lifeguard || zayn malik

lifeguard || zayn malik

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"God, Zayn. You're going to be as red as a tomato if you don't put any sun cream on," Harry scolded, squeezing a large amount of the white lotion into his hand and splatting it onto Zayn's back."Sorry, can you move out of the way, thanks?" Zayn turned to see a tanned girl, binoculars lazily hanging around her neck and a yellow and red cap almost slipping off her head. "I'm kinda trying to make sure no one drowns."-~<!>~-Zayn Malik and his best friend Harry move to Sydney, Australia for university. Moving to Australia, the country with some of the world's most beautiful beaches, there's no doubt they'd venture to the gorgeous banks of Bondi.But accidentally pissing off a lifeguard doesn't help start a great year. Delaney Griffiths was a sweet and bubbly girl before her nasty break up. Her trust in anyone is very little since then. Zayn wants to be the one to break her shell. After weeks of trying, Zayn desperately tries to convince himself that Delaney Griffiths is not worth the chase. But, if that was so, why would he apply to be a lifeguard when he can't even swim? ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️Kinda sorta inspired by that one Spongebob episode :-)…



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"Mi sentii improvvisamente in trappola. Un sorrisetto amaro mi sfuggì dalle labbra, perché una parte di me, lo sapeva che in realtà in trappola lo ero sempre stata. Da quando l'uomo che ha ucciso mia madre davanti ai miei occhi mi aveva presa con sè, avevo avuto tutto e al contempo perso tutto. E ora la mia preda, la chiave per la mia libertà, era davanti a me, con una pistola puntata alla tempia. Per la prima volta la mia mano tremava. Se era Stefano con la morte ad un passo dalla sua anima, perché l'animale in trappola sembravo io?Guardai i suoi occhi per la prima volta da quando avevo estratto l'arma. Le labbra ancora brucianti dopo il bacio che c'era stato. Non sembravano feriti. E nemmeno impauriti. Erano totalmente apatici. Come se non avesse avuto nessuna ragione per fermarmi. Non avrei potuto farlo guardandolo. Chiusi gli occhi e li strizzai forte, come se questo potesse impedirmi di vedere, di ricordare in futuro. Ignorai le lacrime e i miei singhiozzi. Sembravano non appartenermi.E poi il rumore dello sparo echeggiò dentro di me. Fu come l'urlo più straziante che avessi mai udito, e non passò nemmeno quando mi tappai le orecchie, in preda al dolore."Non può un predatore affezionarsi alla preda. Perché la preda diventerebbe il predatore.Questa storia passa da sentimenti angoscianti alla più totale follia. Ma confido che voi siate già abbastanza pazzi da poterla leggere senza effetti collaterali.…

Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Signs

7,233 1,109 145

I have found everything written in this book on net cause I am not an intellectual or astrologer or anything who can write about zodiac signs on their own. But please read and vote because it also takes time and energy to find something different and then write it. Hope you will enjoy this book.…



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The mission went wrong, so wrong. The Mage wasn't even all that powerful, but all he had was himself to blame. She screamed his name as the glowing blast of magic came at him, but it was too late. During a mission to defeat a dark Mage who, Natsu jumps in to attack without even thinking like usual. The teleporting Mage would have been easy to fight if Natsu had listened in on the plan, but was hit by a powerful teleportation spell that blast him out of Earthland into a new unknown world. Natsu struggles to find a way back to his home, but in a world with no magic and with his own magic out of commission. Natsu is stuck. After few months stuck in this world, Natsu try's his best to fit in. Getting a job in a town named Rush Valley and a small place to call home, but after meeting a short blond alchemist with a large tin suit for a little brother. Natsu may have found his ticket home. ((Fairy Tail x FMA Crossover))((After the 7 year arc))((when Ed and Al meet Ling))…

𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙇𝙇𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 - 𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙨 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠

𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙇𝙇𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 - 𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙨 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠

42 2 1

con·stel·la·tion/ˌkänstəˈlāSH(ə)n/nouna group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure....LORELEI BENNET has always met her parents' harsh expectations. For the most part, that is. A freak accident at her magics academy, Ilvermorny, has left her parents overrun with disapproval and her life turned upside down when she learns that she is to leave behind all she has ever known to transfer to a new school in England. Between catching up to her classes and earning back her parents' satisfaction, she has no time for boys. Especially not slackers like Sirius Black.CERTIFIED TROUBLE-MAKER SIRIUS BLACK's parents hold a fair share of their own expectations for him to live up to. The difference is, he has never made an effort to adhere to them. Upon reaching his fifth year, Sirius adopts the hobby of aggravating the sweet, hopelessly study-inclined new girl Lorelei Bennet, and tasks himself with breaking her out of her parents' mold. With the year nearing an end, Sirius finds himself wondering just how a model student like herself managed to get expelled in the first place.AS THE PAIR grows closer, they find themselves holding questions that can only be answered through familiarity and time: Is Sirius truly as insufferable as he seems or is there something behind the cocky façade? Beneath the weight of her expectations, what more is there to Lorelei? Just how many stars will it take to bring their own constellation to life?…

İzmir Tabela

İzmir Tabela

3 0 1

Reklam piyasasında önemli bir yer sahibi olan tabelalar bir çok işletmede olması gereken önemli bir malzemedir. Görsellik, işletmelerin müşterilerine kendilerini fark ettirmeleri için iyi bir fırsattır. İzmir Işıklı Tabela İş yeri yetkilileri uygun fiyata tabela ve reklam siparişi vermek için sürekli araştırma yapmaktadırlar. Firmamız Tabela üretiminde Kaliteli ve uygun malzeme kullanarak seri üretim sayesinde kısa sürede teslimat yapıyoruz. Karşılıklı güven duygusu, dürüstlük ve müşteri memnuniyeti olmazsa olmazımızdır. Sürekli kendisini ve ekibini yenilemekte olan firmamızı site adresimizden izleyebilir ve işletmemize reklam tabelalarınızın siparişlerini gönül rahatlığı ile verebilirsiniz. İsteğinize bağlı olarak Tabela modellerini yerinde görebilme imkanınız bulunmaktadır. Tabela Çeşitleri ve modelleri müşteri isteklerine göre üretilmektedir. Gece fark yaratmak ve fark edilmek isteyen müşterilerimiz için Işıklı Tabela önermekteyiz. Görsellik bakımından canlı ve parlak görünen Işıklı Tabela dolaylı ve doğrudan ışık yansıtabilir. Işıksız Tabela çeşidinden farkı LEd ve benzeri aydınlatma sistemlerinin bulunmasıdır. Işıksız Reklam Tabelaları genellikle ekonomik oldukları için tercih edilirler. Herhangi bir ışıklandırma yapılmaksızın üretilirler. Reklam sektöründe görsel ve hoş bakış açısı da gereklidir. Reklam tasarımında bazı kurallar geçerlidir. Tabelada kullasanılan malzeme ve harf kaliteleride önemlidir. Reklam tasarımında önemli nokta içeriğin rahat algılanmasıdır. Tabelaların algısını artırmak için ufak tefek değişiklikler yapılabilir. Açık havada duran tabela bir müddet sonra göz yanılgısı yapabilmektedir.Tabela Siparişi için iletişime geçebilirsiniz : 0 545 627 06 08https;//…

The Artist

The Artist

712 36 12

Catherine Hollows is a devine beauty shes known for being famous by her gratitude and her features as well as her hospitality everyone admired her, I mean what's not to like about a girl whose got the whole package? The girl has talent alright!. She loves to paint, she loves to draw. Everyday you'll find her sitting alone at one corner in Starbucks as she skillfully uses her pencil as she goes off into her own world. Harry on the other hand is a famous model that everyone was dying to get their hands on. I mean come on the guy is to die for! Who wouldn't fall for such an attractive guy like him?. But that didn't stop him from getting want he wanted, he always sees that girls everywhere were throwing themselves on him, he didn't like that he wasn't used to that at all. He likes a girl who respects herself who treats herself with pure love. He obviously was thinking about a girl like Catherine. Catherine couldn't stop staring at him from the moment he stepped into the cafe; she'll find him sitting down the front not too far away from her just so she could draw him a picture as he read through his phone or just chills for awhile. Sooner or later it started to become a habit for both of them. Neither of them spoke to one another, neither of them having the guts to say anything to eachother just the presence of both of them was all they ever asked for. But, then things get in the way. Catherine had to move to Italy to fulfil her dreams in becoming a successful artist. That broke Harry's heart when he came back to Starbucks to find an old couple sitting in one corner instead of the girl he started to have feelings for. But, that didn't stop him from travelling all over the world just to find his lost princess. A first collaboration with the two writers you'll soon love, @ithrustHazza and her Wattpad buddy @hazzastyles34.Hoping to lead you the way into a timeless romance, adventure and pure love between two people that had both their worlds collide.…

How HRTech Helps Cultivate Collaborative Corporate Environments

How HRTech Helps Cultivate Collaborative Corporate Environments

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According to Forbes' State of Workplace Communication in 2024, nearly half (48%) of people link effective communication to their job satisfaction. Not all communication tasks are created equal. Noteworthy tasks that led to employee stress included crafting digital responses with the right tone of voice (42% ) and deciphering the tone behind digital messages (38%).By some estimates, employees spend about 20 hours a week using digital communication tools like emails and chat apps across industries. In HR, digital communication is used to properly share company information, policies and updates with employees across all levels of an organization. For HR team efforts and individual tasks, it is relied on to share and solve workplace problems, to ask questions or give guidance to other employees, and to help build strong professional relationships and solidarity across teams.Most employees join an organization, sign into their chat platform account, and then incorporate the technology in their day-to-day workflow without much thought. However, the capabilities of the platform and the different messaging tools built in can shape an organization's culture.Forums are one model that makes sense for HR professionals to consider, instead of the alternative quick chatting platforms. Forums create a collaborative space where everyone can be involved in conversation and decision making. Their long-form, conversational nature makes forums an excellent platform for the workplace. There may be a technical problem that needs to be explained step by step. In a chat platform, this may quickly get buried underneath shorter messages between other group members.…

Kiss and Stell

Kiss and Stell

3,376 192 11

WARNING: Readers may experience goofy faces made at cute scenes, several species of butterflies fluttering in their tummies, sore throat after shouting at scenes they hate, falling for fictional characters, strong urge to ship characters and last but not least, Addiction. It's not easy losing your mom to brain cancer so ask Stella Mahone how she did it. For once life was actually making sense to her after that tragic loss. She no longer needed ten bottles of whiskey, crazy friendships with Tequila and Albert Einstein risen from the dead to help her calculate the point of life. She finally met the love of her life Jared and wedding bells were screaming in their ears with their massive wedding just around the corner. Her only downfall is that she's a MAJOR CHATTERBOX. The thing is that Stella is popularly known all over the world for her talk show "Tell Stella" that discussed the downright juiciest and most embarrassing celebrity gossip, all blended into smoothies ranging from Shoplifters to Breakups to the most delicious one...Cheaters. So why didn't someone tell her that if you catch Leodan Kistoffe whose family managed several banks worldwide and who happened to be the son of the man running for Senator being a "bad boy" you don't spread it on your show? And she also thinks they left out the part where the consequences of spreading it could put your talk show at the risk of being cancelled, life as you know it falling apart, drag racing with the enemy, hitting your enemy with a Ferrari, having your ring thrown into a river and a very angry British guy with an amazing body. How far will Leo and Stella go when they both want one thing, REVENGE? Discover the journey they take when they chase after the things they loved. Will they be chasing back their old lives or just each other. You can Kiss and Tell but can you handle Kiss and Stell?Humor #378 / Romance #609- May 11,2014…



148 10 5

Felix Evans, nato 7 febbraio del 1995 a Los Angeles, la madre è morta di tumore l'anno scorso. Il padre è ormai quasi milionario e si spostano da una nazione all'altra per controllare l'attività di famiglia. Ha 20 anni e sa parlare correttamente inglese, spagnolo ed italiano. Ha in testa da anni una ragazza: Greta Menchi. L'aveva incontrata a Boston, lui era messo davvero malissimo, sembrava un fottuto nerd brufoloso e ricco, con l'apparecchio, sempre attaccato a dei gilet osceni, pantaloni di raso terribili ed era un malato di computer. Sì, Felix è un acher... Finalmente è cambiato, radicalmente: nessun brufolo, nessun gilet, nessun pantalone di raso e nessun apparecchio. Fisico palestrato facendo parkour e facendo breakdance. Ha scoperto da poco di avere una passione per il canto ed ha un timbro che è un mix tra quello di Luke Hemmings dei 5 Second of Summer e Harry Style degli One Direction. Finalmente è atterrato a Roma in aereo con due suoi amici: Luke, di Londra, e Josh, di New York. Una volta arrivati in albergo, Felix guardò se c'era qualche evento con Greta: nessuno. "Peccato" pensò il ragazzo.Adoro Greta Menchi, ma spero che non legga questa storia hahaha ;) Già ora è troppo disagiata anche per lei hahah…

Mohammed Garuba Publications Book 1

Mohammed Garuba Publications Book 1

1,930 1 200

Short Stories and Writings on Human Life & Experiences…

Football Rivals Trucchi Illimitate Oro e Energia Gratis

Football Rivals Trucchi Illimitate Oro e Energia Gratis

22 1 1

Football Rivals Trucchi Illimitate Oro e Energia GratisVolete ottenere più oro ed energia in Football Rivals? Se sì, Football Rivals Trucchi è l'opzione perfetta! Avrete la possibilità di ottenere gratuitamente oro ed energia illimitati con l'uso di Football Rivals Trucchi. Può essere una grande opzione sia che abbiate un dispositivo Android o iOS!Utilizzare questo Football Rivals Trucco è semplice e, soprattutto, sicuro! Ma è necessario assicurarsi di prendere in considerazione i passi giusti.Accedi Trucchi QUIé scegliere Football Rivals Trucchi?Se avete deciso di utilizzare Football Rivals Trucchi, questa è un'opzione fantastica. Si tratta di uno strumento gratuito, in cui non è necessario scaricare alcuna applicazione o altro. Abbiamo usato Football Rivals Truco, e i risultati che ho sperimentato sono così buoni. È facile da usare e vi aiuta a ottenere oro o energia illimitati.Ottenere oro ed energia illimitatiNon è necessario scaricare alcuna applicazioneLa parte migliore dell'utilizzo del generatore è che non è necessario scaricare alcuna applicazione. Basta andare sul browser e cercare lo strumento. Verrà visualizzata una pagina e da lì potrete accedere a tutto.Acquistare oggetti nel giocoQuando avrete Oro ed Energia illimitati, potrete acquistare gli oggetti del gioco di cui avete più bisogno.Se ci credete, vi renderete conto che si tratta di un'opzione fantastica per migliorare il proprio gioco. Avere tonnellate di Oro ed Energia vi aiuterà a creare una squadra potente e a vincere la competizione.Accedi Trucchi QUI…

Quard 400 Steel Plate Exporters in India

Quard 400 Steel Plate Exporters in India

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Sai Steel Engineering & Co. is one among the leading manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of all high-quality industrial products. We are referred to as a well-liked wholesaler of varied shapes and sizes called Quard 400 PLATES. We suits all national and international standards. There are various types, like polished plates, hot rolled plates, cold rolled plates then on. We produce sheets of varied sizes, types, standards, specifications, radii, surface textures, diameters, dimensions, etc. We manufacture sheet of varied shapes and styles , and deliver products consistent with customer requirements. Quard 400 is understood for its high wear resistance and may be a martensitic steel. This grade is extremely versatile in terms of strength, ductility and weldability.The Quard 400 brand is especially designed for top performance and long service life. Quard 400 plate has excellent properties like good workability, durability, easy formability, manufacturability, reliability, easy installation and high performance, so it's a good range of uses. Service etc.It has the simplest strength properties, like corrosion and oxidation resistance, pitting and cracking resistance, and erosion resistance. These panels even have high resistance to chloride attack and crevice corrosion and acid resistance, thereby reducing the impact on the environment. 400 has high strength, hardenability, toughness, good ductility and good mechanical properties. Under operating conditions, aqua fortis , chloride and sulfur have little effect thereon .For More Information: Visit Our Website: No: +91-7506020637Email I'd: [email protected]