My Derailments With Truth

My Derailments With Truth

5 0 1

'My Derailments With Truth' is a gut busting journey of Ravina Shekhar, a beauty-with-brains civil servant in the Department of Railway. Riding on a turbine fuelled truth traction, she runs her course full throttle in the high speed corridors of power and the fuzzy fractured tracks of hierarchy. She attempts to apply her 'chopping logic' in train operations, but the shrieking superiors mock her intelligence simply because she could 'conceive' like men. She conscientiously works with her colleagues and juniors to ensure highest standards in public service, but the roughhouse rule keepers point fingers at her incorruptibility just because she could speak up despite being at the bottom of the pyramid. The recurring derailments on her professional front fail to put her down as she resurgently revitalizes her resolve to march on fearlessly by sobbing gushingly in the darkness of the night. Karma precedes kismet is a philosophy she understands. It keeps her going. It keeps her thinking. But the turn of events on her personal living bring her to the junction where the derailment zone starts off. Till all such time she had constantly rubbished the phenomena of true love but when she lumpishly tries her hand at finding inner peace she is scandalised at herself. A fleeting fatuous peep into her own imagery throws up the image of an obtainable soul mate. She is excited at the prospect and hopes to convert it into a relationship. But the understated over-particular societal incitements irrationalize her progressive and polished parents, and she is impetuously married off. BFFs Aadhira and Radha Mam face similar derailments in their life paths, despite being partners in crime on the philosophy construct. Was kismet preloading karma?…



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Our reporter Gill gives us a whistle-stop tour of the history of Ordsall Hall, a large former manor house in Lancashire and tells us how and why you should make a visit today.A group of school children are playing on the lawn as I make my way from the car park through the colourful gardens to this fine Tudor building that sits on the edge of the Ordsall estate and is a short walk from the Exchange Quay Metrolink station. It's good to know that young people are enjoying this lovely place. Ordsall Hall and I are old friends. The Ordsall A Cappella Singers , a choir I belong to, used to rehearse here before it was refurbished in 2011. The University of Salford where I used to be a lecturer holds events here, including the assessment of one of their Drama modules where student put on a theatrical performance in the Great Hall. Today I talk to Jennifer Holland, Commercial Manager, Salford Museum and Galleries. She tells me much about the hall. Ordsall Hall is Salford's oldest building and dates back to 1177. Its most interesting period of history however was in the last 300 years when it had a less grand but vivid history. In 1814, it was rented by a local cotton merchant Joseph Ryder, who shared the home with Richard Alsop, an innkeeper.It was then taken over by the Mather Family, who were cowkeepers. It then became the home of the Markendale Family, a local middle class family of Butchers who leased the property from the Egertons of Tatton. After that in 1872 it became a studio for local pre-Raphaelite Frederick Shields who wrote to John Ruskin that it was "the happiest refuge I have ever nested in". It then became a working men's club in 1875 for Haworth's Mill. The Great Hall became a gymnasiumA writer Abdifatah Hassan Roble…



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just some shity ass edits i do because im bored…

Most Effective Weapon

Most Effective Weapon"

9 1 3

I grew up in Orlando East, during the era of institutionalized racism and enforced tribal segregation by law, that gave rise to hostilities, gangsterism, enhanced tribalism and segregation among blacks, especially in the townships.Since I'm Sotho, we were allocated a predominantly Sotho speaking area which was ruled by its own gangsters called the Top 7, sharing borders with its rivals the Beez, predominantly living towards the north of Orlando east, the Vultures towards the west, the Kwaitos dominating the centre,the Vikings in Mlamlankunzi, the Kelly' s and the Bunzen sharing the south eastern borders of Orlando East close to Orlando train station which made it their default "warzone" where they had fights with their "Okapis"....And Ma-juta from Naledi and Ma-hazel from Mzimhlophe who were main rivals like Orlando Pirates and Kaiser Chiefs, had their branches throughout Soweto, and used local trains as their "playgrounds"/"war zones" as well.These violent and notorious gangs, were feared by most people and used to terrorize the neighbourhood and had regular "wars" with rival gangs, but I didn't care too much about my surroundings busy living under the"radar" believing that what was happening around me, won't affect me. Little did I know was going to happen next... On my way to my school I had to travel by train from Naledi train station, for about an hour or more to my scbool Matjeni primary that was situated in Orlando East, were I made some friends and it seemed they were having a lot more fun than me.Every-day I met them while I went to scbool, they were doing what they loved best, they were smoking marijuana and surfing trains. I observed them for a few days, not going to school for a number of days, just having fun until I got cold feet going back to school.Little did I know that I was becoming a member of a notorious gangster group...the x 5 from Naledi...Published on December 20, 2017 10:22 • 120 views • Tags: the-azanian / extract…

The Toils (Book Two)

The Toils (Book Two)

39 19 18

"Magnus gave a brief thought to Thatcher, somewhere in the deep south, surely over the Cold Country border by now"Thatcher has a lot on her plate.The skies have grown black, the ground is shaking, crops are dying and aquifers are drying up.Her options are slim, the trust in her from her coalition partners is low. When Thatcher meets Asper, everything she knows about The Settlers is thrown into doubt, leaving her to ask herself if the people she's been trying to save might actually be the ones who can save her.In the end, though, Thatcher's success will depend on many factors; the others permitting The Settlers to rehome themselves, the availability of habitable land in the North, the lack of food and water sweeping across the continent, and Ritty playing along kindly, keeping the Guardsmen in line.Content Warnings; - Coarse language - Light cannabis usage, depictions of alcohol use- Acts of abduction (in the context of war)- Moderate graphic descriptions of physical violence toward people- Descriptions of violence between men and women (in the context of war)- Infrequent depictions of animals in distress (by natural causes)- An unseen depiction of self-euthanasia (suicide in the context of terminal illness)- Moderate descriptions of death in the context of warfare, murder and natural causes.This book is a free version riddled with typos, spelling errors, and poor formatting. An edited version will be arriving soon for purchase, with these errors fixed and the formatting improved.This blurb will be updated when that version has been released, so check back over the coming months.…

Unshattered (BTS Fanfic)

Unshattered (BTS Fanfic)

5 1 1

We stood together hand-by-hand. We watched sunsets together, acted mischievously together, and of course we joked and teased each other. Sometimes our fun had no limits to the point where we got arrested together. Those were the times of our lives, well not until the day that broke our strong connection. Our friendship shattered like old pieces of glass. But we'll bond, maybe soon or maybe notThis story contains:-Mental illnesses-Self harming-Violence-Sad scenesContains cuteness and fluffNO SMUT…



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"Did you just throw a dildo at me?" In which Taehyung gets a dildo thrown at him by Jeon Jungkook, a boy in his maths class he never took much note of until now. Together, they find themselves in all sorts of trouble. But they end up in troubles that is more than just pissing off teachers when they accidentally start a gang with a group of friends, and end up being hated by the biggest gang in Seoul. Drugs, blackmailing, crime, gang fights, murder- That soon becomes part of their life. Their gang gets into more shit, And all while this happens, Taehyung and Jungkook's newfound friendship blossoms into something more. Featuring a bit of Yoonmin[Completed 5/5/2020] Started sometime in 2017....Need to flex so:Highest rankings#1 Bangtan #1 Vkook#1 Bts #1 Jungkook#1 Taehyung…

Bunny, Let Us Court You ! (Bts X Jungkook)

Bunny, Let Us Court You ! (Bts X Jungkook)

89,793 3,203 38

The Kim coven is presumably the most wealthiest and powerful of all and 'everyone' knows that they want to court Jungkook..It's a shame if someone isn't aware because, among many luxuries, the coven is very widely known for their possessiveness.Especially regarding their youngest -But at the same time, behind the closed doors, the lot of them act like a bunch of hormonal teenagers in their puberty, so yeah- Jungkook's in for a ride ..." Care to explain what the fuck ya'll are doing ?""Uhh...he was giving me a blow job-"" -ExCuSE mE ?""I-I m-meant he tripped and landed on my dick--?"" Is that A fucking Question or a statement ?!"" A quement "ENJOOYY ( ◑‿◑)ɔ┏🍟--┑٩(^◡^ )-Crack / Comedy- Jungkook x BTS - Swearing ( Lots of it)-Pure fiction RANKINGS - #1 in domtaehyung-# 2 in bts x Jungkook- #5 in Jk x Bts- #2 in comedy- #2 in bottomjungkook- # 1 in TopRm- #1 in TopJin- #2 in TopSuga-❗❕ NOTE ; some jokes are copyrighted from google so I'm not subjected to owning them. Please understand that these books are created solely for the purpose of creating humor and NOT in any way trying to plagiarize the owner's jokes. If a certain person wants their joke to be removed from this book, please DM me and I will remove it.-IF YOU READ THIS ON MANGA TOON AS ' BUNNY LET US COURT YOU ', THEN I'M THE SAME PERSON SO DON'T REPORT ME FOR PLAGIARISM ಥ_ಥ…