Freud e la psicoanalisi
Questo percorso di psicologia fa parte di DISCORSO COMUNE, un progetto di divulgazione delle Scienze Umane presente in internet all'indirizzo…
Questo percorso di psicologia fa parte di DISCORSO COMUNE, un progetto di divulgazione delle Scienze Umane presente in internet all'indirizzo…
S/n tinha pais narcisistas. Se mudou pra Londres contra sua vontade. Eles não a deixavam ter amigos, nem sequer celular. Vivia em casa, o dilema era: "Se você tem casa, por que quer estar na casa dos outros?". Mas, ao entrar na escola, S/n, conhece alguém, que a faz não querer cumprir as ordens dos seus pais. O tempo e a pressão de ter que tirar dez sempre, de sempre ser perfeita, a fizeram esquecer como é ter uma vida. Tinha crushs famoso, secretos. Tentou um dia, ter um Instagram, mas isso não durou. A única coisa que restou, foi ter conversas escondidas, com sua melhor amiga, por meio do Pinterest, e se apaixonar por Tom Holland, mas... Um relacionamento? Isso não agradaria seus pais. A questão é que, ela levou um novo dilema: "Eu não sigo regras, eu faço elas, e quando necessário, eu quebro elas". Ficou curiosa (o) com a história da S/n? Leia e descubra aonde essa história vai dar.⚠️ PLÁGIO É CRIME ⚠️…
La Historia de Narciso con un final un tanto personalizado…
Como o narcisismo desenfreado de alguns pais com o filho "ideal" têm atrapalhado e confundido sua forma de educar e criar o filho "real".…
Libro.Es posible que egolatria se enamore de pusilanime?...…
Oque você faria, se a pessoa que você mais amasse fosse embora, pela sua própria negligência?É isso que vamos ver , na vida de Kaius…
Como seria afirmar que há um ser tão superior quanto nós, seres humanos? Seria algo arriscado ou não? Como saber se tudo o que aconteceu em milênios: guerras, fome e miséria, são de fato criações nossas ou Dele? E como terei a garantia que a partir dessas perguntas eu não estarei à mercê da punição divina?…
Descubre lo maravilloso que puede ser experimentar con nuestras experiencias ya sea una parte de nuestras vidas esta es la mía ......y un sentimiento que me causaba un daño y una felicidad DE Lado a Lado…
En la cima de la estatua de libertad en Nueva York ,antes de que el universo colapse sobre si mismo, Peter Parker nuestro vecino el hombre araña ,entre un enjambre de ideas sobre cómo salvar la completa existencia del multiverso toma una decisión apresurada pero precisa.-Envíame lejos ,un universo donde ninguno de ellos pueda encontrarme que esté tan lejos que ni siquiera puedan percibirme.-se apresuró a decir aún con sangre y lágrimas de frustración en sus mejillas.Y peter termina rencarnando en ghotam un lugar un lugar con el tipo de gente que solo ve en películas de horror..y unos murciélagos .Y dicen que niño que nadie ve Batman se lo lleva..…
La Rosa rossa è il simbolo dell'amore in grado di superare anche la morte, ma nel profondo dei suoi steli vive l'angoscia più totale…
Decir que uno aprende de lo que ha vivido , no es suficiente. Sí es cierto que terminamos pareciéndonos a nuestros progenitores. Pero decirte que si te hice daño, fue por culpa de mi madre, no es del todo justo. Por eso esta carta.Sí es cierto que yo fuí una niña maltratada. Pero los que hemos sido maltratados no tenemos porque seguir maltratando. Como tuvo mi madre, yo he tenido la posibilidad de seguir su círculo abusivo, o de romper con las torturas emocionales…
Some cool facts, research, and information on topics in psychologyHope you all enjoy!!*I TAKE NO CLAIMS IN THE WRITING OR STUDY OF POSTED TOPICS. I'm simply just sharing/informing by posting multiple sources into one concise thread*…
Talvez agora não me achem mais uma pessoa tão horrível, mas repito que isso não podia me interessar menos. A única coisa com a qual me importo agora é terminar essa tarefa, mas não posso fazê-la sozinha. Preciso de ajuda, de pessoas que alertem as outras sobre os riscos imensos desse narcisismo louco. Por favor, não me deixem sozinha como deixei meu pai.…
Su Yan had been crushing on Wei Zhou for seven years, only becoming his wife after an accident. Everyone mocked her about her luck, claimed she had married above her station, ridiculed her, and ostracized her. But Su Yan didn't care. Her seven-year crush had finally blossomed and she felt only bliss.Yet, Wei Zhou had thought she was a scheming woman who used underhanded tactics to win his hand. It was all a misunderstanding! Su Yan tried to explain but Wei Zhou wouldn't believe her. Eventually, Su Yan stopped trying, believing that time would prove it all.One day, Wei Zhou was on the tabloids, rumored to be having an affair with a female celebrity. Su Yan sought an explanation from him. So long as he explained, she would believe him.But Wei Zhuo never explained. He merely answered coldly, "Just behave as Mrs. Wei and mind your own business."Mind her own business? Su Yan laughed. Looking back, how much of a fool had she been to assume she could melt his iron heart? Any blazing passion would eventually die out from indifference until nothing was left.Su Yan then realized. She was rich, beautiful, and had a great body. Why must she waste her efforts on a heartless blockhead like Wei Zhou?Su Yan dragged Wei Zhou to the Civil Affairs Bureau to separate their union. From now on, whoever they dated had nothing to do with the other!After their divorce, Su Yan went back to being herself. Excellent as she already was, Su Yan unleashed her dazzling light upon the world once more.Then, once every few days, Wei Zhou would see gossip about his ex-wife on trending searches. Yesterday, she was having a candlelight dinner with a movie star, today, she had brought home a young hunk to engage in passionate romance?!THIS IS NOT MY WORK AND NO PLAGIARISM WAS INTENDED!! CREDIT GOES TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER/AUTHOR!! AUTHOR:- Iron HeartNOVEL:- Being A Shrew to My Ex-Husband After Our Divorce…
¿Hay una noción de amor real en el amor propio?, ¿Cual es el pináculo del narcisismo?, querer follarse a si mismo, ¿Que podría suceder si dos individuos exactamente iguales, con las mismas concepciones y deficiencias tuvieran la oportunidad de conocerse?, Neurosis; Un hombre brillante y nauseabundo conocerá a Histeria; Una mujer brillante y nauseabunda, a través de un mítico artilugio literario, un espejo.…
Soy el que inventó tecnologías imposibles, el que conquistó la nación a fuerza de violencia e ingenio. Soy aquel que le dio caza a la Resistencia, persiguiendo a sus miembros por cada callejón infecto de Buenos Aires. Su fundador y su condena, ese soy yo.No, Lucía, no te dejes engañar por mi amabilidad. Es pura impostura. En realidad, soy la personificación del terror del siglo XXI: el hombre que dejó de ser hombre, aquel que lo traicionó todo y a todos, especialmente a sí mismo. En el fondo, supongo, no soy más que un cobarde que le abrió las puertas a la Furia. La dejé apoderarse de mi ser; me quedé a un costado, en silencio e inmóvil, y la vi arrasar con el mundo entero, usando para ello mis propias manos como armas.Eso soy, Lucía: un ser de dos caras. El resultado final de aquello que pude haber sido y, sobre todo, de lo que finalmente terminé siendo. Soy yo, y soy el otro. Pero también soy el que amó hasta perder la consciencia. El que enfermó de pasión, de despecho, el que supo escribir con lágrimas una historia de pérdidas. Soy el fruto de mis propias decisiones, y la consecuencia de voluntades que siempre me fueron ajenas. Soy un héroe, un villano, un mesías, un cobarde, un dios y un demonio.Soy Noel, Lucía. El Noel que siempre supiste que era, y el que nunca llegaste a conocer. Soy uno y soy dos: aquel que nunca se atrevió a besarte, y ese monstruo, también, al que vas a tener que matar antes de que sea demasiado tarde.Y es por eso Lucía, que tengo pensado escribirte una carta con mis memorias. Una carta que me permita alcanzar una suerte de redención, y a través de la cual vos puedas conocer mi otro lado; el único que va a quedar, de hecho, cuando mi consciencia termine de extinguirse. Una carta que te revele la existencia de esa herramienta que aún puede destruirme: Ada. Sí, la pequeña de grandes ojos almendrados a la que habré de confiarle esas últimas palabras; pero todo eso, mi eterno amor imposible, ya lo…
Step into the exhilarating world of "The Great Web," where the destinies of four extraordinary individuals collide, giving rise to a tale that transcends the boundaries of reality itself.Agrim Sharma, Arush Kumar, Ritvik Anand, and Zain Zaffar, childhood friends brought together by fate, discover their lives taking an unexpected turn when they are bitten by radioactive/genetically-altered spiders, forcing them to take up the mantle of the "Spider-Man". Embark on an epic journey with the Spider-Men as they navigate the delicate balance between great power and the profound responsibility that comes with it. From the genesis of their extraordinary abilities to the complexities of leading dual lives, witness the evolution of four friends into masked heroes.Experience the heart-wrenching decisions they make while donning the mask, the inner demons they battle, and the consequences that follow. In a city that never sleeps, witness the Spider-Men confronting their greatest challenges, united by friendship but facing threats that push them to the brink.From facing their own fears to clashing ideals, the Spider-Men's journey unfolds in a narrative woven with secrets, sacrifices, and the relentless pursuit of justice. With each arc and saga, the stakes heighten, friendships are tested, and the legacy of great power becomes a burden they must carry.Friendships are tested, alliances formed, and sacrifices made as the Spider-Boys navigate the complex web of heroism and responsibility.Are you ready to swing into the unknown?I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTER(S) FROM SPIDER-MAN. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO MARVEL COMICS AND MARVEL.MOST OF THE PHOTOS OR ART I USE IN THE STORY DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. ALL CREDITS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS/CREATORS.…
This is for my art based on storya I've read…
Los Enfermos también conocidos como zombiesvampiros son criaturas que alguna vez fueron humanos, la sociedad creo una organización destinada a encargarse de ellos.Las cosas se ponen oscuras, Julia Cangle "la joven promesa" ha sufrido un horrible trauma del cual nadie sabe que le paso, ella se refugia en la crueldad, el orgullo y el narcisismo, su familia es parte de una Élite de cazadores de Enfermos.Julia tendrá que sobrevivir a si misma y aprender de nuevo a ser una cazadora de honor.…
Synopsis:Su Yan had been crushing on Wei Zhou for seven years, only becoming his wife after an accident. Everyone mocked her about her luck, claimed she had married above her station, ridiculed her, and ostracized her. But Su Yan didn't care. Her seven-year crush had finally blossomed and she felt only bliss.Yet, Wei Zhou had thought she was a scheming woman who used underhanded tactics to win his hand. It was all a misunderstanding! Su Yan tried to explain but Wei Zhou wouldn't believe her. Eventually, Su Yan stopped trying, believing that time would prove it all.One day, Wei Zhou was on the tabloids, rumored to be having an affair with a female celebrity. Su Yan sought an explanation from him. So long as he explained, she would believe him.But Wei Zhuo never explained. He merely answered coldly, "Just behave as Mrs. Wei and mind your own business."Mind her own business? Su Yan laughed. Looking back,how much of a fool had she been to assume she couldmelt his iron heart? Any blazing passion would eventually die out from indifference until nothing was left.Su Yan then realized. She was rich, beautiful, and had a great body. Why must she waste her efforts on a heartless blockhead like Wei Zhou?Su Yan dragged Wei Zhou to the Civil Affairs Bureau to separate their union. From now on, whoever they dated had nothing to do with the other!After their divorce, Su Yan went back to being herself. Excellent as she already was, Su Yan unleashed her dazzling light upon the world once more.Then, once every few days, Wei Zhou would see gossip about his ex-wife on the trending searches. Yesterday, she was having a candlelight dinner with a movie star, today, she had brought home a young hunk to engage in passionate romance?!Surrounded by gorgeous men and enjoying her life, Su Yan asked, "Mister, who are you?"Wei Zhou threw his phone on the floor. "To hell with your passionate romance! That's my woman!"…