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Lee Siyeon goes on hiatus after Dreamcatcher Justice comeback. She struggles, and her three girlfriends-plus the rest of the members-help her overcome it, little by little. This is the tale in which it all starts.OrJiu, Sua, and Dami care for their girlfriend the best they can even while feeling fragile themselves due to Siyeon's crumbling state. Gahyun, Handong, and Yoohyeon are kinda there too, but not really. (Not in this one, anyway)DISCLAIMER; I will delve into realism and the dark side of K-pop, as well as touch on subjects such as negative friction between group members, crudeness, and flawed humanity/morals. It is fiction, but it will be based on what reality can be like. Don't take it personally if I touch upon group member jealousy, injustice/insensitivity within the group, fandom, and company, temper tantrums, acting intimate on camera but not being as close behind them (fanservice, and scripted affection), etc. And, I also will take a psychological approach to certain conducts (actions and reactions) and take some real-life events and situations to expand upon the fictional story with a logical, emotional/mental-based view.โฆ