About Dipanshu Sharma

About Dipanshu Sharma

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With a view of the future of marketing and location technology as seemingly limitless as the horizon from xAd's headquarters from the 60th floor of One World Tower in New York City, Dipanshu Sharma leads the fast-growing, 400+ employee company, backed by over $116 million in venture funding from Eminence Capital, Institutional Venture Partners (IVP), Softbank Capital, Palisades Growth Capital, W Capital, Silicon Valley Bank and in November took a strategic investment from Microsoft Ventures."…

Dipanshu Sharma Has a Way to Make Meditation Accessible

Dipanshu Sharma Has a Way to Make Meditation Accessible

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Dipanshu Sharma Offers Accessible, Inexpensive Access to Meditation and its Benefits Via Meditation.LiveOverall life expectancy is increasing in humans, but our brains start deteriorating after the first two decades of life and continue degrading with age. Research is being done that may crack what techniques people can use to diminish the negative impact that aging can have on the brain.Dipanshu Sharma, founder of Meditation.live, said meditation can be one of those techniques that helps the brain stay young and memory stay strong. Meditation and movement have numerous benefits, including increasing productivity, managing relationships, improving sleep, managing stress and anxiety and providing deep relaxation, according to Dipanshu Sharma.Meditation is not only beneficial, according to research, it is also inexpensive and accessible. With Dipanshu Sharma's company Meditation.live, people can practice meditation where and when it is most convenient for them.…

Dipanshu Sharma Launches Meditation.LIVE Bringing Yoga & Meditation

Dipanshu Sharma Launches Meditation.LIVE Bringing Yoga & Meditation

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CEO of Meditation.LIVE, Dipanshu Sharma, on a mission to bring yoga & meditation to the modern workplaceDo you ever feel stressed out at work? Do you ever get anxiety under pressure? Mental health, "hustle-culture", work-life balance have become important topics in our conversations about the modern workplace, as we see a new approach to the idea of careers and entrepreneurship from new generations entering the workforce. So if you have been feeling stressed out, now you can relax, because serial entrepreneur Dipanshu Sharma is bringing peace of mind and productivity to corporations and businesses with his new venture Meditation.LIVE.Meditation.LIVE is an on-demand and live-streaming yoga and meditation subscription service for companies looking to reduce employee stress and anxiety, increase productivity, stimulate creativity, and strengthen team relationships. The stated goal of Dipanshu Sharma and Meditation.LIVE is, "To create an interpersonal experience with the best teachers in the world."Dipanshu Sharma, who now lives in Miami FL, is originally from New Delhi, India. After growing up in New Delhi and graduating from DAVV University with a MS in Computer Science, D Sharma received an internship from Nokia in Finland and attended the Helsinki University of Technology. In Finland, Dipanshu Sharma wrote over 20 patents for Nokia. From Finland, Dipanshu Sharma moved to the Nokia office in San Diego, California. After just three months in San Diego, Dipanshu Sharma left Nokia and started his first company, involving speech recognition, and started down the path of entrepreneurship.Now, after founding multiple companies, advising many start-ups, and raising over $150M in funding over his career, Dipanshu Sharma has turned his focus to improving the mental health and corporate wellness of companies all over the world. Meditation.LIVE launched in July of 2018 and has Meditation Gurus or teachers, across the United States, Europe, and Asia.…



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Workplace Meditation, Movement Encouraged in Corporate Spaces and Can Pay Dividends, Says Dipanshu SharmaAfter months of testing wellness plans with enterprise clients, meditation.live is officially available to all businesses in the United States. The company already has an impressive client base including 15Five, Accesso, Celtra, CredPR and many more. Meditation.live offers plans for corporations to add mental health wellness with meditation of movement classes to their employee benefits package."It's not often that a 30-minute meeting at the office can leave employees feeling more energized and focused," said meditation.live CEO Dipanshu Sharma. "This is an amazing benefit to offer employees to keep them mentally healthy and productive in the workplace."Meditation.live is a corporate wellness platform founded by Dipanshu Sharma that provides enterprise wellness solutions and group sessions which feature meditation/movement classes, courses, workshops and panels in a live and interactive setting. Meditation.live gives you access to the best meditation teachers around the world and offer over 180 live classes."Meditation.live brings the well-known benefits of meditation to the workplace to enhance wellness culture, improve leadership skills and personal relationships and increase focus, productivity and reducing stress," said Dipanshu Sharma.…

What Google Can Teach Us About Remote Work

What Google Can Teach Us About Remote Work

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Dipanshu Sharma Weighs in On Having a Healthy Remote Work Life and Thriving in Any Work EnvironmentGoogle recently released results from a multi-year study that show how to build an awesome remote work team. Since 46% of companies have virtual teams, it's important to be able to establish a remote culture that supports and encourages collaboration and teamwork, even when it is not face-to-face.One finding from the study was that it's crucial to get to know your colleagues as people. Building connections and having conversations about things other than work is foundational for happiness and productivity in a remote workplace, according to corporate wellness expert Dipanshu Sharma.Another recommendation is to set boundaries by speaking with co-workers about when they prefer to take meetings and have communication. Having a work-life balance is key, said Dipanshu Sharma, and with remote work the temptation can be to get things done throughout the day without set hours. However, with co-workers in different time zones, set boundaries about the times you can take meetings and make it clear when you start and end your work day.…

Investments in Mental Health Says Dipanshu Sharma - Dipanshu Sharma

Investments in Mental Health Says Dipanshu Sharma - Dipanshu Sharma

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When there was a choice between investing in AI or its aftermath i.e job losses and increased stress and anxiety, serial entrepreneur Dipanshu "D" Sharma, chose to invest in mental healthIn the summer of 2018 Dipanshu Sharma and his wife, Julie Sharma, were pondering on whether to start their next venture with a focus on AI and Machine learning or start something that deals with the aftermath of its impact on society.This lead to understanding what impact AI is going to have on the future american workforce. AI or machine learning, as exemplified at IBM, is technology that learns as it goes, specifically by ingesting and crunching lots of data. Computer systems like these learn on their own, without human intervention. IBM chief executive Ginni Rometty said the company sees a huge opportunity-$2 trillion worth-in this market over the next decade.Another famous AI investor Dr. Kai Fu Lee in his latest book AI Superpowers, outlines how millions of suddenly displaced workers must find new ways to make their lives meaningful, and how government policies will have to deal with the unprecedented inequality between the "haves" and the "have-nots." Even worse, Lee says the transformation to AI is already happening all around us, whether we are aware of it or not. Increasingly today and in the future we tend to find meaning by keeping our minds busy with social media, gaming or other forms of entertainment. So what should we do about a future (with AI/Automation) that makes us increasingly unhappy, stressed and anxious. Bronnie Ware, Author of bestseller: Top five regrets of the dying says "By learning to focus our minds in meditation we begin to take back ownership of our own thinking thus giving ourselves a choice of consciously choosing our thoughts and therefore create happier lives"…

Investment In Artificial Intelligence Needs Investments

Investment In Artificial Intelligence Needs Investments

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When there was a choice between investing in AI or its aftermath i.e job losses and increased stress and anxiety, serial entrepreneur Dipanshu "D" Sharma, chose to invest in mental healthIn the summer of 2018 Dipanshu Sharma and his wife, Julie Sharma, were pondering on whether to start their next venture with a focus on AI and Machine learning or start something that deals with the aftermath of its impact on society.This lead to understanding what impact AI is going to have on the future american workforce. AI or machine learning, as exemplified at IBM, is technology that learns as it goes, specifically by ingesting and crunching lots of data. Computer systems like these learn on their own, without human intervention. IBM chief executive Ginni Rometty said the company sees a huge opportunity - $2 trillion worth - in this market over the next decade.Another famous AI investor Dr. Kai Fu Lee in his latest book AI Superpowers, outlines how millions of suddenly displaced workers must find new ways to make their lives meaningful, and how government policies will have to deal with the unprecedented inequality between the "haves" and the "have-nots." Even worse, Lee says the transformation to AI is already happening all around us, whether we are aware of it or not.Increasingly today and in the future we tend to find meaning by keeping our minds busy with social media, gaming or other forms of entertainment. So what should we do about a future (with AI/Automation) that makes us increasingly unhappy, stressed and anxious.Bronnie Ware, Author of bestseller: Top five regrets of the dying says "By learning to focus our minds in meditation we begin to take back ownership of our own thinking thus giving ourselves a choice of consciously choosing our thoughts and therefore create happier lives"So the future with AI is going to happen, Dipanshu Sharma and Julie Sharma launched meditation.live to deal with its impact.…

Top 5 Benefits of Meditation in the Workplace - Dipanshu Sharma

Top 5 Benefits of Meditation in the Workplace - Dipanshu Sharma

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The Positive Contributions of Meditation at Work, as Told by Dipanshu Sharma, and Why to Implement Regular MeditationWhen it comes to meditation, many people think of a practice that must be done alone, in total silence, at the most tranquil and calm point in the day, said Dipanshu Sharma, founder and CEO of Meditation.Live. However, meditation in the workplace can be done in groups and may have more benefits and a positive contribution to individuals, work culture and productivity. Here are five reasons you should consider implementing yoga in your place of work.1. Meditation decreases stress and anxiety in the workplace40% of working americans suffer Loneliness, Stress and Depression. A literature review conducted in 2014 assessed 47 mindfulness meditation trials that involved around 3,515 participants. The review concluded that meditation is a useful tool that helps relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. And not only do meditators feel less stressed, their levels of the "stress hormone" cortisol decrease measurably.Stress has been linked to a wide range of medical problems, including hypertension, heart disease, substance abuse, anxiety, and depression. A study done at Stanford University School of Medicine shows that those who practice mindfulness meditation display a reduction in stress-related symptoms, and report increases in their sense of control in their lives. For instance, mindfulness meditation can produce a 30% reduction in symptoms of stress among those with a serious illness.Whether there are conflicts with coworkers or pressing deadlines, stress is not beneficial to a work environment. Stress is also linked to many health problems, including heart disease, depression and hypertension. By employing meditation techniques, employees will have clearer minds and be able to think more freely and creatively, making more positive contributions at work, said Dipanshu Sharma.…

Meditation Integrated Into Curriculum in England Provides Amazing Benefits

Meditation Integrated Into Curriculum in England Provides Amazing Benefits

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In England, 370 schools will now integrate meditation and mindfulness into the curriculum to put a focus on the mental health of young people. Under a government mental health study, in these schools, children will learn to meditate, techniques for muscle relaxation and breathing exercises.Part of the reason for this change to the curriculum is that a growing number of children are suffering from depression and anxiety and mental disorders. A few schools in the United States have also implemented mindfulness classes and activities, as many people are starting to recognize the benefits forming the habit can have on youth, said Dipanshu Sharma, the founder and CEO of meditation.live."Teaching mindfulness to young people addresses negative behavior before it happens rather than after," Dipanshu Sharma said. "It begins to teach thoughtfulness, calmness and de-stressing practices so it's less likely for distracting behavioral issues to crop up as often in the classroom."Meditation is not just for adults, Dipanshu Sharma said, and not just adults face stress and anxiety. More than ever, children suffer from mental health problems and become stressed, causing them to act out or even become aggressive. Meditation, taught at a simple level that kids can understand, instills in them a habit that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.…