Till The End Of The Moon [NOVEL- 2]

Till The End Of The Moon [NOVEL- 2]

12,225 521 24

~"Tantai jin, I still have a lot....A lot of words...That I want to say to you".~"Yeah..I'm listening."~"But you are too bad. I don't wanna say them to you. I will say these words to you when we meet again...."~"Okay."__________________________•A beautifully tragadic love story.He loved her against reasons, against promises, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against any discouragement that could be, but destiny had other plans.And, she loved him too, but she kept pretending that she didn't, because she knew, she could never have him.☆Tantai jin, Mingye, Cang jiumin. In his 3 lives, he never got peace, not for once. Couldn't his destiny give him love for once? Was he that unlovable?He was neither a Devil God, nor the God of war, he was simply TANTAI JIN.He always loved Li susu, he changed himself for HER.His love was true, because it was hurting him but he still wanted to stay!He was lone purest in all those people. ☆Li susu, ye xiwu, sang jiu. She also always loved Tantai jin, but because of her purpose she never accepted it.She also wanted to stay with him but bounded be DESTINY.Because it's a tragedy, when mature mins and a romantic soul are in one body!Just like the moon, she admired him from the far, always.☆In there every life, they never got the ending, they deserved, but not this time.Because Maybe the story you think end can be the beginning of new one! Who knows?__________________________You can do three things. Vote. Comment. Follow.[Not a professional writer, giving nobody any type of permission to copy my work.]~Thank you.…

Deer's Promise -A graphic Novel-

Deer's Promise -A graphic Novel-

8,201 380 17

Deer is a kit that is washed on shore of an island after almost drowning in the ocean. This island holds three clans, OceanClan, SandClan, and SunClan. He must learn the ways of the clans as he keeps his promise to his sister, to find himself and not take a path others have laid out before him. Can he do it? Or will he take a path that isn't his own and break is promise?This is based off of Quickstream2437's rp called Sun, Sand, and Ocean. All cats/plot/items will come from there and everyone that helped make the rp! It's a fun rp! Ya'll should join if you like this Graphic Novel!//Discontinued//…



16,188 357 84

មនុស្សចរិតយកមេឃទ្រាប់អង្គុយ ជើងជាន់ផែនដីផ្អៀងដូច អ៊ូ សូវម៉ីង ខំផ្គាប់ដល់ងាប់ ក៏មិនត្រូវចិត្ត នាងធ្វើអីក៏ខុស ធ្វើអីក៏មិនដែលត្រូវចិត្ត កាន់តែផ្គាប់ កាន់តែខុស តែបើមិនផ្គាប់កាន់តែខុសធ្ងន់ នៅស្ងៀមៗក៏ខុស មើលមុខគេក៏ខុស ដកដង្ហើមក៏ខុស មួយជីវិតនាងចាំតែខុស ព្រោះគេចង់ឲ្យខុស «ខ្ញុំសុំទោសចំពោះរឿងដែលលោកខុស» «ខ្ញុំខុស?» «ខ្ញុំសុំទោស ព្រោះលោកមិនចេះខុស»…



9,535 221 25

គេជាកន្លង់បាតផ្សារ ក្រេបរសលម្អងបុប្ផា ឲ្យក្រៀមស្វិតរុះរោយ បំផ្លាញជាន់ឈ្លីឥតក្ដីមេត្តា មហាសមុទ្រមានជម្រៅជ្រៅយ៉ាងណា នៅអាចវាស់បាន តែជម្រៅចិត្តគេនាងស្មានមិនត្រូវ...។…

Kakashi x Itachi (Novel-Edition) - English

Kakashi x Itachi (Novel-Edition) - English

20,418 782 23

Hatake Kakashi is on his way home from a mission, when he gets kidnapped by Akatsuki. Kisame and Itachi were instructed to gather for the realization of their plans advantageous information which only Kakashi posses. While he is a prisoner of Akatsuki, he gets to know the inscrutable Uchiha Itachi, which makes him doubt the gruesome prejudices he had heard about him. As time passes on, both of them are getting closer and they have to assess if there can be a joint future for them.Notes:I have been thinking about whether I should release this story or not for a long time. Actually, I only supposed to write it for me and a friend. But after some coaxing of hers, I experienced it as a waste, too, to just let it spoil in the endless archive of my phone, which is why I would like to share it now.The story goes on signifantly longer than usual Wattpad-storys do and I have written it in a novel-like style. Time and again, there are exciting scenes between Kakashi and Itachi. So it will never get boring!I tried really hard to connect everything logically and think that I did a pretty good job. Oh, and the story is happening at the time between Naruto Classic and Naruto Shippuden by the way.What I should mention additionally is: As you have probably already noticed, I am not a native English speaker. So please forgive me smaller mistakes. I wrote this story in my native language - German - as well ... so if you rather want to read it in German, here's the link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/274321241-kakashi-x-itachi-roman-edition-deutschWell ... there is nothing more to say. I really hope that you enjoy the story and have a good time ^.^…



17,344 427 61

គេហាមហេីយ ហាមទៀត តែប៉ាម៉ាក់មិនស្ដាប់ នៅតែរឹងមានះ ចង់យកក្មេងស្រីដែលមានជំងឺប្រសៃប្រសាទនោះ មកធ្វេីជាកូនចិញ្ចឹម ទាំងដែលក្មេងនៅក្នុងមណ្ឌលកុមារកំព្រាច្រេីនណាស់ ប៉ាម៉ាក់ចង់យកក្មេងម្នាក់ណាមកចិញ្ចឹមក៏បាន លេីកលែងតែក្មេងឈ្មោះ សិង្ហ ហេរី ដែល ចូវ ជីមីន មិនយល់ស្របឲ្យប៉ាម៉ាក់ចិញ្ចឹមដាច់ខាត។ ក្មេងស្រីម្នាក់នោះមិនត្រឹមតែមានបញ្ហាសតិអារម្មណ៍ ចូលចិត្តធ្វេីបាបខ្លួនឯងទេ ថែមទាំងជាក្មេងចង្រៃ ក្មេងនាំស៊យ ក្មេងនាំគ្រោះ ថ្ងៃដែលប៉ាម៉ាក់បេីកឡានទៅទទួលយកនាង ក៏ត្រូវជួបឧបទ្ទវហេតុគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍បាត់បង់ជីវិតទាំង២នាក់ប្ដីប្រពន្ធយ៉ាងអាណោចអាធ័ម។ សិង្ហ ហេរី ជាដេីមហេតុធ្វេីឲ្យប៉ាម៉ាក់គេស្លាប់ គេស្អប់នាងដែលធ្វេីឲ្យគេក្លាយជាក្មេងកំព្រា គេចង់សម្លាប់នាង ចង់ពុះច្រៀកសាកសពនាងរាប់ពាន់បំណែក ប៉ុន្តែបេីសម្លាប់នាង វាហាក់ដូចជ…

Két hétnyi szerelem - sskk short novel- Befejezett

Két hétnyi szerelem - sskk short novel- Befejezett

2,172 183 12

Akutagawa sosem szívlelte egykori mentorának új tanitványát. Mégis egyik nap bejelentik számára hogy ketten fognak egy kéthetes küldetésre menni. Be kell épülniük egy közösségbe mint férj és feleség. Akutagawa az első pillanattól ellenzi a dolgot míg riválisa nem csak hogy pártolja a tervet de az ő ötlete volt hogy ketten menjenek. A maffiózó nem érti a tigrist. De az első éjszaka megérti hogy Jinko miért szeretne több időt tölteni vele. Még maga sem tudja mit kezdjen az ifjú áldott iránta táplalt erős érzéseivel. De a küldetést nem szakíthatja félbe azért mert nem akar közel kerülni Atsushihoz. Akutagawa mint Riku az ideiglenesen felfüggesztett rendőrtiszt, Atsushi pedig mint Aika könnyen elhelyezkedő titkárnő kezdi meg az új már előre megtervezett életüket friss házasként. Hamar felfedezik hogy a közösség rejteget valamit így mélyebbre kell ásniuk magukat mint eredetileg gondolták. De vajon mik derülnek ki? Sikerül e megtalálni amiért odamentek? Illetve képesek lesznek e két hét megjátszott szerelem után visszatérni korábbi életükhöz?Ha szeretnéd tudni a választ olvass bele! 🤭…



675 27 5

មុននាងក្លាយជាមេអំបៅដ៏ស្រស់ស្អាត នាងធ្លាប់ជាដង្កូវរូបអាក្រក់ដែលពួកគេស្អប់ខ្ពើម…

ស្វាមី38ឆ្នាំ ( Complete ✔️)

ស្វាមី38ឆ្នាំ ( Complete ✔️)

40,333 1,598 9


ស្អប់ប្រែស្រលាញ់ ( Complete ✔️)

ស្អប់ប្រែស្រលាញ់ ( Complete ✔️)

45,995 1,417 11

|មានលក់ជា File PDF|ប្រភេទប្រលោមលោកខ្លីបែបស្រើបស្រាល🔞BL TAEKOOK Jeon Jungkook Top/ Kim Taehyung Bottom អ្នកនិពន្ធ: Riel…

Short Novel 2

Short Novel 2

15,460 241 4

ប្រភេទប្រលោមលោកខ្លីបែបស្រើបស្រាល🔞 / សុំទោសទុកជាមុនរាស់ពាក្យពេចន៍មិនសមរម្យBL TAEKOOK Jeon Jungkook Top/ Kim Taehyung Bottom អ្នកនិពន្ធ: Riel…

His Personal Queen  (An Islamic Novel- Nigeria)

His Personal Queen (An Islamic Novel- Nigeria)

39,334 3,693 34

After Asiya graduated from secondary school, her life takes a drastic turn when she loses her father. Ever since, she'd changed. Her older brother Ya Sadiq takes it upon himself to take care of his family and most especially his youngest sister.When Asiya finished University, her life changed when marriage comes knocking at the door! Follow me on this journey of lies, heartbreak and of course, not your ordinary love story.Setting- Abuja, Nigeria.…

រឿង: 💍គូដណ្តឹង🔞(ចប់)

រឿង: 💍គូដណ្តឹង🔞(ចប់)

6,706 132 1

រឿង: គូដណ្តឹងBL TAEKOOK Jeon Jungkook Top/ Kim Taehyung Bottomអ្នកនិពន្ធ: Riel…

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger fanfiction novel- The katanas of the future (ENG)

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger fanfiction novel- The katanas of the future (ENG)

1,216 6 7

Synopsis: The Shinkengers met a young man with a blank past, and also encountered an unknown and mysterious Shinkenger in dark. Who is he and what is he aiming for? What is the Gedou stone and what mysteries hide behind it? What will await the Shinkengers in front of the future?(Suitable for all ages, ignore the target audience part below)Chiaki x Kotoha…



11,070 351 7

Not for kid(cuz it write about18+🔞)short novel-Enhypen+សុំទោសចំពោះពាក្យសម្តីមិនសមរម្យផងណា៎ ព្រោះយើងខ្ញុំសរសេរឡើងមកសម្រាប់ការអានកម្សាន្តលេងនោះទេ បើមិនពេញចិត្តអាចអូសរំលងបានណា៎🙏)…

End Days- A Zombie apocalypse novel- Finished-Featured story (Book-1)

End Days- A Zombie apocalypse novel- Finished-Featured story (Book-1)

42,517 2,699 30

***WATTPAD FEATURED**** #141 in horrorAxel Carter is a 32-year-old factory manager who is married to Sarah Carter. He is a responsible person who can keep his cool in tough situations. However, he is forced to lead a group of inexperienced people through an unknown epidemic that has caused complete turmoil in the world. The group finds it difficult to adapt to the new reality, and they have to do things they never thought they would have to do before. Axel has to figure things out for the group, but it's not an easy task. He has to keep himself and the group together in a world where everything has gone to hell. But as the situation worsens, Axel wonders when he will hit his limits and when things will become too much to bear.…