A Monarchs Redemption [My First Story]

A Monarchs Redemption [My First Story]

23,828 395 14

Time Travel, something that only occur in fairy tails or stories where someone or something ends up in a completely different timeline, this event would seem impossible in reality, but maybe, just maybe this event can occur to a small number of people. This is mostly described as giving the "Traveler" another chance in life, a chance to alter their destiny... Are you willing to join our hero in his journey as he breaks free from the chains of destiny and change the future that awaits him? Will he find what he seeked to achieve and change his future or will he choose to re-live the same future that he choose to alter? Only one way to find out...…

Star Wars Rebel: A Skywalker Broken Heart Healed By A Princess

Star Wars Rebel: A Skywalker Broken Heart Healed By A Princess

31,073 226 6

Ezra Bridger left after his heart broken when Sabine cheated on him with Wedge. Ezra then leaves home not wanna deal with the emotion finds His true identity as son of Anakin Skywalker who then finds his Son Ezra And find his twin Brother Luke and his real mother Padme and they go into hiding. After Ezra becomes 18 years old and completed his training by his father. Leia then finds Ezra begging for his help for the rebellion which he agree and leaves his family to help Leia But he didn't leave just for helping he left to protect the girl he love but he doesn't feel like that. Co writer SPECTRE165243…

Pokemon PAL Academy

Pokemon PAL Academy

12,065 106 11

Ash is son of the champion in Pal and winner of the six leagues. He is very popular in school and he does many clubs like his girlfriend Amethyst (Pakura) and his three friends Jude Phillip And Roasline. Now Ash will have to be prepare for his final year in school. But what if Ash exmother wants to see him at home for once for his final. Ash doesn't accept so Ash former friends comes with his step-Brother Danny. Now Ash and his friend are in for one crazy final year of school.…

Star Wars: Jedi Mission

Star Wars: Jedi Mission

37,392 413 14

One day Anakin and Ahsoka find a abandoned baby boy on the streets and decide to take him for themselves. But they must protect him as they see him grow to be a powerful Jedi as The adopted son of Anakin Skywalker co writer is Kymberlihumphery NOW as Spectre165243…

Star Wars A New Hope for the Galaxy

Star Wars A New Hope for the Galaxy

15,420 146 10

Years passed since Ezra Bridger saw order 66 happened. He was luckily to have most of his troops loyal to him. He heard of what happened to the galaxy. Rumors heard that the New Republic is not heard in Lothal so Jedi Master Ezra Bridger was chosen by his former master to check it out. He finds people that will join the New Republic fight against the empire.…

Peter Parker Avenger Fam One-Shots

Peter Parker Avenger Fam One-Shots

1,640 81 27

Spideyboi one-shots! This story have ALOT of AUs that don't make sense but let me have this.NO LONGER DISCONTINUED!!!…

Star Wars Rebel Ahsoka raises a Shan

Star Wars Rebel Ahsoka raises a Shan

17,964 199 5

AU Ahsoka runs into little two years old Ezra Shan. What does she do. She takes him in and years later with the rebellion hating for some reason On Ezra. Ahsoka leaves with her padawan as She runs into her old master Anakin. Anakin helps train Ezra in the ways of Jedi. Ezra is now ready to fight the empire.…

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

16,824 1,137 40

Dea nje vajze qe e dashuron jeten nje vajze me synime te qarta ne jet por qe papritur njeh dashurin dhe endrra e saj me e madhe eshte te jet me njeriun e zemresDuke triumfuar ne dashurin e saj ajo shnderrohet ne nje grua dhe nje nene shembullore Ajo kishte nje familje perfekt ku mbizoteronte harmonia, lumturia dhe mbi te gjitha dashuria por jo gjithcka eshte sikur duket gjithmon eshte dicka e fshehur qe ti nuk e shikon papritur lumturia kthehet ne dhimbje e ndersa buzeqeshja ne lot nje tradheti e ben ate te kuptoj se disa gjera kishin qen thjesht fasada ajo tradheti e ben te dyshoj ne gjithcka madje dhe ne dashurin qe ata kishin A falet tradhetia? eshte kjo pyetja qe cdo njeri e mendon te pakten njeher ne jet dhe ne e kemi te qarte ate pergjigje tradhetia nuk falet sepse ai qe te tradheton nje here e ben perseri Kur e mendojm na duket e thjesht ajo gje por kur ndodhe te ben te mendohesh gjate per ate pergjigje Por si do te arrij ajo te vazhdoj perpara si nje nene beqare? A do te arrij te jet e zonja e vetes? Frika nga ndryshimi dhe nga ideja e te jetuarit pa te do ta bejn te stepetpor djali I saj do te jet ai qe do ti jap kurajon qe te vazhdoj perpara sepse ajo eshte e fort dhe nuk ka nevoj per askend qe te mbijetoj ne kete bote mizore por a do te arrij ajo ta ndaloj zemren qe te rrah perseri per ate njeri ? A do arrij dashuria e tyre te jet mbi gjithcka apo tradhetia do ta vras ate ?…

Reincarnated As A Parasite

Reincarnated As A Parasite

31,386 1,403 24

Hanagaki Youji, a dojo owner and a black belt Taekwondo expert, was shot in the nape by an unknown killer, leading to his miserable death in the streets. However, he finds himself reborn as a minuscule monster, akin to a parasite, in a different world. With a young female human from a famous Warrior Tribe as his host, how will they cooperate in this new life in another world?Disclaimer:Art is not mine. All other things such as characters, plot, stories and places are mine. Like any other novels I am to make, it's connected to the Azaverse.Author:If you liked my work, then don't hesitate to vote and or comment. It's encouraging seeing people actually read my novel. Please take into mind that it's my primary source of motivation to provide you with new chapters amongst my pile of work.…

Vaikartana:The Emperor of Aryavart

Vaikartana:The Emperor of Aryavart

21,551 1,036 21

Jai Shree Ram 🚩🚩🚩 This is my fanfiction on Maharathi Suryaputra Karna what if his destiny mended another way Where he instead of being ended up to be killed in a war for supporting adharma and being ended up to be derived from the respect and privileges because of being raised in low Suta(chariotter) community he got all fame respect and privileges which he deserved and also got whole aryavart under his iron fist and he rules with accordance of Veda Shastra Samhita Justice Law and Equality and he also with his charitable nature got to be known as Danveer KarnaPoint to Note:- I respect every parvas and skanda of the epic Mahabharata and this epic is not meant to hurt anyone's religious feelings if anyone got hurt with a logical reason then I would feel utterly apologetic to you…

5 shtigje të humbura

5 shtigje të humbura

3,635 928 30

Leira asnjëherë nuk e kishte parashikuar se çfarë kthese do të merrte jeta e saj pas vdekjes së personit më të shtrenjtë për të. E ndodhur tashmë midis ndjenjave dhe një fati të pashmangshëm, dashur pa dashur asaj i duhet të përballet me sfidat që do të ndeshë në pesë rregullatorët e jetës; dashuria, suksesi, dhimbja, kurimi, ndërveprimi. Mirëpo për Leirën gjithçka do të bëhet e hidhur, e vështirë dhe në dukje e pazgjidhshme. A do ta gjejë ajo në cilin nga këto shtigje përket? Fatkeqësi të njëpasnjëshme, mistere dhe gabime fatale. Çdo hap që hedh, e afron më shumë me rrënimin, e largon më shumë nga vetja dhe e turbullon botëkuptimin e saj. Gjithnjë kemi dashur që ëndrrat të bëhen realitet, por a kemi uruar ndonjëherë që realiteti të jetë veç një ëndërr?Gjithçka vërtitet rreth një ligji të vetëm: Ligji i Pentagonit.©apricater, Wattpad.…

Karna- The Hero Chosen by the Gods

Karna- The Hero Chosen by the Gods

379,514 14,691 85

What will happen if Karna was destined to be the son of Suryadev and Devi Sangya but due to some circumstances he had to born as Kunti's son. Karna was chosen by Gods and Krishna himself to be his fellow warrior in Dharmsthapon. Karna is the symbol of courage, humanity and sacrifice and just like his father gives light to everyone while burning himself. Can he help his mortal mother and brothers in their journey? Can he protect his brothers from all dangers? Stay tuned with this story.…

Krishna! - Part 2

Krishna! - Part 2

6,155 148 51

Rukmini constantly dreams of Krishna and has made up her mind to wed him. But will her brother Rukmi allow it? Would she be able to wed the man of her dreams amidst schemes of Kings like Shishupala and Jarasandha?…

AU Mahabharat fan-friction

AU Mahabharat fan-friction

3,259 192 11


Parajsa e tij Ferri im ✔️

Parajsa e tij Ferri im ✔️

74,103 2,716 43

#1 ne Hardlove Cover by @KalopssiiaFemra e vetme ku mashkulli me i pameshirshem gjeti qetesine e shpirtit, u detyra te perjetonte ferrin per te triumfuar dashurine e tyre!2 bisha qe shqyejnje njera tjetren.Njeri s'duron miresine,tjerta s'duron ligesine.Por polet e kunderta gjithmone terhiqen dhe plotesojne njera tjeteren.Ajo meson nga ai c'eshte ferri dhe ky meson nga ajo se c'eshte parajsa!Valle do mbijetoje engjelli ne ferr dhe djalli ne parajse?Dhe gjithcka nis nga nje bast... ...-Uhh ajo femer eshte kokforte!Asnje mashkull ska mundur ta beje per vete!Ve ne bast ter c'ka kam per te!S'ka mashkull sot qe e ben te tijen!Thone se ajo ska zemer!Ska ndjenja!Prandaj eshte e tille!-Atehere ajo qenka e imja-tha Antonio duke tymosur puron qe mbante nee dore dhe ktheu me fund goten e alkoolit.-Sdo e besh dot!Ajo ska qene e askujt me pare !Ajo sdi c'eshte dashuria!As ti se di!-Kush tha qe do dashurohem me te?Nuk jam femije!Ajo do te bjere per mua!Do i marr c'ka ka me te shtrenjte dhe me pas do jet e lire!-Ate qe kerkon ti vec me force se me deshire sdo qullosesh gje!E pa me nje shikin vrastar.Perplasi goten mbi tavoline ,vuri nje buzeqeshje djallzore ,tipike e tij dhe tha:-Ajo do te jete e imja!Dhe do te me jepet me deshire!Maje do me pergjerohet vec per nje nate!-Atehere do te biesh ne te !Me te dyja kembet!-Ska per te ndoshur!Ajo eshte femer si te tjerat!Te gjitha jane njelloj!-dhe syte i mbante ngulur tek ajo.Ne ate bar ajo ishte me e bukura.Ishte motra e mafiozit me te madh te Italise.Per Antonion duhet te ishte nje llastice qe do lutej ne kembet e tij vetem per 1 nate!Por a do e pranoje ai qe e ka gabim?…

AMOR RECARNANDO(reescribiendo por errores)

AMOR RECARNANDO(reescribiendo por errores)

9,214 201 3

Una pelea sin fin Un amor sin fin Rencarnación tras rencarnación Siempre es lo mismo ¿o no?…



16,494 1,041 59

ADELIANE MEJER èshtè njè vajzè 18 vjecare, jeta e sè cilès shkatèrrohet para 10 vitesh kur i ati Adeon Mejer, nje shef policie ose Sherifi hero qè i thèrrisnin nè gjithè Londrèn vdes nè njè aksident tè dyshimt. Pas vdekjes sè tij Adeliane gjenè dhe punon punè nga mè tè rèndat pèr tè mbajtur familjen , maman e saj shtatzènè dhe gjyshrit. Pavarsisht jetès vajza u rritè e fortè dhe kryelartè. Ishte nje fèmijè i pafajshèm qè rrezatonte dashuri, ndaj te gjithè nè atè zonè te vogèl, por plotè lumturi te Londrès, nuk kishte njeri qe mos tè donte vajzèn e nje heroi. Jeta e Adelianes vihet nè lèvizje kur njihet me AIDEN WILLSON, njè biznesmen qè vjen nga njè familje e lartè vrasèsish. Pas njohjes me Aidenin surpriza tè reja do ti sillte e ardhmja, ndèr to sozia dhe njekohèsisht e kundèrta e saj HELENE DAVAS, njè 18 vjecare e pasur dhe rebele, qè nuk i interesonte askush vec vetes, famès, pushtetit dhe pasuris, madje as jeta e prindèrve te saj, te cilet ia plotèsonin te gjitha dèshirat. ADELIANE DHE HELENE, DY SOZI TÈ KUNDÈRTA. NJÈ DJALL DHE NJÈ ÈNGJÈLL, QÈ KANÈ TRASHÈGUAR NJE FYTYRÈ, POR KARAKTERE TÈ KUNDÈRTA NGA NJÈRA TJETRA. TRE FAMILJE TÈ LIDHURA NGA E SHKUARA DHE TÈ NDARA PREJ SAJ. TRE FAMILJE NÈ SKUTAT E HARRUARA TÈ SÈ CILAVE FSHIHEN SEKRETE, ZBULIMI I TÈ CILAVE DO SILLTE URREJTJE DHE HAKMARRJE. " Pse ti ende mè sheh nè atè mènyrè mèshiruese Adeliane. Ti je èngjèlli dhe unè djalli. Me urre! Urreje te kundèrtèn tènde! ""Ne jemi sozi te kundèrta Helene, por pèrsèri jemi TE KUNDÈRTAT E NJÈ BOTE ". Tè dyja jemi tè gjalla, jetojmè, frymojmè ,ndjejmè, dhe kemi lindur nè te njèjtèn botè".E SHKUARA FSHEH SEKRETE, E TASHMJA SJELL TE PAPRITURA, KURSE E ARDHMJA DO ZBULOJÈ PLAGÈ TÈ VJETRA.😇😈…

The suta's hidden wife || A Karna story

The suta's hidden wife || A Karna story

48,251 2,497 27

Once upon a time there was a man named Karna. He was born to a Kshatriya women and was adopted by a suta when his birth mother abandoned him. People knew about his life but they missed out one thing in his life. They missed out that he was married to a women who became his constant support. Join them in their life.…