I Love You

I Love You

1,478 64 40

I literally ran into him. The Luke Hemmings! From one of my favorite bands in the world! One of my top favorite singers in that band! The lead guitarist and vocals for the band 5 Seconds of Summer! And I literally ran into him, making a fool out of myself. I better go all the way back to explain it better... A/N: This is copyrighted!…

My cloud {A Jc Caylen fanfiction book 1}

My cloud {A Jc Caylen fanfiction book 1}

296 1 10

Sarah Anderson~ a normal girl living in L.A with a pretty messed up past. She shares a home with her sister Brooke. Sarah is funny sweet and very lovable, especially to one boy you guessed it Jc Caylen. They started out as just friends but eventually they became more than that. Jc and Sarah go through hell and back together. Every Time they somehow manage to work it out. They're in love the kind of love you just keep wanting more of. The kind that you can't let go of. What happens when Sarah gets in a terrible accident. What is the accident? Will she recover? What will become of Sarah and Jc? Read to find out.…

Begabtenzentrum. Seminare zum Thema

Begabtenzentrum. Seminare zum Thema "Hochbegabung fördern" von Diana Haese

3 0 1

https://www.begabtenzentrum.de/seminar-hochbegabung.htmlBei einem Seminar zum Thema Hochbegabung können interessierte Lehrer(innen), Erzieher(innen), Ärzte(innen) und Eltern erfahren, woran man diese erkennt und wie betroffene Kinder gefördert werden können. Kursleiterin Diana Haese informiert über alle Themen rund um Hochbegabung, ADS, ADHS, die verschiedenen Autismusformen und Teilleistungsstörungen, die bei Kindern unterschiedlichen Alters allein oder kombiniert vorkommen können. Diana Haese ist die Leiterin des Begabtenzentrums und Master of Arts in der Begabtenforschung sowie Begabtenförderung. Sie ist Begabtenpädagogin und Specialist in Pre-School Gifted Education. Bei einer genügend hohen Teilnehmerzahl kann das Seminar zum Thema Hochbegabung auch an einen anderen geeigneten Seminarort innerhalb Deutschlands, der Schweiz oder Österreich stattfinden. Diana Haese ist zudem Referentin beim Fachsymposium Pearson Xchange 2019 am 25. Juni in Frankfurt am Main zum Thema Intelligenzdiagnostik im Kindes- und Jugendalter.…

Roll Stephane Ngomat Drives Turkey's Investment Momentum in African Markets

Roll Stephane Ngomat Drives Turkey's Investment Momentum in African Markets

1 0 1

At the forefront of strategic alliances, Ngomat plays a central role in fostering economic growth and bilateral cooperation between Turkey and African nations. The collaboration is marked by a Memorandum of Understanding signed between Turkey-African Trade and Investment Council (TATIC) and African Peace and Security Union (APSU), a testament to Ngomat's influence and commitment to transformative initiatives.As Chairperson of APSU, Ngomat brings a wealth of experience and vision to the partnership, facilitating Turkey's expansion into diverse sectors, including trade, security, and sustainable development. His leadership ensures that the collaborative efforts transcend traditional boundaries, creating a platform for inclusive economic development.This dynamic collaboration under Ngomat's guidance aims to capitalize on Africa's economic potential, with a focus on Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Ngomat envisions a future where Turkey's investments contribute significantly to the continent's prosperity. As Roll Stephane Ngomat drives this investment momentum, the partnership becomes a beacon for sustainable development, forging a path toward enhanced economic ties and shared success between Turkey and Africa.…



1 0 1

Sono Eva, ho 21 anni e sono ancora, da troppo tempo, un'estranea a casa del mio stesso padre. Ma la mia storia non comincia qui, per poterla raccontare ho bisogno di un periodo di tempo più largo, che comprenda il giorno in cui sono venuta al mondo e anche il perchè io mi senta un'estranea.È il 23 luglio 1998, estate piena. La casa di campagna dei miei genitori è troppo grande per soltanto due persone, nonostante ci sia anche Anita, la domestica e cuoca, ma di lei vi parlerò in seguito. Mia madre era una donna attenta. Amava mio padre alla follia ma tutto ciò che aveva mai ricevuto da lui erano dei fiori per il suo compleanno e mai nulla di reale, mai una parola per dimostrarle che l'amava, anche se in realtà era..beh è mio padre, e non è diverso da tutti gli uomini che non sanno esprimere i propri sentimenti. Dicevamo, ah si, il mio primo giorno di vita. Mia madre mi aveva desiderata con tutta se stessa, cosa che non si poteva dire di mio padre, lui voleva un maschio, forte come lui e con sani principi. Ecco, in questo non l'ho deluso, i sani principi li ho anche io, l'unica cosa è che non sono forte come lui. Qualche anno più tardi, mia madre è andata via, è morta il giorno del mio compleanno, 23 luglio 2005. Con soli 7 anni di vita, sono stata costretta a crescere in fretta, diventando così il bersaglio di mio padre, sola, senza mia madre a proteggermi. Fino ad oggi, quando un fantasma del passato non ritorna a farmi visita, infrangendo tutte le promesse che avevo fatto a me stessa.Lui si chiama Tomas, alto, bello ed impossibile. Ma non nel modo in cui credete. Non quell'impossibilità che accomuna i ragazzi come lui. Un'impossibiltà fuori dal normale, con cui io stessa, dovevo imparare a fare i conti. Cosa c'entra con la mia famiglia? Questo non posso dirvelo, ma vi assicuro che potrebbe essere peggio di ciò che immaginate.…

JC Caylen's Sister(MagCon&O2L Fanfic)

JC Caylen's Sister(MagCon&O2L Fanfic)

3,325 32 16

WARNING: Contains a lot of sexual content!! NOT RECCOMENDED FOR KIDS UNDER 13!!! Alexa is a 17 year old girl and she's also JC Caylen's younger sister. At 5 ft. 2 in. tall, Burgandy hair with hazel eyes, Alexa finds herself falling for JC's friends and they might be falling for her too. A broken heart or two here and there, but who will always be there to pick up the peices? Alexa's main problem is she falls too easily and too fast. But that one person she hasn't considered is always there to pick her up when she's been knocked down. Find out who it is when you read JC Caylen's Sister.…

QFTS 15 - Don't trust everything you see.

QFTS 15 - Don't trust everything you see.

4,060 40 200

Hello you were back I will make the cover soon do not worry!…

My Woman🌹🌹🌹

My Woman🌹🌹🌹

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In the city of Florida America,there loved two wonderful people.But first,let me introduce to you America'oat beautiful.....Ciara Gareth.Daughter if the former president of the United States of America and Canada.She's hot,so gorgeous, attractive...just name itCiara is tall,slim and flawless.Shes just an epitome of beauty.Her pics trends on TV fashion shows, magazines and billboards.Meet the almighty Horace ConnorHorace from Savannah,in the United States.One of the most richest billionaire.His dreamy personality can get any lady wet😏😏I repeat...(any lady wet)he owns different branches of his father's company world wide and he's populary known.Now what happens when these two gets to meet each other?🙂Note: Ciara is the calm but the non intimidating type.She thinks whatever she says must standHorace is a no-no sense man who doesn't wanna have anything to do with ladiesAnd because of that,his father wants to get him married at all cost to his bestfriend's daughterHorace doesn't want this...so he searches for a replacement using a contact marriageHow can Horace and Ciara cope, when a contract marriage is signed between both parents?Would they ever fall in love?Or get along until the contract expires?Let's find answers to this thrilling story 🥰…

Celebrity Snapchats✔️

Celebrity Snapchats✔️

11,437 78 150

Snapchats from YouTubers to Viners to just Random Celebrities!Enjoy✖️…

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

173 2 11

Before she was Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior. Raised on a sheltered island paradise, Diana meets an American pilot (Chris Pine) who tells her about the massive conflict that's raging in the outside world. Convinced that she can stop the threat, Diana leaves her home for the first time. Fighting alongside men in a war to end all wars, she finally discovers her full powers and true destiny. Princess Diana commands respect both as Wonder Woman and Diana Prince; her epithetical title - The Amazon Princess - illustrates the dichotomy of her character. She is a powerful, strong-willed character who would never back down from a fight or a challenge. Yet, she is a diplomat who strongly "favors the pen", and a lover of peace who would never seek to fight or escalate a conflict. She's simultaneously both the most fierce and most nurturing member of the Justice League; and her political connections as a United Nations Honorary Ambassador and the ambassador of a warrior nation makes her an invaluable addition to the team. With her powerful abilities, centuries of training and experienced at handling threats that range from petty crime to threats that are of a magical or supernatural nature, Diana is capable of competing with nearly any hero or villain.Many writers have depicted Diana in different personalities and tone; between both of her diametric extremes; that of a warrior, a highly compassionate and calm ambassador, and sometimes also as a naive and innocent person, depending on the writer. What has remained constant, and is a mainstay of the character, is her nurturing humanity: feeling compassion and having a strong conscience.[citation needed] This trait had been the reason for her induction into the Star Sapphires…

вєη∂у тнє ∂αη¢ιηg ∂ємση

вєη∂у тнє ∂αη¢ιηg ∂ємση

7,229 581 126

ωєℓ¢σмє тσ ιηкωσяℓ∂ нυмαηѕ. ι нσρє уσυ єηנσу уσυя ѕтαу~ нєнєнєнє~ 😈…

"You are mine, demon... Credo che in pochi abbiano un padre morto... e in ancor meno abbiano visto ilproprio padre morire davanti ai propri occhi e ucciso da proprio fratello e dalla propria madreEh si... questa è la realtà e l'ho scoperta pure da poco... ma prima mi presento:mi chiamo Megan Horan ho 14 anni, ma vedrete che tra poco ne avrò 17... ho la pelle pallidissima o per meglio dire bianca come il latte, sono una ragazza dai capelli scuri e occhi scuri come la pece.Vivevo in Inghilterra prima di compiere 14 anni e di scoprire cosa sono...Io sono un demone, no meglio dire IL demone. Sono figlia di Lucifero, il demone per eccezione, e di Isabelle, l'angelo per eccezione; ho un fratello più grande di me di 3 anni di nome Niall...Io da piccolissima sono cresciuta senza sapere nulla sul mio mondo (il mondo dei demoni), ma sapevo tutto sul mondo degli angeli perché dicevano che "ero una di loro", ma tutti erano diversi da me ed io ero esclusa... avevano la pelle colorita, quasi abbronzata, capelli chiari e occhi talmente perfetti che potevi leggerci dentro l'anima e quando crescevi ti spuntavano delle magnifiche ali bianche e soffici con anche dei poteri straordinari che col tempo potevi controllare.Mia madre è l'angelo più potente, ha dei magnifici occhi verdi quasi azzurri e dei capelli tanto dorati da sembrare seta; mio fratello è quasi identico a lei: ha capelli biondi però alla radice ci sono alcune ciocche nere prese da papà, occhi azzurrissimi quasi trasparenti.... Io invece ero identica a mio padre (almeno così sentivo dire in giro quando passavo), ho, come ho già detto, degli occhi scuri ma con un potere di mia madre al sole diventano di un colore verde smeraldo, ho capelli molto lunghi e lisci, ma nelle punte sono ondulati, sono di un castano scurissimo, ma mi hanno tinto le punte di biondo tanto da sembrare più simile agli angeliDa piccola vivevo nel mondo degli angeli e dei demoni (quando Lucifero era vivo i due mondi erano uniti) fino a quando mia madre e mio fratello non uccisero nostro, o ormai meglio dire MIO padre, davanti ai miei occhi facendomi perdere così ogni speranza, traumatizzandomi e dividendo così i due mondi. Mia madre venuta a conoscenza che io avevo visto la scena fatidica pensò bene di farmi perdere la memoria e mandandomi sulla Terra da un'altra famiglia, ma lei non sapeva che compiuti 13 anni io sarei diventata definitivamente il demone tanto atteso da mio padre e lui, prevedendo questo, aveva scelto una persona che mi avrebbe fatto tornare la memori al momento giusto e che mi avrebbe aiutato nel nuovo mondoOra spiego un po' i due mondi:Il mondo degli angeli è semplice da spiegare perché esistono solo loro con poteri alcuni più potenti e altri meno, ma i demoni si suddividono in più categorie, in ordine di importanza e potenza:- Demone- Protettori e Speciali- Licantropi e Vampiri- Zombie e FantasmiIl Demone è solo uno e nessuno, neanche tutti quanti i suoi discendenti insieme, possono distruggerlo o metterlo in difficoltà; i Protettori sono stati creati molto tempo fa con qualità protettive per proteggere in prima linea il Demone e poi se mai qualcuno avesse bisogno di loro, loro dovrebbero esserci; gli Speciali sono a pari merito di forza con i Protettori solo che sono delle modificazioni di tutti i generi e cioè possono essere misti tra Licantropi e Vampiri e così via... oppure possono semplicemente avere dei poteri troppo diversi dagli altri per essere definiti in altre categorie; i Licantropi sono uomini (o donne) che si trasformano in lupi e hanno una forza micidiale, hanno il potere di persuadere le persone grazie al loro calore e comportamento, hanno di solito stazze molto grandi; i Vampiri "nascono" mordendo degli essere umani e iniettendogli il loro veleno, sono particolarmente bianchi di carnagione, sono eccellenti in qualsiasi cosa e bellissimi e attraenti agli occhi degli umani; gli Zombie sono degli esseri viventi morti, puzzolenti, brutti, ma indistruttibili (se vengono colpiti si ricompongono da soli) e non essendo "normali" e neanche rassicuranti vivono nel mondo dei demoni; i Fantasmi sono i più "adorabili" perché possono scomparire e ricomparire quando vogliono, sono nelle stesse sembianze nell'esatto momento della loro morte e lo si diventa se si ha dei conti in sospeso...La mia storia inizia al mio quattordicesimo compleanno....Inviato da iPad

114 6 1

Ci sono demoni…

Sea Cliff

Sea Cliff

1 0 1

Emotionally crippled by childhood abuse, a young woman must overcome her distrust of men, or lose the man who loves her.Rachael Connor is a young woman who has great looks, money, and a home of her own. She is reclusive, dealing with emotional scars of childhood abuse that left her fearful of men. Her father's censorious teachings guided her into adulthood. It's all she knows.With a superior mind, having been through therapy, she counsels others to help them end their noxious situations. She creates perfect lives by writing novels. When she meets Matthew Knight, she is stumbling on how to better depict her story's male character. She decides to pattern him with Matthew's personality and mannerisms.Matthew has other plans and knows what he wants. He pursues Rachael and falls in love. Rachael rebukes him, living by the rules established by her father that supposedly helps her maintain a respectable image. In understanding her misgivings of relationships by writing them as part of her book characters' lives, she realizes she has loved Matthew all along, but has pushed him away. The realization causes Rachael to have a epiphany about how to overcome her father's grip. The next time she falls in love, she will know how to deal with it. But will Matthew let her get away so easily?…

Luck of the Irish.

Luck of the Irish.

1,725 38 12

Shaelyn- Sixteen years old, lives in Mullinger, Westmeath, Ireland. Her best friend is Niall Horan. She is a shy girl, but very vocal when she needs to be. She is very pretty. She has pretty blonde hair, naturally brown, that goes a little below he shoulders, green eyes, naturally dark tan skin that last year round, has glasses and braces, and is 5'5.5" tall. Her nickname is Shae, and she is typically on Twitter when she is not hanging out with her friends, working, or at school. She takes school very seriously, but she also loves to goof off. (Picture of her is on the next page. Sorry it is a bad picture, it is the only one that would work.) Niall- Sixteen years old (not his real age, obviously), live in Mullinger, Westmeath, Ireland. He auditioned for the X-Factor April 15, 2010. His best friend was Shae Connors, and he though she was perfect. from her glasses to her crocked feet. Niall wasn't the shy type, especially hen it comes to eating.His favorite restaurant was Nando's, which he one day wishes to name Nialldo's. Niall made four new friends during the X-Factor, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and Liam Payne, and they formed One Direction with the help of Simon Cowell. Niall has blonde hair, naturally brown, blue eyes, pale complexion, and had braces, he is also about 5'7" tall. Shaelyn is just an average 16-year-old Irish girl. Until she is put in the hospital from her dad beating her unconscious. Her dad has been beating her for ten years. It made her sick, she didn't know what she did to have this happen to her, but everything felt better once her old friend Niall Horan came to cheer her up. He left his TMH tour with the lads just to help her out. They spent the whole day together, but once everything felt fine, nothing really was because she had to go to the Ireland Adoption Centre. It was about 6 months until she got adopted, but the person who adopted her is what is the shocking part of it all.…



19 5 3

Moving into a nice house in a newly developed suburban neighborhood sounds nice, but when Hazel and her mom move into her mom's new boyfriend's townhome, Hazel is devastated. The last thing she wanted to do was leave their big house out in the country, one of her only reminders of her dad. But when he died and left them without a way to earn money, things went downhill fast. Hazel's awkward, introverted personality is a stark contrast to her new friends in Hedgefair, Iowa, a small, newly developed, neighborhood at the edge of the Des Moines. Zoey and Connor are both outgoing and social, with striking, single family homes they live in with their parents. However, when a set of strange footprints starts appearing on both of their properties, Hazel is suddenly thrust into the middle of a mystery crazier than she ever thought a summer in the suburbs could be. When the trio discovers a plot to kidnap one of them for ransom, they make sure to find everything they can about the mysterious kidnapper leaving footprints around the neighborhood. But waking up in a field in the middle of nowhere with no knowledge of how they got there or who brought them there was not part of the plan. The friends are forced to find out as much as they can about what's going on without ever even knowing where they are or when they got there, which proves a challenge for even all three of them.Cover designed on Canva#4 in #footprints 5/17/20…

Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucchi Gemme e Monete Gratuite

Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucchi Gemme e Monete Gratuite

6 1 1

Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucchi - Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucco Gemme e Monete GratuiteQuesto nuovo Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucchi è disponibile per voi e, visto che lo userete, vedrete che è lo strumento che fa per voi. Grazie a questo Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucco, potrete avere un'esperienza di gioco migliorata e vedrete che vi piacerà molto. Sappiamo che questo nuovo strumento vi aiuterà molto e ci aspettiamo che iniziate ad usarlo subito. In questa guida vi offriremo una panoramica del gioco e vi diremo anche perché è così importante utilizzare il nostro strumento.Come sapete, questo nuovo Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucchi porta le gemme e le monete necessarie e vi piacerà sicuramente, perché tutte le funzioni funzioneranno bene. Riuscirete a migliorare il vostro gioco e vedrete che vi piacerà molto. Divertitevi con questo Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucco e diventate un buon giocatore del gioco mentre lo usate. Vedrete che vi piacerà sicuramente molto.Potete anche prendere in considerazione che questo nuovo strumento è protetto. Questo significa che se iniziate ad usarlo fuori, noterete che avrete un'esperienza protetta grazie alla funzione Anti-Ban che abbiamo appena rilasciato. Questa funzione nasconderà tutti i vostri dati privati e personali dalla scoperta e vedrete che sarete in grado di avere un tempo di gioco migliore. Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucchi Caratteristiche:Aggiungi un numero illimitato Gemme e MoneteSupporto iOS,Supporto Android,Sicuro al 100% con la nostra protezione Anti-Ban,Facile da usare,Un design fantastico,Dream League Soccer 2020 Trucchi ha ricevuto aggiornamenti regolari,Molto veloce - generare risorse in pochi secondi!https://trucchigiochigratuiti.com/dream-league-soccer-2020-trucchi/https://dreamleaguesoccer2020hack.cheatonlinegames.com/…

Le Book of Le Stoof

Le Book of Le Stoof

2,888 725 200

Basically a random book :P*temporary cover*…

Fitness for women over 50

Fitness for women over 50

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Life moves on very fast, the older you get the more you realise how important it is to make the most of each day. I would like to suggest to you that we cannot turn back in time but we surely can turn back years on our body via working out daily. We can slow down the ageing process with exercise, by working out such as walking, jogging, or biking. It is strength training that provides the benefits that keep your body younger, stronger, and more functional as each year passes by.Benefits of fitness for women over 50Exercise becomes more crucial when you're 50 or more than 50. Working out after 50 helps your body in these ways:Builds bone densityBuilds muscle massDecreases body fatImproves mental healthLowers the risk of chronic diseaseStrength training is a very decent arrangement. For only 20 to 30 minutes every day, you can see enormous changes in your body's age. So we should begin. The following exercise will give you 10 excellent activities that women over 50 can focus on during their exercises.A few activities will incorporate single-leg moves or solidness ball moves. You will require a couple of 3 to 8 pound hand loads (move to heavier loads as you get more grounded) and a strength ball.If you don't have a ball you can perform the exercises on the floor or a bench. For each activity beneath perform 8 to 12 reiterations and rest for 30 to 60 in the middle between works out. Move gradually through each exercise focusing on appropriate structure and relaxed.Also, it's consistently useful to have a gathering to practise with, so look at neighbourhood exercise classes or rally a few companions. Furthermore, on the off chance that you can connect with a wellness proficient - regardless of whether it is only for one meeting - they can assist with taking you through legitimate structure and show you how to move appropriately for your body. If you want to hire a personal trainer like PJ Wren, then visit https://www.overfiftyfitness.co…

crystal of a prince's love character list
Saya ND (stopped)

Saya ND (stopped)

718 2 184

short story. (stopped)…