Warden of the Forest

Warden of the Forest

20 0 2

Buck never truly had much to his name.He had his memories and his personality and that's about it.Sooner of later something's going to claim even that but maybe he can gain anew.…

Broken Ledgers Fall Upon the Seas

Broken Ledgers Fall Upon the Seas

5 0 1

Neve never really wanted to walk upon the land that took the one he held most dear to him.-----Follow the Hafrós.…

Moons Scarre

Moons Scarre

11 0 1

The existence of hybrids and magic is a closely guarded secret and in return for protection, the hybrids and magic people are pulled into a data base and offer their services when something of the more supernatural variety goes on.Maddie is magical; as are her parents, Buck however, is not.Well, not that he was born magical.Buck knew his parent's didn't like him; it wasn't much of a problem to him, he was not born with a family, he chose his with his own heart and mind.…

Nestled Upon The Leaves Of Dire's Light

Nestled Upon The Leaves Of Dire's Light

30 0 2

One would assume that after being frozen in time for hundreds of years, you'd cease to associate with reality, to find trouble finding a place to belong.Aybora's place is within Buck's life and Buck is happy to be Aybora's place.…

Favorite lines from Different Fics

Favorite lines from Different Fics

459 4 150

This is literally an amalgamation of my favorite lines/quotes from different fics from either Ao3 or Wattpad.…



823 12 90

Just a book that'll hold my OCs; among other things, for various fandoms meaning that for some fandoms there will be multiple pages.…

Auxvazsilla Qailor

Auxvazsilla Qailor

8 0 1

Auxvazsilla Qailor is a secretive and largely hidden empire in the South Pacific Ocean in between Chile and New Zealand. Made up of many islands filled with untold power, ruling the Arctic waters with grace, said to be older than early writingElros "Aunyll" Elwing; a seemingly young looking person with many secrets, receives a letter from a long time acquaintance.…

Hell Down Heaven Down: May We Grace The Skies

Hell Down Heaven Down: May We Grace The Skies

11 0 1

Xathanael is ancient; created far before all other angels, the true first prince of heaven. Being the first prince; and the closest to God, leaves him with far more important duties than the other princes, so when God calls upon him to look after a newly formed Seraphim, he's more than happy to look after the youngling.Over the years the two became close and called each other true siblings so when the Seraphim's fall came upon the heavens and Xathanael's life threatening injuries keeping him from following his brother, he ascends to the higher realm, never to be seen again.…

Eyes Don't Lie

Eyes Don't Lie

10 1 1

Alfred loved his family, he cares for them a great deal.So when his family sends him off to a boarding school and started being distant he didn't know what to think.---The Miasma and Blot have been around or ages; monsters born on the hate of past enemies and of negative human emotions, being o mystery and destruction.Principalities or Heroes have sprung up to defeat these evils.…

Rain Down Heaven Down

Rain Down Heaven Down

14 0 1

Ever since the first spats when God was a lot younger; Evigheden has had to fix damages made by the younger. It finally came to ahead when God caused near irreparable damage to the angel he's come to call Belle Ame causing him to be "banished" from heaven never to see his Belle Ame again.Eons later Evigheden appears in Hell, specifically in a hotel.Having little to no will left after not finding records of his Belle Ame's soul, he decides to start anew.Maybe he'll find his Belle Ame again.…

When the River Runs Red. When The Stars Shine Bright

When the River Runs Red. When The Stars Shine Bright

16 1 2

People who have met Sir Kanik often don't know what to make of him. Most of the time he comes and goes as he please with others not even noticing he's there.A boy of near unparalleled beauty with a form as fleeting as dreams.By all accounts, Sir Kosame "Eltanin" Kanik does not exist.But maybe he does?…

Half-Blood High

Half-Blood High

6 0 2

Half-Blood High is a boarding school meant for the children of the gods, goddesses, and half-blooded monsters; it is a school meant to teach kids how to survive against monsters that want to kill them.Each pantheon has a dorm attached to the school corresponding to the pantheon they belong to each one coming with a new set of problems.Taeko "Asrun" Hisato is a unique half-blood of the Japanese pantheon. A children that shouldn't be alive, a child born on a snowy winter's night during the late 1800s.…

Principium et Finis: Ode de Rebus

Principium et Finis: Ode de Rebus

3 0 1

The beginning and the end: a gate of reality, that is what they are. They are the beginning, they are the inevitable end, they are reality.…

Lost But Found

Lost But Found

79 0 2

Ran'ya Ryutsuki Kos'ma has had many secrets in his long life, one of which being why he won't step foot within the territory of the Tatsuemon Empryie, and by extension, Briar Valley.Ran'ya "Yuu" Cosmica is a young-looking fae comes across someone vaguely familiar and is dragged back into a word he had long since left behind.…

Gilded Cages

Gilded Cages

28 2 2

The stars shine on those they love; the stars give power to those who hold them in their hearts, and for that the child of stars loves them just as the stars love their child.…

Empress' Guard: Sector 1, Platoon 1

Empress' Guard: Sector 1, Platoon 1

3 0 2

The Empress' Guard is a job for only the elite, only the best of the best can hope to even get an interview.There is a famed legend of Sector 1 Platoon 1; that S1P1 is the only mixed-species platoon, the Empress' closest guard, the guard that is focused on taking the Empress' every order.-----War is on the cusp of The Greater Galactic Empire's borders.And maybe, just maybe, S1P1 will have to leave the Empress' side to ensure her and her kingdom's safety.…

Tree Of Springs

Tree Of Springs

91 2 3

The magical realm and the non magical realm are said to be two different realms that use to live in harmony but then a great war erupted between the two and their connection was shut off. Hundreds; if not thousands, of years later a school was erected in the magical realm meant for taking in wayward magical things; people or animals, that ended up in the non magical realm.---Serin Ryutsuki; now Touwa Mioto, ran away from home and into the non magical realm after a terrible accident and refused to use magic sense. It had been over a hundred years since he's been home but when Yuu comes stumbling into his life along with people connected to his past, maybe he's forced to face his fears to protect the ones he loves.…

Shattered Safety Built Up Again

Shattered Safety Built Up Again

97 3 5

Keineluix is a rather odd country; a country hell bent of keeping his citizens safe, a country that has existed for hundreds if not thousands of years without outside interference and all to protect those who live within his borders.That all is however threatened when a marked unexploded bomb washes up on his shore with a tell-tale sign of a tracker.…

Spirits Make Contracts But Bridges Make Promises

Spirits Make Contracts But Bridges Make Promises

57 4 5

Spirits are ancient beings who make informal contracts with humans in grant of powers; these people with spiritual contracts go through and are put into secretive organizations that they are not allowed to tell others about.That includes the Paleontology Institution of Research and Living Dinosaurs.Tommy supposes he's not meant to know about the "Living Dinosaurs" part as he "meant" to be a normal human but could a "normal human" see spirits, talk to them, AND transform into dinosaurs?…