Youtube Stars

Youtube Stars

4,264 60 97

Secerts, bio, and If you if see anybody else you want just comment down below…

Her Brother's Assassin (COMING SOON)

Her Brother's Assassin (COMING SOON)

56 0 7

Planet earth- Present 2020~Valdez~Adrenaline coursed through veins. Every cell in his body screamed at him to stop.His breath came out in short burst as sweat trickled down his neck and onto his already drenched shirt. The light back pack over his shoulders bounced as he ran through the dense forest, as if his life depended on it.Because it did. The smell of wet earth grass was the only thing his nostrils registered. Swifly jumping over a fallen tree log, Valdez kept running through the thick overgrown bushes.His bleeding soles leaving traces of crimson red on the rock hard soil but he kept going. The Skyga military forces must be trailing closely behind Valdez, although he had managed to shake them off his tail. Fists clenched, he continued running.Hastily pushing himself through the thick plants, Valdez winced as another thorn slashed his left cheek.His arms already bore multiple open cuts from wild thorns making him prone to infections. Breathing in short puffs, his lungs were on fire."SEARCH, NORTH UP" A man's voice echoedValdez's heart thundered again his chest.They're close.His knees slowly weakened as fear began over-riding his senses.Escape was charged with death penalty. Valdez tripped, stepping on a broken branch with a crack. The momentum he crashed with was so high, that his body rolled over the wet soil and hit a tree trunk. "That way, North" a Skya force shouted"Run Run Run, he's close" another voice said"Yes i got this one" This one sounded so close.Valdez got up slowly and scrambled behind the tree. he knew it.He should've not escaped.Footsteps came closer and closer until the Skygas stood infront of the tree Valdez was hiding. "Here is the broken branch, he's close" the Skyga said scanning with his torch the dark forest. Valdez shut his eyes. Clenching his jaw and tried to control his having breath. He's done.…

Pros And Cons Of Pursuing Combat Sports As A Profession

Pros And Cons Of Pursuing Combat Sports As A Profession

43 3 1

Youth is when your adrenaline pushes you towards aggression. Channelising this potential to something productive is the best way of self control and discipline. Combat sports is one such profession that is being widely pursued by youth. Martial arts is widely adopted as a measure of recreation, physical fitness and even full time profession in Sydney. Some of the popular branches of martial arts are Judo, Karate, Taekwondo, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Kung Fu etc. People look forward to international and national level combat events which is quite lucrative to go for. Times have come when some parents start providing training at early ages to kids for future. But every coin has two facets. Where combat sports like kickboxing is seen as a lucrative profession, there are challenges associated to it as well. Here is an overview of pros and cons of combat sports:Pros:Pursuing hobby: Some people train for recreation and good time. They love to spend their time in martial arts training. If this part time hobby is taken as full time profession job satisfaction will be high and you will strive to give more input.Physical fitness: Kickboxing in Sydney is widely getting popular as a good alternate of gym for physical fitness. The moves and hard training ensures peak level strength.Self defence: The need for safety of women has deeply triggered demand for more combat sports schools to train women for self defense.Focus: Combats like kung fu require intense focus and attention at every move of the opponent. When trained properly, this improves a man's ability to focus.Cons:Aggressive attitude: Often it is seen that teens and young boys indulged in combat sports show aggressive attitude in normal life. This is alarming against potential destructive behaviour.Accidents: Intense punches and kicks are a daily routine. When in fight aggression is uncontrolled and any lack of care results in breaking bones and torn muscles and even death in rare cases.…

Countdown (Deadlox, VenturianTale fan fiction)

Countdown (Deadlox, VenturianTale fan fiction)

1,917 59 64

Cat Frye is the 17 year old twin of VenturianTale. You may think she must be living the dream. No. She was born with a rare disease/condition/disorder: Emphyma (Em-f-eye-ma) not to be mistaken with emphysema. No this condition makes her life extremely difficult. What happens she meets the youtuber she's always relied on to cheer her up. Of course they fall in love. After a horrifying turn of events it turns out Cat has limited time. What will Happen?Please note that this is a somewhat futuristic book. There will be a lot of things that do not exist . Also, do not bother looking up Emphyma on Google. I made up the condition. Emphyma: The permanent damage to one's lungs where they may fill up with fluid. In serious cases causes death.Also, be sure to follow Riolugirl152, she made this amazing cover. She is also a great writer so read her books and go follow her!…

The G Word.

The G Word.

101 2 29

Quinn Carter is a sophomore at Northwright high , she's shy and can be a little awkward.Then there's Lee Smith , her heart stopping ,jaw dropping ,mouth watering Korean love interest who she has been infatuated with since the day she met him . Problem is she's been BRO-ZONED.Lee has never seen her once in any other light apart from one of his many friends,so Quinn's decided she's going to take the bull by the horns but can she get him to be hers and how far is she willing to go for it ?Please note this is not completely edited .…

 Alyssa Stewart and the Mystery of the Scarlet Orb

Alyssa Stewart and the Mystery of the Scarlet Orb

689 54 32

CAN A DARKNESS THAT NO MAN CAN CONQUER BE FINALLY DEFEATED?The evil Maia (Dark Angel) Akuma ŌJO is no myth. The forces of Satan are very much real. Now that the doorway between our world and theirs stands ajar, army of dark creatures march into our world. As you read, they regroup in an island in Galapagos Bay near Japan.The world stands at the brink of extinction. Humanity has faced no greater threat than it does today. Our protagonist, however, is now ignorant. The myth of Akuma ŌJO gradually unfurls as Alyssa, the only daughter of world-famous explorer, Dr. Henrieto Stewart, joins the University of Elderwoods to pursue her career as an archaeologist. And then she learns the unexpected truth: she is the only person who can stop the ŌJO.Mistborn meets Harry Potter, Lara Croft meets myths from ancient Japan, in this epic fantasy series of novels. Plunge into the nail-biting first book as endevours meet destiny, death meets deceit, and adventure meets gramarye. Highest rank: #17 in AdventureNext update: 27th March…

Forlorn: The Enhypen Angst Collection

Forlorn: The Enhypen Angst Collection

30 1 1

A Collection of Angsty Enhypen One Shots written by me. Enjoy ♥Part One- Thus Fades The Eternal Blossom (Ft Sunghoon)-- Sunghoon is a 22 year old college student who's only passion is the ice, but unexpectedly finds love in a bubbly waitress named Mi Young. In her he discovers what his heart truly yearns for. Their happiness is cut short, however, when Mi Young is diagnosed with a heartbreaking disease that makes her lose her memories. Strangely the only memory she's retained is her love for Sunghoon. When a hopeful surgeon offers to give her a new chance at a normal life, Sunghoon must make a difficult decision. To either hold on to her love for as long as he has it, or to lose her all together.…

Accidentally Viking

Accidentally Viking

81 7 12

Alvin is a gay, Black, idealistic Zoomer who's always happy to tell you why you're living your life wrong. When his plane crashes over the mysterious Icelandic Rectangle, he washes up on a Viking island untouched by time. His first act is to accidentally kill Jarl Ulf, leader of the South Shore clan, thereby becoming the new Jarl ("Jarl" = Viking head honcho). But Alvin can't live with himself unless he tries to "fix" the Vikings. While he attempts to sell tolerance and brotherly love to his clansmen (who would much rather be killing, raping and looting), Sten Son of Ulf does his best to thwart Alvin's efforts at every turn. Always relationship-challenged, Alvin now finds himself caught up in a love rectangle: Sten loves the fair maid Solveig, who falls for Alvin, who has a hopeless crush on smokeshow Erik. But Alvin has to wonder -- is his love doomed? Are gay Vikings even a thing?Read on to find out!This story is a mashup of portal fantasy, romance, humor, adventure and found family drama.* New episodes every Friday! *Your votes and comments are appreciated.I will also be posting this story on .…

A Darker Shade of Sorcery (Sample of now published novel.)

A Darker Shade of Sorcery (Sample of now published novel.)

785 193 37

The lonely and grieving Evan Umbra is the newest Venator to enter Veneseron, the school for demon hunters.A Venator is a wizard, a spy and a demon hunter rolled into one. They're taught how to wield their sorcery and enchanted weaponry by orcs, elfpires and aliens alike. Their missions range from battling monsters and saving countless lives in the multiple worlds, to the more peculiar, like wrangling killer unicorns and calming down drunken yetis. In their free time Venators enjoy goblin soap-operas and underwater bubble travel, but they also understand that every new mission they're given could be their last. Whilst learning how to manipulate the elements, summon creatures to fight for him and shoot Spellzookas, Evan encounters a dangerous rival and meets a girl who makes him feel nauseous; but in a good way. He makes the first friends he's ever had in the carefree Jed and the reckless Brooke. Whilst Jed gets on the wrong side of a rival Venator, Brooke finds herself falling for the enigmatic demon hunter who brought her to Veneseron, not knowing he isn't quite human. But it soon becomes apparent that Evan is more than just a Venator. Everyone wants to kill or capture him, from demons to Dark-Venators and even people he's supposed to be able to trust.Evan reckons he probably won't survive his first year at Veneseron. The book was like Harry Potter and The Mortal Instruments and a little bit Percy Jacksonish combined. It's like I'm reading all my favorite books in one! I loved it so much! The action, the adventures, it was awesome! -Jean Claudia. Goodreads Reviewer ★★★★★I can't recommend this book enough! A gripping story, an engrossing world and colorful characters; what more could you ask for?-Donte Mcneal. Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★ Full book available now.*Version*=1&*entries*=0…

Song Lyrics

Song Lyrics

46,951 1,022 200