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Story was originally on my DeviantART page, so I decided to repost it here on WattpadPlot:Ever since the portal hopping journey, Ivor often borrows the enchanted flint and steel and portal atlas to go visit Harper in Crown Mesa. The New Order of the Stone doesn't mind, since they trust Ivor with their treasure and the enchanter always returns it when he returns.One day, after returning from an expedition, the Jesse twins find out that Ivor borrowed the flint and steel again, but strangely, he hasn't come back, and is taking longer than he normally does. Concerned about him, the twins go to Crown Mesa to see if he's there. Harper tells the twins that Ivor hadn't showed up.Concerned for Ivor's safety, the Jesse twins, along with Harper, go and search for him. When they find him, they get caught up in a dark deal with a group of shady people who captured Ivor.In order to get the portal key and atlas so they can exit the world they ended up in, the Jesse twins, Ivor, and Harper need to find something that the bandits are after. But when they figure out what it is that these people want, they get wrapped up in something that could be more dangerous than their shady deal...Notes: This takes place in between seasons 1 and 2 of MC:SM Main ship is Ivor x HarperMC:SM belongs to Telltale Games…