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Please go to https://kindlescout.amazon.com/p/1BO6NHI4TEB4M & nominate. If its selected you get a FREE advance e-copy and I get a Publishing Contract!Dr. Ekaterina “Kat” Pavlichenko is a biomedical engineer at a Military Hospital in Moscow working on cutting edge cybernetic technology to help patients with brain injuries. Her star patient, Yuri Marakov a disgraced Spetsnaz Captain from the Chechen Theater, suffers from debilitating PTSD and requires her device to help suppress traumatic memories and reduce pain and anxiety levels. Or so she believes, until one day a lab accident reveals that her device has actually allowed her patient to be turned into an unwilling tool of the FSB, forced to carry out terrorist attacks around Moscow that he cannot clearly remember or resist doing. With Yuri now lucid, and beginning to recall suppressed memories, she decides to work with him to find out more about what is really going on when her boss, the head of the hospital and Psychiatrics Department, Dr. Satanovsky, takes him away each day for drug induced hypnotherapy sessions.By faking the memory erasure and using drug antagonists, the two soon learn that Dr. Satanovsky’s boss, FSB Colonel Karpov, has been running the terrorist campaign as a special project for Vladimir Putin to gain support for the Chechen war and help him get re-elected as President. But now Colonel Karpov wants to use Yuri as his human puppet to kill Putin and the general staff in a suicide terrorist attack that would further his own political ambitions of a military coup.Kat cannot let this continue and suspects Karpov may be on to them, Yuri would rather kill himself now than go any further. They are desperate for an answer and have no one they can turn to except a wounded, hunted, and disavowed CIA agent, Jack Kilbourne, who also happened to stumble across the plot. Together they realize the only way out for them is to hijack the plans for the coup, save Putin, and thus save themselves.…

They don't come back the same | QFTS 44

They don't come back the same | QFTS 44

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Hey. We're back. Yeah again.…

Drahý Taehyung

Drahý Taehyung

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Kim Taehyung je mladý muž ktorý to mal už od detstva veľmi ťažké, jeho rodina, jeho susedia, okolie, celé mesto ho nikdy nedokázalo prijať takého aký je... Čokoľvek chytil do ruky zničil a vždy sa s hanbou vrátil domov kde naň jeho rodičia ani nepozreli. Zúfalý v 22 roku svojho života do ruky chytil štetec a nehal jeho vnútorný hlas aby vykričal svoje myšlienky na plátno. V maľbe našiel svoje miesto ale aj svoje šialenstvo. " Veríš že si rodený maliar ? " " Ano..." " A prečo si to myslíš ? " " Lebo to je to jediné čo dokážem... verte mi skúšal som "…

Medieval Arcane

Medieval Arcane

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In the heart of the Ironhart Kingdom, whispers of a disturbing mystery begin to circulate-people are vanishing without a trace. To unravel this enigma, the platoon dispatches an elite squad led by a wizard Cassian, a knight Deric, and a spiritualist Luna. Their mission: to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of numerous citizens.As Cassian and his team delve deeper into their investigation, they encounter a mysterious band of mercenaries led by the enigmatic Kale, a young man whose eyes hold secrets untold. The mercenaries, also seeking answers to the disappearances, are reluctant to collaborate with the knights. Their evasive demeanor and guarded actions pique Cassian's curiosity, igniting a suspicion that they may possess crucial knowledge about the case.Driven by an unyielding sense of duty and the unsettling intuition that the mercenaries might hold the key to the mystery, Cassian chooses to pursue the truth relentlessly. This decision propels the squad into a labyrinth of horrors as they uncover the existence of a malevolent cult. The cult's dark rituals and sinister ambitions are not merely local threats but harbingers of catastrophe that could engulf the entire kingdom.What begins as a straightforward mission transforms into a nightmarish journey through fear and trauma. Cassian, Deric, and Luna must confront not only the tangible dangers posed by the cult but also the psychological terrors that haunt their every step. Their alliance with Kale and his mercenaries teeters on the edge of distrust and necessity, as both groups realize that only through uneasy cooperation can they hope to thwart the impending doom.This is the epic journey of Cassian and his comrades as they strive to avert a looming disaster. Bound by fate and driven by the need to protect their homeland.…

A Poem For Depression & Love

A Poem For Depression & Love

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This is for all the sad ppl, sad boi/girl hours ect...We all feel sad sometimes.And others, heartbroken.But more and more people are being diagnosed with depression and anxiety daily and the getting worse.Please, reach out to someone if you need the help or someone you know does.…

Rebirth of the Film's Emperor Beloved Wife

Rebirth of the Film's Emperor Beloved Wife

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Su Yanyi: The president of Resplendent Entertainment, the legendary Entertainment Queen, and the support pillar every artist wanted.She lost everything to one scheme, and only then did she realize that the man she had always treated with coldness and indifference was actually deeply in love with her. At the end of her life, she was left with endless, irreparable regret.“If I am given another life, I will make every single person who owed me pay me back a hundredfold, and I will do everything within my power to ensure you a safe and happy life!”Maybe her persistence was simply too impressive, because in the blink of an eye, she returned to a time three years ago and obtained a very special System—The Virtuous Wife System.Was this telling her that she had been the Entertainment Queen for too long, so she should try something new and become a virtuous wife instead?Qin Jiran: The new generation Film Emperor, handsome and domineering, a lofty male god in the eyes of countless fans.In his entire life, he only ever loved Su Yanyi. It was a pity that she did not love him back, and even after three years of marriage together, it was all still just a contractual transaction to her.“Yanyi, do we have to divorce?” Hidden within the man’s cold, hard expression was deep sorrow and despair.In both her past life and her present life, their fates intertwined. Su Yanyi was reborn back to the day they were supposed to divorce.Will she adhere to the choice she had made in her past life, or will she embark on a different path?With the help of the Virtuous Wife System, the dense and stoic Su Yanyi set out to pamper her oblivious husband, stumbling over her own inexperience as she tried to convince him that no, he was not having auditory hallucinations, and no, she was not feeling ill!Just, why was the first task —make him smile genuinely ten times— already so difficult?*Not my own story for offline reading purpose.*Credits for the author and translator…

The Darkest Heart

The Darkest Heart

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Broken by the abandonment of her parents and left to fend of and struggle to survive, Clarke slowly turns dark. The only way to climb out of the dark abyss is to search for them and destroy them. Though she plans it, can she bring herself to face her parents and escape her dark heartl? Is she willing to pay the price? And will a reign destroy it all?When the search for her parents leads her to an isolated society divided by blood lines and ancestral power, Clarke doesn't expect a revolution led by blood thirsty revolutionists to target her. While she struggles to behave under the watchful eye of a demanding and lethal dictator, she gains two fruitful friends from two very different, conflicting backgrounds. Despite their constant support and understanding, Clarke only wishes to close herself of from the world and do her own thing. Especially shying away from the son of the two most powerful war lords, who can only help but be intrigued by her darkness. However now trapped in a court where all in power wish for her downfall, the search for her parents becomes harder and soon dire. Though the palace, as full of its mysteries as it is, only holds an unknown history about her parents she will soon never forget that leads her to question who she is and her upbringing into the world. "You should all know, I am Clarke Perndigaz"CastClarke Prendigaz: Cara DelevingeAlyce Trewmayne: Audrey HolisterJax Hadid: Joshua BowmanRayna Winslehead: Lara RobinsonThornyn Hollistor: Dylan O'Brian…

The Heirs of The Noble House of Black

The Heirs of The Noble House of Black

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Tom Riddle love story set in the Marauders Era.The era of the marauders is a time of drastic societal change within the wizarding world. The 60's and 70's are a time of strife as squib protests commence and pure blood riots fight back in an attempt to maintain the social hierarchy which has always kept them on top. However, the difficult times are not only laced into the fabric of British wizarding society, as unrest is beginning to take place from within the castle walls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Many of the pureblood students echo the traditional sentiments of their parents, so what will happen when a talented young first year by the name of Tom Riddle joins the school? Will he travel down the path that we know of him and become the feared Lord Voldemort, or will the offer of friendship and love from the students of the marauders era be enough to sway him from his destiny?Follow Lyra Black (original character) and the rest of the next generation of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black (Bellatrix, Sirius, Andromeda, Narcissa and Regulus) as they attend Hogwarts. As they struggle through familial control and expectations, changes within their society, love, friendship, house rivalries and their own inner demons, will the heirs of the Black line be able to maintain their once strong familial bonds as they get pulled in different directions?This story deviates from the original timelines of the Harry Potter series in order to accommodate many of the characters that we know and love (or love to hate)! Lots of characters are brought together within the space of a few years, so their birth years will not be accurate. Also there are some other changes, such as age of attendance to Hogwarts beginning at 15 (and ending at 22) because I didn't want to write about 11 year olds! ;) This story is based off the Harry Potter series and all rights belong to J.K. Rowling. I only own Lyra Black, other original characters and original plot lines.…

Bakery Product Trends Emphasize Healthier Eating

Bakery Product Trends Emphasize Healthier Eating

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The variety of baked goods ranges from low-fat rolls, artisan breads and fiber-enriched cookies to decadent designer cakes and pastries. Chocolate is a key ingredient in many popular baked goods. In order to keep ahead of the curve of cocoa price and supply fluctuations, volume bakers can consider using an all-natural, Trans fat-free, whole grain ingredient derived from malted barley as a partial cocoa replacer. Cupcakes, miniature cakes and artisanal breads are still popular with consumers. Baking, process of cooking by dry heat, especially in some kind of oven. It is probably the oldest cooking method. Food product sales marketing agency in Pune which include bread, rolls, cookies, pies, pastries, and muffins, are usually prepared from flour or meal derived from some form of grain. Bread, already a common staple in prehistoric times, provides many nutrients in the human diet.Baking techniques improved IN Food product retail marketing agency in Pune the development of an enclosed baking utensil and then of ovens, making possible thicker baked cakes or loaves. Early baked products were made of mixed seeds with a predominance of barley, but wheat flour, because of its superior response to fermentation, eventually became the preferred cereal among the various cultural groups sufficiently advanced in culinary techniques to make leavened bread. At that time improvements in baking technology began to accelerate rapidly, owing to the higher level of technology generally. Ingredients of greater purity and improved functional qualities were developed, along with equipment reducing the need for individual skill and eliminating hand manipulation of bread doughs. Automation of mixing, transferring, shaping, fermentation, and baking processes began to replace batch processing with continuous operations. The enrichment of bread and other bakery foods with vitamins and minerals was a major accomplishment of the mid-20th-century baking industry.For more details click here.…

"You are mine, demon... Credo che in pochi abbiano un padre morto... e in ancor meno abbiano visto ilproprio padre morire davanti ai propri occhi e ucciso da proprio fratello e dalla propria madreEh si... questa è la realtà e l'ho scoperta pure da poco... ma prima mi presento:mi chiamo Megan Horan ho 14 anni, ma vedrete che tra poco ne avrò 17... ho la pelle pallidissima o per meglio dire bianca come il latte, sono una ragazza dai capelli scuri e occhi scuri come la pece.Vivevo in Inghilterra prima di compiere 14 anni e di scoprire cosa sono...Io sono un demone, no meglio dire IL demone. Sono figlia di Lucifero, il demone per eccezione, e di Isabelle, l'angelo per eccezione; ho un fratello più grande di me di 3 anni di nome Niall...Io da piccolissima sono cresciuta senza sapere nulla sul mio mondo (il mondo dei demoni), ma sapevo tutto sul mondo degli angeli perché dicevano che "ero una di loro", ma tutti erano diversi da me ed io ero esclusa... avevano la pelle colorita, quasi abbronzata, capelli chiari e occhi talmente perfetti che potevi leggerci dentro l'anima e quando crescevi ti spuntavano delle magnifiche ali bianche e soffici con anche dei poteri straordinari che col tempo potevi controllare.Mia madre è l'angelo più potente, ha dei magnifici occhi verdi quasi azzurri e dei capelli tanto dorati da sembrare seta; mio fratello è quasi identico a lei: ha capelli biondi però alla radice ci sono alcune ciocche nere prese da papà, occhi azzurrissimi quasi trasparenti.... Io invece ero identica a mio padre (almeno così sentivo dire in giro quando passavo), ho, come ho già detto, degli occhi scuri ma con un potere di mia madre al sole diventano di un colore verde smeraldo, ho capelli molto lunghi e lisci, ma nelle punte sono ondulati, sono di un castano scurissimo, ma mi hanno tinto le punte di biondo tanto da sembrare più simile agli angeliDa piccola vivevo nel mondo degli angeli e dei demoni (quando Lucifero era vivo i due mondi erano uniti) fino a quando mia madre e mio fratello non uccisero nostro, o ormai meglio dire MIO padre, davanti ai miei occhi facendomi perdere così ogni speranza, traumatizzandomi e dividendo così i due mondi. Mia madre venuta a conoscenza che io avevo visto la scena fatidica pensò bene di farmi perdere la memoria e mandandomi sulla Terra da un'altra famiglia, ma lei non sapeva che compiuti 13 anni io sarei diventata definitivamente il demone tanto atteso da mio padre e lui, prevedendo questo, aveva scelto una persona che mi avrebbe fatto tornare la memori al momento giusto e che mi avrebbe aiutato nel nuovo mondoOra spiego un po' i due mondi:Il mondo degli angeli è semplice da spiegare perché esistono solo loro con poteri alcuni più potenti e altri meno, ma i demoni si suddividono in più categorie, in ordine di importanza e potenza:- Demone- Protettori e Speciali- Licantropi e Vampiri- Zombie e FantasmiIl Demone è solo uno e nessuno, neanche tutti quanti i suoi discendenti insieme, possono distruggerlo o metterlo in difficoltà; i Protettori sono stati creati molto tempo fa con qualità protettive per proteggere in prima linea il Demone e poi se mai qualcuno avesse bisogno di loro, loro dovrebbero esserci; gli Speciali sono a pari merito di forza con i Protettori solo che sono delle modificazioni di tutti i generi e cioè possono essere misti tra Licantropi e Vampiri e così via... oppure possono semplicemente avere dei poteri troppo diversi dagli altri per essere definiti in altre categorie; i Licantropi sono uomini (o donne) che si trasformano in lupi e hanno una forza micidiale, hanno il potere di persuadere le persone grazie al loro calore e comportamento, hanno di solito stazze molto grandi; i Vampiri "nascono" mordendo degli essere umani e iniettendogli il loro veleno, sono particolarmente bianchi di carnagione, sono eccellenti in qualsiasi cosa e bellissimi e attraenti agli occhi degli umani; gli Zombie sono degli esseri viventi morti, puzzolenti, brutti, ma indistruttibili (se vengono colpiti si ricompongono da soli) e non essendo "normali" e neanche rassicuranti vivono nel mondo dei demoni; i Fantasmi sono i più "adorabili" perché possono scomparire e ricomparire quando vogliono, sono nelle stesse sembianze nell'esatto momento della loro morte e lo si diventa se si ha dei conti in sospeso...La mia storia inizia al mio quattordicesimo compleanno....Inviato da iPad

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Ci sono demoni…