Serenity's Worth

Serenity's Worth

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Following the journey of a mentally ill teen struggling to find peace.DISCLAIMER:All characters and events depicted in the following story are entire fictional. The brand named treatment - Mensuna - is a pure fabrication. Any resemblance or similarity to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. All errors with respect to medical knowledge or interpretations (both clinical and administrative) are my own.…

Attorney Kelly Hyman explores women's issues in 2019

Attorney Kelly Hyman explores women's issues in 2019

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A respected attorney and keen advocate for a variety of issues and initiatives, Kelly Hyman-perhaps best known for playing the role of Loretta on The Young and the Restless-unwraps the matter of women's issues in today's society as she reveals more about her passion for equality, balance, peace, human rights, and more."From gender-based violence and sexism to reproductive health, the term 'women's issues' has long been used as something of an umbrella term," explains Hyman, "often presented without a precise definition."Also commonly presented with somewhat divisive undertones, she says, while generally well-intentioned, the subject of women's issues presents as something of a paradox. "The term 'women's issues' in itself can create barriers," explains Hyman, "to men's involvement, when, in fact, both men and women must together participate in seeking a resolution to any such issue or issues.""From equality," she continues, "to barriers and other obstacles, politics, world peace, and human rights, it's important that we work together to define what's really meant when we talk about not just 'women's issues,' but important issues more generally and across the board."Hyman is also keen to reflect on balance. While by no means strictly a women's issue in itself, according to the respected attorney, balance is, instead, she says, more of a business issue, with the race now on for gender-balanced boardrooms, governments, media coverage, and more. "In fact, the theme for this year's International Women's Day, on March 8, was #BalanceforBetter," she explains.…

Unfinished Stories & Other Random Ideas

Unfinished Stories & Other Random Ideas

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WARNING: Any and all works that end up within this book have varying chances of ever being finished. They may also contain grammatical mistakes, depending on when I wrote it. If you feel like adopting a story, let me know and I'll either deny or accept your request - again, depending on whether I feel that I'll pick it up again any time soon. With all that said, please enjoy!…

Break {discontinued}

Break {discontinued}

35 1 1

Lavender "Slaughter" Silver has never been a normal girl. starting from the tender age of 5, Lavender always was lost in her own world. But little did she know that these supposedly innocent daydreams were leading up to something much, much bigger: Her sanity snapping.Now, Lavender is a killer, often collaborating with the likes of Jeff the Killer and Ticci Toby, but on one noncholant killing spree Lavender encounters Milo, a supposedly normal 13 year old girl who turns out to be so much more. But after Milo and Lavender of there seperate ways and something dreadful happens, and Lavender is left to run to Milo and beg for help, but is it too late?Milo was always just low on the totem pole in the fight force, a mere errand runner. She was never treated like an individual, and stuck out like a sore thing in the crowd of all blonde, long haired beauties with her short pink hair and odd personality.But when Milo meets Lavender and is inevitably kidnapped, she realizes that Lavender could bring her to the top of the totem pole, she attempts to befriend her, only to realize she is a better friend than she thought. But Milo realized to late that she dragged herself into something that shouldn't be tampered with, but now it's to late...…

Friday McDaniels and the Case of the Missing Nutsack

Friday McDaniels and the Case of the Missing Nutsack

346 47 12

A lazy, self-absorbed private-eye is caught in a whirlwind when a routine case goes horribly wrong, leaving him alone to puzzle the pieces together and solve the mystery. McDaniels & Sons Investigations have received word that Peachtree’s Premium nut sack has gone missing. This isn’t just any sack of nuts--it’s the see-through gold silk wrapped mixed nuts that has been passed down through the Peachtree generations for a hundred and fifty years and displayed annually at Apple Ridge's famous Candy Festival.Friday McDaniels is a lazy alcoholic who lets his brother do all the work. When this simple case of a missing sack of nuts turns south, Friday realizes he’s not dealing with his average everyday case. There’s supernatural forces at work and when people he loves are taken from him, Friday is forced to stand up, gather his courage, and solve the case. Question is, can he do it?…



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Was it all worth it? He wondered, as he stared down the abyss of darkened emptiness.Perhaps it was for the best, he pondered as he quibbled with a pebble betwixt his fingers before releasing it into the void that beckoned him forth.Drawing the last puff from his cigarette, he put it out and sleazily arose from atop the rock he perched on for hours.'Rebecca..' the name stuttered forth from his lips.Earlier that day, he had faced the biggest trial laid out before him, yet. To let her go, he reasoned was the right choice. His family would never be accepting of her and that was something he could not fathom burdening her dainty shoulders with.Despondency and dejection overtook him ever since that moment. They beckoned him forth, unwavering in their enticement.However hard he tried to clear his mind, he realized 'twas but in vain. He had fumbled to get on his horse, unwillingly lit up up the cigarette he swore off months ago, which remained on his self as a reminder of what he had forsaken to better himself for the years to come.'Maybe she won't hate me as much' he began reasoning with his dark reflection that he conjured up within his mind. 'She won't be rebuked and could marry the fine lad who admired her, sighted to do so, from afar'. His dark reflection did nothing but smile, revealing what he imagined to be sharpened fangs but dismissed as his mind playing tricks on himself.Yeah, my mind is tricking myself to trick myself, outstanding, he chuckled to himself as he trod on toward the cavern. This was mere hours ago.With images flashing before him of the time they spent together, blurring past his mind like a motion picture reel, he felt contended, his shoulders easened from their earlier tensed state. It may not be much, he envisaged, but the time he spent with her, meant the world to him.Rosie, his beloved steed, neighed as he began to precariously make his way forward toward the chasm, his mind placated toward his own actions.'I'm sorry.'…

WardenMain90's Hazbin Hotel One Shots!~ (Discontinued/No Plot)

WardenMain90's Hazbin Hotel One Shots!~ (Discontinued/No Plot)

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Here I am, with a request book, that means, this one shot book is based entirely on what the comments ask!~ I'll plain and simply tell you if I won't do your request, regardless of the popularity that this may obtain.If you haven't read my other books, then you may want to, because it'll give you a better view of what I can write for you. I don't do Lemons, or excessive Smut. Fluff, I have never done, and I'll need help with that, but it's something that is achievable! This one shot book is something I do on the side! Maybe with some art thrown in for some scenes! If I can't do your request, because of a lack of information, I'll let you know. Or if something else goes wrong with creating your story. Don't give me half-assed requests, I don't and won't do something without much to go off of. First of all, I'm not that creative, second of all, I hate it when people get lazy, as ironic as THAT is...This'll be Hazbin Hotel. Helluva Boss is actually welcome as well! I'll also try to keep stories together, and not separate them just because I'm lazy, which, don't get me wrong, I AM lazy, but I have a big problem with unorganized things. But I don't have OCD, imagine if I did though~~~ [Rules, read the first chapter]Hazbin Hotel And Helluva Boss Don't Belong To Me~ The artwork on the cover is mine.Contains Foul Language of All Kinds! I don't mind racial slurs, just as long as it's for the requested story! I don't care about your steam blowing, go ahead and be as edgy as you want!~ Try to keep the smut to a minimum, but I can still do a few flirty scenes if necessary. Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are both adult animated cartoons, I can make a few suggestions that intercourse is happening, but never throw it in here. Drug use is a thing in both of these shows, so, I can put it in here as well!~ If you have any questions, please ask me!~[This hazbin long since discontinued.]…

Between The Crosses Row On Row

Between The Crosses Row On Row

17 5 5

It is often said the past is an unstoppable current, flowing relentlessly into the present and forever shifting the contours of the shores that might have once constituted the future. This is no less true in small villages where memories are long and the effects of both good and evil dwell in the minds and hearts of its residents for generation after generation.David Hutchings and Clare Edwards arrive at the Tudor Arms in the village of St. Milborn-Under-the-Hill for ostensibly different purposes: he for an historical investigation, she for a first holiday following many years of putting it off and being forced to take one. They soon discover they have a connection to each other, but it is not that which brings them into closer proximity, more than either of them wishes. No, it is the death of one of the villagers. Even before that event, even before they arrive in St. Milborns, they discover there are secrets within the precincts of the village, secrets despite its bucolic and peaceful setting that speak of long-held animosities, secrets that have obscured the truth behind other deaths.Yet it is David's and Clare's own pasts, the actions they undertook years earlier, the sins they committed which they believe impossible of forgiveness or redemption, that goad them along the path that will ultimately solve not only the most recent murder but the uncovering of the evil which links them all together.…

The Victoria Legend

The Victoria Legend

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So before I go on, let it be known that this is the biggest work I've ever undertaken. I know exactly where this story is going and while it's going to go slow because of time constraints, I will be updating it. TW: suicide, death.Victoria Anne Ingle wants to be a normal girl. She wants to be a kind, sweet, stereotypically feminine girl who her mother will love - but not truly. Her inner nature is one of kindness and agency to justice, but she's got no interest in most typically girlish things, and being bisexual, she faces indirect hatred from her mother directed at the LGBT community on a daily basis. Her three friends help where they can, but no one besides her family knows what really goes on behind the locked doors of her home. Maladie Morton wants to feel like his art makes a difference - and as someone who can fill up a small venue with his shows, perhaps it does. But if it does, it is difficult for him to see through his alcohol and drug problems, and he doesn't want to view reality through clear lenses anyway. Throughout his life, he has felt abandoned and betrayed by society and his peers, and it has left him with a feeling of discontent and distance from society and humanity. With no true friends and very few fake friends, he has nothing to reconnect him to his culture or Earthly life... and he would not be upset to lose it, most days. Together, the two make a wild, unpredictable, and somewhat violent team; both have dues they want the world to repay, but while one is a cold, vengeful soul who sees life and death as concrete examples of worldly justice and cares little for objective morality, the other is a wiser sort with a better grasp on morality and decent behaviour.Follow their adventure as they discover loss, pain, the secrets of the divinity, and the truth of justice while they pursue a firebrand of a man known in the spirit world only as the Dragon.…

The Knowledge Is Powerful And The Printer Too!

The Knowledge Is Powerful And The Printer Too!

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Everything is education and knowledge, Yes, they are only everything. If we acquire them in our early life to the best, then everything could be attracted towards us in the later period. And that is why our parents insist we study hard. And this we all know. But do you know that there is great help available for that from the Canon Toners Madurai? And I know very well that you have again fallen into the lake of confusion. Okay, It is time for me to grab your hands and get all my friends out of that lake. So, let's get out together.There is one thing to understand and they are without any reference we can never do great things. And even for the studies, the case is the same. Yeah! Only taking notes and references could make you super ultimate in that specific subject you make reference for. And is it possible to have a reference as a soft copy on the computer and study that all the time? Never, Isn't it. And that is where the printer does its job. The printer helps us here with the help of toner (helps in printing process) in it. And there the Canon Toners Madurai does its job best.And friends, that's all I wanted to share in this particular post, and let's make the next stuff better than this one. So, until that, bye-bye from you all, take care, do whatever you love, see you soon.To know more about them make a call to them at 7397001222 or else please do visit their website #TonerRefillingMadurai #PrinterinksMadurai #CanonTonersMadurai #HpTonersinMadurai #CartridgeStorenearme #CompatibleTonerCartridgesstorenearme #BestlaserprintercartridgeStorenearme #PrinterTonerRefillingnearme #LaserPrinterSuppliersnearme #Printerinkcartridgesnearme…

Technology Vs Printer - Evolution And Purpose!

Technology Vs Printer - Evolution And Purpose!

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Hi and hello friends, here we are going to talk about printers and approaching the best Canon Toners Madurai. So, without making any delay, let's get into the topic right now. The use of technology is really great and that is why we are tied to its purpose. In this world of technology, you need to learn how to use it. And by using technology, you can achieve the purpose of life. When we talk about technology, our first thought is about SMS and its importance in our lives. Yes, the use of SMS is really great and it has been used since a long time ago. The reason behind its popularity is because it has become an essential tool for communication between people. It is also considered as the best way to communicate with someone even if you are miles away from him/her. But the best way to communicate with text, images and paper is by printer. Never think a printer is like an unknown and it's just a gadget. Printers are used at every step of the process of putting together a magazine, from creating the first drafts of an article to laying out the final piece. They help ensure publications look their best and are fit to print. Canon Toners Madurai would be the appropriate one for the best printer toner replacement. And friends, that's all I wanted to share in this particular post, and let's make the next stuff better than this one. So, until that, bye-bye from you all, take care, do whatever you love, see you soon. To know more about them make a call to them at 7397001222 or else please do visit their website #TonercartridgesMadurai #TonerRefillingMadurai #PrinterinksMadurai #CanonTonersMadurai #HpTonersinMadurai #CartridgeStorenearme #CompatibleTonerCartridgesstorenearme #BestlaserprintercartridgeStorenearme #PrinterTonerRefillingnearme #LaserPrinterSuppliersnearme #Printerinkcartridgesnearme…