Aquaphobia B.E

Aquaphobia B.E

14,914 374 21

(Completed) You are a lifeguard from New York and she's here for 3 months on a break with her friends at a beach house. You love the thing she's terrified of the most. Can she overcome her fear? Does her fear hold her back from the person she loves more than anything?…

Aquaphobia (Percy Jackson Fic)

Aquaphobia (Percy Jackson Fic)

6,534 180 26

Aria Blackthorn is an odd girl. With blue hair, dyslexia, and ADHD, she has never felt like she belonged. Living with her mother, Aria is brought up to fear the water. After a monster attack, Aria is brought to Camp Half-Blood. Claimed as a daughter of Poseidon, Aria must face her fear, before it consumes her.Warnings: There will be mentions of self harm, panic attacks, child abuse, and eating disorders. There will also be some swearing.Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson franchise. I only own any characters I create and most of the plot line.…



10,509 427 17




917 74 19

After the tragedy I saw, I never wanted to even think about water again. When grandmother told me we were moving to an island made up of water-lovers, I nearly puked. How was I supposed to live surrounded by WATER?!? This is the tale of how I faced my biggest fear and felt the ups and downs of life all because of some wonderful people. They've caused so much amazing change to my life, and not a day goes by I don't stop thinking about them. They are my first set of "friends."Here's the story of how I, Scott Voorhees, stood up to my intense Aquaphobia.…



13,248 323 12

Sapphire is found beached by the Mikaelson family who all have a sudden desire to protect her with their life. One strange thing is that the mermaid is afraid of the water. As Klaus tries to help her overcome her fear, a dark presence makes itself known and tries to drown her every time she's in the water. Will they be able to help her? What makes her blood so special? Book 1 in the Gold SeriesI don't own anything, but the plot and my characters.…



8,573 455 14

Sudah setahun sejak pemergian Mutiara M.A.T.A iaitu Ali.Alicia lebih banyak memilih untuk berdiam diri namun tetap bergiat aktif dalam dunia penyiasatan mereka. "Uncle,Alicia nak pergi ambil Ali dari sekolah.Uncle tolong jagakan Comot ye?"-Alicia. "Hati-hati memandu!"-Bakar....... "Akak Aliciaaa!"-Ali "Panggil Alicia je okay?Ali jangan panggil akak..icha... masih muda tau"-Alicia. "Ali tau akak rindu ..Alicia rindu kawan lama kan?-Ali. "Rindu sangat,Ali je lah pengubat rindu Icha pada dia"-Alicia.SEASON 2 !KESAYANGAN AUTHOR SEKALIAN!♡♡♡💜😂…

Aquaphobia // Klance

Aquaphobia // Klance

16,886 897 29

aquaphobia[ak-wuh-foh-bee-uh, ah-kwuh‐]nounan abnormal fear of water; hydrophobia."You ruined my life. You're the reason I feel paralyzed​ just by simply bathing. You just expect me to forgive you because you were a stupid kid? I'm not the idiot you make me out to be, Keith Kogane."…

Aquaphobia (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Fan Fiction)

Aquaphobia (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Fan Fiction)

57,547 2,311 15

( IF YOU WANT YOUR EYES TO BLEED, THEN YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE. SERIOUSLY, I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS 14, DONT PUT YOURSELF THROUGH THIS HELL)[2nd place in FWA 2014]Misaki Namikaze. This is my name. Aquaphobia. This is my fear.Living a life full of worry and fear for the water is tough for Misaki. She and her grandparents leave Tokyo and are moving in a small village of the suburbs of Japan. Misaki likes her new house-- away from the usual routine, past life and nightmares which were bothering her every night. When she meets her new neighbor, Makoto Tachibana, she tries to accept him as a friend- as the first friend she ever had in her entire life. But, when she gets to know him better, she gets involved with the worst nightmare of all. Water.Will Makoto help her fight back her fear or he will fail and push away his well-hidden feelings towards her?✿ First and final book ✿All Rights Reserved. 2014. Cover made by me; copyright policy.…

Aquaphobia AU

Aquaphobia AU

279 8 6

Kind of a revamp of my original Aquaphobia. The plot is still relatively the same but I'mma try to make it better lol.…



42 0 1

I've always been afraid of being submerged underwater…



12 1 1

A small random draft based on my dream!! I'll post stories of my dreams here!!!Most of the cover art will be by me unless I say otherwise!!…



20,446 1,884 46

Krixtia and her co-scientist discovered a formula that can cure the current epidemic where human flesh was slowly consume by parasites that leads to painful death. Their formula was used and everything was almost back to normal until one day, the major ingridients of the formula started to form a reaction that worsen the epidemic.…

Aquaphobia (Short Story)

Aquaphobia (Short Story)

33 3 1

I'm deathly afraid of water. Every time I hear it, see it, smell it, I panic. Water is my undoing.'''''''completed (hence the fact that it's a short story)…

Aquaphobia § The Vampire Diaries

Aquaphobia § The Vampire Diaries

403 11 3

►Aquaphobia ∥ noun• an abnormal fear of water.¶After being thought to have died three years prior, Jordan Gilbert returned to civilisation and her family only to find everything has changed, including herself⁋_______I DO NOT own the vampire diaries or their characters, I only own my OCs and their storylines.…



4,585 240 11

Thalia has never been afraid of needles, heights, ghosts, or spiders.She has only ever been afraid of one thing due to a tragic event from her past. The Water. And everyone in town knows it. But when a renowned surfer with a bad attitude and ocean blue eyes moves to town with his love of all things water and a determination to force Thalia to get over her fear, she soon realizes that the water was the least of her worries.…



239 1 6

Takes place in a sort of retelling of Ninjago Seabound.The story is a bit darker with lasting consequences.Will our ninjas recover from such an event?Of course! Just not as the same as they were before.(Note: This isn't actually a "story" and just a few oneshots from this AU of mine)…


1,984 198 12

Sebuah kejadian pelik melanda bandar Cyberraya.Sebuah bandar yang pesat membangun mengukir nama gah dimata dunia.Namun,gahnya bandar itu tidak bertahan lama apabila tular seorang lelaki yang mampu mencipta 'Pintu Masuk' ke dunia lain."Kau orang akan bersatu dengan dunia yang diidamkan ramai orang.Dunia Maya!"Jeritnya lantang."Apa yang kau cuba cakap?!"Orang awam mula berang."Dunia Maya,dunia yang diatur oleh kod-kod yang orang biasa seperti kamu tak mampu faham.Hanya aku!Hanya aku yang mampu bawa korang masuk ke dalam sana!"Jeritnya lagi."Kita tinggalkan dia.Dia gila!Jom semua!"Tegas seorang lelaki awam yang memprotesnya tadi.Namun,lelaki tadi masih tetap disitu.Tidak bergerak.Tangannya digenggam erat seakan menyimpan dendam terhadap orang-orang yang menolak kata-katanya tadi."Aku akan buktikan!"Jeritnya bersendirian.Kemudian,langkah kakinya dibawa menuju ke arah hutan lama Cyberraya.(changed synopsis)♡…

Aquaphobia [ SONIC X GN!READER ]

Aquaphobia [ SONIC X GN!READER ]

59 5 1

"ʷᵉˡˡ, ᶦᶠ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ʸᵒᵘ, ᵗʰᵉⁿ...""Huh? What was that?""I- I mean- sure!"You, Sonic and friends go to the beach. Discovering that the blue blur has a fear of water, you and his rival agree to pull a prank on him.…

Aquaphobia-Richie Tozier

Aquaphobia-Richie Tozier

47 0 5

Josie "Jo" Culler has a fear of drowning bc her father had passed away by drowning She is also part of the losers club and has a crush on the trash mouth of the group but what happens when summer is not how they expected…



2,930 174 11

Seven phobias, one girl. Claustrophobia, Arachnophobia, Aquaphobia, Coulrophobia, Haptephobia, Pupaphobia, and Tomaphobia. Seventeen year old Jessica was fearless. She could do anything without getting scared, or even nervous. She enjoyed everything she had in life, friends, smarts, parent-like neighbors. But at times, it seemed she took it all for granted.When she gets a mysterious text message from an unknown number, she decides to ignore it, which could be the worst decision of her life.What will happen when she gets kidnapped by a mad scientist who uses her for her fearlessness, and truly shows her what fear feels like?"My darling, everyone's afraid of something."…