Weekly Underverse

Weekly Underverse

253 14 20

Hello!In honor of Underverse 0.8 part 1 coming out and Jakei's year and a half hiatus, I am going to (try to) do this thing I will be calling "Weekly Underverse" where I update weekly with some sort of Underverse related content.It's not going to be anything big. Some weeks it will be a 3,000 word Cross fic, maybe a digital drawing I worked on for 5 hours. Other weeks might be as small as a snippet of a poem that was inspired by an Underverse thing, or a little doodle I did in my notes packet. It may even be recycled content I have posted outside of this project.But whatever it is, I will try to update it weekly until the hiatus is over.Weekly Underverse starts today, November 20, 2024. Updates will (try to) be every Wednesday. Underverse belongs to: Jael PeñalozaLittle note: I am nowhere near an Underverse expert, so most things might be fanon, most things might be Cross focused, but maybe I'll do some learning and write with the other characters. Maybe I'll give fun facts one week. We've got about 78 chances so... we'll see where this goes!…

the Devil from Above, and the Angel from Below

the Devil from Above, and the Angel from Below

51,044 2,289 49

Ink, an angel. Loved by all. Well, all in the angel realm that is. Ink an angel, and God of creativity, falling for Error. A demon, and God of destruction. While good at his job, and kills without mercy. They both hated each other, until they accidentally met under a small cherry blossom tree. They would talk for hours, putting aside their differences. Well, that was until Dream and Nightmare had a plan to get ride of these secret meetings.…

the Darkness has Shown Me the Light (Crossmare)

the Darkness has Shown Me the Light (Crossmare)

41,514 1,366 27

Nightmare.One - A frightening or unpleasant dream Two - a terrifying or very unpleasant experience or prospectThree - a person, thing, or situation that is very hard to deal withCrossOne - go or extend to the other side of a path.Two- path in an opposite or different direction. Intersect.Three- ...Annoyed.…

Mafia (A Sanscest Murder Story)

Mafia (A Sanscest Murder Story)

25,606 1,195 61

Trigger warnings!! This story has mentions of Self harm and suicide. It also has detailed descriptions of murder scenes, rape, and gore. If you are sensitive to this stuff, please, self care is number one importance, please do not read this book!!Hello!If you're reading this, chances are you've been invited to hang out with me and a whole bunch of other sanses for a fun little game.Who am I you may ask? Many call me Sans, others Bill, but I'm mostly known as Bill!Sans. Pleasure to meet you.Like I said Before, I'm inviting you and a bunch of other sanses for a fun little game. Meet me in my AU for the rules.Oh! Also, if you decide to turn down this offer, you can have the option to come or die. It's your choice.That's all for now! Cypher Out!…

Let Go of Love

Let Go of Love

2,640 124 11

For years the brothers were fighting. For years they hurt eachother. For years they hated eachother. For years they were apart like no siblings should be. But in the end, they made up, and stopped the fighting stopped the hurting, stopped the hating, and where finally together.But there was just one tiny problem.Cross. Nightmare loves Cross with all his soul, but so does Dream. So despite his love for Cross, he decided to do the only thing he thought was right. Let Dream have Cross. After everything Nightmare has done to Dream, he felt the only thing he could do to make up for it all, was to let Dream have the light of his life.So with everything said and done, he let Cross go and let Dream win his heart. Even if it meant losing a teammate, losing a friend, losing a family, and losing a crush. He loved his brother just as much as he loved Cross, so to make him happy, and make up for everything he's done, he let Dream have Cross all to himself. But what if Cross didn't like Dream? What if Cross loved Nightmare? What if he wanted to stay by Nightmare's side forever. What if he never didn't want it go with Dream?He was in the middle of a silent war about him, and he didn't even have a say in anything. But it was to late, Nightmare already let Cross go.…

Undertale AU Short Stories

Undertale AU Short Stories

30,616 705 102

Just some short stories. Most of them are based off actually real stories I've heard before, others, are just from my mind. I'd say their pretty good. (but no promises) They're about Undertale AU ships. You may request a ship or even story ideas. Please read. Or don't. I don't care.…

Stupid Crap with AU Sanses

Stupid Crap with AU Sanses

22,834 1,020 70

Sans the skeleton is a thing.But there are also alternate versions of him.And they do some pretty stupid things.Let's see what they get up to...…

Art Book

Art Book

3,808 143 89

fan Art I made for other stories I likeMostly traditional sorry…

Story ideas

Story ideas

1,054 8 30

Story ideas you can take.I never have the motivation to actually do them, but they seem cool. Most are gonna be Undertale AU themed, but you can use them for other things as well.So basically, I have a whole bunch of unpublished stories that I have no idea what do with, so instead of actually writing books, I'll give you all a chance to take my idea and spin it in your own way. You can change it in any way. These can inspire you to have your own idea. You can bend them all you want. It doesn't have to be exact. It's open ended.So, have fun.…

Poems because I'm A Freaking Nerd

Poems because I'm A Freaking Nerd

1,026 6 55

Greetings greeting, one and allHope you're ready to have a ballI'm just kidding,Im broke as frickBut it's alrightBecause I still have breadsticksAnd don't you stress,This is no school boreThis is some madnessYou'll probably just ignoreBut if you do enjoyThat's a surpriseBut I appreciate you lyingBut still, please don't lieAnyway, this book is full of poemsBecause I like musicSometimes I want to write my own,But I don't know the magic music writing trickSo I write the lyricsBut none of them stickSo I just leave them as soundless songsKnowing they'll be useful...I don't know how else to rhyme with "Ick"...So, my creativeness is running lowSo I think now i'm just gonna goUse these for school if you want.I don't really care....croissant.Aight, I think that's my cue to leaveSo I guess I'll make like a tree and get the eff out....uh...Enjoy!…

The Rebel Angels and Friends (OC Short Stories)

The Rebel Angels and Friends (OC Short Stories)

396 0 12

Just a load of me and my friends OCS and stories. The group gets up to a load of stupid shit. Originally was "A Curse more than a Blessing" but I decided I didn't have to much motivation to write a full out story line, so I decided to just write a bunch of short stories. I hope you enough and I hope this makes you laugh! Enjoy~Cover by: @xerenoSora and Kaiden by: @X_K16_XFoxy and Seana by: @xerenoArt by: @xereno and @X_K16_XWriting by: @X_K16_X…

Ask or Dare AU Sans

Ask or Dare AU Sans

12 2 1

This is an Ask or Dare book. Ask or Dare ANY AU Sans. Some things you should know:1. There will be no "canon" ships. But, if you wanna dare/ask any ship-like things, you can, but it won't be "canon" I want this book to be open to everyone. Not just the Crossmare shippers, Cream is allowed as well. :32. You can ask/dare innapropro stuff, but I'm not writing any smut.3. This might probably would be a crackshit book with some serious shit here and there *idk noise*4. You can basically ask/dare anything, there are no limits. And if you want your OCs in this book, I've gotta see a picture and at least know a little bit about them.5. There is no five...... at least.... for now.....and that's about it. The ask box is now open!…

You Help My Sadness Disappear (Phan Fanfic)

You Help My Sadness Disappear (Phan Fanfic)

2 0 2

I was listening to some phan songs by Katherine and Eden, and I had this story idea cone to mind.It's a sad love story so...please enjoy…

Was it all just A Dream?

Was it all just A Dream?

308 6 2

Dream, shoken by his best friend Ink. He found out that Ink has been using Dream. Bending him against his will.But now that's changed. Dream has joined his brother and his gang to defeat Ink once and for all! will be hard...with the whole multi-verse on Ink's side. and the whole multi-verse against him.but maybe,if he just keeps holding onto hope,he'll find a way to escape this terrible dream.…