The Purple Spider's Second Chance
My name is Yu Ziyuan.I am known by many names: Madame Yu,the wife of the sect leader of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, but the name I'm most proud of is the Purple Spider. My job is well... was to run the Yunmeng Jiang Sect with my husband Jiang Fengmian but the job I'm most proud of doing is raising my 2 children and the biggest regret of my life is leaving them so soon.But...My biggest mistake was to marry a man that cares for another woman so much so that he adopted her son and favored him more then his own.This thoughts run through my head as I see that very same man die right in front of my eyes with sadness?? in his eyes as the last thing he see's is me being cut down and Lotus Pier, our home burn to the ground.As I close my eyes for the last time, I promise to the heavens that I will not wait for a man's affection,I will live for me and me alone. Jiang Fengmian thank you for our life together, it may not be perfect but we are still family and I'd like to hope that given our years together you at least have some affection for me.Right? well it doesn't matter now.Let's not meet again in our next life and I wish you every happiness.A-Cheng, A-Li, I'm sorry and I know you will be fine. Wei Wuxian , you better keep your promise in protecting them!And that was my last thought as I take my last breath...I thought that was it and I can finally rest and leave my past, my heartbreak behind me, but fate has a way of messing with you...As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with a familiar sight, too familiar...'My lady, are you okay?' asks a man with a worried expression. Yes, it was THAT man, Jiang Fengmian. What on earth is going on ??…