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¡Una Historia Sin Límites!Obra literaria "JUNTAS HASTA LA MUERTE"Al volver en sí, Margarita vio que aún seguía atrapada en la ranchera. El dolor era insoportable. Sintió un líquido caliente brotando de su cuerpo. Fue cuando se dio cuenta de que no tenía el brazo derecho y se estaba desangrando.Puede parecer el comienzo de una novela pero es una historia real: la autora perdió un brazo en un accidente a los diecisiete años.Esta es historia de una niña en cuya vida faltó casi todo menos el amor de su familia.El testimonio de una joven a la que el destino puso a prueba de una manera brutal.La vida de una mujer valiente que no se rindió y supo convertir los obstáculos en un camino hacia la realización.Juntas hasta la muerte nos demuestra que la discapacidad está en los ojos de quien juzga. Con el tierno acento de su aldea natal, la autora ofrece un relato lleno de esperanza y revela que no existen barreras para la fe y el valor.Además, comparte experiencias, información y consejos prácticos sobre cómo convivir con la discapacidad y alcanzar una vida plena.La escritora Margarita Manobanda Gaibor nació en 1987 en Santa Rosa de Sucumbíos, Amazonía ecuatoriana. Es licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, docente, política y presidenta de una ONG que fomenta la inclusión para personas con discapacidad. Ella misma es una gran deportista y árbitro de fútbol adaptado y convencional.Margarita Manobanda GaiborESCRITORA ECUATORIANA…

A Mildly Odd Reality Breaker

A Mildly Odd Reality Breaker

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Omar receives an unexpected visitor who comes baring a gift-a "registration ticket"-in the form of a small metal card that is itself an offer to participate in the game, "Reality Break."If Omar accepts, he would become able to perceive the true nature of reality where there is not one, but two dimensions of time, and in this second dimension history changes somewhat frequently. Along with this, he will also gain access to the "chronopause"; another reality that is not so much parallel to our own as it is perpendicular, which acts as both a place and the natural boundary between non-sequential points on the timeline. Using the chronopause, Omar will become a chrononaut with the ability to travel through time, and as a player, he will be given a cybernetic interface and his own portable extradimensional storage space.It's a strange conversation, but due to Omar's dismally short attention span, he only consciously hears that last bit about the portable pocket space, and that's only after the physics-defying void is literally waved in front of his face.Reality is certainly stranger than most people realize, but then again, so is Omar. Thankfully, he responds well to shiny things. Unfortunately, his chronic inattentiveness is the least of his psychological issues. He also has a mild form of "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" which presents itself as an occasional, arbitrary need to disobey others (authorities, especially).However, his oddest psychological issue by far is his "abnormally hyperactive" subconscious mind. Outwardly and consciously, Omar is a lazy, apathetic man-child prone to mildly asinine behavior. Subconsciously, he's some sort of genius capable of extraordinary feats of cognition. To live as a functioning adult, he must rely entirely upon unusual abilities he's completely unaware of, despite using said abilities regularly.Omar's life had merely been ridiculous, but now it was also a game.The Reality Breakers/Chronopause universe series.…

Jorge Hernández Fernández: Todo sobre los Guaros de Lara

Jorge Hernández Fernández: Todo sobre los Guaros de Lara

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Guaros de Lara, es una asociación deportiva de la ciudad de Barquisimeto que se dedica a la práctica del baloncesto de manera profesional. En este espacio encontrarás todas las noticias y eventos que giran en torno a este gran equipo del baloncesto venezolano.…



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Eden, 3021:Dean, Allie, Ryan, Daya, and Tacco are used to the inhumane, exploitative, simply hypocritical society of Eden. But yet, they don't know about the strong connection that is going to unite them soon.Dean is keeping his head above water with hacker jobs and intergalactic gambling. The revolutionary group "Gaia" can rely on the continuous income he is gaining through poker with the help of his powers. One day, however, his secret seems to be revealed.Allie spends hours in her favorite shop daily, entering imaginative worlds or examining foreign medicinal herbs. One evening on her way home through the business quarters, she discovers that she can produce light with her own hands. Ryan's anger on the government is growing with every single day he spends in the shabby slums of Eden which are characterized by nothing except criminality and murder.Daya's fuses blow in the three hundredth floor of the mirrored glass building right in the middle of Eden's most luxurious business quarter. On her way out into the remnant nature, she realizes that she can move her grandfather's fighting sticks without even touching them.Tacco is bound to his wheelchair for a lot of years already. To distract the fact that his legs are barely moveable, he studies all the languages in and out of Eden - including animals. When they suddenly answer one day, he is directly lured to a moonlit clearing.Besides their hatred on the citizen of El Dorado, the town on the edge of the sun, special powers connect them with each other. And when they finally discover the Hades, they are soon adopted in the secret plans of the Gaia. Nothing is like it seems. Are the androids really the bad? What are the plans of the government? Who can they trust? A battle begins. Not only against the supreme 100 and their arbitrary exercise of power, but also against the complete ecosystem since the sun is about to implode...…