The Toils (Book Two)

The Toils (Book Two)

39 19 18

"Magnus gave a brief thought to Thatcher, somewhere in the deep south, surely over the Cold Country border by now"Thatcher has a lot on her plate.The skies have grown black, the ground is shaking, crops are dying and aquifers are drying up.Her options are slim, the trust in her from her coalition partners is low. When Thatcher meets Asper, everything she knows about The Settlers is thrown into doubt, leaving her to ask herself if the people she's been trying to save might actually be the ones who can save her.In the end, though, Thatcher's success will depend on many factors; the others permitting The Settlers to rehome themselves, the availability of habitable land in the North, the lack of food and water sweeping across the continent, and Ritty playing along kindly, keeping the Guardsmen in line.Content Warnings; - Coarse language - Light cannabis usage, depictions of alcohol use- Acts of abduction (in the context of war)- Moderate graphic descriptions of physical violence toward people- Descriptions of violence between men and women (in the context of war)- Infrequent depictions of animals in distress (by natural causes)- An unseen depiction of self-euthanasia (suicide in the context of terminal illness)- Moderate descriptions of death in the context of warfare, murder and natural causes.This book is a free version riddled with typos, spelling errors, and poor formatting. An edited version will be arriving soon for purchase, with these errors fixed and the formatting improved.This blurb will be updated when that version has been released, so check back over the coming months.…

The Toils (Book One)

The Toils (Book One)

60 17 17

In the future, there is no medicine that can save you. The government is gone. The days are hot, and the dangers many.Welcome to the continent of Aotearoa. The country of Gossfordshire is in crisis - the King is dead, his children are being murdered, and trade with their neighboring country Motueka has dried up leaving Gossfordshire on the brink of starvation. Ritty, the King's son, seeks to restore the peace and bring Gossfordshire back to its glory days, but his efforts are increasingly hampered by Randall, the head councilman-come-dictator, who sets out to bring the kingdom under his control. Also stifling Rittys goals of normalcy is Magnus, aided by councilwoman Thatcher, who sees a much more egalitarian vision for the future of Gossfordshire.Between Randall's aim of national domination, Rittys want for normality, Thatcher and Magnus's revolution, and a mass migration crisis moving upwards from the Southern States, only one thing can be certain; Gossfordshire is entirely unprepared for what is coming.Content Warnings; - Coarse language - Light cannabis usage- Repeated acts of abduction in the context of war- Moderate graphic descriptions of physical violence toward people- Infrequent descriptions of violence toward animals & animal death - Infrequent descriptions of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts- Infrequent descriptions of ideas toward self-harm- Moderate descriptions of death in the context of warfare, murder and natural causes.This book is a free version riddled with typos, spelling errors, and poor formatting. An edited version will be arriving soon for purchase, with these errors fixed and the formatting improved.This blurb will be updated when that version has been released, so check back over the coming months.…