《اخضعي لي》

《اخضعي لي》

109,357 325 5

نعم ... باعني عميهل انا ملكك فعلا ؟ "حاضر سيدي"…

《لست ملكك》

《لست ملكك》

240,195 1,379 27

اخذني من أبي ...…

Goodbye, Jinyoung | pjy

Goodbye, Jinyoung | pjy

5,590 146 7

We haven't even started yet, what are you so afraid of?ⓒ 2017 // naziranazlyn…

Many Adventures With Kate Walsh And Nazly Gonzalez

Many Adventures With Kate Walsh And Nazly Gonzalez

146 0 1

I'm a part of Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice. My name's Carson Montgomery Shepherd!…



1,244 22 9

this is a compilation of short stories.yes, they're realan·ec·doteˈanəkˌdōt/nouna short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or personⓒ 2017 // naziranazlyn…

Torturing Secrets

Torturing Secrets

27,982 735 37

A dark vampire story starring, One Direction's Harry Styles, featuring the rest of the members: Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall. A love that is forbidden can be the greatest thing, but also the worst. They were given a choice. They all were. To escape from the hardworking human life, Harry agreed to become a vampire. He didn't know that living for almost one hundred years, his life would become a routine of drinking blood and sleeping. Everything changed when he met Jazlyn, a student studying abroad in London with a dark past. Chaos and hidden secrets comes to Harry's coven and puts their love in danger, along with Harry and his coven members' lives. Can their love survive even with the secrets remaining hidden? A switching perspective story between the two main characters of Torturing Secrets, Harry and Jazlyn. Link to the Book Trailer: http://youtu.be/zMkp6-DZj7E Sequel is up and completed!! *Apologies for the confusion for chap. 1-2 but it's fixed!! I have no idea how that issue happened, but all is resolved!!*…



12,467 399 31

The final story between Harry and Jazlyn is here. Jazlyn wasn't given a choice like the others. Harry made the choice for her. Now, Jazlyn is a vampire and must learn the ways of her new lifestyle. The coven moves away to Brazil in secret to seek safety and shelter from their enemy. While Jazlyn trains and learns to control her abilities along with her thirst, the coven worries about what Jacob will do next and what the Royalties will do to them. How long can the coven continue to hide? Will Jacob suceed with getting his revenge for his brother's death? Will Jazlyn and Harry finally be free of problems for their love to continue growing or will it consume them and lose the love? All answers, final battles, and conflicts will be solved at last. Link to Book Trailer: http://youtu.be/EAwikRoQYpc…

Deadly Rose

Deadly Rose

17,119 563 32

The thrilling sequel to Torturing Secrets is finally here. The story of Harry and Jazlyn continues... "Happily ever after doesn't exist when it comes to a human and a vampire falling in love. She has to choose and whatever she chooses, you're forced to accept it. Tell me where is the happily ever after in that?" One lie caused Harry to believe that he lost the reason to live. It had been six months since the Hawthorn Academy incident and six months of Harry believing his love, Jazlyn, was dead. During that time, Jazlyn has been trying to find ways to get in contact with Harry, but failing. It wasn't until one night, the two found each other again, but now they have harsher problems to face: a leader gone mad and a mysterious vampire who has an interest for someone within the coven. Can their love survive through the problems that are lurking their way? Will a choice be made at last? Link to Book Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AKcbSp-m-U…

《The Masked prince》

《The Masked prince》

13,556 808 16

-من أنت؟-كابوسك المزعج....~~~~~~~~~ ماذا سيحدث عندما تكتشف فتاة أن مالك قلبها هو أيضاً....ملك مخاوفها.......…

《Did i love a hostage?!》

《Did i love a hostage?!》

35,494 1,416 17

-من هناك؟!-شششش، لا تحاولي التحرك.كان هذا أخر ما سمعته، قبل أن تتلقى ضربة أفقدتها وعيها........"جيون جونغكوك" أشهر مجرم معروف بارتكابه للعديد من الجرائم والسرقات، هل من الممكن أن يقع بحب فتاة مقعدة..مهمته هي قتلها!....."كيم دانبي" ذات ال21 ربيعاً؛ تعيش بمفردها، بعد أن سافرا والديها إلي أمريكا بسبب أعمالهما، تمتلك صديقة تدعي جيني، بمثل عمر دانبي، إلي أنها تصر دائماً علي أنها أكبر بشهرين، ربما باستطاعتنا قول أنها من تتسبب باسعاد دانبي دائماً."جاكسون" أخ جيني الأكبر، يبلغ من العمر 24 ربيعاً. كانت تسير حياتها علي نحو جيد، إلي أن جاء هذا اليوم الذي سيقلب حياتها رأساً على عقب.…



23,008 1,261 24

-أنا آسفة.-واللعنة!،توقفي عن قول هذه الجملة السخيفة التي لا تدوي شئ!•••••••••••••بارك سوجين>فتاة جامعية بالواحدة وعشرين من عمرها تتميز بشعرها البني الطويل وأعينها الرمادية اللامعة،وحيدة والدها(السيد جون سو)،وهو أخر ما تبقى لها بعد رحيل والدتها عن عالمهم.بارك جيمين>فتى بالرابعة والعشرين من عمره،معروف ببروده المريب،يعيش مع والديه(السيد تشون&السيدة هيسو)و هو ابنهما الوحيد.نايون&جيني>صديقتا سوجين المقربتان،وبمثابة شقيقتيها.…

《How you love to hate me!》

《How you love to hate me!》

83,519 4,914 33

"ماذا إن تنكرت فتاة بزي فتى لتحقيق حلمها؟"~~~~~~~~~~كنت ماراً من هنا ووجدتك تجلس بمفردك لذا فكرت لما لا أشاركك الجلوس،ربما تسري عنك قصتي قليلاً......أخرج كل ما يحزنك من قلبك، ألق همومك بعمق البحار، وانظر للأمور بشكل آخر، وقل:-سوف يصبح كل شئ بخير .والآن إستعد للإنطلاق برحلة مشوقة مليئة بالأحداث....سوف نقلع الآن.....أريني ابتسامتك💗☁️أعزائي القراء استعدوا للإنطلاق🌟 ️…

Colby Brock x Reader **COMPLETED**

Colby Brock x Reader **COMPLETED**

262,557 3,921 20

Y/N is a YouTuber with over 1 million subs. Y/N gets a call from her manager that she is moving in with Elton Castee Arron Doh Colby Brock Sam Golbach Corey Sheer and Devin (idk her last name). This is my first story plz don't judge my grammar or spelling…

《Not for you!!》

《Not for you!!》

7,365 314 8

"لا تغلقي عينيكِ""أنا لا أعرفك""ابتعد عني"~~~~~~~~~ماذا عندما لا يتذكرنا من هو أقرب إلينا من أنفسنا! ماذا ستفعل...إن ذهب من كنت تعتبره كل ما تملك بسبب غلطة منك!هل إن كسرت صحن سيعود كمان كان!....كما هو الحال مع الإنسان....من يتم كسره...لا يعود...أبداً...يصبح ملئ بالجروح الأثرية التي من المستحيل نسيانها...........VLia…



402 97 25

Jazlyn Renoir Chàvez a fourth year highschool girl who is positive in life, while Fu MingJianyu a chinese boy who's a sixth year senior highschool and a complete opposite of her.Will they work things out? Will Jazlyn really wait for Jianyu? Will Jianyu really come back for Jazlyn?…

Days With You - Lucathy Daily Fluff

Days With You - Lucathy Daily Fluff

12,847 605 10

ON HOLDjust a daily fluff since I'm craving for it^^- not a oneshot- some headcanon crumbs- just crumbs…

A Bitter Love (available on AMAZON) FREE!!

A Bitter Love (available on AMAZON) FREE!!

5,684 125 9

Monique is one of many girls who has fallen in love with the image that was portrayed on the outside, not really knowing what that person was secretly hiding on the inside.After being in a relationship with Lee for four years, Monique's fairytale turns into hell and everything takes a bitter turn for her when he starts showing her a whole new side of him that she wasn't prepared for.Monique would have never thought that things would come to this, and like many women in this situation, she doesn't know whether to stay or go because even though she is getting abused, she feels as though the love they have for each other will conquer all.Even with being warned by her best friend, Jhazlyn, about Lee's absurd behavior, Monique believes that he loves her too much to kill her. Stupid, right?Find out if Monique has had enough and escapes the abuse that Lee is putting her through, or if her exact words of him loving her too much to kill her becomes a lie.…

My Werewolf Crush

My Werewolf Crush

211 56 14

Jazlyn and Jason were best friends. They knew everything about each other each other and they spent a lot of time together. That is, until Jason suddenly disappears after a normal day at school.After searching for 2 months, the search was stopped and a funeral was held for Jason, although it was never confirmed if he was dead or alive.Since Jason's disappearance case was stopped, the police started looking into a new case. One about a mysterious creature that wrecks rooms, offices and even hospitals at night, as if it's looking for something. In each place the mysterious creature was, the police and detectives found a huge claw mark on a surface. Everyone were terrified of the night, as they should be, but Jazlyn and Aaron were for some reason just very interested. Until one day, something strange happened...Jazlyn discovered that it's not only pure humans that inhabit the world, that there are others living amongst them. She also begins to get visits from the spirits of her deceased family.That was just the beginning though. Jazlyn didn't expect to find her long lost friend after 3 months. She didn't expect to be torn between her feelings for two of her closest friends. She didn't expect to be betrayed by someone she really loved. She didn't expect to be the one to save the world from destruction.What does the future hold for Jazlyn? Will Jazlyn choose follow the fate that was passed onto her? Who will Jazlyn choose as her mate?**Violence/shooting, mentions of blood and swearing**…