Love Shot

Love Shot

2,094 82 32

Astraea Valeska Romanov comes from the most dangerous Italian mafia, the Hunter's Mafia, in the world. The don of this mafia is Diego Romanov, a ruthless and dangerous man. Astraea is the youngest child, with an older sister and two older brothers. Her sister, Camilla Diaz Romanov, is perfect. She gets the most attention because she overall looks like the definition of a princess. Astraea never liked attention. She had common features, making her blend in. While Camilla is an innocent, classic rich girl, Astraea is a badass, dangerous girl. Astraea has secrets and she's been hurt a both physically and emotionally. She'd never let anyone know though, as she'd prefer to suffer in silence.The Hunter's Mafia has an equally dangerous enemy, which is the most dangerous Spanish mafia, the Devil's Mafia, in the world. Carlos Angelo DeLuca is the don of this mafia. He is the man that all ladies love, and all men fear. Actually, everyone fears him. He is cold, heartless and shows mercy to no one.The Hunter's Mafia decides to form an alliance with the Devil's Mafia by sending one of his daughters for Carlos to marry. Everyone expects Carlos to choose the obvious option; Camilla, but he shocks them by choosing none other than Astraea. Astraea has no choice in this, so she can do nothing but accept. One problem though: Astraea felt as if she was taking Camilla's dream away from her, but she chose to do this for her family's sake.Why did Carlos choose Astraea? What does this alliance mean for both their futures? What will happen when an angel with a heart of gold steps into the arms of the devil with a heart of stone?…

Breaking The Rules

Breaking The Rules

163 25 17

Trisha Roberts is your average good girl. She gets the perfect grades. She's one of the most popular girls in school, known for her smarts and her beauty. She's never had a boyfriend, because her parents are against her dating. But behind every smile, she's been hurt by the people closest to her without knowing it at first.Adriano Richards is a player, a heartbreaker and a rebel. He doesn't care much for grades, nor commitment. He's never had a relationship last longer than a week after he was hurt by someone he thought actually loved him.Trisha gets dragged into tutoring Adriano for their final exams. Trisha can't stand Adriano, which is why having to spend more time with him outside of school is torture for her. Although Adriano has taken an interest in Trisha, and is determined to awaken the fire inside and get her to break some rules in the process.…

Always and Forever

Always and Forever

130 13 12

Layla lost her mother at a young age and was abused by her alcoholic father. Her best friend, Jasmine knew about this and so Layla spent majority of her time with Ashley and her family, basically growing up with them.After highschool, Layla moved away to study. She decided to visit Jasmine and her family during summer break. One thing she didn't expect was to see her attractive brother, and her childhood crush, staying there too. Jasmine always knew about Layla's crush on her brother, Asher.What Layla doesn't know is that her feelings aren't one sided. Everyone can see their chemistry and the attraction between them. Everyone except the two themselves.If only one of them could risk their friendship for something even better. But it won't be easy for these two to find their happy ending.**Contains mentions of alcohol, physical/verbal abuse and blood**…

The Mafia Princess

The Mafia Princess

510 26 11

Jasira is the daughter of Tyler, the leader of the most dangerous and feared mafia in the world. When she turns 15, her father informs her that she'll be starting at highschool, as a way to socialize. But her father has a lot of enemies so it's still dangerous for her to go out, which is why she'll have 2 bodyguards who also go to the same school she'll be starting at.Within her first week, she already has a small group of friends and the 2 most popular boys have fallen for her: The quarterback, captain of the football team, the golden guy, the sweetheart; and the bad boy, captain of the swim team, the playboy.Meanwhile, someone is out to get her and her father's mafia. And it turns out it's the person Jasira least expected it to be...Will Jasira end up falling for one of the 2? Can someone with a broken heart learn to love again? Who is the betrayer?…

My Werewolf Crush

My Werewolf Crush

211 56 14

Jazlyn and Jason were best friends. They knew everything about each other each other and they spent a lot of time together. That is, until Jason suddenly disappears after a normal day at school.After searching for 2 months, the search was stopped and a funeral was held for Jason, although it was never confirmed if he was dead or alive.Since Jason's disappearance case was stopped, the police started looking into a new case. One about a mysterious creature that wrecks rooms, offices and even hospitals at night, as if it's looking for something. In each place the mysterious creature was, the police and detectives found a huge claw mark on a surface. Everyone were terrified of the night, as they should be, but Jazlyn and Aaron were for some reason just very interested. Until one day, something strange happened...Jazlyn discovered that it's not only pure humans that inhabit the world, that there are others living amongst them. She also begins to get visits from the spirits of her deceased family.That was just the beginning though. Jazlyn didn't expect to find her long lost friend after 3 months. She didn't expect to be torn between her feelings for two of her closest friends. She didn't expect to be betrayed by someone she really loved. She didn't expect to be the one to save the world from destruction.What does the future hold for Jazlyn? Will Jazlyn choose follow the fate that was passed onto her? Who will Jazlyn choose as her mate?**Violence/shooting, mentions of blood and swearing**…

The 7 Royal Warriors

The 7 Royal Warriors

169 44 11

Prince Lukas, heir to the throne of the kingdom of Lexia, must find a wife before he can be crowned king. He hosts a royal ball and invites princesses from different kingdoms with the purpose of finding a potential queen. Princesses from different kingdoms attend the ball, but something or rather someone ruins the night. The royals have to stay in the palace for 7 days because the king and queen think someone is a traitor. 5 princesses in particular, discover that they are descendants of powerful Royal Warriors. They find out that them, along with 2 princes, have to defeat an evil force.Can the 7 Royal Warriors defeat the evil? Who will end up being Prince Lukas' queen?…