The Unknown Ability - The Story of Crimson Saint

The Unknown Ability - The Story of Crimson Saint

63 5 6

Crimson, a boy who was gifted elemental abilities, that seemed to have ruined his life before it even started. He must learn the ways of his abilities and make friends.. and enemies along the way.Perhaps... Even a romantic partner.…

Utilizing Hacking to Bring Back and Improve Your Credit Score

Utilizing Hacking to Bring Back and Improve Your Credit Score

3 0 1

Maintaining a great credit report is more crucial than ever in today's electronic age, where our monetary lives are delicately linked to technology. A healthy and balanced credit history opens doors to much better interest rates, funding approvals, and general financial stability. However, circumstances adversely influencing our credit scores might arise regardless of our best shots. This is where the concept of working with a moral cyberpunk to deal with credit reports enters play.…

My Dream (Austin Edition)

My Dream (Austin Edition)

3 0 1

My Crush Surprises me with a Child hood Promise.…

 Detroit Become Human : KN700

Detroit Become Human : KN700

3 0 2

An android, given the name Ken, is welcomed into a shit show of a house. His caretaker, named France is about to show him his true feelings about Androids.this story is based off of the game Detroit Become Human.…



15 2 2

Billy Graham liked driving his car, a new model Ford car. On one of his daily drives it broke down. He got out opened the bonnet of his car and tried to see what was wrong but he was not successful. He waved out his hand to an oncoming car to ask for help. The man stopped his car and came out to help. The man went to the bonnet and for what seemed like a minute asked Graham to start his car and the car came to life. Graham was thankful and asked the man what was his name the man answered "My name is Henry Ford" and he drove off. Now Graham understood why the man only used a minute to fix the car, the man was Ford the owner of the company that made his car.He knew how to fix the car because he made it; he understood the car more than anyone else. This is the case to our entire daily encounter if you know something you understand it better and you can easily fix it. To us Christians we are in a daily battle, a battle that needs our attention spiritually and in the flesh too. To fight this battle we must know the truth.What's the truth?…

Computer Problems: A Cronkri Story

Computer Problems: A Cronkri Story

429 27 3

How Karkat and Eridan got to be matchmakers. Karkat and Eridan both need a new computer, so they go to Sollux. He can't fix them because Equius has them. Neither one wants to go see him so they go to Nepeta. The only way she'll give them the parts is if one of her ships comes true. They ask witch one and she points to Cronus and Kankri. It is up to Karkat and Eridan to make the duo kiss. Will they succeed? Probably.…