The Firefly Effect |  jerza

The Firefly Effect | jerza

54,346 3,184 27

❝You'll never understand until it happens to you.❞college au | fairy tail | jerza@ANIME FEATURED STORY…

Forbidden (MystWalker)

Forbidden (MystWalker)

731 26 3

It all started when she was assigned to be his body guard and attendant. They had a rough start, but things got better.He stopped comparing her to her counterpart, and she started getting to know him.They started getting closer. At first, it had been completely innocent. Friendship. But then, things took a turn for the worst.They fell in love.A king is only allowed to fall in love, have a relationship and marry a princess or noble woman, or at least someone related to that. Anything else was forbidden. And yet, he still picked her over everyone else.The great king Jellal, had broken the sacred rules and rituals, and picked his royal army captain, Erza Knightwalker.…



21,406 1,167 42

Ai mashkull egoist ,mesuar me kenaqesin e fmerave droges e dhimbjes ,gjen shprese tek nje femer ne pamje e brishte e pafajshme ...Por del qe djalli paska maske dhe le te bashkohet djalli me djallushen e tij...-Virgjereshe bota udhehiqet nga njerez me kostum e kollare jo nga djem me tatuazhe ...-Nuk me intereson te di me shume per jeten tende meqe sjam pjese e saj!-Por mund te jesh...-Po!Te jem per 1 vit?Apo 2 vite?E pastaj te zevendesohem nga ndonje bukuroshe me kollare ?Smund te bie aq poshte te krahasohem me bukuroshte e tua te perzgjedhura...I kam pare zgjedhjet e tua sdua te ofendohem me teper!-Per sa kohe te jesh prane meje sdo te ndodhe! bej te te besoj verberisht atehere ...-Kam frike se kjo sdo te ndodhe kurre...Teksa ecen drejt atij koridori te zbrazet e te erret me shprese se dora e tij do jete ajo qe do e ndaloje,e ndjeu veten tepe te lire per te ecur drejt pa kthyer koken pas deri sa nje dore e mbertheu nga beli 2 buze ndjeu mbi te sajat cka u pasua me nje puthje ter pasjon...-Ti je e imja sheqerke.-A shtu mendon TI!-Truri yt mund te refuzoje cte doje ama zema jote me perket vec mua ...-Me fito atehere!-Do me duhej vec 1 nate!-Ore ne fito mendjen!-Do e bej dhe kete...--------------------Do te linde besimi mes 2 njerzve qe duhen por ekziston pasiguria?…

Our Dirty Secret-DoJaeYong/JaeDoTae

Our Dirty Secret-DoJaeYong/JaeDoTae

150,255 4,412 32

Kim Doyoung. A pretty cute and gay person who attends SM high. He often gets bullied by Jaehyun and Taeyong and their little gang. Jaehyun and Taeyong are like dating,yet they still fuck around with random people. When they find out about Doyoung being a cam-boy what do they have to say about that? "A~ah fuck. S~shit. TAEYONG? JAEHYUN? H-how long have you b-been standing there?" "Long enough"{Warnings and Information will be put in the intro}…



41,125 2,063 18

To society, omegas were just homemakers and mothers. They didn't have the right to have dreams or ambitions. Their purpose was to look pretty next to alpha, to be quiet and obedient. Maybe that's why many of them to seek future had to travel far and wide. Independence was impossible to achieve, but many were ready to fight for it. In the end, all omegas, rich or poor, wanted the same thing - to be free.or where Doyoung and Yuta plan to kill Yuta's husband01.03.20 #1 jaedo09.07.20 #2 plotting12.07.20 #1 dojae29.09.20 #1 tenkun08.11.20 #1 jaedo25.12.20 #1 tenkun10.01.21 #1 dojae10.01.21 #1 tenkun13.01.21 #1 dojae12.02.21 #1 dojae21.02.21 #1 dojae21.02.21 #1 taeyu28.02.21 #1 dojae28.02.21 #1 taeyu28.02.21 #1 tenkun05.03.21 #1 dojae25.03.21 #1 kunten…

Enigma [MystWalker]

Enigma [MystWalker]

1,291 14 1

King Jellal deals with the weight of fixing his entire kingdom, rebuilding the city, helping others live without magic, and dealing with a slightly rebellious Erza Knightwalker. Erza Knightwalker has to help rebuild the city, learn to live with a king who was very different from her previous one, and understand him. She also has to control her anger and not lash out on the new king for leaving Edolas when he was a young prince, for the good of Edolas. The two spend more time together and slowly begin to respect and understand one-another. Erza has become more tame, to her king that is, and the king has slowly begun to be more open. The two end up falling in love, but once the council finds out, will they approve it, or try to split the two apart?…

My omega.....Jaedo/DoJae

My omega.....Jaedo/DoJae

120,791 3,696 36

Kim Doyoung an omega that was found injured badly was saved by NCT pack. What would happen if Doyoung caught the eye of an alpha that was one of the most feared? Jaehyun wanted to keep this relationship a secret will they be able to do so? Will Jaehyun have a change of heart? Will Doyoung love his new life? What problems will they face? Who is their allies and who are their enemies? WARNINGS ⚠️⚠️-SMUT-ABUSE-USE OF HARSH WORDS-Cross dressing for a TINY bit-+others that I have forgotten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DO NOT COPY MY WORK!DO NOT TRANSLATE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!I DO NOT OWN NEO CULTURE TECHNOLOGY!THIS IS PURE FICTION!…

Love maze/ DoTae/Jaedo/JohnDo

Love maze/ DoTae/Jaedo/JohnDo

66,190 1,815 24

Kim Doyoung a stripper that likes girly things that is in for money. To Doyoung Love is like a foreign feeling. He never experienced it and never used to. After growing up in a not so hood childhood he is ended up in a mansion with 3 different men. But Doyoung didn't know they will be so serious in a relationship like this. They are competitive when it comes to 'love' "Doyoung you take my Cock so well""Doyoung-ah you look so hot when you suck my fingers like that." "We promise we will be gentle.." "Sorry You can't walk! Sorry Doie.." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INCLUDES: SMUT-3 DOMS and 1 sub. SWEARINGCrossdressingOTHER SHIPS. A LOT OF CRAP~SORRY FOR A LONG SUMMARY! MATURE CONTENT ahead!I AM SORRY IF I DONT UPDATE BC I AM BUSY WITH SCHOOL…

"Baby, All I want is you"

10,124 307 8

Magda mogła być wszedzie gdzie tylko chciala.Tylko nie w udanym zwiazku.Czy to sie zmieni?To opowiadanie zaczyna się jak każde inne ale później jest bardzo dojrzałe. Ukazuje piękno miłości . Zapraszam milutko do czytania ;*…

Nirvana - Jack Brewer (ON HOLD)

Nirvana - Jack Brewer (ON HOLD)

22,174 423 13

- In which Jack joins Diana's dojo and they both find internal peace in each other.Jack Brewer x O.C.Season One: Ongoing!Season Two: ⓧSeason Three: ⓧSeason Four: ⓧUpdates every Monday!!!…

convenience store kiss • dojae

convenience store kiss • dojae

46,123 2,439 10

Jaehyun is the town's bad boy, who frequents the convenience store of Doyoung's family at night to steal chewing gums and to flirt with him.| doyoung x jaehyun |with a side of johnny x tenamazing poster by: Iamdead on asianfanfics! :)…

Wasabi Warriors | Kickin'It Story  [ON HOLD]

Wasabi Warriors | Kickin'It Story [ON HOLD]

73,421 1,308 58

Abigail Nicole Fernandez Lived in Seaford California her whole life, She's always felt like an outsider never really did know where she fits in. But It's 9th grade and Abigail & her friends decided to Join The Bobby Wasabi Dojo even though their all not the greatest minus her of course but, things change when the new kid Jack reluctantly joins the dojo and meets his new friends.☯︎︎ "𝚆𝚎 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙱𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗'𝚜 𝙴𝚢𝚎 𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚢𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙷𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚊𝚢 𝙳𝚒𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚜𝚊𝚋𝚒" ☯︎︎Kickin'It X OCJerry X OCSeasons 1-4Slow Updates All Rights Go To Jim O'Doherty & Disney I do not own any of the Kickin'It Characters & Storylines I only own Abigail and my original storylines…

𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂

𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂

2,533 287 15

"ငါ့မှာ မင်းတစ်ယောက်တည်းပဲ ရှိတယ်""ကျွန်တော့်မှာလည်း ဒိုယောင်းတစ်ယောက်တည်းပဲ ရှိတာ"…

[dojae] NCT Confessions  | #dojaenctconfessions

[dojae] NCT Confessions | #dojaenctconfessions

169,267 13,298 70

In which, Doyoung is a sender and Jaehyun is one of the admins.[for twitter users, use #dojaenctconfessions for feedbacks! ill retweet it]…

My first and last

My first and last

4,276 521 14

အဆုံးသတ်မှာ ရလာဒ်နှစ်ခုပဲ ရှိမယ် သေကောင်ပေါင်းလဲ နာကျင်ရမလားBeautiful endingလေးပဲလား?…

Only One

Only One

2,940 267 13

( U + Z )Jaedo Mini Fic…

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

15,676 1,097 40

Dea nje vajze qe e dashuron jeten nje vajze me synime te qarta ne jet por qe papritur njeh dashurin dhe endrra e saj me e madhe eshte te jet me njeriun e zemresDuke triumfuar ne dashurin e saj ajo shnderrohet ne nje grua dhe nje nene shembullore Ajo kishte nje familje perfekt ku mbizoteronte harmonia, lumturia dhe mbi te gjitha dashuria por jo gjithcka eshte sikur duket gjithmon eshte dicka e fshehur qe ti nuk e shikon papritur lumturia kthehet ne dhimbje e ndersa buzeqeshja ne lot nje tradheti e ben ate te kuptoj se disa gjera kishin qen thjesht fasada ajo tradheti e ben te dyshoj ne gjithcka madje dhe ne dashurin qe ata kishin A falet tradhetia? eshte kjo pyetja qe cdo njeri e mendon te pakten njeher ne jet dhe ne e kemi te qarte ate pergjigje tradhetia nuk falet sepse ai qe te tradheton nje here e ben perseri Kur e mendojm na duket e thjesht ajo gje por kur ndodhe te ben te mendohesh gjate per ate pergjigje Por si do te arrij ajo te vazhdoj perpara si nje nene beqare? A do te arrij te jet e zonja e vetes? Frika nga ndryshimi dhe nga ideja e te jetuarit pa te do ta bejn te stepetpor djali I saj do te jet ai qe do ti jap kurajon qe te vazhdoj perpara sepse ajo eshte e fort dhe nuk ka nevoj per askend qe te mbijetoj ne kete bote mizore por a do te arrij ajo ta ndaloj zemren qe te rrah perseri per ate njeri ? A do arrij dashuria e tyre te jet mbi gjithcka apo tradhetia do ta vras ate ?…

Make You Mine

Make You Mine

1,717 162 8

You know that I want to be with you all the time 🎵 ♡…



129,882 2,437 60

Just a bunch of gay shots with your fav female celebs...…

kickin' it | femina bellator

kickin' it | femina bellator

915,726 21,213 84

Anti-social, detail oriented and principled. Those are three words that could be used to describe Azalea Gillespie. Her personality didn't really attract many friends, but Azalea didn't care because she got enough social interactions from hanging out with her three friends at the dojo. The Bobby Wasabi Dojo was her home and had been since her older brother, Rudy, first introduced her to karate. Everything in Azalea's life followed the same pattern and she was perfectly content with that; she would go to school, after school she would practice karate and then she would return home to the apartment she shared with Rudy. So what happens when a new boy comes to town and disrupts Azalea's peaceful and orderly life? Jack Brewer x Azalea Gillespie (OC)…