Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

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Augmented reality is the biggest buzzword in the technology sector for the last few years. It is the most visible form of technology that induces an aww moment in all those who experience it for the first time. It makes one wonder about all the marvels of modern technology and changes, it could do in real life. AR technology looks like something which is straight out of a sci-fi movie. Global technological giants and startups, funded by billions of dollars by venture capitalists will tell you this is a rising sector with immense potential.Augmented reality is different from virtual reality, where the person using it is completely cut off from the real world and subjected to an entirely digital world. AR can be seen as an amalgamation of the virtual world and the real-world with one overlapping the other and vice versa. AR has become possible to implement due to all the technological advancement in machine learning, data processing, AI, fast internet and computing power of the device. Possibilities of future use of Augmented reality are humongous. Some of the places where AR can be applied and can bring tangible benefit are Navigation system: Google maps are already using AR in limited ways. Pointing your device running application can tell you at what place you are located and all the nearby amenities around. In the case of navigation, it can superimpose the whole route ahead.Watching sports would be almost like visiting a live stadium with the perception of a live audience watching the player playing in front of you. This will give a much more immersive performance than 3D projection ever could.…

Ninja And The Hidden Ninja

Ninja And The Hidden Ninja

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What if Sensei Wu trained Kai a long time ago? When he first discovered rising dragon technique. At the age of 7 Kai started to train with Sensei Wu whenever Nya was either asleep or away he would go to the monastery to train. Then after a few years Kai became a master ninja with a gold and red gi and a red gi the red gi is his starting gi while his gold and red gi is his master ninja gi. Then when the skulkin attacked the shop Sensei Wu already defeated them and took Nya to train while Kai, Ray and Maya followedNya has no idea that her brother is already almost finished with his training as well as Cole, Jay, Zane, Ray and Maya so how will they react when they find out about it? How will Nya react when Kai tells her that they had another brother who was older than him and how will Nya, Cole, Jay, Zane and Lloyd react when Kai tells them that his older brother was the master of Fire and Water after Ray and Maya?Read to find out...Oh and Garmadon was never bitten by the snake so in this one he's just away somewhere with Lloyd.…



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"MOM! DAD! PLEASE LET ME OUT! PLEASE, I'M SCARED" the little girl begged while sobbing. "It's okay honey, this is for your own good. Trust us with this. Remember the role that you auditioned for? guess what? You got it!" her mom told her. "But why am I here mom? Why am I here in the basement? Aren't you happy that I got it? I'm so confused. Please tell me what's happening. Please." tears running down her face. "Sweetie this is for all for you. The role that you got is Ava and you know her life was, right? She's abused by her parents and she's always locked up in the dark basement. So this is your first workshop to reach your dream. Our dream. to become the most successful actress? We need to do this so you can be connected with the character. you understand?" reprimanded by his father. Natalie Violet Kinsley. Everyone knows her. Her extraordinary talent that is shown every role that she does, engaging the audience to feel different types of emotions. The public are so pleased with the way she connects with each character that they are wondering how she does it. What the public doesn't know each characters misfortunes she also have to go through. Innocence. That's what he likes about her. Sheltered with no contact with other people that resulted her oblivious of the cruel world. Makes him so intrigued he can go any length to make him his own.…