៀងទៅ ។Jikook focus only ❗️…

World || P.J.M ✔️

World || P.J.M ✔️

173,752 8,920 48

World"Why should I say sorry for being a monster when no one apologizes for turning me into one? "His soul is dark and he never how love tastes like. Yet, he's still hoping for someone to help him out from this lonely world. start: 22nd November 2019 end: 14th March 2020Highest ranking; #1 in btslovestory#134 in jiminbts©prettygucci_ 2020…

snap | jimin ✓

snap | jimin ✓

502,033 21,366 48

in which a girl sends the right snap to the wrong person.- jimin/snapchat au! ©jeonsworthy 2020…

the vlive || KNJ

the vlive || KNJ

133,944 4,112 30

One day you get a notification that Namjoon has gone live! But you seem to be the only one watching?Maybe it is just a glitch... or love at first viewer?RANKS:🥇#jhopebts🥇 #rmxreader🥇#btsrm🥇#btsfanfic…

រឿង វណ្ណ:គ្រួសារ (Ended✅)

រឿង វណ្ណ:គ្រួសារ (Ended✅)

2,362 178 5

Min Yoongi X Park Jiminជាស្នេហារវាងមនុស្សពីរនាក់ ដែលម្នាក់ជាកូនអភិជននិងម្នាក់ទៀតជាកូនអ្នកក្រហេីយត្រូវគ្រួសារហាមឃាត់តាមបំបែកពួកគេទាំងពីរមិនអោយទាក់ទងគ្នាហេីយបានបង្ខំឲ្យជីមីនរៀបការជាមួយមនុស្សដែលខ្លួនមិនបានស្រឡាញ់...។ហេីយចុងក្រោយនៃពួកគេគឺស្លាប់!និពន្ធដោយ:ផាក យ៉ុនមីន…

Mystery Love [ End ]

Mystery Love [ End ]

42,904 3,921 55

ទំនាក់ទំនងរវាងមនុស្សពីរនាក់ដែលគេត្រឹមជាបងប្រុសចង់ចូលទៅសងសឹកឲ្យប្អូនរហូតអាថ៌កំបាំងត្រូវបានស៉ើបម្ដងបន្តិចៗទាល់តែការពិតលាតត្រដាង..តើនាយនិងមានអារម្មណ៍បែបណានៅពេលដែរដឹងថាមនុស្សនៅក្បែរខ្លួនជាមនុស្សផ្សេងមិនមែនជាមនុស្សដែលខ្លួនធ្លាប់ស្គាល់ ? ផាកជីមីន x ចនជុងគុកផាកមីនជី x ចនថេយ៉ុង…



13,217 242 10

Записываясь на массаж, Мису даже и не могла подумать о том, что массажист будет таким горячим...…

lost || pjm

lost || pjm

53,111 2,509 12

"jimin,i'm lost."[raw.urs]…

Rejected Mate| Jimin X Reader

Rejected Mate| Jimin X Reader

17,916 466 9

"The pain in my body is nothing compared to the pain in my heart seeing my mate making love to his lover" ~y/n.…

Outcasts | Jimin ff |

Outcasts | Jimin ff |

3,776 179 8

♥︎We're all broken, that's how the light gets in♥︎ ♡우리 모두는 빛이 어떻게 되 면 깨진 거 야♡✌︎y/n x Jimin ✌︎…

Give me a chance 💔End

Give me a chance 💔End

21,308 1,253 20

My first novel I hope you like it 💖✨« អ្នកដែលបងជ្រើសរើសចូលទៅក្នុងជីវិតបង នៅតែមិនមែនជាអូន » ផាក ជីមីន ។ « បងធ្វើបែបនេះ ក៏ដើម្បីតែការពារអូនប៉ុណ្ណោះមីមី » ជុងហ្គុក រីកឃេនស៌ ។ ជុងហ្គុក រីកឃេនស៌ X ផាក ជីមីន ។The end 🤍…

Short Novel 🔞

Short Novel 🔞

10,130 461 7


𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚍 / 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕. || 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙹𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚍 / 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕. || 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙹𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗

2,572 59 11

A arranged marriage, was planned by your father and what you thought ... you hated the thought of it. You didn't want it to be true but after a while you had to come true to yourself, you have fallen for him.…

•Voicenote ||Jikook

•Voicenote ||Jikook

213,376 9,975 25

" when we exchanged numbers, you never told me a broken hearted boy was involved " -Jjk…

My Mafia Boyfriend - Jungkook

My Mafia Boyfriend - Jungkook

168,466 4,302 11

~Y/N: Yahh, put on your T-shirt! JK: Why? You like what you see, don't you? ~Cast:Jungkook, Y/N, Jimin, V, Jaehyun and more... FinishedI just want to say sorry to the people who read this😂It was my first story and its too cringe and y/n its so dramatic I don't know why I made her like this😭😫Sorry…

Dark | BTS ✓

Dark | BTS ✓

820 149 14

Jimin's had enough of the big city life, so he moves to a small town. When he meets his neighbor in a strange way, he feels compelled to help her.…

Choosing soulmates | Jikook ✓

Choosing soulmates | Jikook ✓

31,463 1,770 9

Jimin an angel, dreaming about being paired up with his crush, Jungkook a vampire. But how could he be paired up with the hottest, most popular and cutest guy of the community? Jimin was a nobody after all... What had fate in store for them?[SHORT STORY - 8 CHAPTERS]Cover drawing credits: made by amazing Taka-san (@san_kote on twitter)…