Închisoarea gândurilor

Închisoarea gândurilor

37 0 1

Grațiela duce o luptă interioară cu propriile gânduri negative. Oare va reuși să le învingă? Un monolog spumos, cu o intensitate crescândă, ce le va oferi cititorilor suspans și capacitatea de a se transpune foarte ușor în pielea personajului.…

Ganduri Strasnice

Ganduri Strasnice

5 0 1

Special pentru MR.PUG si Iubirea lui cea mai mare =)…



1,066 26 6

Gânduri, sentimente și emoții, tot ceea ce ne face umani. Dar ce se întâmplă când acestea preiau controlul asupra ta?…



1,128 27 14

Astea-s doar randuri, randuri pe-o hartieCateva ganduri dintr-o mie, nu ma lua in serios…

Gânduri de noapte

Gânduri de noapte

14 2 1

Trăiri și sentimente…

Ganduri la feminin

Ganduri la feminin

1,505 202 14

Aceasta carte este dedicata tuturor fetelor cu speranta ca vã va aduce zambetul pe buze.^-^ Nu uitati sa va lasati parerile ...voi raspunde de fiecare data. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡Vreau sa le multumesc tuturor celor care imi citesc cartile...inseamna enorm de mult pentru mine.Voi imi aduceti in fiecare zi zambetul pe buze.Cand ma trezesc de dimineata si vad notificarile de pe wattpad sunt cea mai fericita.Voturile voastre si comentariile dragute ma fac sa merg mai departe...si pur si simplu nu am cuvinte sa va multumesc.Sunteti cu totii minunati...si va multumesc inca odata pentru tot!Va iubesc enorm de mult!Pupici si imbratisari infinite! XOXOXO ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡…

Ganduri ratacitoare

Ganduri ratacitoare

827 251 104

Polarități constructive…

Gândurile unui Suflet Anonim.

Gândurile unui Suflet Anonim.

472 86 36

Sunt doar o adiere de vânt, ce se străduieşte să schimbe ceva pe acest pământ. Să lase zâmbete când pleacă, să dispară, ca şi cum n-ar fi fost niciodată.…

Gânduri murdare [BTS]+18

Gânduri murdare [BTS]+18

25,442 1,230 26


Gânduri către mine însumi

Gânduri către mine însumi

342 32 17

Este o carte non-fictivă, capitolele pot fi citete aleatoriu pentru că nu au legături strânse între ele. Încerc să abordez orice subiect, să răspund sincer (cu cea ce simt raportat la cum gândesc) la orice întrebare chiar dacă e despre mine sau orice altceva.…

Gânduri și poezie

Gânduri și poezie

532 20 14

Versuri, gânduri, muzică şi poezie.…

Line Of Durin (Thorin Oakenshield)

Line Of Durin (Thorin Oakenshield)

15,127 305 20

Many thought that the line of Durin ended as Azog plunged his sword into Thorin Oakenshield's chest. Yet two hearts of Durin carried on beating within the womb of a young ,half hobbit, half elf, Miss Lillianna Baggins.…

The Hobbit and the Silver Eye Warrior

The Hobbit and the Silver Eye Warrior

7,897 201 30

This is the adventures when Bilbo Baggins join a company of 13 Dwarves and Gandalf but one more person has joined the Company in a different name.…

Tolkien Headcannons

Tolkien Headcannons

3,856 111 9

A series of headcannons from the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings that might (hopefully) have you squealing with feels.…

In the Ruins//Legolas

In the Ruins//Legolas

23,539 1,417 30

Durion's heritage is painted in mystery. Being the last elf born in the Second Age, with his mother dead and his caregivers nowhere to be found, he battles with what his future holds in store for him. What reason would a mother have for naming her child 'Son of the Dark'?Perhaps he just needs a little light in his life, even if it comes in a form most unexpected.The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Lord of the Rings: Return of the KingLegolas x Male OCI own nothing but Durion, his backstory and other OCs related to him.Started: 30.01.2024Finished: TBD…

Oscuridad Aterradora

Oscuridad Aterradora

13,232 1,002 10

Durante la última batalla frente a la Puerta Oscura de Mordor, Sauron fue finalmente destruido, devolviéndole la luz a la Tierra Media... pero el más oscuro tormento de Legolas solo acaba de empezar…

The Forest Queen (The hobbit x reader)

The Forest Queen (The hobbit x reader)

133,187 4,494 13

There were many myths about the forest kingdom, whether it was real or not. Some claimed that it's people were immortal while others claim they are the ghosts of the dead. Others said that it's people were of humans, hobbits, dwarfs and elves.It was said it was ruled by a beautiful queen, who wore a dress as white as snow, a crown as pure as silver, with silver eyes as bright as the moon. They say if you whispered her name she would give you the knowledge you seek. But that was only a myth... right?The company of Thorin Oakenshield had been running through a dark forest when suddenly everything around them changed, and in the distance stood a large tree, around it was the most beautiful and peaceful kingdom they had ever seen.The Kingdom of the Forest Queen, (Y/N)…

Jellyfish | YOONSEOK

Jellyfish | YOONSEOK

6,633 384 10

"Oh FU-""Yoongi.""... Fudge."~~~Hoseok's family invites his boyfriend out with them during their vacation. They've never approved of Hoseok and Yoongi's relationship but Hoseok is determined to make them see how happy he is and how much he loves Yoongi. And that Yoongi is most definitely not in some gang.~~~Started: 3/25/18Ended: 5/6/18…

𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 | the hobbit

𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 | the hobbit

7,509 167 21

"What gives you the right to talk like that to me? I'm a king!" Thranduil boomed at you, but you stood your ground. "Lock me in a cell, kill me. Do what you want, king.... But even you should know, anger a shifter, your doom will be near" your eyes flashed, and Thranduil drew back. "What... are you?" He said, fear and confusion filling his icing blue eyes. You chuckled dryly. "No king nor any civilians would know. Only her." You shrugged the Guarda's hands off you and walked away, leaving the king speechless and filled with even more questions. How are you?…