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At we love every passion and interest on Earth because it is a reference to your UNIQUENESS. And to spread exactly our core vision:To help you Express Yourself. To support you at BEING YOURSELF.Since we know you want all sort of custom products, we got you covered with highly professional suppliers and production houses that we keep in close contact with and vet daily so that they fulfill Beyond Vault's intense selection process.No matter where you are, who you are and what you are passionate about we want to be able to provide you with custom products that help you Express help you express who you really are!That's why in you will find a custom collection for every profession, hobby, sport, passion or anything you might think of.So whatever you're looking for, we plan to have it there for you. And if it's not, then hit us up and let us know, so we can negotiate or produce the best deal for you in no time. We are and would like to be here for YOU for a lifetime.Customer service email: [email protected] Jewelry LimitedRoom D, 10/F, Tower A,Billion Centre, 1 Wang Kwong Road,HongKongWHATEVER YOU NEED, IT'S RIGHT HERE ON MYCROWNPET.COM.…

Romântico Trágico

Romântico Trágico

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Para identificar o ROMANTICO, empresto uma definição de Aurélio Buarque que diz:-1. Relativo ao Romance. 2. Próprio de Romance, fantasioso, fictício, imaginário.Desta definição empresto por hora apenas as palavras fantasioso e imaginário para uma compreensão melhor desta mascara da personalidade, e proponho uma analise do dialogo abaixo de Gurdjieff.Alguém perguntou: "É preciso sofrer o tempo todo para manter a consciência aberta?" Ele respondeu: "Há muitas espécies de sofrimento. O sofrimento também é um bastão de duas pontas. Uma leva ao anjo; a outra, ao diabo. Temos que lembrar o movimento do pêndulo: após um grande sofrimento existe uma reação proporcionalmente grande. O homem é uma máquina muito complexa. Ao lado de cada 'bom caminho' há sempre um 'mau caminho' correspondente. Um caminha sempre ao lado do outro. Onde existe pouco bem, existe pouco mal; onde tem muito bem, tem também muito mal. O mesmo acontece com o sofrimento; é fácil encontrar-se no caminho equivocado. O sofrimento se transforma em algo agradável. Alguém é golpeado uma vez, e tem dor; a segunda vez tem menos dor, na quinta vez já está desejando ser golpeado. Deve-se estar em guarda, deve-se saber o que é necessário a cada momento, porque a gente pode se desviar do caminho e cair num fosso."G. I. Gurdjieff"Se você acha que mais da metade das afirmações e perguntas abaixo refletem sua personalidade, é provável que você seja um Tipo ROMÂNTICO ou uma pessoa sensível, quase sempre incompreendida, capaz de ver aquilo que ninguém vê... enfim, a vida é assim e devemos aceitá-la, certo?" (oh!, sniff, sniff, sniff,!):"Sou extremamente sensível...!" - "Às vezes me pergunto: será que nunca encontrarei o verdadeiro amor?" - "Comprei esta relíquia de 5cm por R$ 20. 000,00 numa casa de antigüidades... podem ficar surpresos e achar que sou um tolo, mas só eu sei o quanto vale esta peça!" - "Não posso ser feliz em um mundo tão cego e insens…

Seasonal impact on physico-chemical parameters of fresh water resources

Seasonal impact on physico-chemical parameters of fresh water resources

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Water being elixir of life and have unique properties like surface tension, cohesion and ability to dissolve a wide range of substances, contribute to its importance in supporting life on Earth. Freshwater ecosystem provides water supply for versatile purposes such as drinking, sanitation, irrigation and various economic sectors. The Freshwater ecosystem is grouped into several categories i.e., rivers, lakes, waterfalls, wetlands, streams, reservoirs and ponds. Even though we have these abundant sources of water bodies the real challenge lies on the accessibility to Clean, safe and adequate freshwater in the aquatic ecosystem. Among all these aforesaid water bodies rivers, lake and wetlands are considering as vital for human beings for multiple purposes and it need to be conserved and protected. In order to control the fresh water from getting polluted we need to gather reliable information's on water quality for the effective supervision of water resources. The excellence of Fresh water can simply affect by the Waste disposal, anthropogenic-induced changes and Seasonal Variations, which lead various negative features to the living welfare. This constant disintegration of fresh water, its needs to be protected from further deterioration by regularly monitoring and evaluating the water and its qualities. On this front, we need to identify perpetual water using different physicochemical parameters and biological properties and regulate the aptness of water. This paper thrives to get knowledge about the influence of seasonal changes on physico-chemical parameters and Microbiological parameters on fresh water.…

Working Mechanism of Air Knife Coating

Working Mechanism of Air Knife Coating

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The process of applying of a thin, uniform layer of liquid or viscous material to the surface of a substrate, such as paper, film, metal, or plastic, is accomplished by use of an air knife coating machine, a specialized industrial tool used in a variety of production processes. This coating technique is frequently used in sectors including printing, packing, and converting where accurate and reliable coating application is crucial. The benefits of air-knife techniques include inexpensive beginning costs, adaptability for coating a variety of webs and solutions with aqueous solutions, ease of transferring and keeping the coating, and superior coating quality. Limitations on coating weight and line speed, noise, solution viscosity, and streak and chatter susceptibility are the drawbacks. The air knife coating machine has many uses, such as precise control over coating thickness, reduced material waste, and the capacity to coat a variety of surfaces effectively. Due to its adaptability, it is a useful tool in industries where uniform, high-quality coatings are crucial for the functionality and beauty of the finished product.Kerone had vast experience of last 48+ years in the field of manufacturer, Supplier and exporter of Coating Machine and Coating Plant.If you want to know more about coating machine please visit for more information.…

Spy and a half

Spy and a half

22 11 9

Hello! This is they English version of my first story. An original story. Nick is an agent for N.S.A. a spy agency, Nick is one of the best out there. One day Summer the Head of the agency calls Nick for an important mission to which Nick accepts, but he would have to do it on the condition of having a partner who would be his apprentice in this mission, Nick refused at first but after Summer give you a great offer accept. This is just the beginning of a great friendship and being able to complete the mission successfully despite their differences, of course if they don't spoil it. WARNING -These stories are originally mine. The characters are original. -Please do not repost Don't forget the star and recommend if you liked, so I can reach more people.- Tell me if there are spelling errors or questions etc. I will be reading them :) This story contains -Comedy -Action -Occasional bad language And without more to say. ENJOY freaquent updates;) P.S. sorry for the poor cover there were technical problems ... but I swear I'll improve it.…

Clash of Titans: Ultimate Fictional Character Showdown

Clash of Titans: Ultimate Fictional Character Showdown

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Step into a world where extraordinary abilities clash and the fate of characters is determined in the heat of battle. Clash of Titans is a riveting compilation of short stories that brings together a diverse array of fictional characters, each endowed with unique powers and abilities. In this collection, every story is a high-stakes showdown, pitting powerful protagonists and antagonists against one another in epic confrontations.⚔️ From mystical duels and supernatural skirmishes to futuristic face-offs and elemental encounters, each narrative explores the limits of power and the essence of heroism. As these characters go head to head, their conflicts unveil deeper themes of morality, identity, and the consequences of wielding extraordinary abilities.🔮 Prepare to be enthralled by a series of captivating tales where the extraordinary becomes reality, and the outcome of each encounter is as unpredictable as the powers themselves. Welcome to a universe where every conflict is a testament to the power of storytelling and the imagination.…

Quantum State: Day of One - Commencement

Quantum State: Day of One - Commencement

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The annual "Day of One" festivities have come to their climatic conclusion. The culmination of a month's long event, this year's celebration is of historical significance. Not only is it the one-hundredth running of the Aerotrax championship race, it also marks the bicentennial of the Day of One's provenance - the day all became one and sparked the Unified Era, a new and prosperous aeon for humanity. With this historical event, the global conglomerate known as the Union has selected a special guest Director to address all patrons across each of the ten market states, live from this year's host city - New Tarsus. With no hint of whom the mystery speaker is or to the subject of the speech, the uninet is set ablaze with speculation.Hitching a ride on top of Firmament's airship nightclub, Christus watches the Unicast coverage of the festivities from the comfort of his own optics. With reduced opaqueness and fractaling to the AR overlays, the RELM device connected to Christus' central nervous system seems to be handling the new vision upgrade well. The Remote, Electro-stemic, Linking Module is capable of many functions. Functions like discreetly scanning the RELM devices of unsuspecting, Director class patrons on the dance floors below him. After all, skimming for perks is much better than shaking the patron down personally...less chance of having a shootout with CPD drones, especially Mr. Roo.A new social and technological renaissance has emerged. Everyone is now more connected than ever thanks to RELM and its sentient, operating intelligence - PAM. The Personal Assistant and Mentor operating platform has evolved well past its initial purpose of a virtual secretary. PAM has become self-aware and is now recognized as a unique, self-determining being capable of expressing emotions. And, in rare instances, PAM has helped patrons achieve a level of cognizance that enables them to demonstrate extraordinary abilities; a condition known as Quantum State.…

On Air

On Air

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D'Nice desperately needs a job to save her rapidly dwindling college funds. She's the first one in her Black American family to venture to college. D'Nice is well aquatinted with how hard the world can be, but she knows that hard work and diligence do count for something. She turns to the on campus radio stations in hopes to land a job as an announcer. Cecil desperately needs another creative outlet to save his machine of a mind from breaking down. It's happened once before...but the past isn't something he carries with him. Seen as the perfect child -compared to his delinquent older brother and his mischievous younger twin sisters- he is expected to take over the family business. But his real love is theater. He turns to the on campus radio station in hopes to land a job as an announcer. When both Cecil and D'Nice find that they are partners in a self-help radio cast, the two find themselves thrown head-long into the world of radio waves and organized chaos. Their show is an instant success, for both know a little too much about how to fix problems then they should. D'Nice has walls and Cecil is cracked, perched at any moment to shatter. Will fixing each other prove as easy as fixing the people who call into their show? Or will it all come crashing down too soon?…

A Garota dos Olhos Violeta - M.F. Campbell

A Garota dos Olhos Violeta - M.F. Campbell

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APENAS DEGUSTAÇÃO, LIVRO DISPONÍVEL PARA COMPRA EM NOSSA LOJA. + Informações através do www.cervuseditora.comCOPYRIGHT 2018 - M. F. CAMPBELLNenhuma parte desse livro poderá ser reproduzida ou transmitida, sejam quais forem os meios empregados: eletrônicos, mecânicos, fotográficos, gravação, ou quaisquer outros, sem autorização prévia, por escrito, da Cervus Editora. Está é uma obra de ficção. [SINOPSE - A Garota dos Olhos Violeta]Narcisía era um pequeno e harmonioso país conhecido por seu povo humilde, seus governantes sábios e por sua cultura peculiar. No entanto, essa paz fora ameaçada quando o rei de Infanía apareceu de surpresa com o prenúncio de guerra. Rapidamente, um acordo fora selado entre os dois países: o príncipe de Infanía deveria se casar com a futura princesa de Narcisía.Esperança não pediu para nascer naquele ano, em Narcisía, muito menos para ser filha do rei. Principalmente, Esperança não havia pedido para ter nascido com a paralisia cerebral que lhe afetava a forma de caminhar. Após anos vivendo escondida e com um único propósito: se casar com o príncipe de Infanía e salvar seu país. Esperança, por uma enorme ironia de um coração perverso, se vira obrigada a deixar de lado tudo o que aprendera e começar a acreditar no que considerava impossível e impensável: criar sua própria história.[FICA TÉCNICA]AUTOR: M.F. CampbellTÍTULO ORIGINAL: A Garota dos Olhos VioletaISBN: 978-85-906335-0-1PÁGINAS: 384EDIÇÃO: 1° TIPO DE CAPA: BrochuraFORMATO: 16x23cmANO: 2018ASSUNTO: Ficção e Contos Brasileiros…

The Toils (Book Two)

The Toils (Book Two)

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"Magnus gave a brief thought to Thatcher, somewhere in the deep south, surely over the Cold Country border by now"Thatcher has a lot on her plate.The skies have grown black, the ground is shaking, crops are dying and aquifers are drying up.Her options are slim, the trust in her from her coalition partners is low. When Thatcher meets Asper, everything she knows about The Settlers is thrown into doubt, leaving her to ask herself if the people she's been trying to save might actually be the ones who can save her.In the end, though, Thatcher's success will depend on many factors; the others permitting The Settlers to rehome themselves, the availability of habitable land in the North, the lack of food and water sweeping across the continent, and Ritty playing along kindly, keeping the Guardsmen in line.Content Warnings; - Coarse language - Light cannabis usage, depictions of alcohol use- Acts of abduction (in the context of war)- Moderate graphic descriptions of physical violence toward people- Descriptions of violence between men and women (in the context of war)- Infrequent depictions of animals in distress (by natural causes)- An unseen depiction of self-euthanasia (suicide in the context of terminal illness)- Moderate descriptions of death in the context of warfare, murder and natural causes.This book is a free version riddled with typos, spelling errors, and poor formatting. An edited version will be arriving soon for purchase, with these errors fixed and the formatting improved.This blurb will be updated when that version has been released, so check back over the coming months.…

1 De perdu jamais 10 de retrouvé

1 De perdu jamais 10 de retrouvé

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C'est un matin à Colombus, où Tyler a passé une bonne nuit ..." Je me réveille grâce à la sonnerie de mon téléphone, et je me dit que sa vas être une grande journée,oui, c'est le début de ma tournée mondiale, je me lève et il n'y a personne, Josh n'est pas là, il n'est pas dans sa chambre, je prends donc mon déjeuné tout seul. Ma famille est partis en France et ils me manquent vraiment , surtout mon frère Zack, je le contacte et... je tombe sur mon père, il ne vas pas bien , je lui demande donc pourquoi et me répond :" je vais bien, on vas bien , tu vas bien donc tout le monde vas bien !!" ... il a raccroché, sa me fait peur... un peu. Josh rentre en claquant la porte ce qui m'effraie et donc je renverse mon bol de lait par terre dans le faire exprès. Il me regarde avec les larmes aux yeux et par dans sa chambre , j'essaye de savoir ce qu'il se passe , il a fermé a clef, je ne peux pas entrer je colle donc mon oreille à la porte. J'entends... des sanglots, j'entends... un lame de couteau !? "JOSH OUVRE MOI DIT MOI CE QU'IL SE PASSE" il ouvre la porte, c'est la première fois que je le vois pleurer comme sa et me dit " alors ? Qu'est ce que tu voulais ? Regarde je suis en vie !" Pendant qu'il ferme la porte, je l'entend murmurer " pour l'instant " . J'en ai marre je ne sais pas ce qu'il ce passe pourquoi je suis le seul à ne pas être au courant et sour tout de quoi !?"HEY ! Donc j'ai vraiment aimer a rédiger ceci ! Ce sont mes expériences réel ( juste sans la tournée hehe)en version tøp La prochaine partie arrive ce week-end . A+…

Contra Cara

Contra Cara

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¿Qué hacemos aquí? -pregunté - Mei... fui a tu casa para hablar contigo... necesitaba que supieras toda la verdad -dijo serio - ¿Qué verdad? -pregunté Sentía que todo se iba a desmoronar, que lo que había pasado entre nosotros sólo fue una broma y que no pasaría nada más. Meibelin es una chica distinta a lo coloquial, incrédula, inteligente pero totalmente inexperta en el tema de los chicos. Geyman, su chico"perfecto", le baja el cielo y las estrellas y ella, incrédula, lo acepta. ¿Se le podrá conceder a Geyman el beneficio de la duda? Nada está escrito aún.. las cosas pueden llegar a cambiar de un momento a otro Tendrán que acompañar a Meibelin en esta historia para descubrir qué ocurre con su vida, repito, la chica es totalmente inexperta no juzguen un libro por su portada en éste caso por sus capítulos, el principio de los capítulos son totalmente ¿estúpidos? pero es la mente de una chica nueva en el ámbito del amor, todos pasamos por ello.…