God's Not Dead

God's Not Dead

1,430 123 14

Josh Wheaton is a college student and a Christian who just enrolled in a philosophy class taught by Professor Jeffrey Radisson, a passionate atheist. The clash between Josh's and Radisson's belief unrivalled into a set of fiery debates about the existence of God. The answer to which is left to the class and to the journeys of Martin, Ayisha, Mina and Amy to decide, "Is God dead?" *God's Not Dead is a movie that has been modified *…

My Breakthrough is Mine

My Breakthrough is Mine

389 30 11

A Christian Book filled with passages to help Believers and Nonbelievers on their walk with Jesus Christ.It answers questions such as: Do you have the Holy Spirit? Have you been hearing God's voice? Why should you pray when God knows all things?How can not eating help your relationship with God?The book contains insight to what life as a Christian looks like and how you can find and fulfill your God- given purpose.…

The Pilgrim's Progress (Part II)

The Pilgrim's Progress (Part II)

107 1 18

Part II of The Pilgrim's Progress follows in the footsteps of Part I. The book tells of the journey undertaken by its main characters; Christiana (Christian's wife) and Mercy. The narrator recounts his follow-up dream about Christiana and her children left behind in the City of Destruction.The major difference between the journeys in Parts I and II is that Part II portrays a female point of view. It shows how a women's pilgrimage will be different in important ways from the man's pilgrimage in Part I.The Pilgrim's Progress is written by John Bunyan and can be found at rights are reserved for the Convenant of Grace organization.…

Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus?

30 1 11

The Christmas season is upon us and the term "the true meaning of Christmas" is making its way faster around the globe. With people finding their answers in the shiny wrapping paper, or the hot cooked meals or the laughter of family and friends, no one seems to remember a little baby boy, born in a manager some 2000 years ago who came to save the earth. No not superman, but Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a God, a king, a saver, a friend. Join me as we trod upon the untold mystery of a man named Jesus using the Gospel of John to draw our references.…

The Pilgrim's Progress (Part I)

The Pilgrim's Progress (Part I)

4,557 188 39

From This Worldto That Which is to Come. This Christian story is delivered under the resemblance of a dream in which a man sets out on a dangerous journey out of the City of Destruction and fights his way through many stumbling paths to arrive at the Celestial City (The City of God). The story covers topics such as the process of conviction, what God does behind the scene, what depression does to you spiritually and the difficulties on the path to Christ. Read Part 2 of the Pilgrim's Progress here: Pilgrim's Progress is written by John Bunyan and can be found at rights are reserved for the Convenant of Grace organization.…