Felicity al Ghul

Felicity al Ghul

52,692 1,169 15

When an old friend of Oliver's shows up on the steps of the Arrow cave, Felicity immediately hits her with the cold shoulder. Diggle thinks she's jealous, but Felicity knows otherwise. Felicity worked so hard to run from her past, but what does she do when it begins to catch up? Can this stranger catch Felicity in the web of lies she's created? Or can she get through undetected?#1 in felicitysmoak 5/30/21…

Seeing Smoak | ✓

Seeing Smoak | ✓

337,181 8,303 36

Allison Smoak is Felicity's twin sister. She ran away when she was 14 and Felicity hasn't seen or heard from her since.What happens when 21 year old Allison returns home to Starling City and starts falling for Oliver Queen...again? What happens when Felicity's secrets get revealed? Are both Smoak sisters falling for Oliver Queen?Highest Ranks#741 in Fanfiction #5 in Oliver Queen [Oliver Queen × OC][Season 2]…

Felicity Wayne **Discontinued**

Felicity Wayne **Discontinued**

22,047 399 8

Felicity Smoak had a family secret no one knew about not even Oliver Queen or John Diggle she was the daughter of the wealthy playboy philanthropist Bruce Wayne aka Batman the hero of Gotham City. When Felicity was ten both her parents abandoned her leaving her alone and scared in the streets of Gotham where the infamous Joker found her with the intentions of making her his protege and legacy but within the first week of their cruel and torturous lessons the Joker and Batman got into one of their usual scuffles. Felicity was found unconscious, beaten, and barely alive, Batman saved her, and against his better judgment and Alfred's continuous nagging advice he adopted her making Felicity, Bruce Wayne's daughter.Felicity now has a new life and a new name because of her past antics, tragedies, and events she's now just an IT girl for Queen Consolidated and a nighttime hacker for the Arrow but what happens when the past comes crashing back into her life?I don't own any of the characters!…

Comeback Story

Comeback Story

27,169 407 13

When Oliver and Felicity spend the night together, everything changes. Oliver pushes Felicity away after wards. He's got his reasons, and she's got her secrets. 6 years later, the unthinkable happens. Slade Wilson escapes his prison and takes Felicity. Some one from Felicitys new life goes back to Star City to ask Oliver Queen The Arrow for help. Will Oliver be able to save her before it's too late? Can they put the broken pieces of their lives back together? *Olicity* I do not own the show or the characters. I did come up with this plot all by myself, so I do ask for you to respect that. Some things may be a little different form the show, just go with it. Happy reading!I will update every Friday!! Only once a week because my chapters are Long?Wattys2017!!! Vote?Ranked#6 in arrowfanfiction #10 in Olicity…

Any Dc or Marvle superhero,villain or any Oc.

Any Dc or Marvle superhero,villain or any Oc.

785 16 6

Roleplay any marvel or Dc teams or characters.any ocs welcome and villains just whatever you wanna do.…

Into the Unknown - Arrow

Into the Unknown - Arrow

60,152 1,753 32

With the city in jeopardy, a family reunion is last on Oliver Queen's list, But when Aurora shows up after a tragic accident of her own, the Queen's welcome her with open arms. The new sister is pulled in a secretive direction and little does she know it is a very real threat.…

Just Another Girl (an Olicity fanfiction)

Just Another Girl (an Olicity fanfiction)

62,036 1,780 12

Felicity Smoak has been a loyal follower to popular girl/best friend Laurel Lance for years. They've been glued at the hip since elementary school, even though the two girls are polar opposites. Laurel is intimidating, confident, and gorgeous. Felicity is awkward, quirky, and...not-so-gorgeous, at least that's what she thinks. But when Felicity stumbles upon billionaire Oliver Queen, things are about to get a little more than complicated.…

Free Falling (Olicity) - Finished

Free Falling (Olicity) - Finished

12,641 247 10

When Carrie Cutter returns to wreak havoc on Starling City, Oliver and Felicity must put on a facade to lure her into their trap. Will this facade turn into something more or will it tear them apart?…

Im Glad You Chose Me -Snowbarry

Im Glad You Chose Me -Snowbarry

11,376 350 15

Book 3 ^Sequel to Book 2: I'm Glad Your BackBook 1: I'm glad you kissed me After 2 years Barry and Caitlin lived happily ever after until they found out that Iris escaped out of jail. A few days after, Ronnie shows up at Cait's front porch: for the first time, since she forgave him a few days before. The question you should be asking yourself are:What is he up to?Is he up to no good or...?Is he really sorry?Read to find out!Disclaimer: Don't own the characters CW does. Started: 1/11/18 Finished:11/02/18Edited started: Edited finished:…

The Girl Behind It All

The Girl Behind It All

68,382 1,599 18

For those who ship Felicity and Oliver, this story is for you. It's full of confusion and heartbreak and the one thing we Olicity shippers crave the most, Oliver and Felicity being together!!Read, love, and Rate!<3…

Flashes Secrets

Flashes Secrets

4,908 124 10

Barry Allen has been keeping a secret from the world not that he is the Flash but something that could change everything he has kids, twins to be precise. Emily and Ethan Allen. He keeps them hidden from the world at his apartment only three people know they exist what happens when everyone else finds out about them.…

Felicity Stark **Discontinued**

Felicity Stark **Discontinued**

46,695 974 20

Felicity Smoak had a secret that no one knew about not even Oliver Queen she was secretly the Genius, Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist's daughter, Tony Stark was never considered a father figure of any kind but when one of his ex-lovers drop felicity literally on the doorstep of Stark Tower the billionaire's heart melted at the sight of her she was then known as the daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts she was Felicity Meghan Stark-Potts she was known worldwide as Iron-man's heir she had his witts, smarts, and sarcasm as well as her mother's loving, sweet and strong independence characteristics she was a genius and outdid her father's wealth and smarts by the age of seventeen but one day something happened ripping her perfect life away leaving her with no other choice but seeking out a fresh start as Oliver Queen's IT girl and partner in crime.Now it's time for the present to meet the pastI don't own any of the characters!…

The love of his life (Lauriver)

The love of his life (Lauriver)

23,219 511 22

Oliver and Felicity are deeply in love, they are engaged and excited about their future. But the truth comes out revealing Oliver's secret and causes conflicts between him and Felicity. Felicity never stopped loving him but they still broke up. Oliver realizes he has been distant with some people and decides to let them in, one of those people being his ex-girlfriend Laurel Lance. He discovers he misses feeling the way Laurel made him feel. Felicity isn't planning on letting him go and fights for the man she loves. For the love of her life. But the question is, is she the love of his life?ARROW spoilers season 1-5 Characters belong to CW's Arrow and D.C. comics (It starts off after 4x15 when Oliver and Felicity talk and decide their fate as a couple, in other words they break up) No hate towards any ship nor character. This will be exploring Oliver's relationship with both Laurel and Felicity and how he finally comes to know who truly is the love of his life. This could also count as a rewrite to season 4 since I am not really happy of what happened that season. Everything that happened before 4x15 is the same.…

Arrow Memes
quiver - barry allen

quiver - barry allen

295,837 6,581 54

❝You're Quiver?❞❝You sound surprised.❞barry allen | the flash season 1© osculable | 2018---10K reads • 2.21.1950k reads • 10.27.19100k reads • 6.7.20…

Black Canary • boyxboy | Arrow

Black Canary • boyxboy | Arrow

202,541 5,603 43

"He's quite the bad ass."Green Arrow x Black Canary (male)…

After He Left (Olicity)

After He Left (Olicity)

37,488 706 13

It's been two years since Oliver left to be the new Rash Al Ghul (I have no idea if I spelt that right). Felicity has loved on as much as she possibly can and completely changed her life quitting her job at Palmer Industries and getting a much better job. Despite the bad days she has every once in a while where she can't get Oliver out of her head she loves her life. What happens when Oliver comes back? Will he see Felicity's great life and decide to leave her alone? Will Felicity break down when she sees him? Will the two be able to finally have a relationship? Find out in this Olicity fanfiction.…

My Mom & My Dad

My Mom & My Dad

49,443 1,055 22

Felicity Smoak is a simple yet smart IT specialist raising a three-year-old daughter as a single mom. An incident one afternoon at the park leads to a friendship with wealthy CEO Oliver Queen whose wife had died, leaving him to raise their eight-year-old son. What would it take for them to move on from their painful pasts? Let their kids, Emily and Stephen, tell the story.Disclaimer: I do not own the Arrow series and its characters, just the idea for this Olicity AU fanfiction.…



6,162 171 11

Oliver and Felicity have been together for months but After she Gains a serious head injury that messes with her emotions will she be the Felicity once was or go in a life of madness? Olicity…

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~

687,368 14,064 68

Oliver and Felicity have just triumphed in killing The Count. Now, they face a new challenge: Oliver has started to finally develop feelings for Felicity but what happened while Felicity was with The Count? Even if it was for a few moments, a few moments was enough to ensure Oliver's doom if he ever...(PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE!)…