Human Nature

Human Nature

4 0 1

A short poem/song about my discontent with life.…

The Victoria Legend

The Victoria Legend

5 0 1

So before I go on, let it be known that this is the biggest work I've ever undertaken. I know exactly where this story is going and while it's going to go slow because of time constraints, I will be updating it. TW: suicide, death.Victoria Anne Ingle wants to be a normal girl. She wants to be a kind, sweet, stereotypically feminine girl who her mother will love - but not truly. Her inner nature is one of kindness and agency to justice, but she's got no interest in most typically girlish things, and being bisexual, she faces indirect hatred from her mother directed at the LGBT community on a daily basis. Her three friends help where they can, but no one besides her family knows what really goes on behind the locked doors of her home. Maladie Morton wants to feel like his art makes a difference - and as someone who can fill up a small venue with his shows, perhaps it does. But if it does, it is difficult for him to see through his alcohol and drug problems, and he doesn't want to view reality through clear lenses anyway. Throughout his life, he has felt abandoned and betrayed by society and his peers, and it has left him with a feeling of discontent and distance from society and humanity. With no true friends and very few fake friends, he has nothing to reconnect him to his culture or Earthly life... and he would not be upset to lose it, most days. Together, the two make a wild, unpredictable, and somewhat violent team; both have dues they want the world to repay, but while one is a cold, vengeful soul who sees life and death as concrete examples of worldly justice and cares little for objective morality, the other is a wiser sort with a better grasp on morality and decent behaviour.Follow their adventure as they discover loss, pain, the secrets of the divinity, and the truth of justice while they pursue a firebrand of a man known in the spirit world only as the Dragon.…



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Starryeyes is a love story, to put it simply. It's a little cute story about a wayward guy who falls in love with what seems like his complete opposite - but they find out they aren't really that different at all. They're worlds apart, but their hearts couldn't be closer.Lake Amias is the setting of this bit of storytelling. It's a fictional city, of course, but it could be real. It sits on a lake in the Midwest not thirty miles from the Mississippi River, and the people there aren't much different from the rest of their Midwestern brethren. They are friendly, to a point, and kind, even to strangers, but they have some odd habits. You'll just have to find out.Connary Bliant is a young man who, having lived through great tragedy and great loss, has lived a good portion of his adult life on various medications and other drugs of a less than savoury nature. He's an atheist by his very nature, but few question it. A bit of a hermit, Connary avoids interacting socially and maintains a group of a few friends and insists upon avoiding confrontation or interactions with those he doesn't know or remember well. His house is kept in an unhealthy state of tidiness, and not a speck of dust is to be found - even if his disheveled look and messy face belies his obsessive tendencies. He works part-time at a bar in his hometown, which he left only once for a year as he drifted about the country. This bar is where he meets the other person of our little story.Azlyn Amey is a similarly young, and also somewhat introverted Christian girl who moved to Lake Amias only 1 week ago, after a bad breakup and a falling-out with her family. Being now only 21, she still isn't quite aware of her surroundings and as she falls deeper and deeper into the pits of depression, she begins to look for other ways to relieve her ever-pressing sadness. She doesn't have to look far; Lake Amias has no shortage of adult retreats for its population. But this will turn out the better for her - you'll see.…

Moving On

Moving On

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Ava is a 28-year-old doctor who has just moved to escape her past. She has left behind one of her best relationships gone awry, an extremely angry and disappointed mother, and a dead best friend, whom she found dead after a suicide. Will she be torn down by her rocky past...or will she be able to move on?…

My Life... The Abridged Edition.

My Life... The Abridged Edition.

15 0 1

There's only a few people I've ever told my stories to. Most of them heard one and left. Most of them.Not all.Now, you all can read what's created me. Most of you probably won't care, and that's OK. I'm doing this for me... So that someday, I can read this and see what's changed, how far I've came. It's really hard for me to keep going sometime, what with it always feeling like I've made no progress towards any of my goals, but maybe when I'm done... Maybe I'll have something to look at and remember that I have accomplished. Not much, maybe. But I have.So there you go. This isn't an adventure story: it's the tale of a life, told by the living. It is said that dead men tell no tales, and that is true. But perhaps, through the right author, tales may be told of them. Whatever the case is, if you read my writing, you will see your fair shares of both living and dead. If you read this, please enjoy it. It's not quite my life's work, but it is my life.The people in this story, though projected and changed versions of myself and my friends, are all real people. Keep that in mind when you read. It's easy to hate villains when they're pig-men, or dragons. It's a little less easy to hate the real monsters.…

I Steal the Tears

I Steal the Tears

18 1 1

This is an old, old work of mine that I'm honestly not paying much attention to anymore. The idea was for a story about a kid who got his soul stolen and had to feed his spirit with the souls of others, but I don't know if I'll ever pick it back up. Probably not, to be honest.I'm sorry if you are reading and want more. If you do, ask me, and when I get time and inspiration, I'll add some story.…

Blood Brothers
A Pale Darkness-The Stoor's Story

A Pale Darkness-The Stoor's Story

149 4 2

The Biography of Gollum...Gollum was an ancient creature who kept his own through many, many years, due in part to his two personalities and his possession of the Ring of Power. Long did he await in the darkness of the Misty Mountains ere he was found and his treasure with him...…