A New Beginning - Cal Kestis x OC

A New Beginning - Cal Kestis x OC

12,012 277 24

Luna Valerian has been hiding from the Empire ever since Order 66 was initiated. That is, until one day another Jedi just like her comes to save her. She joins Cal Kestis in the effort to rebuild the Jedi Order and takes this chance to start her life over again. Throughout the journey, She had no idea that she would meet the love of her life along the way. Cal Kestis x OC…

Kissed by Fire: Cal Kestis

Kissed by Fire: Cal Kestis

19,442 682 35

The galaxy is on its knees. With the spread of the newly formed Galactic Empire, surviving Jedi are forced into hiding. After the events of Order 66, the massacre of the Jedi Order spread throughout the united systems like a wildfire. One such follower of this dead religion, a young boy named Cal Kestis, is forced to live in exile as a scrapper to hide his identity and keep his life. He follows three simple rules.Don't stand out. Accept the past. Trust. No One.What happens when a pilot, a survivor, and a doctor reveal his days as a Jedi might not yet be over?Can hope be rekindled once more?(Cal Kestis x reader love story) (Jedi: Fallen Order)I do not own Star Wars. All rights go to Disney (unfortunately) and George Lucas.…

The Force Betrayed: Cal Kestis x OC

The Force Betrayed: Cal Kestis x OC

1,377 76 32

In which Cal Kestis travels to Kashyyyk and meets Sakana Angedis, Obi-Wan Kenobi's (secret) daughter. She doesn't find out about her secret identity, however, until four years after the Purge when her mother, a former Jedi Sentinel, falls victim to the Empire's invasion of Kashyyyk, leaving behind a Force journal full of sensitive and jarring information.In her struggle to accept her mother's death and redefine her legacy as a Kenobi, she meets Cal Kestis, another Jedi who understands her more than anyone else in the Galaxy.That doesn't make it any easier to tell him the truth, though.This story follows Cal and Sakana's journey and includes Force journal flashbacks of Sakana's mother, Eryyyn Angedis, as she participates in a forbidden relationship with a certain Jedi Master.spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4uCwZU2Rvnv0PnM8579zFK?si=9ac5ba301918416acover made by memaysockkcross posted on ao3 @arthurmangoes…



1,988 37 16

Y/n, an eleven year old padawan is forced into hiding after Chancellor Palpatine, now Darth Sidious, executes Order 66. She hides out on planet Corellia where she works as a mechanic, a slave to the empire for five years, until she is found by Cal Kestis and his crew.…

Aboard the Stinger Mantis || Cal Kestis Fan Fiction

Aboard the Stinger Mantis || Cal Kestis Fan Fiction

10,036 283 40

Mara had survived on Eriadu for 5 years since she escaped from the order. Koobis was kind enough to set her up with work and take her on as an apprentice in his workshop, but it seemed things were going to change when his old friend Greez asked him for a favour on the down-low. This is a Cal Kestis Fan Fiction set after the storyline of Jedi: Fallen Order. I do not own any aspects of Respawn's or Lucas Film's property, and only own my OCs and their storylines, This is purely writing for fun :)…

Repairing Beyond Ambition - Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order fanfic *EDITING*

Repairing Beyond Ambition - Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order fanfic *EDITING*

45,900 1,135 51

Cal Kestis and Altheeda Reeve have spent their teenage years, earning a living in the Scrapper's Guild at Bracca, with a friendly Abednedo; Prauf keeping a watchful eye. The more they learn of each other, the closer they become to each other and to the prospect of danger. When things go awry at Bracca, they are forced to flee what they know and explore their moral compasses and side with new friends. Repairing the Jedi Order seems like a task beyond all means, but with new tools and new relationships; does it seem less impossible?This story has mentions of death, torture and injury. This is just a trigger warning for those who are sensitive to these topics, although these are not described in great detail.DISCLAIMER: The only characters I own in this story are my OCs Altheeda Reeve and Turner Reeve. My side plot is my own creation. The main storyline and all the characters are owned by Lucasfilm/Respawn/EA etc.HIGHEST ACHIEVED RANKINGS:#1 in the calkestis tag x5#1 in the cerejunda tag x7#1 in the jedifallenorder tag x5#1 in the inquisitor tag28/11/20#56 in the starwars tag25/11/20#28 in the jedi tag26/11/20…

Ateez Imagines

Ateez Imagines

4,737 144 18

Requests are open!!!…

Balance between Dark and Light

Balance between Dark and Light

271 6 3

First Padawan of Jaro Tapal David Reiss, was lost for a while after the mass genocide of the jedi order. for a time, he struggled against the dark side. but later reached enlightenment, truly understanding the balance between the dark, and light, he began his journey. Not as a jedi, nor a sith. watch as he tries to enlighten other lost souls.I don't own star wars, or any images and music used…

ateez drabbles

ateez drabbles

12,921 589 17

short drabbles for ateez![on going]…

Vengeance. (Helltaker Reader insert)

Vengeance. (Helltaker Reader insert)

9,842 74 6

"how the hell did i get down here? where am i?" "buddy, you're in Hell, and ive been tryin to figure out how you got down here myself. my name's Justice, and you're gonna need a guide, and i've got free time."…

Ateez Imagines

Ateez Imagines

626 11 5

A book of imagines for the beautiful atinys out there!…



551 2 5

(REQUESTS OPEN <3) Includes ateez headcanons, scenarios and reactions…

Marriage ( A Delena Fanfiction) COMPLETED

Marriage ( A Delena Fanfiction) COMPLETED

21,024 257 17

My old account is ILoveDeezDogs. This is a story where Damon and Elena get married and have kids! Other couples will be in this book and they will have kids too.…

What In The Hell...

What In The Hell...

7,464 30 17

Read to find out ;)…



2,812 27 23

Poznałam chłopaka o imieniu XXXXXXX zakochałam sie w nim....Ale po moim wyjeździe do USA to znikło i znalazłam chłopaka o imieniu XXXXXXX i chłopak dołączył do mojej klasy wiedziałam zazdrość Bartka ale miałam to gdzieś chyba zazdrośćAle wakacje to zmieniły…

Aashiqui  ( 18 + )

Aashiqui ( 18 + )

860 23 6

Arrange Marriages are scary if he is a ..... 🤫🤐…



26,369 250 3

[Opowiadanie jest w trakcie korekty]Zmuszony do małżeństwa Theodore Prescott opuszcza żonę tuż po nocy poślubnej, zostawiając wiejską, rodzinną posiadłość i udając się do miasta. Madeline stara się nie dać po sobie poznać, jak wielki ból jej to sprawia, wmawiając sobie i innym, że wróci. Gdy jednak docierają do niej plotki, iż jej mąż bawi się w najlepsze, nie stroniąc od kobiet, a sama otrzymuje niemoralne propozycje, nie wytrzymuje. Wyjeżdża za nim i postanawia się do niego zbliżyć, by w dogodnej chwili zemścić. Nie przypuszcza jednak, że może być to nie lada wyzwaniem, gdyż realia wielkiego miasta znacznie odbiegają od dotychczas jej znanych, a ludzie są tu bezwzględniejsi. A gdy w grę zaczynają wchodzić uczucia silniejsze niż nienawiść, sama już nie wie, czego tak naprawdę pragnie.{Akcja rozgrywa się w latach 50 XIX wieku} Okładkę wykonała @oneyellowbeeTekst zajął trzecie miejsce w konkursie "Szklane Pióra 2021" organizowanym przez Peopie-Praca bierze udział w konkursie "Wilcze potyczki".…

We shouldn't meet

We shouldn't meet

150 6 29

Lilou właśnie wprowadziła się do miasteczka , niczym sie nie różniła od wielu innych dziewczyn była ,zwykłą spokojną aż nudną 16-latką która nie wiedziała jeszcze jak bardzo zmieni się jej życie Blake mieszka w miasteczku jest głośnym problematycznym i niespokojnym 21latkiem . Od 15 roku życia jest zamieszany w narkotyki dlatego nie ma czasu na uczucia innych osób ale to miało się zmienić dzięki niezdarnej blondynce Nigdy nie powinni się spotkać a połączyła ich ta sama siła która miała ich rozłączyć16/18+❗️TW. Narkotyki , alkohol ☀️🌊🏝️(W trakcie tworzenia)Start01.28.2024…

Fighting For Lily ( A Delena FanFiction )

Fighting For Lily ( A Delena FanFiction )

1,643 31 8

This is a sequel to my other story A Different TVD. You need to read that one to figure out what happens in this one. In this story Damon and Elena's baby Lily gets taken by someone they love. And Damon and Elena have to fight to get her back. This story can get sad at some points. Enjoy!…

The Revenge For Love (Sequel)

The Revenge For Love (Sequel)

3,531 112 16

Mehbeer are now a 3 year happily married couple, Meher is pregnant with Abeer's child, they're really happy but suddenly problems start coming in their life, Kuber is dead so who's the one creating problems in their lives? Read to find out.…