The 3rd Jenner sister

The 3rd Jenner sister

337,909 5,911 47

When 16 year old Kelly finds out she's part of one of the most famous families in the world she couldn't be happier, but then she realises she will have to leave her former home and say goodbye to her friends, or should I say, friends.But her 'new' family isn't perfect and neither is she, can she handle the pressure of being famous, what happens?Follow her through Heartbreak, Sorrow, Happiness and Love.This is Kelly's story, her roller coaster of a life.***Hey. This story was written over four years ago. I was barely 12/13. This story is... horrible (in my opinion), my writing style has changed completely since then, so read it if you want, but don't count on it being great, or even making sense.***A huge thank you to @-stilinskii- for designing and making this incredible cover for me, much love to her.…

My Life as a Jenner {Adopted by Kylie Jenner}

My Life as a Jenner {Adopted by Kylie Jenner}

371,651 6,923 43

WRITTEN IN 2015Lauren's life suddenly changes when Kylie Jenner adopts her from the dreaded orphanage. Lauren will go through some twist and turns when finding love. Will she get along with her new friends and family, or will she have her heart broken by some boy? Will she be able to handle all the drama in her life, or will she completely break down?*Disclaimer I wrote this when I was like 11 so don't be so harsh on my awful writing and idiotic plot line**pls don't have much expectations. i would have deleted this but i'm too sentimental fkdkjaan -2020 me*…

Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the Fast Lane

3,864 153 21

Hi I'm Kaia Jenner and your watching the Disney Channel! Haha. Yeah cause that's my life No sir this is my life. Hi I'm Kaia Jenner and I'm a F1 driver. I race all over the world while trying to be a mother to my daughter. Life is full of twist and turns and even though I'm good racing around turns, Personal life turns are the ones that take me by surprise. Come check out my crazy life.…

catch your flight (not feelings) | JENLISA

catch your flight (not feelings) | JENLISA

35,952 1,201 6

When a chance encounter and a newly written bucket list lead to their admission to the Mile High Club, both Lisa and Jennie decide it will be a one-time thing. But when Lisa turns out to be the pilot for Jennie's bi-monthly business trips to London, things between them might not stay that way...Fasten your seatbelts, folks.©️ story not mine, this is an adaptation. credits to the original author of this story.…

Jenner sister/Instagram/Joey Birlem

Jenner sister/Instagram/Joey Birlem

58,561 444 36

My names Kiara Jenner. And yes I'm a Jenner/kardashian sister. Im the third Jenner and I live in LA California.…



60,132 2,634 30

❝put your lipstick into your ass❞ Kiara es el tipo de persona que al leer esto haría una de sus tipicas muecas.[THE TYPE OF][ORIGINAL CHARACTER FROM JENNER TWINS]…

Big Bang Theory : The Twins

Big Bang Theory : The Twins

29,645 309 17

Ariana and Penny have been bestfriends since birth. they are twin sisters. just updated 16 episode . Ariana' roller coaster ride has just started .1# in TBBT…

like real people do | c.g [#wattys2019]

like real people do | c.g [#wattys2019]

558,391 16,807 79

❝Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips, We should just kiss like real people do.❞ Casey \c(a)-sey\ "alert, watchful" Casey Jenner has been with her father, locked up in the CDC, since the outbreak. After seeing her father's colleges, and even her own mother perish to flesh eating monsters, she stops kidding herself and starts training for the day she gets out of the facility and has to face the real world. Although that day might have to come sooner than she'd like, everything starts to sink in as she decides to ignore her father and ask Vi what the countdown on the wall means. Casey doesn't really want to face the outside world, especially since her father seems so keen on staying until the end, but she also doesn't want to die in that building at the young age of twelve. All she finds herself doing is training, waiting, and hoping that something happens. So, when Rick Grimes and his group enter the CDC wanting help, it seems like her prayers were answered. Leaving the building and stepping into a walker-infested world after losing what's left of her family isn't the easiest thing to do, but she has a new group of people ready to help her. But still, something for the pain would always help, and the boy with the pretty eyes seems like a good enough distraction. DISCLAIMER: All rights go to AMC, Robert Kirkman, Frank Darabont, Gale Anne Hurd. I only own Casey Jenner and her plot lines, nothing else. And concerning GIFS, none of them are mine. If you see one that belongs to you, message me so I can give you credit, or (if you want) take it down. [started: 20th of july 2015][published: 15th of august 2015][ended: 27th of june 2019] [seasons 1-8]…

Misteret e së  Shkuarës

Misteret e së Shkuarës

7,617 1,127 52

Gjithcka fillon nga fëmijëria e veshtire qe ka kaluar kur ai ishte vetem pese vjec vellai i tij tre vjecar zhduket nje dite papritur por dramat ne familjen e tij nuk mbarojnë me aq shume vite me vone ndodhe serish nje tjeter tragjediGjithcka fillon nga dita kur ai hyri ne shtepi dhe pa te shtrire ne toke dy prindërit e tij Te shikosh te mbuluar me gjak njerezit qe te dhan jeten , dhe te mos jesh i zoti per ti ndihmuar dhe pse bertet me te madhe dhe askush nuk vjen te te ndihmoj ti lusesh qe ata te zgjohen por asnjeri te mos leviz por vuajtja behet edhe me e madhe kur zbulon se motra e tij e vetme nuk ndodhej ne shtepi vogelushja vetem nje vjece nuk ishte ne dhomen e saj edhe perse ai e kerkoi pa fund por nuk arriti ta gjente kurr Kjo eshte historia e nje djali qe kaloi sfida te vështira qe kur ishte vetem dymbëdhjetë vjec dhe nuk zgjodhi kurr rrugen e gabuar per te ecur përpara Historia e nje djali qe u kthye ne nje burr te fort dhe i vendosur per te gjetur vrasësit e prinderve te tij Historia e nje tridhjetë vjecari , nje nga policet me te mire te infiltruar qe kishte ekzistuar ndonjeher nje nga policet qe njerezit vetem emrin i kishin degjuar dhe fytyren nuk ja kishin pare kurr Por duke jetuar vetem me ate synin ai nuk kishte pranuar kurr te krijonte nje famije sepse per te asgje tjeter nuk ishte me e rendesishme se gjetja e tyre por jeta ka te papritura dhe atehere kur nuk e pret mund te takosh edhe ate qe do te te bej te provosh ndjenja qe kurr nuk i ke perjetuar por a do te jet fati me te dhe te ket dashuruar te duhuren? apo mos ndoshta ajo vajze do te jet pike nisja e zbulime te vërtetave te dhimbshme? A do te arrij ai te zbuloj ata qe i shkatërruan jeten? A do te arrij ai te zbuloj se cfare ka ndodhur me vellain dhe motren e tij?A do arrij ai te zbuloj Misteret e së shkuarës ? A do jen ato mistere qe do e bejn te zbuloj gjera te tmerrshme dhe te dhimbshme per te dhe per jeten e tij ?…

Improved (Sequel to My Life as a Jenner) DISCONTINUED

Improved (Sequel to My Life as a Jenner) DISCONTINUED

70,437 1,548 32

Lauren isn't any normal girl, she has a 3 million dollar car, the cost of her whole wardrobe could feed a country and oh yah, she's a Jenner. After the accident in Australia, Lauren has matured and has built a stronger relationship with Luke, and maybe gets back together with a past lover.SEQUEL TO: My life as a JennerI strongly suggest you read my first story to understand the sequel!(book cover by @CandyMonsterGal)…

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐬 [𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤]

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐬 [𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤]

26,664 3,130 13

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 ❤️‍🩹…

Missing Jenner

Missing Jenner

8,608 122 6

What if I told you that I was the little sister of Kim Kardashian? Would you believe me?Well, I am. I am the daughter of Kris Jenner. I don't know who my father is but it's not Caitlin/Bruce. But I am 20 years old and I go to college. This whole fam thing is really new to me. What would you do if you got a call to meet your real parents and when you meet them they turn out to be The Jenner/ Kardashian Family? How who you react? Well, I fainted but that's just me. #############################Read along with my story from only 300 Instagram followers to 156 million Instagram followers. Read and see how I became the most popular Kardashian/ Jenner.…

Guns X Drinks

Guns X Drinks

13,948 383 30

When four barista meets seven dangerous mafiasWhat will happen in this deadly game of Guns and Drinks?Mafia AUThe ships are : Jin X Jennie Taehyung X Jisoo Jungkook X Rosè Suga X Lisa…



24,207 1,169 42

Ai mashkull egoist ,mesuar me kenaqesin e fmerave droges e dhimbjes ,gjen shprese tek nje femer ne pamje e brishte e pafajshme ...Por del qe djalli paska maske dhe le te bashkohet djalli me djallushen e tij...-Virgjereshe bota udhehiqet nga njerez me kostum e kollare jo nga djem me tatuazhe ...-Nuk me intereson te di me shume per jeten tende meqe sjam pjese e saj!-Por mund te jesh...-Po!Te jem per 1 vit?Apo 2 vite?E pastaj te zevendesohem nga ndonje bukuroshe me kollare ?Smund te bie aq poshte te krahasohem me bukuroshte e tua te perzgjedhura...I kam pare zgjedhjet e tua sdua te ofendohem me teper!-Per sa kohe te jesh prane meje sdo te ndodhe! bej te te besoj verberisht atehere ...-Kam frike se kjo sdo te ndodhe kurre...Teksa ecen drejt atij koridori te zbrazet e te erret me shprese se dora e tij do jete ajo qe do e ndaloje,e ndjeu veten tepe te lire per te ecur drejt pa kthyer koken pas deri sa nje dore e mbertheu nga beli 2 buze ndjeu mbi te sajat cka u pasua me nje puthje ter pasjon...-Ti je e imja sheqerke.-A shtu mendon TI!-Truri yt mund te refuzoje cte doje ama zema jote me perket vec mua ...-Me fito atehere!-Do me duhej vec 1 nate!-Ore ne fito mendjen!-Do e bej dhe kete...--------------------Do te linde besimi mes 2 njerzve qe duhen por ekziston pasiguria?…

King Kylie on Top

King Kylie on Top

1,893 30 9

There for every headline-grabbing moment, get the inside scoop of the Kardashian-Jenner's lives from Jane, Kylie Jenner's personal assistant. When Kylie Jenner shoots to stardom after her lip job, she must handle her newfound fame as the most snapchatted and talked about member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan. Kylie Jenner lives in the fast lane with her club appearances, make up line, drama with her besties, and her relationship. Jane is always there when something Big goes down - And she's here to spill it all.…

The Emancipation of Rhaegar

The Emancipation of Rhaegar

254,958 6,919 72

The story of a bastard and a Prince and everyone in between. Image: Yennefer and witcher by /cathbotsman on @DeviantArt *Characters are not set to follow GRRMs plotline* No characters apart from original characters, places, objects or major plots belong to me.…

The Other Kardashian

The Other Kardashian

317,479 5,417 31

Kelly Kardashian never liked her lifestyle. She hated the hype of the famous life and most definitley hated the way being famous, changed her family. Her life has always been about the press and what the tabloids are going to say about it. Her mother, Kris, was always caught up in Kim's drama and nobody paid much attention to Kelly. But that was beneficial because she was different. She wasnt like them. She was the other Kardashian.…

The 2nd Youngest Jenner

The 2nd Youngest Jenner

6,752 157 5

Y/n Jenner is the 2nd youngest of the Kardashian/Jenner. You may think just because her family is famous that it's all sunshine and rainbows, but it isn't. Y/n hasn't talked to Kourtney, Khloe and Kendall because they didn't like the person she was dating so they cut her out of their lives and hasn't spoken since. What happens when they finally see her again but married to the person they thought wasn't good enough for her and has kids.…

I'm Fine [TaeNnie]

I'm Fine [TaeNnie]

6,093 198 9

Jennie X Taehyung Fanfiction"You don't even seems to notice the little and big change about me. So tell me Tae, how can you say nothing change?"…

𝑩𝑬𝑺𝑻 𝑨𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑻// ᵃᵍᵉⁿᵗ ᵃˡⁱ

𝑩𝑬𝑺𝑻 𝑨𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑻// ᵃᵍᵉⁿᵗ ᵃˡⁱ

77,491 2,406 24

"𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐀 𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐘,𝐘/𝐍"-𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇,a boring girl with a repeatitive lifestyle of studying,changes when she finally overcomes her feeling of guilt and loss.She returns to her previous life,of being an young agent of a secret agent association,MATA"𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝" - 𝒀/𝑵[𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑳𝑬𝑻𝑬𝑫][44000- 45000 words entirely]➷𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙩@Ejen Ali…