Corpse Husband x Reader

Corpse Husband x Reader

20,124 528 15

Title says all really(as a notice the reader will be male as with everything I do - so if you don't like bxb yeah no)…

Digimax Defenders-Complete

Digimax Defenders-Complete

1,003 8 41

(AU universe). there's an academy that exists where students are trained in the different genres of YouTube. be a gamer, a beauty guru, a diyer, any available! However there are those who become part of a secret society of protectors that can summon allies into battle. The allies? Personas of famous youtubers with special abilities. The summoner and the YouTuber form a special bond that makes them stronger in battle. Anika is a fifteen year old student starting at the academy to follow in the footsteps of her older sister. She and gamer/theorist Matpat have a close friendship but Anika carries a rare power known as Digibond where she and her partner can be a single fighting force. She starts her journey with some friends, makes enemies but in the wake of an evil force that people called Shadowsteel she and Mat become part of a team of defenders who fight to keep the academy and the world safe. But how will it lead the journey ahead?…

The Doctor   Various Black Butler X Reader  STORY 1

The Doctor Various Black Butler X Reader STORY 1

11,763 252 9

When "The Doctor", (y/n), also known as the last timelady, absentmindedly walks into a floor portal, she finds herself in the world of Black Butler, or otherwise known as the Victorian Era. Being the curious teen she is, she sticks around in the time period, in luxury with the blissful feeling of solving mysteries and having near death experiences. VERY LUXERIOUS READER-CHAN! Luckily for her, she happens to befriend some people. Er...demons. And also some death reapers..... However the lovely, witty yet oblivious reader-chan doesn't notice the rivalry in the air. The rivalry for her heart. Wait I mean hearts, she kind of has two of them. Follow the Doctor as she absorbs the wonders of Kuroshitsuji. With a sonicsrewdriver in hand and a awaiting TARDIS, what could go wrong? Oh how wrong you are dear Doctor................. (after this story I surely will be making other stories as a continuation of reader-chan's adventures in various anime, VARIOUS MALE AND FEMALE ANIME CHARACTERS IN ALL OF MAH STORIES) I don't own anything but my brain and my female body going through puberty. You belong to your family or specimen of alien. Pictures aren't mine cause I'm to lazy to make my own. If you have a strong disliking to profanity I suggest moving on to another story or either replacing the words with 'narwhal'. That is all........................…

My Poems.

My Poems.

600 24 7

Just something I wrote at school. Totally without planning to write that. Aftera teacher hurt me,and I was just day dreaming . About asians,of course. I was writing them[poems] on the next lesson mad so much at previous teacher. so tada, I wrote some of poems If someone of you will like it just do subscribe and comment, I will thankful. Or if my story is not good it's okay , just skip this story and don't read ^.^/I also posted it at AFF so I don't wanna hear about plagiarizing :')Be respectful towards me so I won't have a reason to haunt ya all down,get it?© Copyright 2013; by me- JijiAll Rights Reserved…

The Last Dance

The Last Dance

98 4 1

In the aftermath of a devastating battle, Steve and Tony share their last dance.__________________Rating: MatureCharacters: Tony Stark, Steve RogersPairings: Steve x TonyUniverse: MCUWarnings: Character Death…

By Blood or Choice

By Blood or Choice

22 2 1

A side story set in the "Who We Become" series.Rainbow Dash is the best. She's consistently at the top of her class, and is the envy of all her peers. Things only get better when Fluttershy finally starts visiting Cloudsdale again after being gone for months.Except she must not be good enough yet, because they still don't notice her.* * *"Who We Become" is a realistic romantic drama series focussing on queer characters. People sensitive to queer issues should take caution before reading.* * *Edited by ArchAngelsWingsCover art by Dessert…

I Thought You Didn't Kiss Gremlins

I Thought You Didn't Kiss Gremlins

497 31 1

There is a ball. Allen does something different with his hair. Ryan can't help but think 'He's hot.'( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A FANFICTION OF 'THE PECULIAR CASE OF A NOVEL'S VILLAIN' OR SIMPLY TPCOANV BY @MissClover77 Also, the cover is a picrew because I do not have the time or the patience to draw a cover page. I would link the picrew here, but I lost the link TvT and the cover kinda doesn't match the content tbh because it's more Ryan having done something different to his hair than Allen-ANYWAYS they seem to be the only characters I want to write fanfic about nowadays. SO yeah, have some more fluff.…



5 1 1

- Wszyscy się mylimy, naturalnie. Natomiast System jest dobry. Uczy nas być lepszymi ludźmi, prawda...Takie rozmowy prowadził ze swobodnym, uśmiechniętym człowiekiem. Pierwsza część wypowiedzi często sugerowała intelekt i świadomość, kryjące się za tą obojętnie empatyczną twarzą, jednak uwięziony na krześle pacjent nigdy nie mógł wyspekulować, jakie jest faktyczne podejście specyficznego lekarza dusz - czy dla korzyści grał zagorzałego wyznawcę Systemu, czy naprawdę uznawał System za najlepsze lekarstwo na problemy jednostki.…

Dangerous Game

Dangerous Game

1,180 60 19

Jak często chciałeś uciec z tego świata chodź na moment? Dosłownie kilka minut... Ile razy chciałeś zobaczyć jak to jest odlecieć, ale bałeś się wziąć narkotyki, ponieważ to cholerstwo uzależnia? Ile razy po kłótni z rodzicami lub drugą połówką miałeś ochotę miotać przedmiotami lub zrobić sobie krzywdę? Ile cholernych razy usłyszałeś: „Jesteś beznadziejny!", „Lepiej byłoby gdybyś nie żył!" lub zwyczajne „Jesteś niczym, nawet pies ma więcej rozumu niż ty!"? To takie... Dołujące, prawda? Sprawia, że czujesz się jak nic nieznaczące ziarno piasku na pustyni...Okładkę wykonała wspaniała Queenolix - dziękuję ci jeszcze raz ;** Zwiastun wykona: Koala z…

Sondash X

Sondash X

1,280 23 6

Shadows sister is discovered and she is very mad at baldy mcnoise hair and she doesn't like evil. So the freedom fighters are wanting to help her and shadow he wants revenge on eggman alot for hurting his sister. Sonic starts to feel feelings about Rainbow dash. Will Sonic confess his love towards her? Or will he be a chicken? Read to find out.!…

A random fanfic from forever ago

A random fanfic from forever ago

276 0 55

I can't even remember why we wrote this but I think I was high but enjoy anywayThis is now a set of short stories put into one book but they re completely weird and witty, enjoy xxAnd now I am going through my iPad deleting random shit. Enjoy all of it!!!AN: you must sing all the lyric spams…

The Arcane Extraction : A Magical Heist

The Arcane Extraction : A Magical Heist

161 24 9

A fan-fiction set In the mystical world crafted by J.K. Rowling, a captivating tale unfolds around Ashford Thorne and his circle, entwined in a high-stakes mission that could reshape the very fabric of wizarding society.Ashford Thorne, a wizard of shrewdness and resourcefulness, finds himself embroiled in a complex scheme, seeking a solution to a family predicament that demands an unconventional approach. With a band of skilled comrades, Ashford leads a daring expedition that ventures into the heart of secrecy and mystique.Amidst the backdrop of a vibrant wizarding world, Ashford and his team navigate a labyrinth of mysteries, balancing on the edge of risk and revelation. Every step taken carries the weight of consequence, as alliances form, secrets unravel, and the true test of loyalty beckons.As the threads of their mission intertwine with the intricate tapestry of magical existence, Ashford must decipher the nuances of trust and deceit. In a realm where enchantments conceal as much as they reveal, he grapples with the age-old conundrum of navigating shadows to uncover truths.This fan-fiction weaves an enchanting narrative of courage, camaraderie, and the resilience found within bonds forged amidst adversity. Join Ashford Thorne and his companions on a spellbinding odyssey, where the pursuit of their objective unravels layers of mystery and uncovers the essence of unwavering determination.…



44 0 2

Lipiec.. Ładny miesiąc, prawda? Taki słoneczny, ciepły... Ogólnie aż nie chce siedzieć się w domu i przeżywać jakieś przygody. *1 lipca *To już dziś...…

PewDieCry: Ocean Blue

PewDieCry: Ocean Blue

30,133 1,258 30

"Can I see what's behind the mask?""If I can see what's in your pants."- fluff…

Pewdiepie x Stephano Fanfic - Updates and Upgrades
Saving The World - Eleventh Doctor

Saving The World - Eleventh Doctor

324 9 5

The doctor is told about an old prophecy by a young girl named Evelyn in anciant Rome. The prochecy is of a girl who saves the world one day. The doctor is intriged and pays her a visit many years in the future.…

Doctor Who Roleplay

Doctor Who Roleplay

2,104 55 14

Welcome to the world of blue boxes and sonic screwdrivers. Who are you?…

The First Dance ( A Game Grumps and other youtubers FF )

The First Dance ( A Game Grumps and other youtubers FF )

388 22 4

Foxx is a dance student at Amity State UniversityHer twin Lithe goes to the same school, but as a Physics student.The two girls meet many of their favorite YouTubers, including the hilarious duo of Danny and Arin, the Game Grumps. Life seems good untill the twins father finds them againWill their happy life at Amity ever be the same again?…

The Mushroom People

The Mushroom People

72 2 13

They aren't fairies. Or gnomes. Or nymphs. They're mushroom people. Their purpose? To grant little happinesses in the lives of humans - without being seen, of course.Living among the mushrooms, these little people are full of light and laughter. So what happens when the dark side shows itself in Calliope's life, the side that demands giving up one's own happiness for the sake of a human's? Could it be that living solely for the sake of others can seem a bit unfair? If you've ever been crestfallen only to find a little joy come into your life at just the right moment, don't look any further than the mushrooms. But remember, with everything good comes a cost.…

My Playlist~

My Playlist~

110 18 7

my favorite songs from fnf,YT,soundtracks and memes.❤loved💛Golden💙repeat song…