something new - love and war

something new - love and war

588 18 10

the sequel to my other story, something new, except this time it's different, it's back to vampires and werewolves, but an even bigger problem has made itself apparent, linka loves lincoln, but doesn't know how to tell him, luckily, it still ends up working out, creating a beautiful love triangle between lincoln, ronnie, and linka, as well as some likely violent scenarios…

Lucy loud -loud house vore

Lucy loud -loud house vore

6,196 36 4

this is a lucy loud vore story, this is not cannon to my other stories…

coping with replacement

coping with replacement

41 1 1

this is based entirely on a dream I had, and is meant to capture the emotion that dream caused, this story will not be updated UNLESS this becomes a recurring dream where it continues over multiple nights, in which case I will likely add to it…

something new

something new

15,558 166 17

lincoln loud has always been an outcast, after all, everyone has a flaw or two, but lincoln got the brunt of it, but now he has another problem, he has discovered he has supernatural capabilities, but should he use them for good? or bad, this story is now finished, thank you to everyone who has stayed with me this long, and check out my sequel, something new - love and war…