The Badass Aunt

The Badass Aunt

303 28 8

Trip is a teenager forced into adulthood by both her parents death in a terrible car crash and her sister getting pregnant at the not-so-old age of seventeen and having a crazy, clever, and down right bad little girl named Iris.When her sister Maddy can no longer handle Iris on her own she calls her sister Trip in seek of help, Trip agrees (after a lot of begging from her sister,) to come home to New York City to help. Trip will have to face challenges just like the rest of us, she is not entirely ready to be an adult, her teenage side often comes out and she will begin to understand everything that human beings hold dear.Travel with her as she learns.Trip dislikes the city and being dragged back to it by a invisible force that she does not understand makes her uneasy.Well more than uneasy...Trip is a rebellious grumpy teenager with a hilarious sense of humor who always gives ordinary things and situations a funny spin. I hope you enjoy and most importantly, laugh.(The fist four chapters are short but don't worry they will get will get longer, I promise.) (No hate, first real book on Wattpad!)@Pennyandpals is also writing a book from Irises point of view. And @Queenisbea87 is writing a book from Maddys point of view.We came up with both the story and the characters together so this is a team effort!GO CHECK THEM OUT!!!!If you want to continue reading this book go to, _FourRoses_I have switched accounts since I started writing this book.I changed the cover, I think it looks much better, but I would love to hear your feed back ❤️❤️❤️❤️Anyways, @_FourRoses_Love you guys 😂🙌🏼🙌🏼☺️…

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀; 𝙎𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝘼𝙎 𝘽𝙀𝙎𝙆𝘼𝙍 ✦ ━ a din djarin x reader story

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀; 𝙎𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝘼𝙎 𝘽𝙀𝙎𝙆𝘼𝙍 ✦ ━ a din djarin x reader story

511 7 3

'' what do you make of love? '' din asked, eyeing her carefully from his black visor. '' love? well... i guess i'd call love a feeling 𝘼𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝘼𝙎 𝘽𝙀𝙎𝙆𝘼𝙍. '' ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━it had been 5 years. 5 years since the fall of the empire, and the end of the galactic war.y/n, a jedi who was with the resistance lived most of those 5 years settling peacefully in renna, a town on the planet koza, living a simple and uneventful life, working as the local babysitter. when trouble comes after her in renna, and a certain mandalorian bounty hunter lets her in on the empire's ongoing operations, schemes and interest in a small, green alien, y/n finds herself whisked away on another exhilarating adventure, travelling through all the nooks and crannies of the galaxy once more. whilst the trio are on this treacherous adventure, what sinister secrets will they unfold? to what extent will they go to, to get rid of the bounty on their heads and clear their names? what will they learn of each other along the way?and what was this feeling y/n and din were beginning to feel for one another? ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━✦ the mandalorian series belongs to star wars & disney, not me.✦ BUT i own the ENTIRE plot.✦ thanks for reading i appreciate you! <3✦ READER IS A FEMALE !! ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━#2 themandalorianxreader ( 3/1/2021 )#3 mandoxreader ( 3/1/2021 )#5 dindjarinxreader ( 3/1/2021 )#6 moffgideon#6 beskar…



113 1 1

Alguien ha venido aquí creyendo encontrar una historia fabulosa, pero esto va a ser insoportable, un delirio fastidioso e indecoroso, peor que un poro de la piel deshidratado, dilatándose por desintoxicar al cuerpo. Algo como abrir el cerebro de a un solo golpe con tal de hacerle espacio a otro pensamiento. Esto para ser más claro debió empezar así: no soporto tu recuerdo!, lobotomía por piedad!, terapia a estas prendas!, que han tenido que hacer el papel de cadenas para no dejar salir a una bestia excitada, caliente de ausencia, de necesidad. Al menos ven a decirme cómo has hecho para olvidar el baile que te regale, el ritmo de mis manos deslizándose por tu espalda, a mi lengua haciendo de tu oreja una pista, una memoria de sus pliegues, a mi canción jadeante resonando por tu cuello. Cómo tranquilamente das vuelta a la página, cuando yo tuve que hacer arder el libro, dejarlo que se consuma mientras mi vista se nublaba ante otro recuerdo, o corrijo: ante otra traición del pensamiento, que malintencionadamente trae esa sensación de vacío y anhelo, de deseo puntual en mi sexo, entre las piernas, estas piernas que ágilmente pusiste sobre la cama, en cuclillas, mientras contemplé un rayo de sol atravesando una nube sin piedad, a su merced. Despierto de mi distracción con la piel transpiraste, con los labios saboreando de los pechos, de los surcos, los dientes recordándonos que somos animales cuando dejan huellas por mi espalda. Bendita nube, también sentiste que se ha puesto más húmeda de vernos, de saberse poseída por el astro solar. Pude haber vivido muy en paz si de ti nunca hubiera sabido, a este tiempo mi cuello ya está libre de tus manos, de tu presión, de tus exigencias, pero ya no puedo respirar. Ahora que de ti he bebido, que me he asfixiado a la velocidad de tu deseo, en el vaivén de unas manos sujetando un rostro, aseguro que prefiero esta vida angustiosa por tu ausencia, a nunca haberte sentido.…

Runaway Vamp➳TVD

Runaway Vamp➳TVD

76 6 1

Isabella Arkwright was born to two happy parents in 1877, London England. She lived a perfect and happy life. Until the age of 19, Until she was told about the They hunted vampires. She didn't have a choice but to join them, but being as cocky as she is she sought out a strong group of vampires with the intent on killing them, thinking she was better than what she was. The night turned into a game of cat and mouse as the vampires chased her around the city, eventually cornering her and doing worse than killing her. They turned her into one of them, a vampire, a monster, a killer.The poor naïve girl thought that she could trust her parents with the information. She assumed that they would support her and keep her safe, they were her parents after all. But that was far from the truth. They chased her down just like the vampires did, but that ended differently. She ended up completing the transition by feeding on her parents, killing them.Unable to deal with the grief and the guilt, she fled to America. She slowly traveled her way across America, living everywhere from big cities to small towns until she landed in Mystic Falls after hearing many suspicious stories. She had spent roughly two centuries living in constant fear and paranoia until she landed in Mystic Falls. And met the people who later in the future will be all they've got.…

«Travel» • [NagumoXSuzuno]

«Travel» • [NagumoXSuzuno]

163 9 3

•♣-"Cualquiera piensa que la vida sin ser un campesino es sencilla,aunque en el fondo se equivocan,no es nada fácil sabiendo que eres tan solo un simple clérigo el cuál ayuda y atiende a los demás... Es difícil vivir sabiendo que tu vida podría también acabarse,puesto que últimamente el rapto y las violaciones se hacen muy presentes este año... Podría haber ido a la guerra,pero no se hacer nada... Las armas se me dan mal,apenas se usar magia,pero bueno. No puedo esperar mucho con mi cara de "Mujer" al menos aquí,en este priorato estoy más o menos a salvo..."•♣-"Cada día hecho a rezar al supuesta mente Dios el cuál todos creen. ¿Es tanto pedir un poco de compañía? A veces tan solo me levanto y me hecho a llorar sabiendo que nadie entenderá lo que me gusta o no me gusta,simplemente quiero estar con alguien que me quiera,quiero sentir lo que los demás sienten cuándo están con esa persona que tanto aman. Me pregunto si un abrazo puede llegar a ser tan cálido como ellos dicen..." Att: Suzuno Fuusuke•♠-"¿Que que hay de mi vida? Bueno,no soy un rey ni nada menos,soy un noble el cuál posee un castillo cerca de una colina junto un pueblo a unos kilómetros. Actualmente se planea hacer la conquista hacía la nación de Diamond,un pueblo brillante y tiempo suave y frío,famoso por tener un priorato antiguo al cuál mucha gente va rezar. ¿Que porqué queremos conquistar esa nación? Es sencillo,nos pertenece,y lo que queremos es extender nuestras tierras." Att: Haruya Nagumo•---• •♦-Sin más que decir,Bienvenido a un mundo "Medieval de Fantasía" al estilo Inazuma Eleven,enfocado a la pareja; Nagumo X Suzuno…

[ON HOLD] Kneel - The Queen's Command, Book One

[ON HOLD] Kneel - The Queen's Command, Book One

927 13 2

"There's something breathtakingly beautiful about slowly unraveling a man with my fingers and hands, with the pressure of my mouth, lips, and tongue. It's not always easy to get him to surrender, especially if he's stubborn, especially if he thinks control is his alone.But once a man finally learns to obey, he takes every ounce of pleasure I can kiss into his skin and begs for more."Luca Pelletier is a man with an attitude problem. He's cocky, arrogant, rich, and flirts with everything that moves. But when he totals his car and racks up thousands of dollars worth of damage, he finds a prison sentence hanging over his head. Until a friend calls in a favor and gets him a job at the Van Down law office instead. It's not prison but it might as well be for someone like Luca who hasn't worked a day in his life.Inez Morena is one of the most ruthless lawyers in New York. And she's steadily working her way up to CEO of the Van Down Law Firm. The day Luca walks in like he owns the place, Inez doesn't fall for his charm like everyone else does. But Luca doesn't mind that she plays hard to get. He always liked a challenge.Inez enjoys a challenge too. She fully intends to toy with Luca like a cat with a mouse, until he's on his knees, begging for mercy.***This book contains explicit sexual content, including BDSM material***…

Damatte Iru (Voltron Fanfic)

Damatte Iru (Voltron Fanfic)

236 2 2

For all of the younger paladins a summer vacation back to their home planet of Earth is a dream come true. That is, except for Keith, whose personal preference is to withdraw from the reality of Shiro's disappearance. Problem is, he's the reason their having said vacation in the first place.Disclaimer - I don't own Voltron: Legendary Defender. This takes place after the end of season two. Written for Summer Dream for TravelT which can be found here. also asked we tagged a few other people in hopes of getting more entries for the second contest, as more people participating does make things more fun. I picked thinking these people might like to check out the contest.@BellaMartinez19@CarolineC@Favoro_Leone@Kawaii_Oncer@MagicMuffin33…



1 0 1

Anne Gallagher grew up enchanted by her grandfather's stories of Ireland. Heartbroken at his death, she travels to his childhood home to spread his ashes. There, overcome with memories of the man she adored and consumed by a history she never knew, she is pulled into another time.The Ireland of 1921, teetering on the edge of war, is a dangerous place in which to awaken. But there Anne finds herself, hurt, disoriented, and under the care of Dr. Thomas Smith, guardian to a young boy who is oddly familiar. Mistaken for the boy's long-missing mother, Anne adopts her identity, convinced the woman's disappearance is connected to her own.HAs tensions rise, Thomas joins the struggle for Ireland's independence and Anne is drawn into the conflict beside him. Caught between history and her heart, she must decide whether she's willing to let go of the life she knew for a love she never thought she'd find. But in the end, is the choice actually hers to make?REVIEW"I don't often find a book I can't put down, but I devoured What the Wind Knows. It's magical, atmospheric, and compelling, a book that will haunt you for a long time." -Rhys Bowen, New York Times and #1 Kindle bestselling author of The Tuscan Child, In Farleigh Field, and the Royal Spyness novels"Amy Harmon brings a tragic and fascinating period of history to life with a poignant love story that plays out across time and oceans. Skillfully woven around vividly depicted historical events and figures, this is a page-turner, hard to put down until the end." -Helen Bryan, international bestselling author of War Brides, The Sisterhood, and The Valley"An inspiring exploration of a setting seldom found in historical fiction, What the Wind Knows is a heartfelt, beautifully written journey through time, history, and love. Fans of Outlander will treasure this book." -Olivia Hawker, author of The Ragged Edge of Night…



4 1 1

❝My heart's been thrown in scorching flames, but you know what? I kept going because I believe you have to work on your own happily ever after.❞Book one▬▬▬▬♕▬▬▬▬There was a girl that has a black soul. A twin with a kind heart. A boy with the perfect perfectness. A sister with the beautiful face. A pair of twins that just wanted to help. A boy who had his life crashing down. And a mysterious girl who saves the day. Sometimes we hide behind the smiles and looks... sometimes the pain is unbearable. But... what could we do? Our life is bad as it is... All we could do is hope that the pain we feel today will be the strength we feel tomorrow. But who are we kidding, really? That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt. Because we're all exhausted from trying to be stronger than we feel... But... that's our fate. But, today, I'm going to be stronger than the pain that feels like scorching flames on my body. I'm going to put an end to this. Because I, Princess Sardonyx Opal Liam Sanderson am going to overcome this pain and be the stronger person everyone expects me to be. But I'm not doing this because of them. I'm doing this because of my freedom. Because pain is something that I experience daily. But I'm not going to make pain prevent me from my purpose.Meet Princess Sardonyx Sanderson of Legion. The person full of laughter and smiles from the outside. Inside? Pfft-- nobody cares. All they care about is for the young princess to already act like one. But will a certain group of supernatural gemstones help to give Sardonyx her freedom? Maybe, but there's not much time. The vampire prince's coming. To get something valuable that could kill thousands. One word, seven letters, two syllables. Revenge.…

La Quête De L'étoile D'équinoxe

La Quête De L'étoile D'équinoxe

18 4 4

Dans un royaume paisible baigné de magie et de lumière, le destin du monde repose entre les mains d'un groupe de héros courageux. Lorsque l'ombre malveillante de la sorcière Morgana s'abat sur le royaume, la reine Lunaire rassemble une équipe improbable pour protéger le royaume et restaurer l'équilibre.Ethan, un jeune homme ordinaire, se retrouve propulsé dans une aventure extraordinaire. Accompagné de compagnons fidèles, il se lance dans une quête périlleuse pour retrouver les fragments de l'Étoile d'Équinoxe, un artefact légendaire d'une puissance incommensurable.Leur périple les entraîne à travers des contrées mystérieuses et dangereuses, des cités majestueuses aux terres gelées, des forêts enchantées aux sommets des montagnes célestes. Ils affrontent des créatures magiques, résolvent des énigmes complexes et surmontent leurs propres peurs et doutes.Mais alors que leur quête progresse, Morgana et ses sbires se rapprochent, cherchant à s'emparer de l'Étoile d'Équinoxe pour plonger le monde dans les ténèbres éternelles. Les héros doivent se surpasser, alliant leurs forces et leurs talents pour déjouer les pièges de Morgana et protéger leur royaume bien-aimé.Au fil de l'histoire, les liens se renforcent, les personnages évoluent et la magie se révèle sous de nouvelles formes. L'amitié, le courage et la détermination sont mis à l'épreuve tandis que nos héros se battent pour préserver la lumière et l'espoir."La Quête de l'Étoile d'Équinoxe" est une histoire captivante qui mêle aventure, magie et suspense. Plongez dans ce monde enchanteur où les destins se croisent, où les épreuves forgent le caractère et où l'esprit de chacun est mis à l'épreuve. Préparez-vous à vivre une aventure inoubliable et à découvrir si les héros triompheront de l'obscurité et restaureront la paix dans le royaume.…

the love between an angel and a god

the love between an angel and a god

359 2 16

Angela is playing herself rose is playing herself shamari is playing Angela's foster brother Percy Jackson Percy has control over water (and bubbles in water), and he is able to manipulate it to his will. • Percy is given more energy and strength and is healed when out at sea or in water. • Percy is able to breathe underwater. • Percy can manipulate ships with his mind in order to make them sail. •Percy can sense the change of saltwater to freshwater. •While at sea, Percy has perfect bearings. •Percy can communicate with equestrian animals (horses, zebras, etc.), as his father created them out of sea foam .Annebeth Chase . •Due to the fact that she is a daughter of Athena, Annebeth is obviously good at arts and crafts. Grover Underwood •Grover can talk with the animals. Thalia Grace •Thalia can send powerful amounts of static shock throughout another's body on contact. •Thalia can 'manipulate the Mist' which means she can make things as she wants them to appear to the eyes of a mortal (taught to her by Chiron). Luke Castellan •Being a child of Hermes, Luke may have some abilites that involve traveling and theft. He has displayed such powers twice- in The Lightning Thief he slashes through the air and disappears through the ripple he created. In The Titan's Curse he conjures up a pool of water and a sacrificial fire by waving his hand. Rachel Elizabeth Dare •Has the ability to see through the Mist •Can use the influence and wealth of her father to arrange services…

You Must Pamper Me [QT-BL]

You Must Pamper Me [QT-BL]

109 3 3

[I Prefer To Be Pampered]Mu Cai is a novice cannon fodder actor who travels through various novel worlds. As we all know, cannon fodder is an existence used to be slapped in the face and ridiculed by the protagonist. With the advice from his seniors, Mu Cai worked diligently and made all preparations, but he didn't expect that the plot would get out of control!Facing the angry star, Mu Cai a bastard, said confidently: I just love you, what's wrong with me? The grumpy star: No, please marry me! Mu Cai, who thought he would be beaten severely:??Facing the straight A cancer Alpha, the peachy Omega Mu Cai pretended to cry: Although I am not an omega who can run a mecha, carry a cannon barrel, I also want to go to the battlefield to accompany you. 'What I hate most in my life is the crying useless omega' Steel Straight A: Honey, it's not that I won't let you go, it's too dangerous, be good. Mu Cai waiting for scoldings:??Facing the dedicated demon slayer Celestial Master, 'century-old beautiful soul body' Mu Cai sneered: You failed me a thousand years ago, you can't get along with him now! The heartless Han Tianshi: Won't live with him, only with you. Mu Cai, waiting for the death spell:??Facing the innocent male college student protagonist, 'sugar daddy' Mu Cai is confident: As my plaything, you have to be aware. 'The innocent male college student' with sparkles for eyes: Thanking master for the dessert. Mu Cai who was peeled and pushed to the bed:??Facing Scum Gong, with a white moonlight in his heart, 'weakling with deep affection' Mu Cai cried: Why don't you love me? Is it because I'm not good, wu wu wu~ Scum Gong who was about to speak was kicked over and his little uncle said in a hoarse voice: Darling, don't cry. When you cry, I want to....'Married Uncle of the scum gong in a daze' Mu Cai, who was sitting in the bridal chamber:??Mu Cai: I advised the protagonist to keep the mission in mind, but they insisted on doting on me.(⁠ノ⁠T⁠_⁠T⁠…

You and I [Zayn Malik]

You and I [Zayn Malik]

519 114 21

Kayla Madrid seemed to have it all. She was talented, likeable and highly intelligent. She got to travel the world with a close knit family. But after a traumatic experience, it seemed as if her broken world was unfixable. When therapy doesn't work, she decides to take an offer to study abroad for free. While in England, she becomes best friends with Zayn Malik. She ends up staying longer than she expected, finally starting to enjoy life and actually be happy again. With every moment, the two began to fall for each other. Kayla visits her family in LA and her hopes of becoming a doctor were shattered. But when she gets approached by a talent agent, she decides to use the money she'll earn to pay for school when her contract ends. She reluctantly leaves Zayn behind to start her new career back in Los Angeles. They promise to wait for each other until they are united again but they soon grow apart with the distance and Kayla's busy schedule. She finds that Zayn also becomes famous as One Direction takes off. That's when all communicates seems to cut off. After what feels like forever, she sees him again at a meet up between her people and One Direction's people, who agreed on a collab tour. Kayla reconnects with Zayn and befriends Liam, Harry, Niall and Louis. So months on a tour with them sounded like a good idea to her. Or so she thought. Too bad she was wrong.…

Raazol InspireS

Raazol InspireS

4,215 563 137

Be inspired by tens of quotes here...motivational, inspiration, peace, love, tolerance, endurance, focus, comprehension...…

SimCity BuildIt Trucchi - SimCity BuildIt Trucco SimCash e Simoleon Gratuite

SimCity BuildIt Trucchi - SimCity BuildIt Trucco SimCash e Simoleon Gratuite

5 1 1

SimCity BuildIt Trucchi - SimCity BuildIt Trucco SimCash e Simoleon GratuiteQuesto nuovo SimCity BuildIt Trucchi è uscito ora in modo da poter avere un grande divertimento giocando al gioco e usandolo. Noterete che questo funzionerà su qualsiasi dispositivo che avete. Nelle prossime righe vi offriremo una breve panoramica del mondo di questo gioco e anche come utilizzare il nostro SimCity BuildIt Trucco. Continuate a leggere per saperne di più.Questo nuovo SimCity BuildIt Trucchi vi aiuterà aggiungendo tutti i SimCash e Simoleon di cui avete bisogno e sarete stupiti di quanto questo SimCity BuildIt Trucco aiuterà la vostra evoluzione del gioco. Questo sarà lo strumento giusto che stavate cercando per raggiungere gli obiettivi desiderati che avete in questo gioco in pochissimo tempo. Il grande vantaggio è che non dovete preoccuparvi della protezione. Abbiamo coperto anche questo problema. La funzione Anti-Ban è stata creata appositamente per nascondere tutti i vostri dati personali e privati. In questo modo nessuno avrà un indizio del vostro imbroglio. Questo SimCity BuildIt Trucchi vi permetterà di mantenere la vostra attenzione esclusivamente sul gioco senza dovervi preoccupare di alcun problema.Un'altra grande cosa che è meravigliosa di questo SimCity BuildIt Trucchi è il fatto che è compatibile con qualsiasi dispositivo iOS e anche Android che avete. SimCity BuildIt Trucchi Caratteristiche:Aggiungi un numero illimitato SimCash e SimoleonSupporto iOS,Supporto Android,Sicuro al 100% con la nostra protezione Anti-Ban,Facile da usare,Un design fantastico,SimCity BuildIt Trucchi ha ricevuto aggiornamenti regolari,Molto veloce - generare risorse in pochi secondi!…