Hypocrisy (Austlan Cashby)

Hypocrisy (Austlan Cashby)

186,871 8,259 37

It started with name calling. Fag, emo, gross, ugly, anorexic, boney. Then, he laid hands on me. On December 19th of 2011, Austin Carlile gave me a black eye. ~TRIGGERING~…

Conspiracy (Sequel to Hypocrisy)

Conspiracy (Sequel to Hypocrisy)

23,243 1,554 14

Sequel to the Austlan Cashby fanfiction, Hypocrisy.…



879 360 22

Are you a genuine Christian who has been born again?This book will put you to the test.Jason wants to avenge his cousin Abigail, who has caused him so much sorrow.So, Abigail, what did she do?What is Jason's chance of success?…

Hypocrisy Of Love

Hypocrisy Of Love

17 0 6

Bandung, April 2020The city known as "the city of flowers'' has now turned into a city of memories for me. Being a child of a broken family is not a pleasant thing, facing the atmosphere of fights, humiliation, and tears that fall unknowingly makes me unable to forget it. it turns me into a woman who does not take care of myself, clubbing, drinking alcohol, and dressing freely is now my habit. Even so, it still crosses my mind to get comfort from a man to make me know what the meaning of home is.A dark day seemed to turn into the most pleasant day after meeting an elegant man who I think is a home for me. It's like a dream to have a man like that. But a dream is a dream. He was just a bad building that was only covered in a piece of elegant cloth who was able to lie to anyone when you saw it.It's not easy to carry out your obligations as a wife, at the same time have a husband who looks beautiful on the outside but is rotten inside. The more you try the harder you get."Get out from here you hypocrite, the house that I think is the most comfortable place is in fact hell for me" Zulaika said with disappointment. "Why did you kick me out, didn't I meet your expectations as a husband?" Answer Lukman Zulaika's husband"You're mean, you're the most evil man I've ever met" Said zulaika with emotional damage."Hahaha,you shouldn't say that zulaika" Lukman laughed with hand up to give a strong slap."Plakkk""plakk""I regret marrying you lukman,give me back my life and return me to my parents" zulaika cries." I'm willing to have my old style life rather than continue this marriage" said zulaika with regret.…

Beneath The Veil of Hypocrisy [Project: Eden's Garden x Self Insert] (DEMO VER)

Beneath The Veil of Hypocrisy [Project: Eden's Garden x Self Insert] (DEMO VER)

727 9 5

I "DO NOT" own the demo version of chapter 1 of Project: Eden's Garden!!(READER INSERT)Please read my recent P:EG x Self Insert fanfic before reading this.…



3 1 1

This is a poem I made in class when I was bored. I tried to cover a few points that came to my mind. Enjoy!…

Hypocrisy (IPKKND fanfiction)

Hypocrisy (IPKKND fanfiction)

8,475 296 5

"Arnav Singh Raizada had just taken a few steps towards his office when a slow clap reached his ears. Turning around, ready to blast that person into smithereens, he was left dazed seeing his wife, Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, standing there sarcastically applauding with a poker face on."An IPKKND fanfiction.…



35 2 1

A short poem about the hypocrisy I often observe in people (and I admit, also in myself), that had been bouncing around my head for a while now.…



32 1 1

Just a poem.…



58 20 15

Various poems about all sorts of things, nature, romances, ill-fated and beautiful ones, pain, death, open-hearted caverns and tight ones. The long and short of it... The poems could be about literally anything. Some of the content may be a little disturbing, I'll leave warnings where necessary.…



4 0 1

who knows?…

The dance of hypocrisy

The dance of hypocrisy

29 7 1

It was a dance…

Hypocrisy of Your kind

Hypocrisy of Your kind

8 1 1

ostatnio po ingliszu bo czm nie…

hypocrisy beauty

hypocrisy beauty

6 0 1

who am I?…

children, hypocrisy, (that's what I give, you can take it from me)

children, hypocrisy, (that's what I give, you can take it from me)

5,513 501 20

Haruno Sakura grew up in a world which shunned her very existence, a place she could never quite bring herself to call home, somewhere where she never quite managed to fit in.She knows the reason for this, though - that being her father does not belong to that world, or so her mother eventually told her - and with the war finally behind her, she sets off to find him. With hope in her heart, she travels to her father's homeland, eager to find her place there. But family relationships are tricky, and Sakura finds herself stumped by the task set before her, because her father believes her and her mother dead.It's one thing to introduce herself to her estranged father, but another thing entirely for her to shatter the world he's built in the wake of the assumed loss of his family.PAIRINGS: Gen, FamilyCrossposted on AO3, the link to my profile on there is in my bio.I do not own the image on the cover and it has been used entirely for non-profit, but if the owner wishes for me to take it down, then please inform me.…

Love, Fear, and Hypocrisy.

Love, Fear, and Hypocrisy.

3 0 1

Ah, the joys of hypocrisy! It's nice to have your halo and jello too!…

Pretence: the Hypocrisy in Letting Go

Pretence: the Hypocrisy in Letting Go

75 9 1

It was November 27th, 2020.Jean Traven was my best friend and it was as I let him go that I put up a pretense that he put up all his life. is it hypocrisy if it saves lives, even when there is hardly any life to save?…

Hypocrisy(Gravity Falls/ON HOLD!)

Hypocrisy(Gravity Falls/ON HOLD!)

6,784 253 15

hy·poc·ri·syhəˈpäkrəsē/nounthe practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.You think you have problems?Well,whatever problem you have,it can't be as bad as mine!I've been transformed into a maroon-colored dorito!And even worse,there's some pretty bad side effects..........-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now that summer has ended,and Weirdmageddon is over,you think Dipper and Mabel's lives would be a lot more peaceful,right?Well,so did they.But they were wrong-life for them will never be peaceful.Even though that the yellow evil triangle Bill Cipher is out of Gravity Falls.....a new threat appears......and it's not who you'd expect.Before Bill Cipher's destruction,he cursed Dipper to turn into a dream demon.....a dorito like him.Only Dipper-The-Dorito is maroon.And he's left clues of how to break the curse......but the clues are left for Mabel.Dipper and Mabel escape to Gravity Falls in the winter for help.Each day,Dipper feels and acts different,has random thoughts that aren't his,and laughs when he really shouldn't.He gets scared once he realizes what-or who-he's starting to act like.Mabel,on the other hand,has to step in her brother's shoes in order to save him.....or all will be lost.Both of the twins have to lie to what they believe in....before it's too late. No puppet strings to hold him down,Just fraying ties to friends and town.Shape soon adjusts to the Dreamscape's norm,But more can change here than just form.......(Not Permabipper,updates every week.)…

Eminem fights against such hypocrisy

Eminem fights against such hypocrisy

1 0 1

He describes things the way they are. He also expressed against Bill Clinton's hypocrisy:« When someone says kids look up to me, I'm like 'Our president smokes weed and is getting his dick sucked and is fucking lying about it. So don't tell me shit. I'm not the fucking president. I'm a rapper and I don't want to be a role model'. I'll tell a kid, 'Look up to me as someone who's come from nothing and now has everything. Don't look up to me for being violent and doing drugs. Don't be like me.' »Eminem's got a clear message for kids (and also for adults). Look at things the way they are. Don't try to escape from reality. Look at it in its entire uglyness and try to learn a lesson from it.To the kids, he clearly wants to say that he's not their role model, but that they can learn from his story. Eminem encourages a lot of kids who come from poor social classes. He has shown the that they can « make it » if they are determined to.…