Can you hear us yet?

Can you hear us yet?

127 3 54

The things that I think about at school, mostly intrusive thoughts.…

Spoiled and Cool Boyfriend

Spoiled and Cool Boyfriend

471 36 5

Ezra, mempunyai sifat dingin, wajah yang diatas rata rata, menjadi the most wanted, memiliki banyak idola di sekolahnya , dan sukses dalam umur yang terbilang masih mudaSedangkan Rayna, cewek cantik dengan sifat bodo amat dan menjadi idola para cowok. Keduanya mempunyai sifat yang hampir sama.Tetapi, tidak diduga oleh mereka berdua, semuanya berubah, yang awalnya menyebalkan menjadi menyenangkan.…

Le Chemin Vers La Gloire

Le Chemin Vers La Gloire

1,735 286 11

Lorsqu' Aria Foster, 14 ans, se présente pour une émission de découverte de talents afin d'exaucer et y gagne un succès brillant, le destin veut toujours autrement et change l itinéraire de sa vie. Des qu'elle fait la rencontre de Kennedy Mc Oliver, un producteur de chansons, expert en matière, et de son compagnon, Josh Watson, aussi mystérieux que discret, elle se jette dans une mer houleuse, teste ses limites, se débat longtemps. Entre famille et amis perdus, dans un monde d'apparences trompeuses et d illusions frustrantes et une vie risquée à chaque moment, Aria trouvera-elle la lumière dans la pénombre ? Le chemin vers la gloire ne s'avérait pas si pénible Couverture réalisée par la formidable @ShootTheStars_ ( Merci !) |Aucun plagiat n'est toléré|…

demon slayer story of Scarlett and isoke

demon slayer story of Scarlett and isoke

7 0 7

this happened in demon's life where young Scarlett was given a demon mark in the war where regoku &; Tegan got together Scarlett was crying due the loss of her moms Scarlett was the greatest wish ever made Scarlett grew up as a human with demonic strength Scarlett became the demonic hasria.of fire & water Scarlett met the beast hasria isoke he had fallen for the girl which friend both human also demons Muzan didn't approve this love nether did Tegan Scarlett left to figure out her own self later on adult Scarlett found people fighting she put a end of it.…

My creepypasta oc's

My creepypasta oc's

99 0 11

This is my creepypasta oc book to interduce to you what I'm gonna write I. the future I hope you like it it takes a really good imagination to figure out this kind of stuff but you don't have to have a really good imagination anyone can do this just believe in yourself always but I will be adding more to it sooooo I'll see what I can do maby later this(season that your in) I'll write more but otherwise have fun and happy reading!!!…

Sky Returns - Rewritten/Revised

Sky Returns - Rewritten/Revised

784 99 15

Skylar Laverdure was a powerful and loved Commander in the 1700s. He fought against the Quidills who wanted to take the kingdom of Laverdure over. Despite the victories and the people he had on his side, Skylar lost. To save Laverdure he was put in a magically induced coma by his friend Jocelyn, and a forcefield, feeding off of his life source, was placed around Laverdure.Now, three hundred years later, in 2019 no one remembers the sacrifices Sky or his friends made. He's but a legend forgotten to time, told to children to keep them out of Quidill territory that borders Laverdure. But then Cerra, a street rat from New Byren City and the descendant of one of Sky's closest friends, wakes him up. Now as part of a prophecy set by the Universe herself, Sky must venture into a modern world and find the descendants of his generals so that he may raise his army up against the fearful Quidills.All Sky can do is hope that history doesn't repeat itself, as it often does.…

Multi-Fandom Imagines

Multi-Fandom Imagines

32,140 617 107

The fandoms I have so far: Doctor Who, The Phantom of the Opera, Sherlock, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and one for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I hope to include many more in the story parts yet to come! :D Some may be terribly long though. I apologize. ^^;They're mainly self-inserts, but I'll try to keep the perspective from (Y/N)'s point of view. I'm open for suggestions, just as long as I haven't done it already (like, ice cream for POTO. I've already done it, but I could do it for other fandoms!).Updates are kind of like miracles; they happen whenever they happen. ^^;Credit goes to the original artist. Found through Google Images.…



34 6 6

This will be posted on updates, new stories and etc,so for my followers out there (or less) You can add this to your library and for some people out there who aren't following me please follow and I will follow you back and also please support my fanfics,if you are a writer I will vote for your stories (if I liked it💙)…

Un jurnal pierdut

Un jurnal pierdut

1,886 85 13

O carte despre o fata pe nume Ema care a gasit un jurnal plin de mister nedeslusit. Acel jurna îi aducea doar necazuri dar ea nu intelege acest fapt...…

Miss Kat

Miss Kat

3 0 1

about The writer that made.. Imagination, Coraline's Diary/ etc…

Force engaged (gangster)

Force engaged (gangster)

308 2 6

Y/N was force engaged with CL for business the story to see what happened…

My Best Friend Is My Crush

My Best Friend Is My Crush

117 17 8

It feels good to have you beside me, It makes me happy.Even if you're not mine,I'm still happy I can call you my best friend,Even if it isn't what I actually want to call you,You're happy with her.So I'll have to forget about my feelings,So you can be happy,With your girlfriend.----------------------------------------------------------------Hi, my name is Marit. I'm 15 years old. I haven't got a lot of friends, but the friends that I have are the best, I'll interduce you to them later. First I'll tell you a bit more about me, if you aren't close to me I won't open up to you about my feelings. I love to make and listen to music. How I act at school is completely different from how I act at home, I can't even call it home, I just want to dissappear from there. I always say to everyone; "Be happy and thankful about your home situation because some people don't have it as good as you do" and by some people I mean me but nobody knows that and will ever know that (or so I thought).…

Versuri De Dragoste & Dor

Versuri De Dragoste & Dor

3,162 11 142

Dragostea e atat de puternica, atat de frumoasa, incat chiar aparenta, mirajul ei, ne amageste si ne poate produce aceleasi emotii ca si ea insasi. Poezii, declaratii de dragoste, cuvinte pornite din inima sper sa placa…

Ecoul pașilor pierduți

Ecoul pașilor pierduți

287 0 94

Aş scormoni în pleava vorbei şi mi-aş pune pe cap coroana de spini ducând crucea răstignirii a tot ce-a fost frumos în „curtea cu minuni". Cine îmi spune adevărul vieţii? Un păcat fără vină în amurguri sparte de lacrimi înghiţite în seri ciudate, apusuri jilave ce opreşte din plâns clipa ce trece prin umbra mea certându-mă fără temei! Când inima îţi dictează zvâgniri lumea se întoarce cu fundul în sus ca și mine absorbită de cântul fermecat, de vremea infinită a începuturilor. Pun întrebări, nişte fleacuri: de ce inimile bat când pleoapele sunt lăsate să doarmă? Cine sărută buzele daliilor? Apoi, sfios, când sunt privit în adânc îmi frec mâinile privind în sus la stelele bizare întinse pe cer. Sub pomii în floare, a mea pătimire se împacă cu soarta mea când miroase a flori de liliac. Caut un râu, râul vieţii ce este apă şi timp, oglindească-se în el al nostru chip, umbra din luciul apei ca o spaimă să ne aducă în suflet un vis trecătoarelor noastre zile rămase, o clipă în ştearsa oglindă de unde un chip ne priveşte nedumerit: cine eşti? Ce-ai fost ieri, că azi ai devenit ce poţi. Nu te grăbi, nu plânge, viaţa nu-i povestea fermecată şi dacă o înfrunţi este osânda sorţii. Dacă am plâns, înseamnă că plâng şi azi bucuria că viaţa mă bucură ca un vis adânc ce revine mereu, mă înţelege în voinţa de a trăi, că nu-i alta, plânge cu mine. autorul…

Don't look back
Stanley Uris x Jolana
Princess x mason thames(story)
J.r x Jolana -all American homecoming-
Junior wheeler x y/n
Love me

Love me

184 13 5

I'm angry but I still love you…