លាក់បាំងស្នេហា (Completed)

លាក់បាំងស្នេហា (Completed)

110,246 8,052 33

គេរស់នៅកន្លែងភ្លឺ ខ្ញុំរស់នៅកន្លែងងឹត ទើបគេព្យាយាមលាក់បាំងខ្ញុំពីគ្រប់គ្នា...…

It Happened One Night ━━ Marty Mcfly

It Happened One Night ━━ Marty Mcfly

39,866 1,680 12

Why don't you try some boys in 1985? ( marty mcfly x fem!oc ) book cover: @Raichia © BINARYSUN | 2018…



28,075 2,805 34

ប្រភេទប្រលោមលោកBL Yoonmin ជាស្នេហាបែបផ្អែមល្ហែម កំប្លែង ជូរចត់មានឧបសគ្គរារាំងមិនចេះចប់តែពួកគេនៅតែជំនះវាជាមួយគ្នារហូតទទួលបានសុភមង្គលមួយយ៉ាងពិតប្រាកដ🤍✨យ៉ុនហ្គី x ជីមីននិពន្ធដោយ: ផាក យ៉ុនមីន🦋🍂…

រឿង ចំណងស្នេហ៍ឣ្នកបម្រើផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន💖🌹🎄

រឿង ចំណងស្នេហ៍ឣ្នកបម្រើផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន💖🌹🎄

1,539 126 9

រឿងចំំណងស្នេហ៍ឣ្នកបម្រើផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន ជារឿងបុរាណចិនដែលជាស្នេហារបស់ឣ្នកឣង្គម្ចាស់និងឣ្នកបម្រើម្នាក់ ដោយមានការបំបែបពីគ្រួសារការឈឺចាប់ធ្វើឱ្យស្នេហាមានការបែកបាក់yizhanyibo=Topxiaozhan=bttចាប់ផ្ដើម30/9/22By:SI_Wang_yixiao…

She Belongs To The Billionaire ✔

She Belongs To The Billionaire ✔

7,295,828 256,496 75

Billionaire's series ~ 1 Kara Wilson is your average twenty years old college student, striving to make herself and her family proud while currently studying Economics in the prestigious private University, Premiere University in Sicily, Italy. She gets along fine with everyone, well everyone except her mother's cold boss who she'd discovered likes glaring at her and treating her coldly for no reason.Stephano Alfonsi is a twenty five years old billionaire from a famous family of businessmen and public figures. He's had his eyes on a certain beauty, Kara Sofia Wilson, his cook's daughter since she was at a very young age, having watched her grow from a teenager into a ripe, mature lady and when Stephano discovers Kara is in her third year in university and might bring a man home anytime soon, he realizes he'll have to act fast. And act fast he did, the only way he knew how to get a woman.He claimed her. Made her know she belonged to him.........Started: 03"09"2018Ended: 23"08"2019…



5,091 653 16

ស្នេហាកើតឡើងចេញពីការផ្សំផ្គំ ថ្ងៃណាក៏មិនដែរត្រូវគ្នារហូតដល់ខ្វះគ្នាមិនបានថែមទាំងមានដុំឈាមតូចដែបង្ករកំណើតមកសាងសុភមង្គលជាមួយពួកគេរហូត.តរៀងទៅ ។Jikook focus only ❗️…



1,042 24 6

"I love you so much, please don't leave me like this" Hyunjin sobbed and begged.⚠️warning⚠️mpregbxb if you're disgusted with these topics I recommend for you not to read this bookmain ship:Hyunchanside ships:minsungseunginchanglixTYSM FOR 1K READS ILY GUYS SMMM💕…

indian love ( COMPLETED )

indian love ( COMPLETED )

37,419 893 44

EDITING Ranking Top6th out of 1.1k taesoo45 out of 1k46 out of 65.4k…

You Belong To Me!

You Belong To Me!

5,745 351 22


រឿង ចិញ្ជៀនពេជ្រ

រឿង ចិញ្ជៀនពេជ្រ

4,916 297 23

រឿងចិញ្ជៀនពេជ្រប្រភេទរឿងBL ស្នេហារវាងម៉ាហ្វៀរ2រូបដែរមានរូបរាងសង្ហាៗ ដោយសារការងារនិងគំុនំុធ្វើឱ្យម៉ាហ្វៀរទាំងពីរដួងនេះបែកបាក់គ្នា តើចំណងស្នេហ៍របស់កម្លោះម៉ាហ្វៀរទាំងពីរនេះឣាចចងបានរហូតដែលឬទេសូមរងចាំឣានទាំងឣស់គ្នា☺wangyibo/Xiaozhanyibo Topzhan btt22/3/22ចាប់ផ្ដើម…

រឿង វណ្ណ:គ្រួសារ (Ended✅)

រឿង វណ្ណ:គ្រួសារ (Ended✅)

2,541 181 5

Min Yoongi X Park Jiminជាស្នេហារវាងមនុស្សពីរនាក់ ដែលម្នាក់ជាកូនអភិជននិងម្នាក់ទៀតជាកូនអ្នកក្រហេីយត្រូវគ្រួសារហាមឃាត់តាមបំបែកពួកគេទាំងពីរមិនអោយទាក់ទងគ្នាហេីយបានបង្ខំឲ្យជីមីនរៀបការជាមួយមនុស្សដែលខ្លួនមិនបានស្រឡាញ់...។ហេីយចុងក្រោយនៃពួកគេគឺស្លាប់!និពន្ធដោយ:ផាក យ៉ុនមីន…

Best friend forever / Wonki

Best friend forever / Wonki

2,582 419 15


Mystery Love [ End ]

Mystery Love [ End ]

50,884 4,110 55

ទំនាក់ទំនងរវាងមនុស្សពីរនាក់ដែលគេត្រឹមជាបងប្រុសចង់ចូលទៅសងសឹកឲ្យប្អូនរហូតអាថ៌កំបាំងត្រូវបានស៉ើបម្ដងបន្តិចៗទាល់តែការពិតលាតត្រដាង..តើនាយនិងមានអារម្មណ៍បែបណានៅពេលដែរដឹងថាមនុស្សនៅក្បែរខ្លួនជាមនុស្សផ្សេងមិនមែនជាមនុស្សដែលខ្លួនធ្លាប់ស្គាល់ ? ផាកជីមីន x ចនជុងគុកផាកមីនជី x ចនថេយ៉ុង…

•IBTTBL• [Yeonggyu]

•IBTTBL• [Yeonggyu]

1,744 72 14

A Beomjun story, wherein Yeonjun is a serial killer on the loose, and Beomgyu is a secret agent on a mission to kill him. Will they fight, to kill each other, or will they fight for their love?-Story Closed Temporarily-…

Gonzalo ✔

Gonzalo ✔

167,743 8,116 53

Billionaire's series~ 5After an unfortunate event that threatens her life and that of her siblings, Rosa Matteo has no choice but to run away from home with her autistic sister and twelve years old brother. It's her only choice, if she doesn't want the people that trashed her home get to her and her siblings. Running away from France with all the money on her, she finds herself in Italy. The place her parents come from. But away from the home she knows. Now Rosa has to pick her life back together piece by piece as she job hunts. She finally applies to work as a Nanny for a rich family named Rodriguez. What she meets at the Rodriguez's house, however, is something she can never tell the world. She has to babysit a 26 years old man.His name is Gonzalo Romano Rodriguez.…

Give me a chance 💔End

Give me a chance 💔End

22,679 1,290 20

My first novel I hope you like it 💖✨« អ្នកដែលបងជ្រើសរើសចូលទៅក្នុងជីវិតបង នៅតែមិនមែនជាអូន » ផាក ជីមីន ។ « បងធ្វើបែបនេះ ក៏ដើម្បីតែការពារអូនប៉ុណ្ណោះមីមី » ជុងហ្គុក រីកឃេនស៌ ។ ជុងហ្គុក រីកឃេនស៌ X ផាក ជីមីន ។The end 🤍…

You hurt me again...

You hurt me again...

5,501 885 21

« លោកនៅតែជាមនុស្សអាក្រក់ លោកធ្វើបាបមនុស្សដែលមិនគិតអ្វីក្រៅពីស្រឡាញ់លោក » ផាកជីមីន…

Outta This World ~Marty Mcfly x Male oc~

Outta This World ~Marty Mcfly x Male oc~

9,068 377 25

He was always on time for his classes, his friend was always late for classes. He was always nervous on stage; his friend was always confident on stage. He has a positive family; his friend has a disputed family. He has a crush on his friend, his friend is already dating someone else. Teenagers Jamie Foxson and Marty McFly although two rock n roll lovers. You could say they were alike and different. But never in their lives would they imagine themselves hopping into a DeLorean and accidentally time-traveling to the past. But that's just only the beginning of a crazy exhilarating adventure that would be outta this world._Part 1 (Complete-process of being updated)-Part 2 (Ongoing)…

The Alpha's Mate (#SBTTB)

The Alpha's Mate (#SBTTB)

5,331 264 5

#SBTTB alternate universeKara Wilson is your average University student. On her eighteenth birthday, she goes through unusual physical changes that involves bones snapping and body transformation before she faints. However, when she wakes up, to her horror, Kara finds herself in the arms of her mother's young and handsome boss, the cold and ruthless business mogul and heir of the Alfonsi group of companies, Stephano Alfonsi. Stephano had made Kara believe over the years that he couldn't stand the sight of her and loved glaring at her. But the series of events that takes place on the night of her eighteenth birthday are set to mark her for life. She is special, she has been chosen and she must fulfill her purpose whether she likes it or not if not, several lives are going to be lost while some priceless possessions under attack would be irredeemable once corrupted. Kara has to do all she can to save her kind, the same one she doesn't know about until It's almost too late. And she has to learn some deep secrets that might put her and her loved ones in danger if she doesn't know how to make use of her abilities and identify the enemies. ~The story of Kara Wilson and Stephano Alfonsi in an alternate universe. The world of the supernatural.…