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Previously On Not What it SeemsNick was asked by the demon council's head to give up his powers but nick made a wager and proposed that he would give up his powers but under one condition it would be given to his friends so Nick given each of his friends a big portion his power. They all thanked him and Henry commanded them to return to Ishgar the Home land of Demon Kind.Recap:Henry: Oh and btw as for the rest of you, you will no longer be living here you will come back home to the land of Ishgar. And There you will attend the Demon Academy Of Improving Institute. Even though its a mixture of demon hunters , Humans , Witches and Demon hybrids you all should fit in nicely. it will be in affect in 1 year exactly. So enjoy your stay here while you can but believe me this is all part of our plan to stop hoseok so we need all the warriors we can get. Jungkook: wait wait wait but what about nick isn't he going to be there with us he's one the most powerful warriors there are.Namjoon: That is true.Kris: Well you see Nick isn't going to be there at all, well maybe there is a slight chance he will be but that's only if he can pass all of his trials. Henry: But enough chit chat we have work to do come along nick we are returning to Ishgar right away. Nick: as you wish..... After 30 minutes of saying good by to everyone and sharing a group hug one last time and seeing that a close friend, brother and former lover, Mentor, and Family leaving. Its almost like losing a part of oneself. As Nick walked over to Henry who was surrounded by the other council members Jungkook quickly ran to nick and hugged him 1 last time. Jungkook: I love you....Nick: I love you too kookie, promise me you will look after everyone while I'm gone I promise ill try to be back as soon as I can.…