She's Alive (An Arrow Fanfic)

She's Alive (An Arrow Fanfic)

186,894 4,378 33

This book does mention self harm and eating disorders it doesn't go into too much detail but there are mentions of it!!! 14 years ago Oliver found out that he had gotten Sandra Hawke pregnant. Later his mom convinced this girl to lie to Oliver and tell him the baby died. What will happen when Oliver finds out he has a daughter and she's alive? What will happen when he finds out how broken his daughter really is? Will he be able to get passed her walls or will she block him out the rest of her life? Okay so small spoiler in 3... 2... 1... If you can't tell by the description i got this idea after the one episode where it was Oliver's past before the island and he finds out that a girl named Sandra is pregnant with his baby and then he freaks out so Moira convinces her to lie. I did change it up a bit considering it wasn't really 14 years ago it happened like right before the island but i needed the girl to be older so just pretend it happened longer ago. Also Moira is alive and Oliver is still CEO at Queen Consolidated.This will be edited when i'm done writing it so please no rude comments about not writing something the right way!!! (I made the cover for this before i changed my user so yeah it says by Alina_Starkov deal with it!) lol.DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters except for Megan and the people in her school and an occasional other!!!!!!!…

The Summer Angel and the Lost Hunter

The Summer Angel and the Lost Hunter

4,399 148 16

Everyone assumes that Dean would be the one to knock up a girl and Sam and Cas would be the lasts right? Well, looks like your wrong. Read the story about how Sam and Cas found out about the Summer Angel and the Lost Hunter.…

We Meet Again (A Once Upon A Time and Doctor Who crossover.)

We Meet Again (A Once Upon A Time and Doctor Who crossover.)

6,590 146 8

*slow updates*When Emma was 15 she traveled with the doctor (9) they went on different adventures and and met all kinds of aliens, but sadly it didn't last. On one of the adventures they went on Emma met the daleks and they almost killed her. The doctor then realized that Emma was young and had so much more life to live, so he left her back at the orphanage and never came back. Here's what happens when she meets him (10 now) again. ***This is a fan fiction copyrights go to ABC and BBC***…

Scarlett Winchester

Scarlett Winchester

44,164 1,318 70

Scarlett Winchester. She's fifteen and she's lived in an orphanage since she was nine. One day she just happens to run into Dean Winchester quite literally. Well obviously he's her father so wanna find out what happens? Then read on. :) Starts in season 3. So, I always wait till I'm finished with the book to edit that way it doesn't take me to long to update so there will be a few mistakes here and there unless you read this after I have finished it! Sorry grammer police!WARNING: This book contains talk of self harm, anorexia, self hatred, and abuse, it's does not have any details in it but it is mentioned so read at your own risk. ***All rights go to the creators of Supernatural most characters and most events belong to them I only own a few of the characters and events!***…

The Search (Phanfic)

The Search (Phanfic)

113 4 4

After a year of happy marriage, Dan and Phil finally come out to their fans and bring even greater news- they are having a baby! Well, actually two. They had hired a surrogate mother who had used both of their genes and mixed them with her own to have these miracle babies. What happens when she wants one of the children? What about when the twins want to meet their biological mother and Dan and Phil say no?…

Gift From God (Destiel)

Gift From God (Destiel)

1,259 41 7

When Dean and Cas finally admit their love for each other they get a little more then a bargained for... A baby. Both of them being biological fathers... How do Cas and Dean raise this girl? And how do they hide the secret of who she is and their old lives? Read on! (first Destiel/gay fanfic to wrote please go easy on me)…



1,127 30 4

13 years ago, during her Freshman year, Taylor Bradley stopped her brother from bullying Sam Winchester, a new kid in her class, further then he already had. That was the beginning of a three year long distance relationship. It ended when Sam suddenly stopped texting her. She then runs into him in the diner she works at. What will happen when Sam finds out about the monsters after her and she has to stay with the Winchesters?…

The Life I Never Had

The Life I Never Had

17,011 438 15

For quite a long time I didn't know my dad. Didn't know his name (other then his last), didn't know what he looked like, didn't know his personality, nothing, all I had to go on was the few times my mom spoke poorly about him. What I did know was that the checks that came every month were from him. Mom always called it pity money and we never used it unless we absolutely HAD TO. The thing was my dad left the second he found out my poor orphan mother was pregnant and he didn't want the responsibility. Sure, he was only seventeen but my mom was fifteen and alone. The checks stopped coming when I was almost 11. My mom, who hated the money, was angry and called him selfish and a liar, she was very confusing, but I thought he might be dead. She said he wasn't. When I asked her how she knew this she wouldn't answer. All she said was he stopped because he got engaged and he didn't want her to find out. I believed her because she's my mom I didn't have a choice. Then a week before my sixteenth birthday my mom passed away and a social worker called my dad and I finally found out who he was and how my mom always knew what was going on with him. This is how I found out my father was Jared Padalecki and how he found out about my issues and helped me.…



99 4 5

There are a few that are just an opinion on a topic but mostly just depressing stuff.…

The Lost Winchester

The Lost Winchester

302 10 3

*Sequel to Dean's Savior**slow updates*Years ago Carter and Dean had their child taken from them to be used as a weapon. After a year of searching they lost hope. Soon they were able to overcome their grief and get married and have a new life. Will their past come back to haunt them?…

Beyond Repair

Beyond Repair

587 78 11

*Slowish updates*Logan is scared of love. Hope is scared of being abandoned Can two guys from a band show them they don't have to be scared? Cody Carson and Zach Dewall love story.…

The Third Winchester And The Doctor

The Third Winchester And The Doctor

298 23 3

*slow updates*I'm Skylar. Skylar Winchester. My mom was murdered my a vampire when I was seventeen and a hunter named Alec helped me find and kill it beginning my hunting career. Alec left me on my own a few months in so I was alone in hunting until the Doctor showed up. Then I was off and on the TARDIS sometimes hunting alone sometimes with the help of the doctor. My life was okay until I met my brothers. That's when hunting became way more complicated, if that's even possible. *I DO NOT OWN SUPERNATURAL*…

Arrow, Supernatural, Doctor Who, And Harry Potter Imagines And Preferences

Arrow, Supernatural, Doctor Who, And Harry Potter Imagines And Preferences

926 11 3

BEEN MOVED TO NEW ACCOUNT: amethyst_kisses Preferences and imagines! If you want one message me or comment on any of my books!!!…

Broken (A doctor who fanfic)

Broken (A doctor who fanfic)

1,974 64 6

*slow updates*Nikki Williams. Who is she? She's a mystery. There's so much about her that she doesn't even know, but the doctor does. Will he ever tell her his secret? Will she ever tell him hers?…

Don't Fall In Love With The Arrow

Don't Fall In Love With The Arrow

990 35 2

*slow updates*Sara and Felicity are sisters that share a dark past that makes them very close. Their father is Rash Al Ghul and Sara is the only one that has met him. When Sara is murdered Felicity will do anything she can to get revenge, including enlisting help from the father that put her family in so much pain and betraying the man she loves. After a lot of training she finally gets her revenge, or, so she thinks.…

Jewel Of The Sea

Jewel Of The Sea

184 11 2

"It's not that simple you don't understand.""Then explain!""I can't.""Of course you can't. That's just like you."*slow updates*~~~~~~~~~~~~Cordelia Jones. Better known as Cory had lived in New York most of her life. She was a music sensation that pretty much took over you tube until she left it all behind to go to Story Brooke. Story Brooke had always been her dream, since she was little her mom told her all about who she would meet when she went. When she finally gets to Story Brooke and meets her pirate father will it be everything she dreamed or will it be a nightmare?~~~~~~~~~~~~Any music in here is actually sung my Macy Kate the actress used for Cordelia!!!! Macy Kate rocks you should all look her up!!!!!!! All other rights go to OUAT i don't own any of the character except for Cordelia, Adara, and the occasional other!…

The Secret Origin Of Felicity Smoak (Arrow And SPN Crossover)

The Secret Origin Of Felicity Smoak (Arrow And SPN Crossover)

18,376 434 3

*slow updates*Felicity doesn't talk about her family. Her mom is dead, her dad hates her, she hates her dad, the last thing her older brother has said to her in five years was that she was selfish, and she had to leave her little brother in order to be happy. Her family is just screwed up and she's rather not deal with it so she doesn't. Until one day her older brother shows up needing help. So what does she do? Arrow/Supernatural crossover! Go CW!…

Emma Smoak (Arrow and OUAT Crossover)

Emma Smoak (Arrow and OUAT Crossover)

6,039 131 5

What if Emma Swan and Felicity Smoak were the same people? *slow updates****************************************************************Hey so this is a weird idea i know but i wanted to try it just because i have always wondered what it would be like if Felicity found out she had magic and how Oliver would react and plus past Emma looks a lot like Felicity. I'm going to be really loose with this book, i am going to edit it to make sure it's correct grammar and punctuation wants it's finished of course, but i'm going to change up some of the stuff that actually happened in the shows and have a few things where i skip forward a few months. I'm really exited and who knows maybe this crazy original idea will make a great book! :)Disclamer: All rights to the writers of Once Upon A Time and Arrow. All of the characters are theirs save some extra characters i throw in there. Those are MINE! Lol. (Changed my user after making the cover so yeah it says by Alina_Starkov deal with it!)…

Girl Next Door (Flash Fanfic)

Girl Next Door (Flash Fanfic)

143 6 1

*slow updates*Flash Fanfiction!!! Erin just moved to Central City with her best friend, Julisa. Her life is already pretty crazy seeing as she's a peace hybrid. Which is exactly what it sounds like; a hybrid of two species to keep peace between them. She's half angel, half vampire. Her best friend is a vampire. She just wants to lie low and live like a semi normal life, unfortunately for her she moved next to Barry Allen, the Flash himself and find herself pulled into a world of science and superpowers and secrets.…

The Next Generation

The Next Generation

622 20 1

*Sequel to After He Left* Olicity *slow updates*Over sixteen years ago Oliver became Rash Al Ghul not knowing that he left behind a pregnant Felicity. A few years later he came back to find Felicity engaged and raising a beautiful girl while at the same time singing in concerts and showing everyone what she can do with her voice. To summarize what happened next Tyler, her husband, abused her and they divorced leaving Felicity and Oliver together. We left them after they got married. Want to know what happens to Olivia Queen, their daughter? Wanna know how they got sacked back into team arrow? Read along!…