I'm Blind Not Fragile

I'm Blind Not Fragile

53,180 1,478 24

Gertrude Raine Lewis is a 15 (almost 16) year old girl. She lives in Brooklyn NYC and lives in a nice brownstone apartment with her brother. She hates the name Gertrude so she goes by Raine. Her father owns the multi-million dollar company Lewis Corp. But ever since her mother died in a plane crash, rushing home for Gertrude's 10th birthday, she and her father have not had an actual conversation. Now this story takes place when Raine's father calls her into a meeting at his office. After hating her for almost 6 years, what could he possibly want?Now throw in a gang war that Raine got dragged into and something going on with her older brother and you have a brew for disaster.Oh and did I forget to mention that Raine is blind?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This is my first thing I've ever like written so be nice to me.…

Haunted; barbara martinez.

Haunted; barbara martinez.

14,998 890 15

"Me siento perdida en vos". El amor llega cuando menos lo espera a la vida de Barbara Martinez, el inmenso amor que le tiene a su fan (y posteriormente, novia) pondrá en riesgo a los amigos de Barbara y también, su carrera como youtuber. ¿Será el fin de Bajo Ningún Término? O quizás, ¿el fin de su relación con Valentina? 2016, Haunted. tw: @mmzzboludeame La novela contiene escenas eróticas e insultos.…

Stalker 101 (Book 1)

Stalker 101 (Book 1)

488,442 11,458 24

"Oh, look, we're back home! You'll be a lamb for me now, right? Unless you'd like a bullet in that pretty little head of yours, I'd suggest you do as I say." "Starving. I've been starving for so long that I don't even care how I get it. I just want it, I need to know someone needs me." //Young Acacia finds herself kidnapped by the murderous son of a famous sociopath. How will she manage to survive the violent outbursts and mental torture?…

Losing Control

Losing Control

6,843 31 10

This is the First instalment to my 3 Part series of Books about a Young Blonde Teen Girl who suddenly starts to loose control of her bladder and bowels. 14yo Sarah Hardgraves has no choice but to navigate her urinary & bowel incontinence whilst also navigating her busy school, work and home life.(The 2nd Instalment to this series is well under way with over 20 chapters already available to read)⚠️!!!ATTENTION!!!⚠️Content Advisory:This book contains themes and scenes that may be sensitive or triggering to some readers. Please be aware of the following content warnings:•Bullying and Humiliation: The story includes scenes depicting bullying and humiliation in school settings.•Emotional Distress: Characters experience emotional distress, including anxiety and shame.•Mental Health Themes: The narrative explores themes related to mental health, including stress and coping mechanisms.Reader discretion is advised. If you are sensitive to these themes or feel they may affect you adversely, please consider this advisory before continuing…

Black (Barbica)

Black (Barbica)

14,358 538 22

El show debe continuar.…

𝑪𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑴𝑶𝑵 𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 - 𝗃𝗎𝖽𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗁𝖺𝗆
Until I Met You

Until I Met You

113,480 5,428 33

After George accidentally outs himself in front of the popular and homophobic guys of the school everything seems fine at first. However, that soon changes when he receives weird and hurtful messages online, this soon escalates from just one message to something much more serious. Meanwhile, Clay is closeted yet he has known he likes boys for a while now after falling for George. However, he can never seem to find the time to talk to anyone about this as he has to constantly help his sick mum and sister. With the cyber bullying all becoming too much, George becomes extremely overwhelmed, while Clay finds himself taking more and more medication to calm himself every day. This soon escalated from a small issue into something unimaginably worse.TW's:-Usage too much medication -Homophobia (usage f-slur)-Suicide attempt/thoughts -Mentions heart disease -Burnout/depression-(Cyber) bullying-Mental abuse-Overdose-Abuse…

The Twin Sister (Norminah)

The Twin Sister (Norminah)

38,616 2,983 46

Dinah Jane Hansen é uma mulher de negócios que dá extrema atenção ao seu trabalho e toda essa importância resulta no fim de seu casamento com Nela Otukolo. Dois anos depois do seu divórcio conhece a irmã gêmea de sua secretária e fiel escudeira. Com Normani Kordei em sua vida, Dinah vê tudo virar pelo avesso. Mas... Quem sabe o avesso seja o lado certo de sua vida? É um prazer conhecer Normani Kordei. Literalmente.…

 𝐒𝐎 𝐈𝐓 𝐆𝐎𝐄𝐒..., sam golbach

𝐒𝐎 𝐈𝐓 𝐆𝐎𝐄𝐒..., sam golbach

1,257 62 10

❞ no one's ever had me, not like you sam. ❝- IN WHICH she reconnects with her childhood friends, then she slowly learns that shes falling for the blond again.…

atlantic ocean ,, harry potter

atlantic ocean ,, harry potter

130,240 3,480 42

a girl who claims to be named after an ocean and a boy with really unruly hair worlds collide [ quite literally…

Possessive [Larry Stylinson]

Possessive [Larry Stylinson]

14,842 1,142 76

"Você é meu, querendo ou não, porque eu simplesmente anseio que seja assim, você não tem escolha" - Harry Styles.E se Louis fosse dele? Somente dele. Mas ele, ele não fosse de Louis? E se Louis tentasse lutar contra isso, mas ao mesmo tempo, isso estivesse valendo sua morte? E se Harry, mesmo sendo totalmente frio e tendo um enorme coração de pedra, se tornasse dependente dele? E se acontecesse algo inacreditável? Os dois se apaixonassem.…



733,142 33,736 59

⸻ HANGE ZOE X FEM!READER❝ memes are important to me, just like i'm important to you. ❞in which y/n l/n accidentally sent a meme to her boss.[TEXT AU]highest ranking: #1 in aotfanfic [03/21/20]#1 in aot [09/13/20]…



212,656 12,724 61

John is the Quidditch star and Sherlock is the school freak. They hate each other at first, but what's to say old resentments can't be forgotten? Johnlock Potterlock Mystrade Fluff only…



57,322 3,763 62

Camila Cabello sempre foi uma jovem responsável e dedicada à família que se esforçava diariamente para sobreviver. Filha de um professor e uma costureira, a jovem cresceu com o sonho de um dia ser uma grande estilista de moda. Porém, a realidade era mais dolorosa do que seu mundo imaginário. Em um país comunista como Cuba, a probabilidade dela conseguir realizar seu sonho era quase nula, mas com o esforço de seus pais e uma bolsa de estudos devido a suas notas, ela viajou para os Estados Unidos conseguindo uma vaga na Universidade de Nova York (NYU). Decidida a conseguir seus objetivos e dar uma vida melhor para seus pais e irmã, a latina finalmente conseguirá realizar seu sonho. Mas a vida é uma verdadeira caixinha de surpresa e quando o coração distrai, a sorte vem. E no meio dessa aventura conhecerá a misteriosa Lauren. Uma jovem que entrará em sua vida sem pedir licença, ao mesmo tempo em que carrega o grande peso dos segredos de sua família. Os dois lados de uma mesma moeda. Duas vidas e um único destino. Uma história onde os opostos se distraem e os dispostos se atraem.Não autorizo adaptações. Agradeço.…

ink - sirius black

ink - sirius black

1,853,355 69,467 118

in which sirius black is afraid of anneliese callaway.✧──────✧#1 in sirius 4/15/21#1 in potter 5/6/21#2 in james 4/15/21#1 in lilyevans 4/21/21#3 in siriusblack 4/18/21#1 in padfoot 4/19/21#2 in jily 4/21/21#1 in prongs 4/22/21#5 in oc 4/21/21#4 in maraudersera 4/20/21#59 in fanfiction 4/15/21…

my mofos | james potter

my mofos | james potter

160,626 3,784 29

this is just a social media story during the marauders era, pretty light hearted in which calliope hill finds herself in unlikely places with her longtime crush."don't lie hill I've totally seen you checking out my arse"#1 in dumbledaddy 4/9/21#1 in butter 4/10/21#1 in rat 4/12/21#1 in stag. 4/13/21#1 in jily. 4/14/21#1 in james 5/18/21james potter x femOCmarauders era fan ficno moldy voldy au…

Tightrope [MEANIE]

Tightrope [MEANIE]

4,376 618 30

La convivencia en la oficina era un completo desastre. Wonwoo se sentía realmente agobiado con su cariñoso e infantil compañero de trabajo, Mingyu. Sin embargo, por no perder su orgullo, Wonwoo acepta una tonta apuesta que le llevará a demostrar todos sus encantos. "¿Quién se enamorará antes, Jeon Wonwoo?-preguntó Mingyu confiado".*No se permite copias o adaptaciones sin permiso*…

Dragons Rising ✔️

Dragons Rising ✔️

240,225 16,101 71

To wizards and mind readers, shapeshifters are disposable. The only way to prove that a shapeshifter is worth more than the dirt on their shoes is to become a dragon rider. Ella plans to do just that. When a stubborn, bad-tempered dragon picks her out of all the young hopefuls at the Choosing Ceremony, her plans go south. She learns an earth-shattering secret about her heritage, and she's trapped at the Dragon Rider Academy, surrounded by potential enemies. She must learn to control illegal fire powers and get along with her dragon if she's going to survive the Academy. And if she manages that, she might have a chance at surviving a mission that could determine the fate of the world as she knows it. *Completed*Awards:-2nd place in the fantasy category of the Lotus Awards 2019-3rd place in the adventure category of the Creativity Awards 2019Highest ranking: #1 in #dragonrider#1 in #magicschool#1 in #shapeshifter…

¡¡ Oh F**k I Have Super Powers!!

¡¡ Oh F**k I Have Super Powers!!

13,503 1,250 43

Felix é um adolescente comum.Quer dizer, ele é um adolescente "comum" e totalmente "normal", tirando obviamente, os super poderes que ganhou num acidente no laboratório, o que levou a viver em Jeju com a sua tia Kim.Na sua volta a Seul com o seu precioso dálmata, Duke, Felix busca viver sem medo de congelar meio mundo com os seus poderes, entre outras coisas.Ele apenas não estava pronto, para esta jornada "normal", onde teve de aprender a ser um adolescente, fazer amizades e lidar com novas e antigas intrigas que se fazem bem presentes na sua estadia em Seul. As verdadeiras questões são: Será que ele ele está pronto para sobreviver ao dia a dia de um adolescente? E como irá ele reagir ao que o futuro lhe reservou?Só há uma forma de descobrir.|| 𝔸𝕍𝕀𝕊𝕆 ||A história está a ser republicada lentamente, preciso de alterar acontecimentos em certos capítulos para a história fazer sentido e eu puder finalmente acabá-la sem que isto esteja confuso e errado.↑Vou mudar alguns nomes de capítulos e de personagens, alguns acontecimentos e certos momentos.↑Não vou apagar comentários porque não existem muitos spoilers neles.↑sintam-se á vontade para perguntar algo se tiverem dúvidas e boa leitura!…

A(lie)ment Isekai (Part 3)

A(lie)ment Isekai (Part 3)

180 3 40

This is the 3rd Installment of A(lie)ment Isekai. Settings are now in a Mage Academy of sorts due to plot. Protagonist is a big shot Domain Lord, a elemental cornerstone whose existance maintains the Domain realms. There is a lot of Domain adjectives.…