163 5 2

WONDERThể loại: 1x1, ngược thụ, HE, cường thủ hào đoạt...Nội dung: Jungkook là một sinh viên đại học có cuộc sống vất vả, mẹ cậu bị tâm thần, còn bản thân cậu do một cú sốc tinh thần mà sinh ra tật nói lắp và xa lánh với mọi người. May mắn thay Jungkook có nghị lực hơn người khi mà thi đỗ vào 1 trường đại học danh tiếng, nhưng hoàn cảnh luôn vùi dập số phận, cậu phải đi làm thêm trong một quán bar để được trả lương cao. Tuy phải làm việc ở một môi trường hỗn loạn với đủ thể loại người nhưng vì có tính cách nhút nhát, dấu diếm khuôn mặt qua một cặp kính dày cộp và kiểu cách quê mùa nên không được ai chú ý đến mà cũng không ai biết được đằng sau cặp kính kia chứa đựng biết bao tâm tư. Duy chỉ có một lần xảy ra một sự cố đã đảo lộn tất cả, Jungkook bị cường bạo bởi một người đàn ông-người mà sẽ mang đến đổi thay cho cuộc đời của cậu, hắn dây dưa không dứt, lừa dối, ngọt ngào rồi lại lừa dối, chia ly rồi tự dằn vặt... Cho đến khi cả hai cùng vượt qua một hồi sinh tử cuối cùng họ mới biết trân trọng nhau, mới hiểu được đáp án của câu hỏi hạnh phúc nằm trong tay của đối phương. Để rồi khi nhìn lại quãng đường họ đã trải qua thì mỉm cười với đối phương mà rằng: Hạnh phúc và điều kỳ diệu đơn giản chỉ là như thế!_Jèn_…

Campfire Kiss

Campfire Kiss

4 0 1

It appears as if Alice Myers has got the dream life, a loving family, an expensive house in which they live, spectacular grades and is even a part of the popular gang at school. Despite that, if you were to ask her what she thought about her life she would merely tell you it is as dull as watching paint dry (in fact that would probably be more amusing !) Alice is sick of her boring day-to-day routine and plastic life. It's as if her life mission is to be the perfect angel for her family.But things start to change when her academy gains a new girl. Alice just couldn't stop gazing at her, the mysterious intrigued her. Suddenly, when Mrs makes the new girl share a cabin with Alice and her so-called mates on the year 9 camping trip, life doesn't seem boring...[NOT COMPLETED YET]…

Until You Are Mine Season:1

Until You Are Mine Season:1

66 6 3

Kan a famous bl actor in the bl industry. He's on-screen partner mick who is also his boyfriend in real life. They are very famous bl couple. But destiny has some different plan for Kan. His boyfriend Mick dealing with depression from a long time decides to end his life leaving Kan behind alone and broken. After a year Kan's team decides to re launch him with a new on-screen partner, to save his acting career. Because his was getting blamed for mick's death. and had regret that he couldn't save mick the love of his love.And then like a ray of light Jim arrives in his life.as his new on screen partner. Are they gonna be only on screen couple, or something more in real life?Will Kan able to forget mick? Can Jim will be able to heal Kan? Are they gonna end up together? Like happily ever after…

RP Things

RP Things

1,304 51 55

For rp…



20 0 1

Bet0ng de pukl0 ang taho nga poklohan ga pangita ka poklo nga pangsot kag murion.sara ka adlaw nakita sa si avelyn nga poklohan man amo to gin mangkot na si avelyn nga poklohan nga.PANGSOT MAN POKLO KO KAG MURION.tapos sabat ni avelyn nga poklohan ud eh naw ma tiraw kaw ka poklo ko...hambl ni BETONG DE POKLO UD EH KONG PWEDE LANG MAN DAW ma tiraw gid takon ka poklo mo avelyn nga poklohan...sabat ni avelyn nga poklohan ud ah kaya lagi gusto mo agto ta to sa calamonday kita lang darwa wara para wara ti maka maan nga gusto mo gali tirawan ang poklo ko pnga pangsot kag murion..sabat ni BETONG DE POKLO ud siga rn d rn ko ka hulat nga tirawan ang poklo mo nga pangsot kag murion....sa wakas na tirawan ko rn ang pangsot kag creamy nga pok.lo ni avelyn tama na namit ba d ko ka ginhawa ba subra ka dilap sa pinakamanamit nga poklo ni avelyn kay d tirawan ko nag hamot man ba ang poklo ni avelyn kag nag limpyo tama ba ka kalamkalam ba daw gusto ko adlaw-adlaw ba liwat-liwTon...THE END…

【 lê thâm × ngươi 】 tân nương chưa đạt 18 tuổi

【 lê thâm × ngươi 】 tân nương chưa đạt 18 tuổi

1 0 27

01.Ngươi lần đầu tiên xuất hiện ở lê thâm phòng khám bệnh thời điểm, hắn cũng không có nhận ra ngươi.…

Little Do You Know.

Little Do You Know.

5 0 1

The world was created with secrets buried deep within the ground. The secrets have been built and destroyed over many years. I am the tree that sits on the tallest hill top. I am the tree that you have cut, carved and burned. I know all of your darkest secrets. You may not see me, but I am there.You may wonder what I have seen or what the past held and the events that followed every decision. The truth is, the word is very secretive. The past does not want to be dug up and brought to the surface. All living people that have ever brought the past to the present, have been found dead. The only survivor is hidden where no one can find him. The purpose of being hidden, is to not be found. He waits alone and is afraid of his own shadow. The fear of being found and murdered has taken over every part of his mind. There is not one second that goes by where he does not think about being found. Little does he know, his fear will soon become a reality...…

(VKOOK-SuMin-ChanBeak-HunHan) Vợ chồng tổng tài <3

(VKOOK-SuMin-ChanBeak-HunHan) Vợ chồng tổng tài <3

187 10 3

Anh là quái vật, nhưng em yêu anh <3 Thể loại : H, ngược, ngọt, hài, namxnamGiới thiệu nhân vật chính : Kim Taehyung một soái ca thuộc băng MT phải lòng một mĩ thụ đanh đá tên là Jungkook dẫn đầu băng đảng xã hội đen tên MX gắn liền với câu "Kill you is happy of me" trong khi đó Taehyung là một nhà ngoại cảm, có thể biết được quá khứ của người #. Jeon Jungkook lại là người có đôi mắt tinh tường có thể nhìn thấu nội tâm của con người nếu nhìn vào mắt cậu. Park Jimin - Luhan : Park Jimin là tay sát thủ của Jungkook. Mạng của Jimin là do Jungkook cứu nên Jimin luôn đi theo Jungkook nguyện làm mọi cách để trả on năm xưa.Luhan : người cận kề nhất của Taehyung, tay sát thủ giết người với nụ cười. được gia đình Taehyung nhận nuôi từ lúc còn trong nôi.Min Suga : Bạn thân Taehyung, máu lạnh, lãnh khốc, chủ tịch lớn của công ti SM. Hắn đã thích Jimin trong một vụ giao dịch với công ti JY của Jungkook.Sehun : Anh trai của Taehyung. Anh và Luhan đã chơi chung từ bé dần dần trở nen rất thích Luhan, luôn dính lấy cậu khong tha. Park Chanyeol : Anh trai của Park Jimin. Byun Beakhyun : Em họ của Min Suga. Anh em họ sở hữu làn da trắng như tuyết. Có điều Byun Beakhyun trái ngược so với Min Suga. Là người mà Chanyeol theo đuổi. Và một số nhân vật bất ngờ khác!!! Không mang truyện ra ngoàiTác giả : Yooni…

Sans Au Oneshots

Sans Au Oneshots

330 5 2

As you can probably guess from the title, this is a sans au oneshots book. I'll have a requests page so you can put in requests for a story, or a ship, or really whatever as long as it is sans au. I'm down to write about all kinds of things, fluff, angst, or whatever. I'll be writing from multiple multiverses, so if you have a multiverse you want me to write from i'll be down!Not all of these oneshots will have ships, but if it does, i'll put the ship at the beginning of the chapter. My favorite ships are insomnia, dreammare, swapxerror, errorxstarsanses, and errorxdreamxnightmare, but i'm still willing to write about any ship you might request.The only ships I won't be doing is fontcest ships, papyrusxpapyrus ships (bc this is a sans au oneshot book) and sans x anyone who isn't a sans. Also I won't be writing any smut, bc first of all, I find it to be weird for skeletons to be fucking, (like how would they even do it?) and i'm shit terrible at writing smut too lol. But I may have implied smut in there idk though. so if you were looking for smut, you this book isn't for you! lol. but ofc there will still be lots of kissing and cuddles and fluff,And i'm a big fan of angst so the first two stories will most likely be angsty lol, but i'll still write a lot of fluff!And if I have any grammar mistakes, or typos, please don't be shy to tell me. sometimes i'm too lazy to edit, or don't catch all my mistakes, so it'd be a big help if you can make a comment about it, I won't find it rude.Last but not least, my upload schedule is whenever I feel like it, or whenever I'm bored or just in the mood, so don't expect consistent uploads also bc life and school. But i'll try to upload at least once a month lol.Though if i'm gone for to long, or you just want an upload, don't be afraid to spam my comment section and dms, if I have enough spam clogging up my notifications, maybe i'll find the motivation to write and leave from the shadow realm lol.Anyway, enjoy!…

Fabulous Potato ( Book Of Random )

Fabulous Potato ( Book Of Random )

3,506 247 161

Ok, so, I got tagged by Straw and I was like: what should I post this on? Soooooo I made a book thingy where I post random stuffs. Yes, you will probably find memes XD Also, I highly recommend reading this if you are new to my account. Anyways, enjoy!…

Naruto-Son of Eclipsa

Naruto-Son of Eclipsa

780 25 2

Naruto has always known he was... different from others. He was known as the son of the Fourth Hokage, but how true is that statement? Naruto's older sister seems to have the brightest blonde hair while Naruto, a beautiful teal. Her, eyes of shining violet, and him a hazel-like lavender. Not to mention his most distinctive feature, the two purple gladiolus blooms that seemed to be tattooed upon his cheek. He is not neglected, nor abused, but something just seems wrong with the world in which he lives. Until he finds what he had been missing: The Mewni Family Wand(This story includes the following: Sakura-Bashing, Sasuke-Bashing, Fugaku-bashing, non-neglective parents, good big sister, Jinchuuriki sister, and yaoi)I think that about covers it, now as always, this story does contain yaoi and boy's love, Don't like it, don't read it.…

It Was Always Them || Non-binary X Male

It Was Always Them || Non-binary X Male

21 0 1

I stepped out of my room for the first time in what felt like a few hours but had really been a few days. I started my day by walked down the stairs in my signature outfit. A black turtle neck shirt, a black blazer, cuffed, brown trousers, and my white knee-high socks."Well look who finally came out side of his cave," my mother uttered to my father and I. He was sitting the couch while she was in the other room toasting a slice of bread and making herself a nice, warm cup of coffee. "Do you mean their cave?" I corrected her."Excuse me?""You said his cave but what you should have said was their cave. And I live in a room; not a cave.""Oh, yes, sorry sweetie. I almost forgot. Thank you for correcting me."-----------Do you like what you are reading? Well this is the beginning of chapter 1 of "It Was Always Them". This story is about two lovers, Salem and Jasper. Salem is an artist and writer who uses they/them pronouns. Jasper is an activist and feminist who uses he/him pronouns. Stay tuned to learn more about Salem and Jaspers story!…

Some random ff

Some random ff

58 1 1

It's for all you kinks who swear they dont masturbate to ff/ read it…

The Banana Bunch (Amphibia/Sashannarcy)

The Banana Bunch (Amphibia/Sashannarcy)

273 13 3

The Banana Bunch is series of one shots that follows the Trio as they navigate marriage, life, and parenthood. Join this journey filled with heart warming humor, domestic fluff, and family bonding. This collection will give every trio mama their own spot light, so it won't always be Anne centric.The Banana Bunch is part of the TrioVerse. The TroVerse continues where "The Hardest Thing" left off follow by my fic "Trio of Hearts." This series can be understood without reading the other fic; however, highly recommended to check it out.The Table of Contents will list the titles and blurbs of each fic. It will be updated with every fic and so will tags! I will also add trigger warnings to the beginning of chapters that call for it, don't worry, I got you! Things to note:The trio are genderfluid/womxn, they often feel like one gender, multiple genders, or neither (pronouns are subject to change). Their child, Sam uses They/Them Pronouns.Enjoy!Series…

Happily Ever Aftter

Happily Ever Aftter

82 10 3

Ryan Kyle Colton's storyHappily Ever AfterKapag kumatok ang pag-ibig sa pintuan ng puso mo, papapasukin mo ba? Sa kaalamang minsan ka na nitong dinurog kahit pa ibinigay mo ang lahat para dito? Handa ka bang sumugal ulit? Dalawang pusong minsan nang nasaktan dahil sa pag-ibig ay magtatagpo ang landas. Habang parehong naghihintay na humilom ang mga sugatan nilang puso, nakahanap ng karamay sa piling ng isa't-isa. Sa paglipas ng panahon na sila ay magkasama, unti-unti nilang mamamalayan ang nabubuong pakiramdam ng pagmamahal. Handa na nga ba silang muling sumugal sa pag-ibig? Ano ang kanilang gagawin sa nakaraan na patuloy na pumipigil sa kanilang nararamdaman? Kaya ba nilang iwasan na masaktan ang isa't-isa dahil sa nakaraang hindi matakasan? May 'Happily Ever After' pa rin kayang naghihintay para sa kanilang dalawa? Date published:. February 19, 2023Date finished: For questions and suggestions, reach me through my social media accounts.Instagram: _hnnhmxnFacebook: Maxine DejanEmail: [email protected]© Pinterest for photos and covers for the story:)…

The Soulmate Chase ~ coming soon

The Soulmate Chase ~ coming soon

199 7 1

Claire Atkinson is a hopeless romantic. Her walls are plastered with Disney posters, she cried through an entire box of tissues during The Notebook, and her Netflix library is jammed full of romantic comedies. She longed for the day, her prince charming would find her. When she is offered the choice of either journeying to find her soulmate or creating her own life, without hesitation she falls head first into the world of wandering souls.Jeraco Whitefield, was society's example of an outcast. The term 'soulmate' felt bitter on his tongue and wanted nothing to do with it. He laughed in the face of anyone who believed it was true. His studious demeanor and determination led him to follow his own path; the path leading to a stable and successful life. When he is offered the same choice as Claire, the answer is also obvious.What happens when Claire finds Jeraco, but realizes that he was never searching for her? Will her fairytale world collapse? Or, perhaps, will her romance win his heart, changing his fate forever?This summary was made with the help of three other writers, @mxnifesto @DemonicTouch @KingRusset. Thank you all so much.…



30 11 1

Tên truyện: Như trênThể loại: NamxNam, NP, Hiện đại đô thịNhân vật: Jung HoSeok, Min YoonGi, Kim TaeHuyng, Park JiMin,...Số phần: chưa xác địnhTiến độ: Lê và lết Tác giả: Mú nè…