Author Games: Brave New World

Author Games: Brave New World

15,145 1,042 82

By 2150, Earth is in decline- but humanity can always look to the stars.The Ark is the first ship of its kind: a craft that will carry a select group of 100 colonists from Earth to Danu, a planet unstained by human growth. There, they will establish a colony capable of continuing the legacy of Earth. Humanity will endure even if they cannot reverse the damage to their home planet. It was a splendid, painstakingly crafted endeavor, designed for maximum security- but no plan is perfect, particularly on an alien world. Even if the colonists can remain united, there exist countless trials and dangers along the way. Things can fall apart, especially if the planet and its inhabitants decide to fight back...…

Author Games: The City of Gold

Author Games: The City of Gold

10,273 1,060 81

Even for witches and wizards, sometimes there's no substitute for good old-fashioned research.It seemed like the perfect opportunity for any student of Magical History or Ancient Runes- a research expedition to the Yucatán Peninsula with famed archaeologist and witch Gloria Itza. Over the course of six weeks, one could explore the lush rainforest, delve into the darkest ruins with an expert by their side, and look for clues to the disappeared alchemist's capital known only as El Dorado. Students from magical schools from across the globe itched to escape their tiresome studies and have an adventure.The trouble is, El Dorado has stayed hidden for hundreds of years, ever since the disappearance of the Mayan empire. As plans slowly deteriorate and the ancient magic of the Maya begins to affect students, two facts become clear:It is entirely possible that El Dorado does not want to be found. And to protect its treasure, no magic is too dark.Featuring the first ever collaboration between TheCatKing and returning host RappyTheDinosaur, this is one HP Games you don't want to miss. We promise that by the end, you'll long for nice, relaxing Triwizard Tournament. There, at least the worst thing you face is death...…

~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader)

~°Hidden beneath your scales°~ ( Dragon Shifter X Reader)

2,980 151 16

What would you do if you suddenly found a giant dragon in the middle of the forest? Well in this story that is exactly what happens to you! This peculiar fellow doesn't seem very friendly at first glance but that is hidden beneath that cold armor of scales? Could it be something that would soon become your most precious treasure? And who'd see you as his? This is a dragon shifter x reader Story so I'll try to be as neutral in appearance discription as possible but I may unintentionally add some descriptions of appearance or character traits in here needed for the story :')Enjoy!!Cover art by: vaitas ( I think, that's what was written in the pinterest pin :'))…

Author Games: Path of the Guildpact

Author Games: Path of the Guildpact

10,724 924 78

On the city-world of Ravnica, things are often beautiful but rarely quiet. Magic pervades every aspect of life; a wide variety of beings walk the crowded streets, and countless wonders and horrors alike are hidden from all but the canniest denizens. For over ten thousand years the power in Ravnica has been divided among the ten magical guilds; they act as the controlling bodies for different aspects of life. Their conduct, however, is regulated by the Guildpact, a single individual with control of the magical document codifying each guild's domain of influence. The Guildpact is responsible for maintaining balance, and they are at least in theory totally neutral to ensure their judgements are based solely on the Pact proper. "In theory" is, of course, the operative phrase. When Guildpact Jace dies prematurely under "mysterious circumstances," the ten guilds are eager to put forward their own candidates for the next keeper of the balance. These candidates would totally, definitely not be biased towards their guild of origin in any way. Fortunately, to get the approval of the other guilds, each candidate must prove themselves to be exactly that. And earning approval in the eyes of Ravnica's mightiest may just mean sacrificing all they hold dear. Don't miss out on Wattpad's first Games based on Magic: The Gathering! When magic and political intrigue come together, a single choice may be the difference between glory and doom.…

Guardian of the Hunt

Guardian of the Hunt

181 11 9

What happens to Percy when I new demigod shows up in camp half-blood? Will things stay the same or will everything change. Will Percy be able to call camp half-blood home ever again? This is my first story so it probably won't be good. I tried to go with my own plot but will see where it goes. *disclaimer* I do not own any PJO stuff, or the music.…

Author Games: Ragnarok

Author Games: Ragnarok

8,851 369 84

Come one, come all, to my very first Author Games! This is a Games inspired by Neil Gaiman's "American Gods." When the last gods from around the world come together after receiving a mysterious offer of almighty power, they learn of a chance become, for just an instant, all-powerful. What they soon learn, however, is that the power comes at a high cost: the death of their competitors. However, those who enter are willing to risk everything for the off chance of victory- even if it means risking eternal life.Cower in fear, whether you be mortal stock or divine blood. When the Fates come together to create a clash of gods, no one is safe.…

Author Games: Saga of the Tree

Author Games: Saga of the Tree

7,147 451 87

The World Tree is sick.The world of Aimsir is dying.While the humans of Aimsir panic, ignore the problem, or blame each other, the magical races have decided to take matters into their own hands. They're a part of the world too, and they have a chance to not only avert the apocalypse but also access World Tree, healing and changing it for the better. Or at least, what they think is better.Are you one of the races sworn to Good, dedicated to healing the Tree and changing it to make life flourish for all? Or are you part of the races dedicated to Evil, ready to shift the balance of Aimsir in your own benefit? Could you be part of Neutrality, commanded to heal the Tree and leave the world as is?Will your oaths even matter when the power to change the world is at your command?Find the Tree. Save the world.The saga is yours.Do you have what it takes?…

Author Games: The Hero You Deserve

Author Games: The Hero You Deserve

10,220 755 85

Blacklight, America's resident superhero, is going crazy. Perhaps it was being mistaken for a teenager for the thousandth time (at 126 years old.) It could have been the two supernatural beings living inside his head who hate him, each other, and people in general. He might just be tired of the ordinary trials and indignities of The Good Fight, such as being arrested, insulted in eighteen different languages, and pelted with fruit by an ungrateful monkey. Whatever the motive, after more than a century of guarding humankind, acting as a beacon of hope, and battling the forces of evil, he's had enough. He's done his part, and plans to enjoy a semi-peaceful retirement for the rest of his very long life. Still, the world needs a hero, and Blacklight would prefer if the apocalypse didn't happen while he relaxes by the beach. It's up to him to pull a ragtag group of heroes together into a fighting force that Fears No Evil. If he's lucky, some of them may even live.…

A collection of short stories from Writing Club (Freshman year)

A collection of short stories from Writing Club (Freshman year)

122 2 14

Just as the title suggests. This will be an archive of my stories in order to save them.…

Timber Wood  and  Harmony Catkins

Timber Wood and Harmony Catkins

6 1 1

Timber Wood is a 15 year old werewolf nymph hybrid which at the moment is not a good thing because the Corruption, a mind control spell that takes over when you are killed by someone under it's influence, is targeting hybrids however it has not made it to Timbers home town Moonsphere so his parents begrudging say it I safe enough to let him hang out with his friend Harmony at the park...This is a short story, set in the world of Sphere's of Light a longer story that will come out... eventually. this is the backstory of secondary character Timber…

Equals (Crowley Fanfic)

Equals (Crowley Fanfic)

4,381 190 14

How bad does it have to get to cause a hunter and a demon to join forces?…

How snow came to be

How snow came to be

59 5 1

A story written as an Ancient Greek legend.…

Marshmallows- behind the scenes

Marshmallows- behind the scenes

39 2 1

The secret truth about marshmallows!…

SCP 682 (Creature mother and kid)

SCP 682 (Creature mother and kid)

28,505 321 9

Y/N is a 10 year old kid (mother died a year ago). D/N is working with the SCP foundation. D/N is a scientist who works there. for God knows what reason D/N thought it was a good idea to bring you on bring your son to work day. one thing Y/N didn't know is his life is about to change completely.( !!!all pictures aren't mine they're from Google!!!) ( I'm still making edits)(a new story coming soon)…

Simon and the dragon

Simon and the dragon

44 5 1

St.George and the dragon you've heard of- what about Simon, the accidental dragon slayer?…

Rapunzel- The True Story

Rapunzel- The True Story

107 3 1

The true story of Rapunzel, revealed for what is certainly the first time! Roll up, one and all!…



39 2 1

All is not peaceful amongst our dear, cave-dwelling friends. For one thing, they're so far behind the Universal Revised Schedule for Evolving Life-Forms (URSELF) that they're catching it up in quite the opposite direction. Sooner or later, the Heavenly Editor really, genuinely will have to get round to giving them a good talking to. There are truly no two ways about it. Just let him finish his doughnut, ladies and gentlemen. A working man's last- only- pleasure...…

THE TROUBLE WITH FAME: A Story of Love Being True

THE TROUBLE WITH FAME: A Story of Love Being True

61 0 6

Patrick and Minnie were in a steady relationship living in a small town before Minnie became famous. Will her fame tear them apart?…