Mr popular||Highschool au

Mr popular||Highschool au

8,114 192 7

This is a highschool au! And a beeduo storySorry, I stole the name from another story IM SORRY!😓 There will be more information in the a/n!…



5,527 380 60

Multi spun ca razbunarea nu e calea.Ea crede ca numai aceasta ii mai poate aduce acum linistea.Dupa ce a pierdut totul.EaO tanara obisnuitaElInuman, lipsit de sentimente si scrupuleEaDominata de emotiiEl Rece ca varful unui aisbergCe se ascunde insa dedesubtul acestuia? Isi va afla razbunarea implinita, sau va pieri incercand sa o obtina?…

The Secret Kingdom

The Secret Kingdom

1,629 38 41

(Merlin Fanfiction) An unexpected encounter in the forest introduces Merlin and Arthur to the long-forgotten world of elves that many had thought faded into legend. But just like that - it's over and gone, with only the memories of the fiery elven princess Elia lingering in Merlin's mind. Years later, that past comes back in yet another chance meeting in the woods. This time, both Arthur and Elia take a step of faith, hoping an alliance could bring peace between their worlds. The elves could open up trading opportunities and be a much-needed ally in a time of strife in Albion. Elia sees the alliance - and Merlin's great destiny - as a chance to save her kind in a world that is quickly losing magic.What no one expected was for something more to grow between the now elven queen and the hapless servant, who is in fact a great sorcerer in hiding. But how can they possibly make such a union work with duty and destiny standing in their way?This is the first in a two-part series.…

Beauty and the Beet #onceuponnow

Beauty and the Beet #onceuponnow

42,910 3,348 6

As Clementine Bell has learned, running a successful NYC patisserie is tougher than it looks. Even with training in classical French baking from the best school in the world, getting people to walk through the doors to the Clementhyme Bakery proves much more difficult than drawing millions of viewers to her sensational baking vlogs. With the overdue rent piling up, Clementine's mother has the idea to enter her into a televised baking competition with a staggering $250,000 cash prize. Clementine isn't thrilled with the idea of competing on national television, that is until the producers let slip that her infuriatingly talented pastry school classmate and rival has been invited to participate. Sequestered on set in a partially renovated chateau in southern France, all of Clementine's knowledge of pastry is put to the test, but can this pastry purist outlast her competition to save her bakery in an arena where the culinary arts have become a spectator sport?…

~Prințesa Tuturor~

~Prințesa Tuturor~

395 118 21

Liniște. Peste tot era liniște. Universul era în tăcere, iar toată lumea se bucura de liniște, până când aceasta a fost străpunsă de haos. Moartea Melaniei, a adus haosul, iar acesta răsună din ce în ce mai tare. Stelele mor, iar demonii din cel de al doilea univers, încearcă să pătrundă aici, până când, nu o să mai existe nimic. "Avem nevoie de cineva care să readucă pacea și liniștea. Regele, ne-a trădat, dat asta nu înseamnă că trebuie să ne pierdem speranța. Avem nevoie de războinici, de cineva, capabil să readucă liniște pierdută. " Cine ar fi crezut că acea liniște, o pot aduce 5 elevi, 5 viitori conducători, mult prea minusculi, ca să poată fi observați, dar suficienți de puternici ca să oprească tot.…

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]

944,297 52,759 200

Qi Le An, a young actor who died a horrible death in his last life, without anyone collecting his body. His parts were stolen, he was framed up by his best friend, he had endured the various ills of life. Those people who had hurt him were indelibly imprinted on his mind. He swore he would wreak vengeance and redress hatred.As luck would have it, Qi Le An reincarnated five years ago when he was a trainee in the entertainment company. And on top of that, he is blessed with Nightmare System! He is able to control and fabricate other people's dreams... ...'Great! I want to say a thank you to that special someone! And people who have hurt me, prepare for your worst nightmare! I won't allow you to steal anything from me now that I'm given a second chance in life!'…

My Assistant [TFBOYSWJK]

My Assistant [TFBOYSWJK]

15,065 1,598 27

Wang Junkai, seorang leader dari sebuah boyband remaja terkenal di Tiongkok dan bahkan seluruh dunia, TFBOYS. Ia memiliki seorang asisten sekaligus seorang stage dancer bernama Luo An. Tak hanya asisten, mereka juga merupakan teman satu sekolah dan satu kelas. Dan, fakta bahwa mereka adalah teman sekelas, itu adalah hal yang tidak disengaja. Atau bahkan, tak wajar. Ya. Tidak wajar. Mereka berdua telah ditunangkan sejak mereka kecil karena tradisi bodoh keluarga mereka, dan salah satu orang tua dari mereka, menempatkan mereka disekolah yang sama. Junkai yang suka menganggu dan Luo An yang lugu. Bagaimana kelanjutannya? (Wang Junkai x Readers)…

The little archangel

The little archangel

5,812 152 24

what if Michael and Lucifer have a daughter?what if the real reason they are fighting is over her. Because they want her to pick a side what if the fight is a "prize fight" winner wins they Daughter? what if Gabriel left to protect his niece?well I guess I should interduce myself I'm Haven Star. Daughter of both Michael and Lucifer and this is my story.I do not own supernatural. I only own my OC and any plot changes that I might add. all right go to the original creators…

WANNAVELVET Fakestagram.

WANNAVELVET Fakestagram.

216,277 43,168 98

Ketika member WANNA ONE & Red Velvet main instagram[start : 28/07/2017 | end :13/12/17]…

Matching Leather Jackets

Matching Leather Jackets

338,469 12,345 35

Penelope "Dot" Frost; Independent, vicious, vexatious, angry, stoic, quick-witted, smart-mouthed, lonely, and as some would suggest, insane.Everything eighteen-year-old Penelope loves is either gone or being snatched from her weakening grasp. She struggles to raise her sister under the heavy hand of her father, cope with loss that is way overdue and recently reminiscent, and the returning presence of a beloved, arrogant ex-best-friend that betrayed her trust, formally known as Blake Adams.With all of these things occupying her life, Penelope does what she can to hold onto her bearings. She has to make choices that will build her up and break her down. What, and who, will she choose?UNEDITED with MANY TYPOS, a few clichés, and PLOT HOLES (began writing this when I was 14, bare with me).*Read at your own risk.*There are stereotypes in this story that I have sense learned from. I've debated taking this story down to fix them, as I see how distasteful they are. I have yet to rewrite this story as I do not have the time, but please know that I have a different outlook on the world than I did 7 years ago.…

Spider-Man One-shots

Spider-Man One-shots

297,101 6,668 50

Everything from boring field trips to caffeine-induced insanity, it's all here! I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. I am a Christian author. All of my books are clean and free of lots of things you'll see in most other books, but don't think for a second that it detracts from the amazing adventures you'll find in here! Seriously, this book earned its reads because it's AWESOME. I do not own any of the characters in this book. They are the property of Marvel and Disney. I own all of the writing itself and most of the story arcs within this book. Do not duplicate any part of my writing without express permission. Thank you.…

Futa Rwby harem x female reader{Hiatus}

Futa Rwby harem x female reader{Hiatus}

605 6 2

⚠️Warning⚠️This is involved with futanari if your uncomfortable with it this story is not for you and ⚠️warning NSFW⚠️I don't own Rwby the owners of Rwby series is rooster teeth and I don't own the picture credit the artist…

Liar Liar Liar

Liar Liar Liar

22 0 2

Ughh why me? Do he seriously had to do that to me? He said he loved me...…

All because of her
Harry Potter One-shots

Harry Potter One-shots

409,316 9,882 183

here ill post short one shots! typically between 200-2,000 words! feel free to request characters and ideas. i cant promise ill do them but im open to all suggestions!! enjoy! *no set schedule for uploading…

ashrik's force =warrior cats tale= {Rewrite/tried to fix?}

ashrik's force =warrior cats tale= {Rewrite/tried to fix?}

7 1 5

got removedkinda a slight thing for the series as Most of the characters in other books were interduced here... though I kinda didn't mention them in the rewrite lol Askrik's story…

♔Why Me? ~Raura~

♔Why Me? ~Raura~

33,763 1,935 46

Ross and Laura have a bad past in 5th grade, when they remembered they hated each other again...."I'm gonna bully you for the rest of my life" But one day Laura went home to find cops and no mom, dad or Vanessa She was taken to the orphanage, clueless But the day she moved in to the orphanage she was adopted by stormie and mark lynchWhen she was being interduced she noticed a familiar blonde...."ROSS?!?!""LAURA?!??"Will they fall in love?"I love you Ruby"What happens next? Who's Ruby?Find out on 'Why Me?'…

The Eyes That Make the Storm

The Eyes That Make the Storm

10,234 477 98

Learning how to be a hero after being raised as a villain would seem difficult, but for her, it was easy. For her, everything came easy. Keeping a level head was easy. Being a pro at thirteen was easy. Even outsmarting a supervillain was easy. But stopping the storm? It wasn't just hard, it was impossible. ☆ Black OC ☆☆ Weekend updates ☆☆ Story starts season 3 ep 49 ☆☆Cursing throughout ☆…

Chasing Starlight 💫

Chasing Starlight 💫

2,892 538 30

14+// Ashleigh Rendwick never meant to make the star that bound her life to Will, nor did she know the repercussions it would have ten years on. Now, at sixteen, that world of stars is long forgotten. When her path collides with Will and Alründ at a music festival, she can't shake the feeling that she's met them before. Alründ is as mysterious as he is beautiful, and their connection is instant. Little does she know, Alründ has been sacrificing his own happiness in order to keep her safe, even if it means stealing her memories. What he doesn't count on is Ash remembering him time and time again, or that she might love him, too. But Will believes that he is destined for Ash, while enemy Keenan prays that she is the cure to his family's killing curse.Bonds will be made that cannot be undone. And what lies in Ash's future is a fight to remember her true self, her true love, and a war that has lasted eons.💫💫💫// 1st place Winner -Teen - The Winter Dusk Awards 2019 // 2nd place winner - The Chaos Awards 6 //// 2nd place winner - The Autumn Awards 2018////3rd place winner, Fantasy - 2nd Biannual New Beginnings Writer's Awards (2019)Copyright © Samantha Kately 2018All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced without the permission of the author.…

Year 2079

Year 2079

1,595,561 58,946 50

Anul 2079. Lumea s-a schimbat iar pamantul nu mai este ce obisnuia odata sa fie. Atingerea Virusului de acum 50 de ani a distrus totul―populatia pamantului a scazut, moartea si foametea au crescut, iar orasele care odata stateau inalte si gratioase s-au prabusit. Oamenii care au reusit sa se salveze erau pe cale sa se dea batuti, speriati ca rasa umana urma sa dispara si ce obisnuia sa fie odata lumea noastra sa cada in tacere si intuneric. Dar chiar atunci familia Styles a intrat in peisaj. Ei au fost singurii oameni care au cazut in mainile Virusului si au supravietuit. Au fost mai destepti, mai puternici si mai diferiti decat restul si asa au devenit la scurt timp Familia Regala. Au inceput sa impuna reguli si sa faca din oameni sclavi; femeile sa reproduca iar barbatii sa construiasca. Au schimbat totul―in special ce a mai ramas din speranta oamenilor, care i-au ascultat, care le-au urmat fiecare pas, pentru ca erau disperati. Dar nimeni nu se astepta la viitorul pe care urmau sa-l traiasca. • • • Atentie: Cartea are un continut sexual, violenta si limbaj puternic. Nu este un 'fan-made' facut dupa o alta carte, serial sau film. Este scrisa de mine si este creatia mea. Daca cineva doreste sa faca o traducere a acestei carti sa imi trimita va rog un mesaj inainte si sa nu faca nimic fara aprobarea mea. Intreaga carte este ©Copyright deci nu furati ideea in niciun fel. All Rights Reserved 2013 - 2017 © LiveNiceTimes…