Bellatrix Potter-Black (Nickname: Trixie/Bella)

Bellatrix Potter-Black (Nickname: Trixie/Bella)

2,977 65 11

you are the female version of harry potter but get the blonde hair from james's mother Euphemia Potter and the green eyes from lily and you are the girl who lived but you hate that name and you also know that dumbledore is the bad guy and tom is the good guy and that dumbledore murdered your parents not tom aka voldermort and you are very much like sirius and regulus as they are both alive when you were around, you are the most powerful species called the unknown meaning you have ever specie and power/magic and can do wandless magic and can do Legilimency and Occlumency too and you need to leave the weasleys as they are not good either…

Elliana Ocean Teller (Nickname: Ellie/Ocean)

Elliana Ocean Teller (Nickname: Ellie/Ocean)

1,927 43 14

(YOU CAN TRAVEL THE MULTIVERSE AND YOU GET DIFFRENT FAMILES AND NAMES AND DIFFRENT BACKSTORIES WHEN YOU TRAVEL) your tara and jax daughter but when tara left 18 year ago she was pregnant but she got with josh so she doesn't know if jax is your dad or josh but you know cause you act like him a lot as your mother says and when you were 15 josh started acting weird to you and tara and tara threatened to leave so he shot you and tara fled thinking you were dead but you were alive and josh kidnapped you and took you to hydra where he worked and you were tortured, experimented on and trained with every weapon and you can summon weapons at command.…

Katerina Angel Toretto-Petrova (Nickname: Katherine/Kat)

Katerina Angel Toretto-Petrova (Nickname: Katherine/Kat)

1,824 51 11

you are the oldest toretto you are 38 but you still look 28 because of your vampire side and you jointed the military but really that was a trap for you to be kidnapped by hydra but before you were taken you befriended owen shaw and became an older sister to him as you were 7 years older then him as he is 29 and deckard is 31 and hattie is 23 and you and owen kept your relationship a secret as your last name caused problems same with owen's as you took your mother's last name but owen knows everything about you and your toretto name too as you know everything about him, you gain scars and tattoo's from hydra…

Reborn as Octavia Nora Knowles (Nickname-Tavia/Nora)

Reborn as Octavia Nora Knowles (Nickname-Tavia/Nora)

1,888 21 10

you will be tara knowles older sister but she hasnt told anyone about you yet because you are powerful and she doesnt want people to use you and you are also the soul daughter to death so you can travel the universe and you have diffrent families all over the world and you are an allbreed (every species in one), you are the mistress of death because in your old life you saved 1 million people so death and his siblings gave you a second chance…

Angel Petrova- Morningstar

Angel Petrova- Morningstar

6,249 122 16

angel is the daughter of lucifer morningstar but she hasnt seen her dad for 1000 years and angel is the original doppleganger and shes the all-breed because her dad is the devil and her mother is lilth the mother of demons and that the princess of demons and hell and shes also the goddess of magic, death and supernatural making her a queen of everything.…

Freya Angel Taylor (Shaw)

Freya Angel Taylor (Shaw)

2,776 56 14

you are jonas taylor and lori daughter but when jonas came back from diving he went crazy and lori left and she found out she was pregnant and she always told you about your dad and you became a diver too and you also have powers and species from the greek goddess's and death…

Josette Kylie Teller-Knowles

Josette Kylie Teller-Knowles

3,304 87 11

you are jackson teller and tara knowles daughter but jax has no idea you exist and tara always tells you stories about him and stories of the sons and you really wanna meet him but joshua is being possessive till tara gets a restraining order against him and you both move back to charming so that tara can work at st thomas's, you were born with the same heart defect as abel but you had surgery 4 times, when you were born, when you were 6, when you were 11 and when you were 16 so you have the same scar as gemma and you died when you were 16 in the operating room and met death and he made you his mistress and you have all powers and all species but pretend to be physic…

Ariella Hazel Black-Teller

Ariella Hazel Black-Teller

9,284 189 15

you are the daughter to lily potter and james potter and your the girl who lived but thats what everyone else thinks thats what Hazel potter is . The girl-who-lived turned the woman-who-conquered. People would think that being famous, hazel had everything. Some would even think she was spoiled. After all, she defeated Voldemort twice. Sadly, that is far from the truth. hazel potter, the girl who was abused. Hazel potter, the girl who was raised like a pig for slaugther. Finally, Hazel potter, the girl who was betrayed, who was used. Hazel regrets not seeing this earlier, because maybe if she did, it would hurt less. She knew from the start that she was hated by the dursleys. So she hated them too. Than, there was them. People she loved and cared for, people she thought returned those feelings... but they didn't. The people she would do anything for, didn't care about her. They cared about her fame, her money and whatever they could get by being her friends. hazel potter, the girl who was nothing but a pawn. But hazel had enough. She wasn't going to let anyone control her anymore. No one to dictate her fate. No more acting like a puppet to be controlled as hazel now ariella moves away to the muggle world and helps someone find love again…

Mackenzie Jewels Jones

Mackenzie Jewels Jones

3,378 60 14

you are the long lost daughter to alice cooper and FP jones, alice had twins, she had you and charles, you are older then charles by 10 minutes and you act older too and your very protective, when you and charles were teenagers, you were kidnapped by scientists and experimented on and tortured daily till you escape and find charles again and move to riverdale, charles knows about your super strength, speed, hearing and sight but not everything else…

Unknown Shaw- Cassidy Andrea Shaw

Unknown Shaw- Cassidy Andrea Shaw

4,242 88 10

your the unknown shaw, your magdalene shaw oldest child but when you were born she was drugged and knocked out and when she woke up you were gone and she searched for you for years but you were with the red room and hydra and being experimented on and tortured and trained and your were given powers/magic and species and you fight exactly like deckard and act like owen tooYou know mia toretto from when you saved her and she never told her family about you cause of the trouble with owen and deckard and cipher tries to get you to work for her and you say no so she moved on to deckard and you know mr nobody too…

Fiona Rose Shaw

Fiona Rose Shaw

4,499 104 12

you will be reborn into the fast and furious world but when all of the shaw's are together and luke tooyou were gifted by life, death, hades, faith, destiny and the elements and you got species and magic…

Mackenzie Noelle Petrova

Mackenzie Noelle Petrova

5,448 82 15

you are ellie winston best friend but she kept you a secret from her family because of how dangerous the sons are, donna is alive so is opie and lyla and donna are in a poly relationship with opie, you get your powers and species from your abusive parents and their work with hydra before you killed them all, you have scars, tattoo's…

Charlotte Josette Argent-Mccall

Charlotte Josette Argent-Mccall

5,379 170 16

you are allison argent and scott mccall daughter but when allison died you moved away and you havent spoken to your dad in a while because your in new york fighting demons from your shadowhunter side and you were gifted by the god's and goddess and angels for your fighting and sacrifices and jonathan isnt evil in thisyou know all the stories and your dad thinks your just a normal werewolf but your not your all, a beta, an omega and a true alpha from saving eli from a car crash…

Reborn As Alexandria Petrova

Reborn As Alexandria Petrova

8,438 219 14

you will be reborn as elena older sister and you will be gifted my death, life, mother nature, hades, zues, lady magic, hestia, athena and more and have all species and powers but keep them hidden till you need themyour very protective of elena and jeremy and jennayou cant be compelled and vervain, wolfbane and witch hazel doesnt work on you and you dant dieYOU ARE THE MISTRESS OF DEATH'you will play katherine character more since shes dead now (they killed her at the ball when elena got kiddnaped and was unliked from katherine)…

Rosalie Kelly Shepard-Gibbs

Rosalie Kelly Shepard-Gibbs

4,762 106 23

you are jenny shepard and leroy jethro gibbs daughter from when jenny and gibbs were in paris and then gibbs came back to ncis while jenny was pregnant and took care of you till you jointed the military when you were 18 and your now 23 and you have been sent home on honourable discharge for being tortured, starved and beaten and saved by your team, you slap people on the back of the head like gibbs does, your a genius and also as the same as my other stories the mistress of death, magic creator and species maker…

Cynthia Rose Rogers-Barnes (Mistress Of Death)

Cynthia Rose Rogers-Barnes (Mistress Of Death)

3,865 87 16


Raven Stilinski (Nickname-Rebel)

Raven Stilinski (Nickname-Rebel)

6,604 178 16

you are stiles stilinski daughter but your mother died when you were born and stiles was to bust with work to notice he had a daughter and you act just like him and you always sneak away to the woods to change and you get your powers and species from death and the god's and goddess's and you will see lydia as a mother as your mother hasnt been alive since you were 8 and your 18 and stiles doesnt know he neglects you or forgets you and you know all about his life as youve seen it in his head and your visions from your seer/banshee species…

Estelle Talia Mikaelson (Nickname-Stella)

Estelle Talia Mikaelson (Nickname-Stella)

6,364 134 12

you are hope mikaelson identical older twin sister but your more powerful and everyone always forgets you and likes hope more but not freya, keelin, marcel, davina and kol and you are friends with a lot of supernatural creatures and they think of you as their queenyou have met esther, dahlia and mikael and they train you and gave you their magicyou and the hollow are connected *means your thinking*(ᛟᛚᛞ ᚾᛟᚱᛋᛖ - Old Norse is What you chant in for your magic), (греческий - russian is what you speak)…

Roxanna Teller  (Nickname: Roxy)

Roxanna Teller (Nickname: Roxy)

3,034 55 9

you are gemma teller and John Thomas Teller daughter but Gemma was told you were dead, you were gifted by the gods and goddess's and have all powers and species and magic and your the mistress of death and time and you lived with your adopted parents till you leave and do a DNA test and find your momyou are best friends with hattie shaw, she told you all about her family but you never told her about you cause you were tortured for 17 years before you escaped to find your mom…

Caroline Andromeda Mikaelson-Shaw (Nickname: Teddy )

Caroline Andromeda Mikaelson-Shaw (Nickname: Teddy )

9,275 120 15

your the mistress of death and you are owen shaw best friend and have always been but when he goes on a mission for cipher you dont see him for a few months and get worried because if something happens to owen then your life is ruined seeing as owen is the only living family member you have left after he saved your life 3 times, once from hydra, second from yourself from a suicide attempt and third from your biological father aka George King (your abuser and torturer for 18 years and your 28 now)…