Knuckles & Y/n/Sonic the hedgehog 2, ๐—ž๐—ป๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐—น๐—ฒ'๐˜€ ๐˜€๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ!๐—ฅ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ

Knuckles & Y/n/Sonic the hedgehog 2, ๐—ž๐—ป๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐—น๐—ฒ'๐˜€ ๐˜€๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ!๐—ฅ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ

10,469 148 31

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The Last Echidna(Sonic x Knuckles)

The Last Echidna(Sonic x Knuckles)

3,828 116 12

Knuckles is a very strong guy, but that doesn't mean that he has a strong mentality. He tries his best in everything he does; guarding the master emerald, defeating Eggman, being a good friend...but he can't help feeling lonely. For him, it's getting harder and harder for him to keep going. (not my art)*TRIGGER WARNINGโ€ฆ

Knuckles Boom X Reader You Are My Sunshine

Knuckles Boom X Reader You Are My Sunshine

22,895 482 11

A new villain with light abilities stole a rainbow crystal and Sonic and his friends failed to stop him. For now at least.Later, Knuckles fell in love with the girl of his dreams but he doesn't know how to get her attention.Sonic and Amy decided to help while the villian begins their evil plan.What will happen?โ€ฆ

My Knucklehead (Movie! Knuckles x Human! Reader)

My Knucklehead (Movie! Knuckles x Human! Reader)

86,278 1,541 18

Y/N was a teenager that lives in Green Hills together with Tom, Maddie, Ozzy, and her best friend, Sonic. She was adopted at a young age by Tom and Maddie and she's thankful to call them her parents.When Tom and Maddie went to Hawaii, Y/N stayed at home with Ozzy and Sonic. While they're enjoying their lives, Eggman sadly came back but however, with a new partner. Knuckles was a red echidna that was after Master Emerald. When Knuckles laid his purple eyes on the human girl, he fell in love and wanted to protect her secretly from Eggman. Y/N knew from her heart that Knuckles was not a bad guy. While Sonic and Y/N were after the Master Emerald, a cute two-tailed fox named Tails joins on their journey! Will Knuckles and Y/N be together? (Based on the movie Sonic the Hedgehog 2)โ€ฆ

I am not what I seem

I am not what I seem

16,585 253 22

Sonics friends and everyone around him were very mad at Sonic for days because of him goofing up and bugging them...not to mention during battles he gets blamed for everything that happened...but that's when things took a very ugly turn...a few of the villains including the evil doctor died during an accident at the evil lair. Knuckles noticed that Sonic avoided everyone as they try to talk to him... Knuckles finds out a secret about Sonic that he never knew before.โ€ฆ

โ™ก ๐’๐Ž๐๐ˆ๐‚ ๐๐Ž๐˜๐’ ๐ฑ ๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ๐„๐‘ ๐Ž๐๐„๐’๐‡๐Ž๐“๐’ โ™ก

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380,713 5,549 75

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32,228 704 23

Right after another stressful day for the Sonic gang they got mad at Sonic for showing off again. They got mad at him and pretended he didn't exist and just ignored him and never bother to come to his house. Even when they were battling their normal everyday villains. But they took it too far when they wished they never wanna see Sonic again. But one night Sonic has a nightmare and is afraid that his evil-alter ego Sonic.Exe will return to wreak havoc on the entire village. But little did Sonic know he arrived inside him already but this time he will kill for pleasure and for his own sick & twisted ways.โ€ฆ

Knuxouge - Clipped Wings

Knuxouge - Clipped Wings

13,675 279 9

During a battle with one of Eggman's robots, Rouge gets badly hurt. Knuckles realizes just how much she means to him as he goes to extreme lengths to help her recover.โ€ฆ

You& me, and our mate

You& me, and our mate

3,472 131 26

Knuckles starts falling in love with Shadow. But something feels very off. Especially when Shadow oddly only wants seeing him on even dates!One day in February, Shadow makes a huge mistake. He declined Knuckles to meet him on February the 29th... And promised to meet him on the next day... Believing it would be an even date.which it's not!So, Mars the 1st, Knuckles drives home to Shadow and knocks the door. Ready to meet his boyfriend.But it wasn't Shadow who opened the door... It was Mephiles with a big secret to drop... And now, Knuckles knows the reason why, he wasn't permitted to meet Shadow at odd-numbered dates...โ€ฆ

tfw the blue hedgehog begins to cough up purple flowers

tfw the blue hedgehog begins to cough up purple flowers

1,831 85 5

Everyone who had brain cells could see it. Sonic had a crush on someone. With the stares off into space where if you'd ask him what he was thinking about he'd blush and say 'oh nothing important'.The signs were clear as day. Heck even the person Sonic's in love with knew Sonic was in love.The only problem? No one knew who Sonic was in love with. And that was going to be his downfall.~~~inspired from, "I need a doctor to bring me back to life" to Sega for the characters !!โ€ฆ

Knuckles Boom X Reader Beware The Sirens

Knuckles Boom X Reader Beware The Sirens

3,232 70 9

Two female hedgehogs had the power to enchant Mobians and make them do what they want. They were once banished 5 thousand years ago but they have returned and are trying to take over the world.They disguised themselves as famous singers and are now staying with Sonic and his friends.What will happen?โ€ฆ

Sonic Boom | The Future are ahead of us (Sonamy & Taicks)

Sonic Boom | The Future are ahead of us (Sonamy & Taicks)

14,275 196 15

Sonic and his friends are growing up their no longer a Kids & teenagers anymore. Sonic, Amy and Knuckles are now their early 20s. Tails and Sticks are now teenagers.Story belong to meSonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks belong to Segaโ€ฆ

Knuckles x Amy

Knuckles x Amy

262 12 4

Amy decides to visit Knuckles on Angel Island to accompany him, and maybe more..(This takes place in the Sonic Adventure 2 era)โ€ฆ

Hoverboard Romance (Knuckles x Human! Reader)

Hoverboard Romance (Knuckles x Human! Reader)

3,277 97 9

Y/N was a human girl around the age of her friends like Sonic and Knuckles. While she enjoyed her life, she and others heard about hoverboard racing. They all decided to adventure together and search for all Chaos Emeralds. But that's when they ran into Babylon Rogues, the team they would compete with. Knuckles was one of them with Y/N by his side. While the young couple must deal with Babylon Garden, they had no idea that the story continued more about Arks of the Cosmos.Follow Y/N's and Knuckles' adventure here as a young couple!(Based on the video games Sonic Riders and Zero Gravity)โ€ฆ

Live Like A Warrior (Book 3 of the Real World Chronicles)

Live Like A Warrior (Book 3 of the Real World Chronicles)

2,587 94 10

Cover art by W1ll0wt45t73.Willow is ready for a summer full of brand-new adventures with Sonic, the Wachowskis, and their two new Mobian friends, Tails and Knuckles.When Knuckles gets grounded for his latest shenanigans due to struggling to adjust to his new life on Earth, he takes both Willow and Tom's partner in crime, Wade, under his wing, under the enlightenment to teach them the ways of the Echidna warrior to improve their confidence and physical combat skills.The trio embark on a trek to Reno, Nevada to help Wade win a bowling tournament and fend off rogue GUN agents, while on the run from an old acquaintance of Dr. Robotnik, who aspires to obtain Knuckles's strength for his own evil, diabolical creations.Can the echidna protect his friends, as well as himself? And will he ever truly learn how to slow down and enjoy life as it is?All characters (excluding my OC) belong to SEGA and Paramount. Original screenplay has been altered for general audiences.โ€ฆ

I won't lose {SONIC 2 X male reader}

I won't lose {SONIC 2 X male reader}

52,329 1,342 19

This art does NOT belong to me other then fanart in the book! _____Y/n the wolf, it's weird how you notice the wolf part first . Probably afraid to get near a wolf in the first place right after you hear the name, right? "There's a wolf!!" And you go right to running, and or you would be scared out of your mind? Yea I would too. But that's not the point. The point is that I know when people see me all they see is big fangs or sharp claws that can rip you to shreds. But that's not who I am. ______Y/n is like no other. The purest heart, ready to defend and fight for his friends or anyone who deserves being fought for, gentle eyes that are so bright that nothing can dim them, his smile that makes others feel safe and loved. Y/n is not "bad" or "dangerous". He's simply a boy who wants to love and give back whatever he can to those who need it. Y/n is not like the fairytales. He's the opposite. Loving, honest, loyal, and forgiving. -------But he can't stop people from pushing him away. Afraid after enough time that he'll turn on them. Why? Cause a wolf is always and will always be... bad. _______What happens when a Wolf from a Far away planet decides to help the blue blur? Read to find out ๐Ÿ˜‰-----SONIC MOVIE AND SONIC THE HEDGEHOG DOES NOT BELONG TO ME!!!!BEST TITLES: #5 in sonic the hedgehog#1 in Sonicmovie#1 in tails the fox#1 in Sonic the hedgehogโ€ฆ

Blueberry girls stories

Blueberry girls stories

3,389 47 18

Stories about blueberry girls that i created with help or no one, or i founded.โ€ฆ

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47,079 1,417 34

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Knuckles x Reader One Shots *Requests Open*

Knuckles x Reader One Shots *Requests Open*

14,173 192 11

This book contains one-shots of our favorite echidna! I noticed that Knuckles is very less popular and he deserves attention. Requests are open and feel free to leave them! I accept:- Sonic X- Sonic Forces- Sonic Rivals & 2- Sonic Riders- Team Sonic Racing- Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games (2010 and 2012 London)- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Movieโ€ฆ

Adventures In Alola! (Sonic X Pokรฉmon Trainer Reader)

Adventures In Alola! (Sonic X Pokรฉmon Trainer Reader)

13,711 184 6

This is a sequel to Caught By The Heart (Sonic X Pokรฉmon Trainer Reader).(Y/n), Sonic and the gang have arrived in Alola and were having an absolute fun in MeleMele Island. Then, (Y/n)'s parents decided to enroll her to the Pokรฉmon School along with Sonic and the gang. What fun and adventures will they get when they meet Ash and his friends? Read to find out!!!โ€ฆ