The Coward King: Part One - Rebellion
War has come to Elaech. In order to fund his new war in Gallanuul, King Allard Navri has placed unbearably high taxes on his people, taxes that they simply cannot pay. Mothers send their sons off to die for a king who cares nothing for them in a war they want no part of. Families crumble under the pressure of collecting enough money just to stay alive. Children are forced to work in slave-like conditions in order to keep food on the table. One man, however, does not stand for this. Dorad Erilion, a young lord of Elaech and a member of the former King's court, calls for the people to rise up in revolution against this new king. The lesser lords, who are suffering under the new reign because of the loss of the peasantry, flock to Dorad Erilion's banner in the hopes of defeating the King Allard in his mighty castle in Werach.This rebellion must succeed, however, for if they do not, no mortal strength can save them from the wrath of the Coward King.…